blob: 3ede3acfe05ef02e0d0565ecd1748f3e21a17091 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "SpirvShader.hpp"
// If enabled, each instruction will be printed before processing.
# include "Vulkan/Debug/Context.hpp"
# include "Vulkan/Debug/File.hpp"
# include "Vulkan/Debug/Thread.hpp"
# include "Vulkan/Debug/Variable.hpp"
# include "spirv-tools/ext/OpenCLDebugInfo100.h"
# include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
# include <algorithm>
namespace {
// ArgTy<F>::type resolves to the single argument type of the function F.
template<typename F>
struct ArgTy
using type = typename ArgTy<decltype(&F::operator())>::type;
template<typename R, typename C, typename Arg>
struct ArgTy<R (C::*)(Arg) const>
using type = typename std::decay<Arg>::type;
template<typename T>
using ArgTyT = typename ArgTy<T>::type;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace spvtools {
// Function implemented in third_party/SPIRV-Tools/source/disassemble.cpp
// but with no public header.
// This is a C++ function, so the name is mangled, and signature changes will
// result in a linker error instead of runtime signature mismatches.
extern std::string spvInstructionBinaryToText(const spv_target_env env,
const uint32_t *inst_binary,
const size_t inst_word_count,
const uint32_t *binary,
const size_t word_count,
const uint32_t options);
} // namespace spvtools
namespace {
const char *laneNames[] = { "Lane 0", "Lane 1", "Lane 2", "Lane 3" };
static_assert(sizeof(laneNames) / sizeof(laneNames[0]) == sw::SIMD::Width,
"laneNames must have SIMD::Width entries");
template<typename T>
std::string tostring(const T &s)
return std::to_string(s);
std::string tostring(char *s)
return s;
std::string tostring(const char *s)
return s;
std::string tostring(sw::SpirvShader::Object::ID id)
return "%" + std::to_string(id.value());
// OpenCL.Debug.100 data structures
namespace debug {
struct Member;
struct Object
enum class Kind
// Scopes
// Types
using ID = sw::SpirvID<Object>;
static constexpr auto KIND = Kind::Object;
inline Object(Kind kind)
: kind(kind)
const Kind kind;
// kindof() returns true iff kind is of this type, or any type deriving from
// this type.
static constexpr bool kindof(Object::Kind kind) { return true; }
// cstr() returns the c-string name of the given Object::Kind.
constexpr const char *cstr(Object::Kind k)
case Object::Kind::Object: return "Object";
case Object::Kind::Declare: return "Declare";
case Object::Kind::Expression: return "Expression";
case Object::Kind::Function: return "Function";
case Object::Kind::InlinedAt: return "InlinedAt";
case Object::Kind::LocalVariable: return "LocalVariable";
case Object::Kind::Member: return "Member";
case Object::Kind::Operation: return "Operation";
case Object::Kind::Source: return "Source";
case Object::Kind::SourceScope: return "SourceScope";
case Object::Kind::Value: return "Value";
case Object::Kind::CompilationUnit: return "CompilationUnit";
case Object::Kind::LexicalBlock: return "LexicalBlock";
case Object::Kind::BasicType: return "BasicType";
case Object::Kind::VectorType: return "VectorType";
case Object::Kind::FunctionType: return "FunctionType";
case Object::Kind::CompositeType: return "CompositeType";
return "<unknown>";
template<typename TYPE_, typename BASE, Object::Kind KIND_>
struct ObjectImpl : public BASE
using ID = sw::SpirvID<TYPE_>;
static constexpr auto KIND = KIND_;
static_assert(BASE::kindof(KIND), "BASE::kindof() returned false");
// kindof() returns true iff kind is of this type, or any type deriving from
// this type.
static constexpr bool kindof(Object::Kind kind) { return kind == KIND; }
template<typename TO, typename FROM>
TO *cast(FROM *obj)
if(obj == nullptr) { return nullptr; } // None
return (TO::kindof(obj->kind)) ? static_cast<TO *>(obj) : nullptr;
template<typename TO, typename FROM>
const TO *cast(const FROM *obj)
if(obj == nullptr) { return nullptr; } // None
return (TO::kindof(obj->kind)) ? static_cast<const TO *>(obj) : nullptr;
struct Scope : public Object
// Root represents the root stack frame scope.
static const Scope Root;
using ID = sw::SpirvID<Scope>;
inline Scope(Kind kind)
: Object(kind)
// kindof() returns true iff kind is of this type, or any type deriving from
// this type.
static constexpr bool kindof(Kind kind)
return kind == Kind::CompilationUnit ||
kind == Kind::LexicalBlock;
struct Source *source = nullptr;
struct Type : public Object
using ID = sw::SpirvID<Type>;
inline Type(Kind kind)
: Object(kind)
// kindof() returns true iff kind is of this type, or any type deriving from
// this type.
static constexpr bool kindof(Kind kind)
return kind == Kind::BasicType ||
kind == Kind::VectorType ||
kind == Kind::FunctionType ||
kind == Kind::CompositeType;
struct CompilationUnit : ObjectImpl<CompilationUnit, Scope, Object::Kind::CompilationUnit>
struct Source : ObjectImpl<Source, Object, Object::Kind::Source>
spv::SourceLanguage language;
uint32_t version = 0;
std::string file;
std::string source;
std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::File> dbgFile;
struct BasicType : ObjectImpl<BasicType, Type, Object::Kind::BasicType>
std::string name;
uint32_t size = 0; // in bits.
OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugBaseTypeAttributeEncoding encoding = OpenCLDebugInfo100Unspecified;
struct VectorType : ObjectImpl<VectorType, Type, Object::Kind::VectorType>
Type *base = nullptr;
uint32_t components = 0;
struct FunctionType : ObjectImpl<FunctionType, Type, Object::Kind::FunctionType>
uint32_t flags = 0; // OR'd from OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInfoFlags
Type *returnTy = nullptr;
std::vector<Type *> paramTys;
struct CompositeType : ObjectImpl<CompositeType, Type, Object::Kind::CompositeType>
std::string name;
OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugCompositeType tag = OpenCLDebugInfo100Class;
Source *source = nullptr;
uint32_t line = 0;
uint32_t column = 0;
Object *parent = nullptr;
std::string linkage;
uint32_t size = 0; // in bits.
uint32_t flags = 0; // OR'd from OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInfoFlags
std::vector<Member *> members;
struct Member : ObjectImpl<Member, Object, Object::Kind::Member>
std::string name;
Type *type = nullptr;
Source *source = nullptr;
uint32_t line = 0;
uint32_t column = 0;
CompositeType *parent = nullptr;
uint32_t offset = 0; // in bits
uint32_t size = 0; // in bits
uint32_t flags = 0; // OR'd from OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInfoFlags
struct Function : ObjectImpl<Function, Object, Object::Kind::Function>
std::string name;
FunctionType *type = nullptr;
Source *source = nullptr;
uint32_t line = 0;
uint32_t column = 0;
struct LexicalBlock *parent = nullptr;
std::string linkage;
uint32_t flags = 0; // OR'd from OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInfoFlags
uint32_t scopeLine = 0;
sw::SpirvShader::Function::ID function;
struct LexicalBlock : ObjectImpl<LexicalBlock, Scope, Object::Kind::LexicalBlock>
uint32_t line = 0;
uint32_t column = 0;
Scope *parent = nullptr;
std::string name;
Function *function = nullptr;
struct InlinedAt : ObjectImpl<InlinedAt, Object, Object::Kind::InlinedAt>
uint32_t line = 0;
Scope *scope = nullptr;
InlinedAt *inlined = nullptr;
struct SourceScope : ObjectImpl<SourceScope, Object, Object::Kind::SourceScope>
LexicalBlock *scope = nullptr;
InlinedAt *inlinedAt = nullptr;
struct LocalVariable : ObjectImpl<LocalVariable, Object, Object::Kind::LocalVariable>
static constexpr uint32_t NoArg = ~uint32_t(0);
std::string name;
Type *type = nullptr;
Source *source = nullptr;
uint32_t line = 0;
uint32_t column = 0;
Scope *parent = nullptr;
uint32_t arg = NoArg;
struct Operation : ObjectImpl<Operation, Object, Object::Kind::Operation>
uint32_t opcode = 0;
std::vector<uint32_t> operands;
struct Expression : ObjectImpl<Expression, Object, Object::Kind::Expression>
std::vector<Operation *> operations;
struct Declare : ObjectImpl<Declare, Object, Object::Kind::Declare>
LocalVariable *local = nullptr;
sw::SpirvShader::Object::ID variable;
Expression *expression = nullptr;
struct Value : ObjectImpl<Value, Object, Object::Kind::Value>
LocalVariable *local = nullptr;
sw::SpirvShader::Object::ID variable;
Expression *expression = nullptr;
std::vector<uint32_t> indexes;
const Scope Scope::Root = CompilationUnit{};
} // namespace debug
} // anonymous namespace
namespace rr {
// rr::CToReactor<T> specializations.
template<typename T>
struct CToReactor<sw::SpirvID<T>>
using type = rr::Int;
static rr::Int cast(sw::SpirvID<T> id) { return rr::Int(id.value()); }
template<typename T>
struct CToReactor<vk::dbg::ID<T>>
using type = rr::Int;
static rr::Int cast(vk::dbg::ID<T> id) { return rr::Int(id.value()); }
} // namespace rr
namespace sw {
// sw::SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger
// Private struct holding debugger information for the SpirvShader.
struct SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger
class Group;
class State;
enum class Pass
void process(const SpirvShader *shader, const InsnIterator &insn, EmitState *state, Pass pass);
void setPosition(EmitState *state, const std::string &path, uint32_t line, uint32_t column);
// exposeVariable exposes the variable with the given ID to the debugger
// using the specified key.
template<typename Key>
void exposeVariable(
const SpirvShader *shader,
const Key &key,
const debug::Scope *scope,
const debug::Type *type,
Object::ID id,
EmitState *state) const;
// exposeVariable exposes the variable with the given ID to the
// debugger under the specified group, for the specified SIMD lane.
template<typename Key>
void exposeVariable(
const SpirvShader *shader,
const Group &group,
int lane,
const Key &key,
const debug::Type *type,
Object::ID id,
EmitState *state,
int wordOffset = 0) const;
std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Context> ctx;
std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::File> spirvFile;
std::unordered_map<const void *, int> spirvLineMappings; // instruction pointer to line
std::unordered_map<const void *, Object::ID> results; // instruction pointer to result ID
// add() registers the debug object with the given id.
template<typename ID, typename T>
void add(ID id, T *);
// addNone() registers given id as a None value or type.
void addNone(debug::Object::ID id);
// get() returns the debug object with the given id.
// The object must exist and be of type (or derive from type) T.
// A returned nullptr represents a None value or type.
template<typename T>
T *get(SpirvID<T> id) const;
// use get() and add() to access this
std::unordered_map<debug::Object::ID, std::unique_ptr<debug::Object>> objects;
std::unordered_map<std::string, vk::dbg::File::ID> fileIDs;
// defineOrEmit() when called in Pass::Define, creates and stores a
// zero-initialized object into the Debugger::objects map using the
// object identifier held by second instruction operand.
// When called in Pass::Emit, defineOrEmit() calls the function F with the
// previously-built object.
// F must be a function with the signature:
// void(OBJECT_TYPE *)
// The object type is automatically inferred from the function signature.
template<typename F, typename T = typename std::remove_pointer<ArgTyT<F>>::type>
void defineOrEmit(InsnIterator insn, Pass pass, F &&emit);
// sw::SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State
// State holds the runtime data structures for the shader debug session.
class SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State
static State *create(const Debugger *debugger, const char *name);
static void destroy(State *);
State(const Debugger *debugger, const char *stackBase, vk::dbg::Context::Lock &lock);
void enter(vk::dbg::Context::Lock &lock, const char *name);
void exit();
void updateActiveLaneMask(int lane, bool enabled);
void update(vk::dbg::File::ID file, int line, int column);
void createScope(const debug::Scope *);
void setScope(debug::SourceScope *newScope);
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *hovers(const debug::Scope *);
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *localsLane(const debug::Scope *, int lane);
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *builtinsLane(int lane);
template<typename K>
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *group(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key);
template<typename K, typename V>
void putVal(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key, V value);
template<typename K, typename V>
void putRef(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key, V *ptr);
// Scopes holds pointers to the vk::dbg::Scopes for local variables, hover
// variables and the locals indexed by SIMD lane.
struct Scopes
std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Scope> locals;
std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Scope> hovers;
std::array<std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::VariableContainer>, sw::SIMD::Width> localsByLane;
// getScopes() returns the Scopes object for the given debug::Scope.
const Scopes &getScopes(const debug::Scope *scope);
const Debugger *debugger;
const std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Thread> thread;
std::unordered_map<const debug::Scope *, Scopes> scopes;
Scopes rootScopes; // Scopes for the root stack frame.
std::array<std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::VariableContainer>, sw::SIMD::Width> builtinsByLane; // Scopes for builtin varibles (shared by all shader frames).
debug::SourceScope *srcScope = nullptr; // Current source scope.
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::create(const Debugger *debugger, const char *name)
auto lock = debugger->ctx->lock();
return new State(debugger, name, lock);
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::destroy(State *state)
delete state;
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::State(const Debugger *debugger, const char *stackBase, vk::dbg::Context::Lock &lock)
: debugger(debugger)
, thread(lock.currentThread())
enter(lock, stackBase);
for(int i = 0; i < sw::SIMD::Width; i++)
builtinsByLane[i] = lock.createVariableContainer();
thread->update([&](vk::dbg::Frame &frame) {
rootScopes.locals = frame.locals;
rootScopes.hovers = frame.hovers;
for(int i = 0; i < sw::SIMD::Width; i++)
auto locals = lock.createVariableContainer();
frame.locals->variables->put(laneNames[i], locals);
rootScopes.localsByLane[i] = locals;
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::enter(vk::dbg::Context::Lock &lock, const char *name)
thread->enter(lock, debugger->spirvFile, name);
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::exit()
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::updateActiveLaneMask(int lane, bool enabled)
rootScopes.localsByLane[lane]->put("enabled", vk::dbg::make_constant(enabled));
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::update(vk::dbg::File::ID fileID, int line, int column)
auto file = debugger->ctx->lock().get(fileID);
thread->update([&](vk::dbg::Frame &frame) {
frame.location = { file, line, column };
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::hovers(const debug::Scope *scope)
return getScopes(scope).hovers->variables.get();
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::localsLane(const debug::Scope *scope, int i)
return getScopes(scope).localsByLane[i].get();
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::builtinsLane(int i)
return builtinsByLane[i].get();
template<typename K>
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::group(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key)
auto out = debugger->ctx->lock().createVariableContainer();
vc->put(tostring(key), out);
return out.get();
template<typename K, typename V>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::putVal(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key, V value)
vc->put(tostring(key), vk::dbg::make_constant(value));
template<typename K, typename V>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::putRef(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key, V *ptr)
vc->put(tostring(key), vk::dbg::make_reference(*ptr));
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::createScope(const debug::Scope *spirvScope)
ASSERT(spirvScope != nullptr);
// TODO: Deal with scope nesting.
auto lock = debugger->ctx->lock();
Scopes s = {};
s.locals = lock.createScope(spirvScope->source->dbgFile);
s.hovers = lock.createScope(spirvScope->source->dbgFile);
for(int i = 0; i < sw::SIMD::Width; i++)
auto locals = lock.createVariableContainer();
s.localsByLane[i] = locals;
s.locals->variables->put(laneNames[i], locals);
scopes.emplace(spirvScope, std::move(s));
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::setScope(debug::SourceScope *newSrcScope)
auto oldSrcScope = srcScope;
if(oldSrcScope == newSrcScope) { return; }
srcScope = newSrcScope;
auto lock = debugger->ctx->lock();
auto thread = lock.currentThread();
debug::Function *oldFunction = oldSrcScope ? oldSrcScope->scope->function : nullptr;
debug::Function *newFunction = newSrcScope ? newSrcScope->scope->function : nullptr;
if(oldFunction != newFunction)
if(oldFunction) { thread->exit(); }
if(newFunction) { thread->enter(lock, newFunction->source->dbgFile, newFunction->name); }
auto dbgScope = getScopes(srcScope->scope);
thread->update([&](vk::dbg::Frame &frame) {
frame.locals = dbgScope.locals;
frame.hovers = dbgScope.hovers;
const SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::Scopes &SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::getScopes(const debug::Scope *scope)
if(scope == &debug::Scope::Root)
return rootScopes;
auto dbgScopeIt = scopes.find(scope);
ASSERT_MSG(dbgScopeIt != scopes.end(), "createScope() not called for debug::Scope %p", scope);
return dbgScopeIt->second;
// sw::SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group
// This provides a convenient C++ interface for adding debugger values to
// VariableContainers.
class SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group
using Ptr = rr::Pointer<rr::Byte>;
static Group hovers(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope);
static Group locals(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope);
static Group localsLane(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope, int lane);
static Group builtinsLane(Ptr state, int lane);
Group(Ptr state, Ptr group);
template<typename K, typename RK>
Group group(RK key) const;
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void put(RK key, RV value) const;
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK>
void putRef(RK key, RValue<Pointer<Byte>> ref) const;
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void put(RK key, RV x, RV y) const;
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void put(RK key, RV x, RV y, RV z) const;
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void put(RK key, RV x, RV y, RV z, RV w) const;
template<typename K, typename V, typename VEC>
void putVec3(K key, const VEC &v) const;
Ptr state;
Ptr ptr;
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::hovers(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope)
return Group(state, rr::Call(&State::hovers, state, scope));
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::localsLane(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope, int lane)
return Group(state, rr::Call(&State::localsLane, state, scope, lane));
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::builtinsLane(Ptr state, int lane)
return Group(state, rr::Call(&State::builtinsLane, state, lane));
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::Group(Ptr state, Ptr group)
: state(state)
, ptr(group)
template<typename K, typename RK>
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::group(RK key) const
return Group(state, rr::Call(&State::group<K>, state, ptr, key));
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::put(RK key, RV value) const
rr::Call(&State::putVal<K, V>, state, ptr, key, value);
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::putRef(RK key, RValue<Pointer<Byte>> ref) const
rr::Call(&State::putRef<K, V>, state, ptr, key, ref);
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::put(RK key, RV x, RV y) const
auto vec = group<K>(key);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("x", x);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("y", y);
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::put(RK key, RV x, RV y, RV z) const
auto vec = group<K>(key);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("x", x);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("y", y);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("z", z);
template<typename K, typename V, typename RK, typename RV>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::put(RK key, RV x, RV y, RV z, RV w) const
auto vec = group<K>(key);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("x", x);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("y", y);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("z", z);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("w", w);
template<typename K, typename V, typename VEC>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::putVec3(K key, const VEC &v) const
auto vec = group<K>(key);
vec.template put<const char *, V>("x", Extract(v, 0));
vec.template put<const char *, V>("y", Extract(v, 1));
vec.template put<const char *, V>("z", Extract(v, 2));
// sw::SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger methods
template<typename F, typename T>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::defineOrEmit(InsnIterator insn, Pass pass, F &&emit)
auto id = SpirvID<T>(insn.word(2));
case Pass::Define:
add(id, new T());
case Pass::Emit:
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::process(const SpirvShader *shader, const InsnIterator &insn, EmitState *state, Pass pass)
auto dbg = shader->impl.debugger;
auto extInstIndex = insn.word(4);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInfoNone:
if(pass == Pass::Define)
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugCompilationUnit:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::CompilationUnit *cu) {
cu->source = get(debug::Source::ID(insn.word(7)));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeBasic:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::BasicType *type) {
type->name = shader->getString(insn.word(5));
type->size = shader->GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(6));
type->encoding = static_cast<OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugBaseTypeAttributeEncoding>(insn.word(7));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeVector:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::VectorType *type) {
type->base = get(debug::Type::ID(insn.word(5)));
type->components = insn.word(6);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeFunction:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::FunctionType *type) {
type->flags = insn.word(5);
type->returnTy = get(debug::Type::ID(insn.word(6)));
for(uint32_t i = 7; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeComposite:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::CompositeType *type) {
type->name = shader->getString(insn.word(5));
type->tag = static_cast<OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugCompositeType>(insn.word(6));
type->source = get(debug::Source::ID(insn.word(7)));
type->line = insn.word(8);
type->column = insn.word(9);
type->parent = get(debug::Object::ID(insn.word(10)));
type->linkage = shader->getString(insn.word(11));
type->size = shader->GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(12));
type->flags = insn.word(13);
for(uint32_t i = 14; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
auto obj = get(debug::Object::ID(insn.word(i)));
if(auto member = debug::cast<debug::Member>(obj)) // Can also be Function or TypeInheritance, which we don't care about.
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeMember:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::Member *member) {
member->name = shader->getString(insn.word(5));
member->type = get(debug::Type::ID(insn.word(6)));
member->source = get(debug::Source::ID(insn.word(7)));
member->line = insn.word(8);
member->column = insn.word(9);
member->parent = get(debug::CompositeType::ID(insn.word(10)));
member->offset = shader->GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(11));
member->size = shader->GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(12));
member->flags = insn.word(13);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugFunction:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::Function *func) {
func->name = shader->getString(insn.word(5));
func->type = get(debug::FunctionType::ID(insn.word(6)));
func->source = get(debug::Source::ID(insn.word(7)));
func->line = insn.word(8);
func->column = insn.word(9);
func->parent = get(debug::LexicalBlock::ID(insn.word(10)));
func->linkage = shader->getString(insn.word(11));
func->flags = insn.word(12);
func->scopeLine = insn.word(13);
func->function = Function::ID(insn.word(14));
// declaration: word(13)
func->parent->function = func;
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugLexicalBlock:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::LexicalBlock *scope) {
scope->source = get(debug::Source::ID(insn.word(5)));
scope->line = insn.word(6);
scope->column = insn.word(7);
scope->parent = get(debug::Scope::ID(insn.word(8)));
if(insn.wordCount() > 9)
scope->name = shader->getString(insn.word(9));
// TODO: We're creating scopes per-shader invocation.
// This is all really static information, and should only be created
// once *per program*.
rr::Call(&State::createScope, state->routine->dbgState, scope);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugScope:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::SourceScope *ss) {
ss->scope = get(debug::LexicalBlock::ID(insn.word(5)));
if(insn.wordCount() > 6)
ss->inlinedAt = get(debug::InlinedAt::ID(insn.word(6)));
rr::Call(&State::setScope, state->routine->dbgState, ss);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugNoScope:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInlinedAt:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::InlinedAt *ia) {
ia->line = insn.word(5);
ia->scope = get(debug::LexicalBlock::ID(insn.word(6)));
if(insn.wordCount() > 7)
ia->inlined = get(debug::InlinedAt::ID(insn.word(7)));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugLocalVariable:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::LocalVariable *var) {
var->name = shader->getString(insn.word(5));
var->type = get(debug::Type::ID(insn.word(6)));
var->source = get(debug::Source::ID(insn.word(7)));
var->line = insn.word(8);
var->column = insn.word(9);
var->parent = get(debug::Scope::ID(insn.word(10)));
if(insn.wordCount() > 11)
var->arg = insn.word(11);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugDeclare:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::Declare *decl) {
decl->local = get(debug::LocalVariable::ID(insn.word(5)));
decl->variable = Object::ID(insn.word(6));
decl->expression = get(debug::Expression::ID(insn.word(7)));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugValue:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::Value *value) {
value->local = get(debug::LocalVariable::ID(insn.word(5)));
value->variable = Object::ID(insn.word(6));
value->expression = get(debug::Expression::ID(insn.word(7)));
for(uint32_t i = 8; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugExpression:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::Expression *expr) {
for(uint32_t i = 5; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugSource:
defineOrEmit(insn, pass, [&](debug::Source *source) {
source->file = shader->getString(insn.word(5));
if(insn.wordCount() > 6)
source->source = shader->getString(insn.word(6));
auto file = dbg->ctx->lock().createVirtualFile(source->file.c_str(), source->source.c_str());
source->dbgFile = file;
fileIDs.emplace(source->file.c_str(), file->id);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypePointer:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeQualifier:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeArray:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypedef:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeEnum:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeInheritance:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypePtrToMember:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeTemplate:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeTemplateParameter:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeTemplateTemplateParameter:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugTypeTemplateParameterPack:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugGlobalVariable:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDeclaration:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugLexicalBlockDiscriminator:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugInlinedVariable:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugOperation:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugMacroDef:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugMacroUndef:
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugImportedEntity:
UNIMPLEMENTED("b/148401179 OpenCLDebugInfo100 instruction %d", int(extInstIndex));
UNSUPPORTED("OpenCLDebugInfo100 instruction %d", int(extInstIndex));
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::setPosition(EmitState *state, const std::string &path, uint32_t line, uint32_t column)
auto it = fileIDs.find(path);
if(it != fileIDs.end())
rr::Call(&State::update, state->routine->dbgState, it->second, line, column);
template<typename ID, typename T>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::add(ID id, T *obj)
ASSERT_MSG(obj != nullptr, "add() called with nullptr obj");
bool added = objects.emplace(debug::Object::ID(id.value()), obj).second;
ASSERT_MSG(added, "Debug object with %d already exists", id.value());
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::addNone(debug::Object::ID id)
bool added = objects.emplace(debug::Object::ID(id.value()), nullptr).second;
ASSERT_MSG(added, "Debug object with %d already exists", id.value());
template<typename T>
T *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::get(SpirvID<T> id) const
auto it = objects.find(debug::Object::ID(id.value()));
ASSERT_MSG(it != objects.end(), "Unknown debug object %d", id.value());
auto ptr = debug::cast<T>(it->second.get());
ASSERT_MSG(ptr, "Debug object %d is not of the correct type. Got: %s, want: %s",
id.value(), cstr(it->second->kind), cstr(T::KIND));
return ptr;
template<typename Key>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::exposeVariable(
const SpirvShader *shader,
const Key &key,
const debug::Scope *scope,
const debug::Type *type,
Object::ID id,
EmitState *state) const
auto dbgState = state->routine->dbgState;
auto hover = Group::hovers(dbgState, scope).group<Key>(key);
for(int lane = 0; lane < SIMD::Width; lane++)
exposeVariable(shader, Group::localsLane(dbgState, scope, lane), lane, key, type, id, state);
exposeVariable(shader, hover, lane, laneNames[lane], type, id, state);
template<typename Key>
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::exposeVariable(
const SpirvShader *shader,
const Group &group,
int l,
const Key &key,
const debug::Type *type,
Object::ID id,
EmitState *state,
int wordOffset /* = 0 */) const
if(type != nullptr)
if(auto ty = debug::cast<debug::BasicType>(type))
auto &obj = shader->getObject(id);
SIMD::Int val;
case Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable:
case Object::Kind::Pointer:
auto ptr = shader->GetPointerToData(id, 0, state) + sizeof(uint32_t) * wordOffset;
auto &ptrTy = shader->getType(obj.type);
ptr = InterleaveByLane(ptr);
auto addr = &ptr.base[Extract(ptr.offsets(), l)];
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Address:
// TODO: This function takes a SIMD vector, and pointers cannot
// be held in them.
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Boolean:
group.putRef<Key, bool>(key, addr);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Float:
group.putRef<Key, float>(key, addr);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Signed:
group.putRef<Key, int>(key, addr);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100SignedChar:
group.putRef<Key, int8_t>(key, addr);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Unsigned:
group.putRef<Key, unsigned int>(key, addr);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100UnsignedChar:
group.putRef<Key, uint8_t>(key, addr);
case Object::Kind::Constant:
case Object::Kind::Intermediate:
auto val = GenericValue(shader, state, id).Int(wordOffset);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Address:
// TODO: This function takes a SIMD vector, and pointers cannot
// be held in them.
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Boolean:
group.put<Key, bool>(key, Extract(val, l) != 0);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Float:
group.put<Key, float>(key, Extract(As<SIMD::Float>(val), l));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Signed:
group.put<Key, int>(key, Extract(val, l));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100SignedChar:
group.put<Key, int8_t>(key, SByte(Extract(val, l)));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100Unsigned:
group.put<Key, unsigned int>(key, Extract(val, l));
case OpenCLDebugInfo100UnsignedChar:
group.put<Key, uint8_t>(key, Byte(Extract(val, l)));
else if(auto ty = debug::cast<debug::VectorType>(type))
auto elWords = 1; // Currently vector elements must only be basic types, 32-bit wide
auto elTy = ty->base;
auto vecGroup =<Key>(key);
case 1:
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "x", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 0 * elWords);
case 2:
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "x", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 0 * elWords);
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "y", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 1 * elWords);
case 3:
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "x", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 0 * elWords);
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "y", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 1 * elWords);
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "z", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 2 * elWords);
case 4:
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "x", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 0 * elWords);
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "y", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 1 * elWords);
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "z", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 2 * elWords);
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, "w", elTy, id, state, wordOffset + 3 * elWords);
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ty->components; i++)
exposeVariable(shader, vecGroup, l, std::to_string(i).c_str(), elTy, id, state, wordOffset + i * elWords);
else if(auto ty = debug::cast<debug::CompositeType>(type))
auto objectGroup =<Key>(key);
for(auto member : ty->members)
exposeVariable(shader, objectGroup, l, member->name.c_str(), member->type, id, state, member->offset / 32);
// No debug type information. Derive from SPIR-V.
GenericValue val(shader, state, id);
case spv::OpTypeInt:
group.put<Key, int>(key, Extract(val.Int(0), l));
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
group.put<Key, float>(key, Extract(val.Float(0), l));
case spv::OpTypeVector:
auto count = shader->getType(val.type).definition.word(3);
case 1:
group.put<Key, float>(key, Extract(val.Float(0), l));
case 2:
group.put<Key, float>(key, Extract(val.Float(0), l), Extract(val.Float(1), l));
case 3:
group.put<Key, float>(key, Extract(val.Float(0), l), Extract(val.Float(1), l), Extract(val.Float(2), l));
case 4:
group.put<Key, float>(key, Extract(val.Float(0), l), Extract(val.Float(1), l), Extract(val.Float(2), l), Extract(val.Float(3), l));
auto vec =<Key>(key);
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
vec.template put<int, float>(i, Extract(val.Float(i), l));
case spv::OpTypePointer:
auto objectTy = shader->getType(shader->getObject(id).type);
bool interleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(objectTy.storageClass);
auto ptr = state->getPointer(id);
auto ptrGroup =<Key>(key);
shader->VisitMemoryObject(id, [&](const MemoryElement &el) {
auto p = ptr + el.offset;
if(interleavedByLane) { p = InterleaveByLane(p); } // TODO: Interleave once, then add offset?
auto simd = p.Load<SIMD::Float>(sw::OutOfBoundsBehavior::Nullify, state->activeLaneMask());
ptrGroup.template put<int, float>(el.index, Extract(simd, l));
// sw::SpirvShader
void SpirvShader::dbgInit(const std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Context> &dbgctx)
impl.debugger = new Impl::Debugger();
impl.debugger->ctx = dbgctx;
void SpirvShader::dbgTerm()
delete impl.debugger;
void SpirvShader::dbgCreateFile()
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
int currentLine = 1;
std::string source;
for(auto insn : *this)
auto instruction = spvtools::spvInstructionBinaryToText(
dbg->spirvLineMappings[insn.wordPointer(0)] = currentLine;
currentLine += std::count(instruction.begin(), instruction.end(), '\n');
source += instruction;
std::string name;
case spv::ExecutionModelVertex: name = "VertexShader"; break;
case spv::ExecutionModelFragment: name = "FragmentShader"; break;
case spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute: name = "ComputeShader"; break;
default: name = "SPIR-V Shader"; break;
static std::atomic<int> id = { 0 };
name += std::to_string(id++) + ".spvasm";
dbg->spirvFile = dbg->ctx->lock().createVirtualFile(name.c_str(), source.c_str());
void SpirvShader::dbgBeginEmit(EmitState *state) const
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
using Group = Impl::Debugger::Group;
auto routine = state->routine;
auto type = "SPIR-V";
case spv::ExecutionModelVertex: type = "VertexShader"; break;
case spv::ExecutionModelFragment: type = "FragmentShader"; break;
case spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute: type = "ComputeShader"; break;
default: type = "SPIR-V Shader"; break;
auto dbgState = rr::Call(&Impl::Debugger::State::create, dbg, type);
routine->dbgState = dbgState;
SetActiveLaneMask(state->activeLaneMask(), state);
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
auto builtins = Group::builtinsLane(dbgState, i);
builtins.put<const char *, int>("subgroupSize", routine->invocationsPerSubgroup);
case spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute:
builtins.putVec3<const char *, int>("numWorkgroups", routine->numWorkgroups);
builtins.putVec3<const char *, int>("workgroupID", routine->workgroupID);
builtins.putVec3<const char *, int>("workgroupSize", routine->workgroupSize);
builtins.put<const char *, int>("numSubgroups", routine->subgroupsPerWorkgroup);
builtins.put<const char *, int>("subgroupIndex", routine->subgroupIndex);
builtins.put<const char *, int>("globalInvocationId",
rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[0], i),
rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[1], i),
rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[2], i));
builtins.put<const char *, int>("localInvocationId",
rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[0], i),
rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[1], i),
rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[2], i));
builtins.put<const char *, int>("localInvocationIndex", rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationIndex, i));
case spv::ExecutionModelFragment:
builtins.put<const char *, int>("viewIndex", routine->viewID);
builtins.put<const char *, float>("fragCoord",
rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[0], i),
rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[1], i),
rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[2], i),
rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[3], i));
builtins.put<const char *, float>("pointCoord",
rr::Extract(routine->pointCoord[0], i),
rr::Extract(routine->pointCoord[1], i));
builtins.put<const char *, int>("windowSpacePosition",
rr::Extract(routine->windowSpacePosition[0], i),
rr::Extract(routine->windowSpacePosition[1], i));
builtins.put<const char *, int>("helperInvocation", rr::Extract(routine->helperInvocation, i));
case spv::ExecutionModelVertex:
builtins.put<const char *, int>("viewIndex", routine->viewID);
builtins.put<const char *, int>("instanceIndex", routine->instanceID);
builtins.put<const char *, int>("vertexIndex",
rr::Extract(routine->vertexIndex, i));
void SpirvShader::dbgEndEmit(EmitState *state) const
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
rr::Call(&Impl::Debugger::State::destroy, state->routine->dbgState);
void SpirvShader::dbgBeginEmitInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto instruction = spvtools::spvInstructionBinaryToText(
printf("%s\n", instruction.c_str());
if(extensionsImported.count(Extension::OpenCLDebugInfo100) == 0)
// We're emitting debugger logic for SPIR-V.
// Only single line step over statement instructions.
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
auto line = dbg->;
auto column = 0;
rr::Call(&Impl::Debugger::State::update, state->routine->dbgState, dbg->spirvFile->id, line, column);
void SpirvShader::dbgEndEmitInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
auto resIt = dbg->results.find(insn.wordPointer(0));
if(resIt != dbg->results.end())
auto id = resIt->second;
dbgExposeIntermediate(id, state);
void SpirvShader::dbgExposeIntermediate(Object::ID id, EmitState *state) const
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
dbg->exposeVariable(this, id, &debug::Scope::Root, nullptr, id, state);
void SpirvShader::dbgUpdateActiveLaneMask(RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, EmitState *state) const
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
for(int lane = 0; lane < SIMD::Width; lane++)
rr::Call(&Impl::Debugger::State::updateActiveLaneMask, state->routine->dbgState, lane, rr::Extract(mask, lane) != 0);
void SpirvShader::dbgDeclareResult(const InsnIterator &insn, Object::ID resultId) const
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
dbg->results.emplace(insn.wordPointer(0), resultId);
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitLine(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
if(auto dbg = impl.debugger)
auto path = getString(insn.word(1));
auto line = insn.word(2);
auto column = insn.word(3);
dbg->setPosition(state, path, line, column);
return EmitResult::Continue;
void SpirvShader::DefineOpenCLDebugInfo100(const InsnIterator &insn)
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
dbg->process(this, insn, nullptr, Impl::Debugger::Pass::Define);
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitOpenCLDebugInfo100(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
if(auto dbg = impl.debugger)
dbg->process(this, insn, state, Impl::Debugger::Pass::Emit);
return EmitResult::Continue;
} // namespace sw
// Stub implementations of the dbgXXX functions.
namespace sw {
void SpirvShader::dbgInit(const std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Context> &dbgctx) {}
void SpirvShader::dbgTerm() {}
void SpirvShader::dbgCreateFile() {}
void SpirvShader::dbgBeginEmit(EmitState *state) const {}
void SpirvShader::dbgEndEmit(EmitState *state) const {}
void SpirvShader::dbgBeginEmitInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const {}
void SpirvShader::dbgEndEmitInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const {}
void SpirvShader::dbgExposeIntermediate(Object::ID id, EmitState *state) const {}
void SpirvShader::dbgUpdateActiveLaneMask(RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, EmitState *state) const {}
void SpirvShader::dbgDeclareResult(const InsnIterator &insn, Object::ID resultId) const {}
void SpirvShader::DefineOpenCLDebugInfo100(const InsnIterator &insn) {}
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitOpenCLDebugInfo100(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitLine(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
return EmitResult::Continue;
} // namespace sw