blob: 4615459b59a130e26212b827c6e10c30424f9c55 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/unittest/unittest/AssemblerX8664/TestUtil.h ------*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Utility classes for testing the X8664 Assembler.
#include "IceAssemblerX8664.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <sys/mman.h>
namespace Ice {
namespace X8664 {
namespace Test {
class AssemblerX8664TestBase : public ::testing::Test {
using Address = AssemblerX8664::Traits::Address;
using ByteRegister = AssemblerX8664::Traits::ByteRegister;
using Cond = AssemblerX8664::Traits::Cond;
using GPRRegister = AssemblerX8664::Traits::GPRRegister;
using Traits = AssemblerX8664::Traits;
using XmmRegister = AssemblerX8664::Traits::XmmRegister;
// The following are "nicknames" for all possible GPRs in x86-64. With those, we
// can use, e.g.,
// Encoded_GPR_al()
// instead of GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_eax for 8 bit operands. They also
// introduce "regular" nicknames for legacy x86-32 register (e.g., eax becomes
// r1; esp, r0).
#define LegacyRegAliases(NewName, Name64, Name32, Name16, Name8) \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##NewName() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##NewName##q() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##NewName##d() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##NewName##w() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##NewName##l() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name64() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name32() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name16() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name8() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name32; \
#define NewRegAliases(Name) \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name##d; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name##q() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name##d; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name##d() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name##d; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name##w() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name##d; \
} \
static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_GPR_##Name##l() { \
return GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name##d; \
#define XmmRegAliases(Name) \
static constexpr XmmRegister Encoded_Xmm_##Name() { \
return XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Name; \
LegacyRegAliases(r0, rsp, esp, sp, spl);
LegacyRegAliases(r1, rax, eax, ax, al);
LegacyRegAliases(r2, rbx, ebx, bx, bl);
LegacyRegAliases(r3, rcx, ecx, cx, cl);
LegacyRegAliases(r4, rdx, edx, dx, dl);
LegacyRegAliases(r5, rbp, ebp, bp, bpl);
LegacyRegAliases(r6, rsi, esi, si, sil);
LegacyRegAliases(r7, rdi, edi, di, dil);
#undef XmmRegAliases
#undef NewRegAliases
#undef LegacyRegAliases
AssemblerX8664TestBase() { reset(); }
void reset() { Assembler.reset(new AssemblerX8664()); }
AssemblerX8664 *assembler() const { return Assembler.get(); }
size_t codeBytesSize() const { return Assembler->getBufferView().size(); }
const uint8_t *codeBytes() const {
return static_cast<const uint8_t *>(
static_cast<const void *>(Assembler->getBufferView().data()));
std::unique_ptr<AssemblerX8664> Assembler;
// __ is a helper macro. It allows test cases to emit X8664 assembly
// instructions with
// __ mov(GPRRegister::Reg_Eax, 1);
// __ ret();
// and so on. The idea of having this was "stolen" from dart's unit tests.
#define __ (this->assembler())->
// AssemblerX8664LowLevelTest verify that the "basic" instructions the tests
// rely on are encoded correctly. Therefore, instead of executing the assembled
// code, these tests will verify that the assembled bytes are sane.
class AssemblerX8664LowLevelTest : public AssemblerX8664TestBase {
// verifyBytes is a template helper that takes a Buffer, and a variable number
// of bytes. As the name indicates, it is used to verify the bytes for an
// instruction encoding.
template <int N, int I> static bool verifyBytes(const uint8_t *) {
static_assert(I == N, "Invalid template instantiation.");
return true;
template <int N, int I = 0, typename... Args>
static bool verifyBytes(const uint8_t *Buffer, uint8_t Byte,
Args... OtherBytes) {
static_assert(I < N, "Invalid template instantiation.");
EXPECT_EQ(Byte, Buffer[I]) << "Byte " << (I + 1) << " of " << N;
return verifyBytes<N, I + 1>(Buffer, OtherBytes...) && Buffer[I] == Byte;
// After these tests we should have a sane environment; we know the following
// work:
// (*) zeroing eax, ebx, ecx, edx, edi, and esi;
// (*) call $4 instruction (used for ip materialization);
// (*) register push and pop;
// (*) cmp reg, reg; and
// (*) returning from functions.
// We can now dive into testing each emitting method in AssemblerX8664. Each
// test will emit some instructions for performing the test. The assembled
// instructions will operate in a "safe" environment. All x86-64 registers are
// spilled to the program stack, and the registers are then zeroed out, with the
// exception of %esp and %r9.
// The jitted code and the unittest code will share the same stack. Therefore,
// test harnesses need to ensure it does not leave anything it pushed on the
// stack.
// %r9 is initialized with a pointer for rIP-based addressing. This pointer is
// used for position-independent access to a scratchpad area for use in tests.
// In theory we could use rip-based addressing, but in practice that would
// require creating fixups, which would, in turn, require creating a global
// context. We therefore rely on the same technique used for pic code in x86-32
// (i.e., IP materialization). Upon a test start up, a call(NextInstruction) is
// executed. We then pop the return address from the stack, and use it for pic
// addressing.
// The jitted code will look like the following:
// test:
// push %r9
// call test$materialize_ip
// test$materialize_ip: <<------- %r9 will point here
// pop %r9
// push %rax
// push %rbx
// push %rcx
// push %rdx
// push %rbp
// push %rdi
// push %rsi
// push %r8
// push %r10
// push %r11
// push %r12
// push %r13
// push %r14
// push %r15
// mov $0, %rax
// mov $0, %rbx
// mov $0, %rcx
// mov $0, %rdx
// mov $0, %rbp
// mov $0, %rdi
// mov $0, %rsi
// mov $0, %r8
// mov $0, %r10
// mov $0, %r11
// mov $0, %r12
// mov $0, %r13
// mov $0, %r14
// mov $0, %r15
// << test code goes here >>
// mov %rax, { 0 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rbx, { 8 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rcx, { 16 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rdx, { 24 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rdi, { 32 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rsi, { 40 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rbp, { 48 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %rsp, { 56 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r8, { 64 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r9, { 72 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r10, { 80 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r11, { 88 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r12, { 96 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r13, {104 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r14, {112 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// mov %r15, {120 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm0, {128 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm1, {136 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm2, {144 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm3, {152 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm4, {160 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm5, {168 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm6, {176 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm7, {184 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm8, {192 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm9, {200 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm10, {208 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm11, {216 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm12, {224 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm13, {232 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm14, {240 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// movups %xmm15, {248 + $ScratchpadOffset}(%rbp)
// pop %r15
// pop %r14
// pop %r13
// pop %r12
// pop %r11
// pop %r10
// pop %r8
// pop %rsi
// pop %rdi
// pop %rbp
// pop %rdx
// pop %rcx
// pop %rbx
// pop %rax
// pop %r9
// ret
// << ... >>
// scratchpad: <<------- accessed via $Offset(%ebp)
// << test scratch area >>
// TODO(jpp): test the
// mov %reg, $Offset(%ebp)
// movups %xmm, $Offset(%ebp)
// encodings using the low level assembler test ensuring that the register
// values can be written to the scratchpad area.
// r9 was deliberately choosen so that every instruction accessing memory would
// fail if the rex prefix was not emitted for it.
class AssemblerX8664Test : public AssemblerX8664TestBase {
// Dqword is used to represent 128-bit data types. The Dqword's contents are
// the same as the contents read from memory. Tests can then use the union
// members to verify the tests' outputs.
// NOTE: We want sizeof(Dqword) == sizeof(uint64_t) * 2. In other words, we
// want Dqword's contents to be **exactly** what the memory contents were so
// that we can do, e.g.,
// ...
// float Ret[4];
// // populate Ret
// return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret);
// While being an ugly hack, this kind of return statements are used
// extensively in the PackedArith (see below) class.
union Dqword {
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
Dqword(T0 F0, T1 F1, T2 F2, T3 F3) {
F32[0] = F0;
F32[1] = F1;
F32[2] = F2;
F32[3] = F3;
template <typename T>
Dqword(typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value, T>::type I0,
T I1, T I2, T I3) {
I32[0] = I0;
I32[1] = I1;
I32[2] = I2;
I32[3] = I3;
template <typename T>
Dqword(typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, uint64_t>::value, T>::type
T U64_1) {
U64[0] = U64_0;
U64[1] = U64_1;
template <typename T>
Dqword(typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, double>::value, T>::type D0,
T D1) {
F64[0] = D0;
F64[1] = D1;
bool operator==(const Dqword &Rhs) const {
return std::memcmp(this, &Rhs, sizeof(*this)) == 0;
double F64[2];
uint64_t U64[2];
int64_t I64[2];
float F32[4];
uint32_t U32[4];
int32_t I32[4];
uint16_t U16[8];
int16_t I16[8];
uint8_t U8[16];
int8_t I8[16];
Dqword() = delete;
// As stated, we want this condition to hold, so we assert.
static_assert(sizeof(Dqword) == 2 * sizeof(uint64_t),
"Dqword has the wrong size.");
// PackedArith is an interface provider for Dqwords. PackedArith's C argument
// is the undelying Dqword's type, which is then used so that we can define
// operators in terms of C++ operators on the underlying elements' type.
template <typename C> class PackedArith {
static constexpr uint32_t N = sizeof(Dqword) / sizeof(C);
static_assert(N * sizeof(C) == sizeof(Dqword),
"Invalid template paramenter.");
static_assert((N & 1) == 0, "N should be divisible by 2");
#define DefinePackedComparisonOperator(Op) \
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N> \
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Container>::value, \
Dqword>::type \
operator Op(const Dqword &Rhs) const { \
using ElemType = \
typename std::conditional<std::is_same<float, Container>::value, \
int32_t, int64_t>::type; \
static_assert(sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(Container), \
"Check ElemType definition."); \
const ElemType *const RhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const ElemType *const>(&Rhs); \
const ElemType *const LhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const ElemType *const>(&Lhs); \
ElemType Ret[N]; \
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { \
Ret[i] = (LhsPtr[i] Op RhsPtr[i]) ? -1 : 0; \
} \
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret); \
DefinePackedComparisonOperator(< );
DefinePackedComparisonOperator(<= );
DefinePackedComparisonOperator(> );
DefinePackedComparisonOperator(>= );
DefinePackedComparisonOperator(== );
DefinePackedComparisonOperator(!= );
#undef DefinePackedComparisonOperator
#define DefinePackedOrdUnordComparisonOperator(Op, Ordered) \
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N> \
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Container>::value, \
Dqword>::type \
Op(const Dqword &Rhs) const { \
using ElemType = \
typename std::conditional<std::is_same<float, Container>::value, \
int32_t, int64_t>::type; \
static_assert(sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(Container), \
"Check ElemType definition."); \
const Container *const RhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Rhs); \
const Container *const LhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs); \
ElemType Ret[N]; \
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { \
Ret[i] = (!(LhsPtr[i] == LhsPtr[i]) || !(RhsPtr[i] == RhsPtr[i])) != \
(Ordered) \
? -1 \
: 0; \
} \
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret); \
DefinePackedOrdUnordComparisonOperator(ord, true);
DefinePackedOrdUnordComparisonOperator(unord, false);
#undef DefinePackedOrdUnordComparisonOperator
#define DefinePackedArithOperator(Op, RhsIndexChanges, NeedsInt) \
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N> \
Dqword operator Op(const Dqword &Rhs) const { \
using ElemTypeForFp = typename std::conditional< \
!(NeedsInt), Container, \
typename std::conditional< \
std::is_same<Container, float>::value, uint32_t, \
typename std::conditional<std::is_same<Container, double>::value, \
uint64_t, void>::type>::type>::type; \
using ElemType = \
typename std::conditional<std::is_integral<Container>::value, \
Container, ElemTypeForFp>::type; \
static_assert(!std::is_same<void, ElemType>::value, \
"Check ElemType definition."); \
const ElemType *const RhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const ElemType *const>(&Rhs); \
const ElemType *const LhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const ElemType *const>(&Lhs); \
ElemType Ret[N]; \
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { \
Ret[i] = LhsPtr[i] Op RhsPtr[(RhsIndexChanges) ? i : 0]; \
} \
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret); \
DefinePackedArithOperator(>>, false, true);
DefinePackedArithOperator(<<, false, true);
DefinePackedArithOperator(+, true, false);
DefinePackedArithOperator(-, true, false);
DefinePackedArithOperator(/, true, false);
DefinePackedArithOperator(&, true, true);
DefinePackedArithOperator(|, true, true);
DefinePackedArithOperator (^, true, true);
#undef DefinePackedArithOperator
#define DefinePackedArithShiftImm(Op) \
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N> \
Dqword operator Op(uint8_t imm) const { \
const Container *const LhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs); \
Container Ret[N]; \
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { \
Ret[i] = LhsPtr[i] Op imm; \
} \
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret); \
DefinePackedArithShiftImm(>> );
DefinePackedArithShiftImm(<< );
#undef DefinePackedArithShiftImm
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<Container>::value ||
operator*(const Dqword &Rhs) const {
static_assert((std::is_integral<Container>::value &&
sizeof(Container) < sizeof(uint64_t)) ||
"* is only defined for i(8|16|32), and fp types.");
const Container *const RhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Rhs);
const Container *const LhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs);
Container Ret[Size];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
Ret[i] = LhsPtr[i] * RhsPtr[i];
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret);
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
Dqword operator*(const Dqword &Rhs) const {
static_assert(std::is_integral<Container>::value &&
sizeof(Container) < sizeof(uint64_t),
"* is only defined for ui(8|16|32)");
using NextType = typename std::conditional<
sizeof(Container) == 1, uint16_t,
typename std::conditional<sizeof(Container) == 2, uint32_t,
static_assert(sizeof(Container) * 2 == sizeof(NextType),
"Unexpected size");
const Container *const RhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Rhs);
const Container *const LhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs);
NextType Ret[Size / 2];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Size; i += 2) {
Ret[i / 2] =
static_cast<NextType>(LhsPtr[i]) * static_cast<NextType>(RhsPtr[i]);
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret);
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N>
PackedArith<Container> operator~() const {
const Container *const LhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs);
Container Ret[Size];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
Ret[i] = ~LhsPtr[i];
return PackedArith<Container>(*reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret));
#define MinMaxOperations(Name, Suffix) \
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N> \
Dqword Name##Suffix(const Dqword &Rhs) const { \
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<Container>::value, \
#Name #Suffix "ps is only available for fp."); \
const Container *const RhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Rhs); \
const Container *const LhsPtr = \
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs); \
Container Ret[Size]; \
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { \
Ret[i] = std::Name(LhsPtr[i], RhsPtr[i]); \
} \
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret); \
MinMaxOperations(max, ps);
MinMaxOperations(max, pd);
MinMaxOperations(min, ps);
MinMaxOperations(min, pd);
#undef MinMaxOperations
template <typename Container = C, int Size = N>
Dqword blendWith(const Dqword &Rhs, const Dqword &Mask) const {
using MaskType = typename std::conditional<
sizeof(Container) == 1, int8_t,
typename std::conditional<sizeof(Container) == 2, int16_t,
static_assert(sizeof(MaskType) == sizeof(Container),
"MaskType has the wrong size.");
const Container *const RhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Rhs);
const Container *const LhsPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const Container *const>(&Lhs);
const MaskType *const MaskPtr =
reinterpret_cast<const MaskType *const>(&Mask);
Container Ret[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
Ret[i] = ((MaskPtr[i] < 0) ? RhsPtr : LhsPtr)[i];
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(&Ret);
// The AssemblerX8664Test class needs to be a friend so that it can create
// PackedArith objects (see below.)
friend class AssemblerX8664Test;
explicit PackedArith(const Dqword &MyLhs) : Lhs(MyLhs) {}
// Lhs can't be a & because operator~ returns a temporary object that needs
// access to its own Dqword.
const Dqword Lhs;
// Named constructor for PackedArith objects.
template <typename C> static PackedArith<C> packedAs(const Dqword &D) {
return PackedArith<C>(D);
AssemblerX8664Test() { reset(); }
void reset() {
NeedsEpilogue = true;
// These dwords are allocated for saving the GPR state after the jitted code
// runs.
NumAllocatedDwords = AssembledTest::ScratchpadSlots;
// AssembledTest is a wrapper around a PROT_EXEC mmap'ed buffer. This buffer
// contains both the test code as well as prologue/epilogue, and the
// scratchpad area that tests may use -- all tests use this scratchpad area
// for storing the processor's registers after the tests executed. This class
// also exposes helper methods for reading the register state after test
// execution, as well as for reading the scratchpad area.
class AssembledTest {
AssembledTest() = delete;
AssembledTest(const AssembledTest &) = delete;
AssembledTest &operator=(const AssembledTest &) = delete;
static constexpr uint32_t MaximumCodeSize = 1 << 20;
static constexpr uint32_t raxSlot() { return 0; }
static constexpr uint32_t rbxSlot() { return 2; }
static constexpr uint32_t rcxSlot() { return 4; }
static constexpr uint32_t rdxSlot() { return 6; }
static constexpr uint32_t rdiSlot() { return 8; }
static constexpr uint32_t rsiSlot() { return 10; }
static constexpr uint32_t rbpSlot() { return 12; }
static constexpr uint32_t rspSlot() { return 14; }
static constexpr uint32_t r8Slot() { return 16; }
static constexpr uint32_t r9Slot() { return 18; }
static constexpr uint32_t r10Slot() { return 20; }
static constexpr uint32_t r11Slot() { return 22; }
static constexpr uint32_t r12Slot() { return 24; }
static constexpr uint32_t r13Slot() { return 26; }
static constexpr uint32_t r14Slot() { return 28; }
static constexpr uint32_t r15Slot() { return 30; }
// save 4 dwords for each xmm registers.
static constexpr uint32_t xmm0Slot() { return 32; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm1Slot() { return 36; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm2Slot() { return 40; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm3Slot() { return 44; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm4Slot() { return 48; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm5Slot() { return 52; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm6Slot() { return 56; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm7Slot() { return 60; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm8Slot() { return 64; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm9Slot() { return 68; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm10Slot() { return 72; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm11Slot() { return 76; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm12Slot() { return 80; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm13Slot() { return 84; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm14Slot() { return 88; }
static constexpr uint32_t xmm15Slot() { return 92; }
static constexpr uint32_t ScratchpadSlots = 96;
AssembledTest(const uint8_t *Data, const size_t MySize,
const size_t ExtraStorageDwords)
: Size(MaximumCodeSize + 4 * ExtraStorageDwords) {
// MaxCodeSize is needed because EXPECT_LT needs a symbol with a name --
// probably a compiler bug?
uint32_t MaxCodeSize = MaximumCodeSize;
EXPECT_LT(MySize, MaxCodeSize);
assert(MySize < MaximumCodeSize);
ExecutableData = mmap(nullptr, Size, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC,
EXPECT_NE(MAP_FAILED, ExecutableData) << strerror(errno);
assert(MAP_FAILED != ExecutableData);
std::memcpy(ExecutableData, Data, MySize);
// We allow AssembledTest to be moved so that we can return objects of
// this type.
AssembledTest(AssembledTest &&Buffer)
: ExecutableData(Buffer.ExecutableData), Size(Buffer.Size) {
Buffer.ExecutableData = nullptr;
Buffer.Size = 0;
AssembledTest &operator=(AssembledTest &&Buffer) {
ExecutableData = Buffer.ExecutableData;
Buffer.ExecutableData = nullptr;
Size = Buffer.Size;
Buffer.Size = 0;
return *this;
~AssembledTest() {
if (ExecutableData != nullptr) {
munmap(ExecutableData, Size);
ExecutableData = nullptr;
void run() const { reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(ExecutableData)(); }
#define LegacyRegAccessors(NewName, Name64, Name32, Name16, Name8) \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##NewName() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint64_t NewName() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##NewName##q() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint64_t NewName##q() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##NewName##d() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint32_t NewName##d() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##NewName##w() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint16_t NewName##w() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##NewName##l() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint8_t NewName##l() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##Name64() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint64_t Name64() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##Name32() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint32_t Name32() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##Name16() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint16_t Name16() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
} \
static_assert(Encoded_GPR_##Name8() == Encoded_GPR_##Name64(), \
"Invalid aliasing."); \
uint8_t Name8() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::Name64##Slot()); \
#define NewRegAccessors(NewName) \
uint64_t NewName() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::NewName##Slot()); \
} \
uint64_t NewName##q() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::NewName##Slot()); \
} \
uint32_t NewName##d() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::NewName##Slot()); \
} \
uint16_t NewName##w() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::NewName##Slot()); \
} \
uint8_t NewName##l() const { \
return contentsOfQword(AssembledTest::NewName##Slot()); \
#define XmmRegAccessor(Name) \
template <typename T> T Name() const { \
return xmm<T>(AssembledTest::Name##Slot()); \
LegacyRegAccessors(r0, rsp, esp, sp, spl);
LegacyRegAccessors(r1, rax, eax, ax, al);
LegacyRegAccessors(r2, rbx, ebx, bx, bl);
LegacyRegAccessors(r3, rcx, ecx, cx, cl);
LegacyRegAccessors(r4, rdx, edx, dx, dl);
LegacyRegAccessors(r5, rbp, ebp, bp, bpl);
LegacyRegAccessors(r6, rsi, esi, si, sil);
LegacyRegAccessors(r7, rdi, edi, di, dil);
#undef XmmRegAccessor
#undef NewRegAccessors
#undef LegacyRegAccessors
// contentsOfDword is used for reading the values in the scratchpad area.
// Valid arguments are the dword ids returned by
// AssemblerX8664Test::allocateDword() -- other inputs are considered
// invalid, and are not guaranteed to work if the implementation changes.
template <typename T = uint32_t, typename = typename std::enable_if<
sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint32_t)>::type>
T contentsOfDword(uint32_t Dword) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(static_cast<uint8_t *>(ExecutableData) +
template <typename T = uint64_t, typename = typename std::enable_if<
sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint64_t)>::type>
T contentsOfQword(uint32_t InitialDword) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(static_cast<uint8_t *>(ExecutableData) +
Dqword contentsOfDqword(uint32_t InitialDword) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<Dqword *>(
static_cast<uint8_t *>(ExecutableData) +
template <typename T = uint32_t, typename = typename std::enable_if<
sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint32_t)>::type>
void setDwordTo(uint32_t Dword, T value) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(static_cast<uint8_t *>(ExecutableData) +
dwordOffset(Dword)) =
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(&value);
template <typename T = uint64_t, typename = typename std::enable_if<
sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint64_t)>::type>
void setQwordTo(uint32_t InitialDword, T value) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(static_cast<uint8_t *>(ExecutableData) +
dwordOffset(InitialDword)) =
*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(&value);
void setDqwordTo(uint32_t InitialDword, const Dqword &qdword) {
setQwordTo(InitialDword, qdword.U64[0]);
setQwordTo(InitialDword + 2, qdword.U64[1]);
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, Dqword>::value, Dqword>::type
xmm(uint8_t Slot) const {
return contentsOfDqword(Slot);
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, Dqword>::value, T>::type
xmm(uint8_t Slot) const {
constexpr bool TIs64Bit = sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint64_t);
using _64BitType = typename std::conditional<TIs64Bit, T, uint64_t>::type;
using _32BitType = typename std::conditional<TIs64Bit, uint32_t, T>::type;
if (TIs64Bit) {
return contentsOfQword<_64BitType>(Slot);
return contentsOfDword<_32BitType>(Slot);
static uint32_t dwordOffset(uint32_t Index) {
return MaximumCodeSize + (Index * 4);
void *ExecutableData = nullptr;
size_t Size;
// assemble created an AssembledTest with the jitted code. The first time
// assemble is executed it will add the epilogue to the jitted code (which is
// the reason why this method is not const qualified.
AssembledTest assemble() {
if (NeedsEpilogue) {
NeedsEpilogue = false;
return AssembledTest(codeBytes(), codeBytesSize(), NumAllocatedDwords);
// Allocates a new dword slot in the test's scratchpad area.
uint32_t allocateDword() { return NumAllocatedDwords++; }
// Allocates a new qword slot in the test's scratchpad area.
uint32_t allocateQword() {
uint32_t InitialDword = allocateDword();
return InitialDword;
// Allocates a new dqword slot in the test's scratchpad area.
uint32_t allocateDqword() {
uint32_t InitialDword = allocateQword();
return InitialDword;
Address dwordAddress(uint32_t Dword) {
return Address(Encoded_GPR_r9(), dwordDisp(Dword));
// e??SlotAddress returns an AssemblerX8664::Traits::Address that can be used
// by the test cases to encode an address operand for accessing the slot for
// the specified register. These are all private for, when jitting the test
// code, tests should not tamper with these values. Besides, during the test
// execution these slots' contents are undefined and should not be accessed.
Address raxSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::raxSlot()); }
Address rbxSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rbxSlot()); }
Address rcxSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rcxSlot()); }
Address rdxSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rdxSlot()); }
Address rdiSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rdiSlot()); }
Address rsiSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rsiSlot()); }
Address rbpSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rbpSlot()); }
Address rspSlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::rspSlot()); }
Address r8SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r8Slot()); }
Address r9SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r9Slot()); }
Address r10SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r10Slot()); }
Address r11SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r11Slot()); }
Address r12SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r12Slot()); }
Address r13SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r13Slot()); }
Address r14SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r14Slot()); }
Address r15SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::r15Slot()); }
Address xmm0SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm0Slot()); }
Address xmm1SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm1Slot()); }
Address xmm2SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm2Slot()); }
Address xmm3SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm3Slot()); }
Address xmm4SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm4Slot()); }
Address xmm5SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm5Slot()); }
Address xmm6SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm6Slot()); }
Address xmm7SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm7Slot()); }
Address xmm8SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm8Slot()); }
Address xmm9SlotAddress() { return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm9Slot()); }
Address xmm10SlotAddress() {
return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm10Slot());
Address xmm11SlotAddress() {
return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm11Slot());
Address xmm12SlotAddress() {
return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm12Slot());
Address xmm13SlotAddress() {
return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm13Slot());
Address xmm14SlotAddress() {
return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm14Slot());
Address xmm15SlotAddress() {
return dwordAddress(AssembledTest::xmm15Slot());
// Returns the displacement that should be used when accessing the specified
// Dword in the scratchpad area. It needs to adjust for the initial
// instructions that are emitted before the call that materializes the IP
// register.
uint32_t dwordDisp(uint32_t Dword) const {
EXPECT_LT(Dword, NumAllocatedDwords);
assert(Dword < NumAllocatedDwords);
static constexpr uint8_t PushR9Bytes = 2;
static constexpr uint8_t CallImmBytes = 5;
return AssembledTest::MaximumCodeSize + (Dword * 4) -
(PushR9Bytes + CallImmBytes);
void addPrologue() {
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r9());
__ call(Immediate(4));
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r9());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rax());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rbx());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rcx());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rdx());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rbp());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rdi());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_rsi());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r8());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r10());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r11());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r12());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r13());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r14());
__ pushl(Encoded_GPR_r15());
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rax(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rbx(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rcx(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rdx(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rbp(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rdi(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_rsi(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r8(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r10(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r11(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r12(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r13(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r14(), Immediate(0x00));
__ mov(IceType_i32, Encoded_GPR_r15(), Immediate(0x00));
void addEpilogue() {
__ mov(IceType_i64, raxSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rax());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rbxSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rbx());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rcxSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rcx());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rdxSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rdx());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rdiSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rdi());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rsiSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rsi());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rbpSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rbp());
__ mov(IceType_i64, rspSlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_rsp());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r8SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r8());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r9SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r9());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r10SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r10());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r11SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r11());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r12SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r12());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r13SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r13());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r14SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r14());
__ mov(IceType_i64, r15SlotAddress(), Encoded_GPR_r15());
__ movups(xmm0SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm0());
__ movups(xmm1SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm1());
__ movups(xmm2SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm2());
__ movups(xmm3SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm3());
__ movups(xmm4SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm4());
__ movups(xmm5SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm5());
__ movups(xmm6SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm6());
__ movups(xmm7SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm7());
__ movups(xmm8SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm8());
__ movups(xmm9SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm9());
__ movups(xmm10SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm10());
__ movups(xmm11SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm11());
__ movups(xmm12SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm12());
__ movups(xmm13SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm13());
__ movups(xmm14SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm14());
__ movups(xmm15SlotAddress(), Encoded_Xmm_xmm15());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r15());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r14());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r13());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r12());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r11());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r10());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r8());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rsi());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rdi());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rbp());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rdx());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rcx());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rbx());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_rax());
__ popl(Encoded_GPR_r9());
__ ret();
bool NeedsEpilogue;
uint32_t NumAllocatedDwords;
} // end of namespace Test
} // end of namespace X8664
} // end of namespace Ice