blob: 45ff3a97a1474a3d739201ad18631abf5a62849c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/unittest/AssemblerX8632/XmmArith.cpp -----------------------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "AssemblerX8632/TestUtil.h"
namespace Ice {
namespace X8632 {
namespace Test {
namespace {
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, ArithSS) {
#define TestArithSSXmmXmm(FloatSize, Src, Value0, Dst, Value1, Inst, Op) \
do { \
static_assert(FloatSize == 32 || FloatSize == 64, \
"Invalid fp size " #FloatSize); \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #FloatSize ", " #Src ", " #Value0 ", " #Dst ", " #Value1 \
", " #Inst ", " #Op ")"; \
static constexpr bool IsDouble = FloatSize == 64; \
using Type = std::conditional<IsDouble, double, float>::type; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateQword(); \
const Type V0 = Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateQword(); \
const Type V1 = Value1; \
__ movss(IceType_f##FloatSize, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movss(IceType_f##FloatSize, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(IceType_f##FloatSize, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
if (IsDouble) { \
test.setQwordTo(T0, static_cast<double>(V0)); \
test.setQwordTo(T1, static_cast<double>(V1)); \
} else { \
test.setDwordTo(T0, static_cast<float>(V0)); \
test.setDwordTo(T1, static_cast<float>(V1)); \
} \
\; \
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(V0 Op V1, test.Dst<Type>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestArithSSXmmAddr(FloatSize, Value0, Dst, Value1, Inst, Op) \
do { \
static_assert(FloatSize == 32 || FloatSize == 64, \
"Invalid fp size " #FloatSize); \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #FloatSize ", Addr, " #Value0 ", " #Dst ", " #Value1 ", " #Inst \
", " #Op ")"; \
static constexpr bool IsDouble = FloatSize == 64; \
using Type = std::conditional<IsDouble, double, float>::type; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateQword(); \
const Type V0 = Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateQword(); \
const Type V1 = Value1; \
__ movss(IceType_f##FloatSize, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_f##FloatSize, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
if (IsDouble) { \
test.setQwordTo(T0, static_cast<double>(V0)); \
test.setQwordTo(T1, static_cast<double>(V1)); \
} else { \
test.setDwordTo(T0, static_cast<float>(V0)); \
test.setDwordTo(T1, static_cast<float>(V1)); \
} \
\; \
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(V0 Op V1, test.Dst<Type>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestArithSS(FloatSize, Src, Dst0, Dst1) \
do { \
TestArithSSXmmXmm(FloatSize, Src, 1.0, Dst0, 10.0, addss, +); \
TestArithSSXmmAddr(FloatSize, 2.0, Dst1, 20.0, addss, +); \
TestArithSSXmmXmm(FloatSize, Src, 3.0, Dst0, 30.0, subss, -); \
TestArithSSXmmAddr(FloatSize, 4.0, Dst1, 40.0, subss, -); \
TestArithSSXmmXmm(FloatSize, Src, 5.0, Dst0, 50.0, mulss, *); \
TestArithSSXmmAddr(FloatSize, 6.0, Dst1, 60.0, mulss, *); \
TestArithSSXmmXmm(FloatSize, Src, 7.0, Dst0, 70.0, divss, / ); \
TestArithSSXmmAddr(FloatSize, 8.0, Dst1, 80.0, divss, / ); \
} while (0)
TestArithSS(32, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2);
TestArithSS(32, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
TestArithSS(32, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4);
TestArithSS(32, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5);
TestArithSS(32, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6);
TestArithSS(32, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7);
TestArithSS(32, xmm6, xmm7, xmm0);
TestArithSS(32, xmm7, xmm0, xmm1);
TestArithSS(64, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2);
TestArithSS(64, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
TestArithSS(64, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4);
TestArithSS(64, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5);
TestArithSS(64, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6);
TestArithSS(64, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7);
TestArithSS(64, xmm6, xmm7, xmm0);
TestArithSS(64, xmm7, xmm0, xmm1);
#undef TestArithSS
#undef TestArithSSXmmAddr
#undef TestArithSSXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, PArith) {
#define TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Inst, Op, Type, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Op \
", " #Type ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type##Size##_t>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPArithXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Inst, Op, Type, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Op \
", " #Type ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type##Size##_t>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPArithXmmImm(Dst, Value0, Imm, Inst, Op, Type, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Imm ", " #Inst ", " #Op ", " #Type \
", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type##Size##_t>(V0) Op Imm, test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPAndnXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Type, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", pandn, " #Type \
", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ pandn(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(~(packedAs<Type##Size##_t>(V0)) & V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPAndnXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Type, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", pandn, " #Type ", " #Size \
")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ pandn(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ((~packedAs<Type##Size##_t>(V0)) & V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPArithSize(Dst, Src, Size) \
do { \
static_assert(Size == 8 || Size == 16 || Size == 32, "Invalid size."); \
if (Size != 8) { \
TestPArithXmmXmm( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(3u), uint64_t(0u)), psra, >>, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(3u), uint64_t(0u)), psra, >>, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmImm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
3u, psra, >>, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(3u), uint64_t(0u)), psrl, >>, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(3u), uint64_t(0u)), psrl, >>, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmImm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
3u, psrl, >>, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(3u), uint64_t(0u)), psll, <<, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(3u), uint64_t(0u)), psll, <<, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmImm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
3u, psll, <<, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pmull, *, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pmull, *, int, Size); \
if (Size != 16) { \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pmuludq, *, uint, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pmuludq, *, uint, Size); \
} \
} \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
padd, +, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
padd, +, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
psub, -, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
psub, -, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pand, &, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pand, &, int, Size); \
TestPAndnXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
int, Size); \
TestPAndnXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
por, |, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
por, |, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmXmm(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), \
uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), \
uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pxor, ^, int, Size); \
TestPArithXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0x8040201008040201ull), uint64_t(0x8080404002020101ull)), \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0123456789ABCDEull)), \
pxor, ^, int, Size); \
} while (0)
#define TestPArith(Src, Dst) \
do { \
TestPArithSize(Src, Dst, 8); \
TestPArithSize(Src, Dst, 16); \
TestPArithSize(Src, Dst, 32); \
} while (0)
TestPArith(xmm0, xmm1);
TestPArith(xmm1, xmm2);
TestPArith(xmm2, xmm3);
TestPArith(xmm3, xmm4);
TestPArith(xmm4, xmm5);
TestPArith(xmm5, xmm6);
TestPArith(xmm6, xmm7);
TestPArith(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestPArith
#undef TestPArithSize
#undef TestPAndnXmmAddr
#undef TestPAndnXmmXmm
#undef TestPArithXmmImm
#undef TestPArithXmmAddr
#undef TestPArithXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, ArithPS) {
#define TestArithPSXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Inst, Op, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Op \
", " #Type ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(IceType_f32, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Inst, Op, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Op \
", " #Type ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestArithPSXmmAddrUntyped(Dst, Value0, Value1, Inst, Op, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Op \
", " #Type ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestMinMaxPS(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Inst, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Type \
")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0).Inst(V1), test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestArithPSXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Inst, Op, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Inst ", " #Op \
", " #Type ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_f32, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestArithPS(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestArithPSXmmXmm(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), addps, +, float); \
TestArithPSXmmAddr(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), addps, +, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmm(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), subps, -, float); \
TestArithPSXmmAddr(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), subps, -, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmm(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), mulps, *, float); \
TestArithPSXmmAddr(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), mulps, *, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmm(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), divps, /, float); \
TestArithPSXmmAddr(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), divps, /, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), andps, &, float); \
TestArithPSXmmAddrUntyped(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), andps, &, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), Src, (0.55, 1.21), andpd, &, \
double); \
TestArithPSXmmAddrUntyped(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), (0.55, 1.21), andpd, &, \
double); \
TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), orps, |, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), Src, (0.55, 1.21), orpd, |, \
double); \
TestMinMaxPS(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), minps, float); \
TestMinMaxPS(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), maxps, float); \
TestMinMaxPS(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), Src, (0.55, 1.21), minpd, double); \
TestMinMaxPS(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), Src, (0.55, 1.21), maxpd, double); \
TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), Src, \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), xorps, ^, float); \
TestArithPSXmmAddrUntyped(Dst, (1.0, 100.0, -1000.0, 20.0), \
(0.55, 0.43, 0.23, 1.21), xorps, ^, float); \
TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), Src, (0.55, 1.21), xorpd, ^, \
double); \
TestArithPSXmmAddrUntyped(Dst, (1.0, -1000.0), (0.55, 1.21), xorpd, ^, \
double); \
} while (0)
#if 0
TestArithPS(xmm0, xmm1);
TestArithPS(xmm1, xmm2);
TestArithPS(xmm2, xmm3);
TestArithPS(xmm3, xmm4);
TestArithPS(xmm4, xmm5);
TestArithPS(xmm5, xmm6);
TestArithPS(xmm6, xmm7);
TestArithPS(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestArithPs
#undef TestMinMaxPS
#undef TestArithPSXmmXmmUntyped
#undef TestArithPSXmmAddr
#undef TestArithPSXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Blending) {
using f32 = float;
using i8 = uint8_t;
#define TestBlendingXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, M /*ask*/, Inst, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #M ", " #Inst \
", " #Type ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
const uint32_t Mask = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword MaskValue M; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_xmm0, dwordAddress(Mask)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(IceType_##Type, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \
test.setDqwordTo(Mask, MaskValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0).blendWith(V1, MaskValue), test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestBlendingXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, M /*ask*/, Inst, Type) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #M ", " #Inst ", " #Type \
")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
const uint32_t Mask = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword MaskValue M; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_xmm0, dwordAddress(Mask)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_##Type, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \
test.setDqwordTo(Mask, MaskValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<Type>(V0).blendWith(V1, MaskValue), test.Dst<Dqword>()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestBlending(Src, Dst) \
do { \
TestBlendingXmmXmm( \
Dst, (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0), Src, (-1.0, -2.0, -1.0, -2.0), \
(uint64_t(0x8000000000000000ull), uint64_t(0x0000000080000000ull)), \
blendvps, f32); \
TestBlendingXmmAddr( \
Dst, (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0), (-1.0, -2.0, -1.0, -2.0), \
(uint64_t(0x8000000000000000ull), uint64_t(0x0000000080000000ull)), \
blendvps, f32); \
TestBlendingXmmXmm( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull), uint64_t(0xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBull)), \
Src, \
(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAull), uint64_t(0xEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEull)), \
(uint64_t(0x8000000000000080ull), uint64_t(0x8080808000000000ull)), \
pblendvb, i8); \
TestBlendingXmmAddr( \
Dst, \
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull), uint64_t(0xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBull)), \
(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAull), uint64_t(0xEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEull)), \
(uint64_t(0x8000000000000080ull), uint64_t(0x8080808000000000ull)), \
pblendvb, i8); \
} while (0)
/* xmm0 is taken. It is the implicit mask . */
TestBlending(xmm1, xmm2);
TestBlending(xmm2, xmm3);
TestBlending(xmm3, xmm4);
TestBlending(xmm4, xmm5);
TestBlending(xmm5, xmm6);
TestBlending(xmm6, xmm7);
TestBlending(xmm7, xmm1);
#undef TestBlending
#undef TestBlendingXmmAddr
#undef TestBlendingXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Cmpps) {
#define TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, C, Op) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Src ", " #Dst ", " #C ", " #Op ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0(-1.0, 1.0, 3.14, 1024.5); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1(-1.0, 1.0, 3.14, 1024.5); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ cmpps(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, \
Cond::Cmpps_##C); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<float>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, C, Op) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Dst ", Addr, " #C ", " #Op ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0(-1.0, 1.0, 3.14, 1024.5); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1(-1.0, 1.0, 3.14, 1024.5); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ cmpps(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1), \
Cond::Cmpps_##C); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<float>(V0) Op V1, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmXmm(Dst, Src, C) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Src ", " #Dst ", " #C ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0(1.0, 1.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), \
std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1(1.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0, \
std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ cmpps(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, \
Cond::Cmpps_##C); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<float>(V0).C(V1), test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmAddr(Dst, C) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Dst ", " #C ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0(1.0, 1.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), \
std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1(1.0, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0, \
std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ cmpps(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1), \
Cond::Cmpps_##C); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(packedAs<float>(V0).C(V1), test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestCmpps(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmXmm(Dst, Src, unord); \
TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmAddr(Dst, unord); \
TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmXmm(Dst, Src, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsXmmAddr(Dst, eq, == ); \
TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmXmm(Dst, Src, unord); \
TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmAddr(Dst, unord); \
} while (0)
TestCmpps(xmm0, xmm1);
TestCmpps(xmm1, xmm2);
TestCmpps(xmm2, xmm3);
TestCmpps(xmm3, xmm4);
TestCmpps(xmm4, xmm5);
TestCmpps(xmm5, xmm6);
TestCmpps(xmm6, xmm7);
TestCmpps(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestCmpps
#undef TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmAddr
#undef TestCmppsOrdUnordXmmXmm
#undef TestCmppsXmmAddr
#undef TestCmppsXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Sqrtps_Rsqrtps_Reciprocalps_Sqrtpd) {
#define TestImplSingle(Dst, Inst, Expect) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Dst ", " #Inst ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0(1.0, 4.0, 20.0, 3.14); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Dqword Expect, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImpl(Dst) \
do { \
TestImplSingle(Dst, sqrtps, (uint64_t(0x400000003F800000ull), \
uint64_t(0x3FE2D10B408F1BBDull))); \
TestImplSingle(Dst, rsqrtps, (uint64_t(0x3EFFF0003F7FF000ull), \
uint64_t(0x3F1078003E64F000ull))); \
TestImplSingle(Dst, reciprocalps, (uint64_t(0x3E7FF0003F7FF000ull), \
uint64_t(0x3EA310003D4CC000ull))); \
TestImplSingle(Dst, sqrtpd, (uint64_t(0x4036A09E9365F5F3ull), \
uint64_t(0x401C42FAE40282A8ull))); \
} while (0)
#undef TestImpl
#undef TestImplSingle
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Unpck) {
const Dqword V0(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull),
const Dqword V1(uint64_t(0xEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFull),
const Dqword unpcklpsExpected(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBull),
const Dqword unpcklpdExpected(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull),
const Dqword unpckhpsExpected(uint64_t(0x88888888DDDDDDDDull),
const Dqword unpckhpdExpected(uint64_t(0xCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDull),
#define TestImplSingle(Dst, Src, Inst) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Dst ", " #Src ", " #Inst ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImpl(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestImplSingle(Dst, Src, unpcklps); \
TestImplSingle(Dst, Src, unpcklpd); \
TestImplSingle(Dst, Src, unpckhps); \
TestImplSingle(Dst, Src, unpckhpd); \
} while (0)
TestImpl(xmm0, xmm1);
TestImpl(xmm1, xmm2);
TestImpl(xmm2, xmm3);
TestImpl(xmm3, xmm4);
TestImpl(xmm4, xmm5);
TestImpl(xmm5, xmm6);
TestImpl(xmm6, xmm7);
TestImpl(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestImpl
#undef TestImplSingle
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Shufp) {
const Dqword V0(uint64_t(0x1111111122222222ull),
const Dqword V1(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull),
const uint8_t pshufdImm = 0x63;
const Dqword pshufdExpected(uint64_t(0xBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCull),
const uint8_t shufpsImm = 0xf9;
const Dqword shufpsExpected(uint64_t(0x7777777711111111ull),
#define TestImplSingleXmmXmm(Dst, Src, Inst) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Dst ", " #Src ", " #Inst ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(IceType_f32, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, Immediate(Inst##Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSingleXmmAddr(Dst, Inst) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = "(" #Dst ", Addr, " #Inst ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_f32, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1), \
Immediate(Inst##Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSingleXmmXmmUntyped(Dst, Src, Inst) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Src ", " #Inst ", Untyped)"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, \
Immediate(Inst##Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##UntypedExpected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImpl(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestImplSingleXmmXmm(Dst, Src, pshufd); \
TestImplSingleXmmAddr(Dst, pshufd); \
TestImplSingleXmmXmm(Dst, Src, shufps); \
TestImplSingleXmmAddr(Dst, shufps); \
} while (0)
TestImpl(xmm0, xmm1);
TestImpl(xmm1, xmm2);
TestImpl(xmm2, xmm3);
TestImpl(xmm3, xmm4);
TestImpl(xmm4, xmm5);
TestImpl(xmm5, xmm6);
TestImpl(xmm6, xmm7);
TestImpl(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestImpl
#undef TestImplSingleXmmXmmUntyped
#undef TestImplSingleXmmAddr
#undef TestImplSingleXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Cvt) {
const Dqword dq2ps32DstValue(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const Dqword dq2ps32SrcValue(-5, 3, 100, 200);
const Dqword dq2ps32Expected(-5.0f, 3.0f, 100.0, 200.0);
const Dqword dq2ps64DstValue(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const Dqword dq2ps64SrcValue(-5, 3, 100, 200);
const Dqword dq2ps64Expected(-5.0f, 3.0f, 100.0, 200.0);
const Dqword tps2dq32DstValue(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const Dqword tps2dq32SrcValue(-5.0f, 3.0f, 100.0, 200.0);
const Dqword tps2dq32Expected(-5, 3, 100, 200);
const Dqword tps2dq64DstValue(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const Dqword tps2dq64SrcValue(-5.0f, 3.0f, 100.0, 200.0);
const Dqword tps2dq64Expected(-5, 3, 100, 200);
const Dqword si2ss32DstValue(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const int32_t si2ss32SrcValue = 5;
const Dqword si2ss32Expected(5.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const Dqword si2ss64DstValue(-1.0, -1.0);
const int32_t si2ss64SrcValue = 5;
const Dqword si2ss64Expected(5.0, -1.0);
const int32_t tss2si32DstValue = 0xF00F0FF0;
const Dqword tss2si32SrcValue(-5.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const int32_t tss2si32Expected = -5;
const int32_t tss2si64DstValue = 0xF00F0FF0;
const Dqword tss2si64SrcValue(-5.0, -1.0);
const int32_t tss2si64Expected = -5;
const Dqword float2float32DstValue(-1.0, -1.0);
const Dqword float2float32SrcValue(-5.0, 3, 100, 200);
const Dqword float2float32Expected(-5.0, -1.0);
const Dqword float2float64DstValue(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
const Dqword float2float64SrcValue(-5.0, 3.0);
const Dqword float2float64Expected(-5.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
#define TestImplPXmmXmm(Dst, Src, Inst, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Src ", cvt" #Inst ", f" #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ cvt##Inst(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, Inst##Size##DstValue); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, Inst##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Size##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSXmmReg(Dst, GPR, Inst, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #GPR ", cvt" #Inst ", f" #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, \
Immediate(Inst##Size##SrcValue)); \
__ cvt##Inst(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, Inst##Size##DstValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Size##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSRegXmm(GPR, Src, Inst, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #GPR ", " #Src ", cvt" #Inst ", f" #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, \
Immediate(Inst##Size##DstValue)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ cvt##Inst(IceType_f##Size, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, Inst##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(Inst##Size##Expected), test.GPR()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplPXmmAddr(Dst, Inst, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", Addr, cvt" #Inst ", f" #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ cvt##Inst(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, Inst##Size##DstValue); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, Inst##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Size##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSXmmAddr(Dst, Inst, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", Addr, cvt" #Inst ", f" #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ cvt##Inst(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, Inst##Size##DstValue); \
test.setDwordTo(T1, Inst##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Inst##Size##Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSRegAddr(GPR, Inst, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #GPR ", Addr, cvt" #Inst ", f" #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, \
Immediate(Inst##Size##DstValue)); \
__ cvt##Inst(IceType_f##Size, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, \
dwordAddress(T0)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, Inst##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(Inst##Size##Expected), test.GPR()) \
<< TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSize(Dst, Src, GPR, Size) \
do { \
TestImplPXmmXmm(Dst, Src, dq2ps, Size); \
TestImplPXmmAddr(Src, dq2ps, Size); \
TestImplPXmmXmm(Dst, Src, tps2dq, Size); \
TestImplPXmmAddr(Src, tps2dq, Size); \
TestImplSXmmReg(Dst, GPR, si2ss, Size); \
TestImplSXmmAddr(Dst, si2ss, Size); \
TestImplSRegXmm(GPR, Src, tss2si, Size); \
TestImplSRegAddr(GPR, tss2si, Size); \
TestImplPXmmXmm(Dst, Src, float2float, Size); \
TestImplPXmmAddr(Src, float2float, Size); \
} while (0)
#define TestImpl(Dst, Src, GPR) \
do { \
TestImplSize(Dst, Src, GPR, 32); \
TestImplSize(Dst, Src, GPR, 64); \
} while (0)
TestImpl(xmm0, xmm1, eax);
TestImpl(xmm1, xmm2, ebx);
TestImpl(xmm2, xmm3, ecx);
TestImpl(xmm3, xmm4, edx);
TestImpl(xmm4, xmm5, esi);
TestImpl(xmm5, xmm6, edi);
TestImpl(xmm6, xmm7, eax);
TestImpl(xmm7, xmm0, ebx);
#undef TestImpl
#undef TestImplSize
#undef TestImplSRegAddr
#undef TestImplSXmmAddr
#undef TestImplPXmmAddr
#undef TestImplSRegXmm
#undef TestImplSXmmReg
#undef TestImplPXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Ucomiss) {
static constexpr float qnan32 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
static constexpr double qnan64 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
Dqword test32DstValue(0.0, qnan32, qnan32, qnan32);
Dqword test32SrcValue(0.0, qnan32, qnan32, qnan32);
Dqword test64DstValue(0.0, qnan64);
Dqword test64SrcValue(0.0, qnan64);
#define TestImplXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size, CompType, BParity, \
BOther) \
do { \
static constexpr char NearBranch = AssemblerX8632::kNearJump; \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Size ", " #CompType \
", " #BParity ", " #BOther ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
test##Size##DstValue.F##Size[0] = Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
test##Size##SrcValue.F##Size[0] = Value1; \
const uint32_t ImmIfTrue = 0xBEEF; \
const uint32_t ImmIfFalse = 0xC0FFE; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_eax, Immediate(ImmIfFalse)); \
__ ucomiss(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
Label Done; \
__ j(Cond::Br_##BParity, &Done, NearBranch); \
__ j(Cond::Br_##BOther, &Done, NearBranch); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_eax, Immediate(ImmIfTrue)); \
__ bind(&Done); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, test##Size##DstValue); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, test##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(ImmIfTrue, test.eax()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Size, CompType, BParity, BOther) \
do { \
static constexpr char NearBranch = AssemblerX8632::kNearJump; \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Size ", " #CompType \
", " #BParity ", " #BOther ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
test##Size##DstValue.F##Size[0] = Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
test##Size##SrcValue.F##Size[0] = Value1; \
const uint32_t ImmIfTrue = 0xBEEF; \
const uint32_t ImmIfFalse = 0xC0FFE; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_eax, Immediate(ImmIfFalse)); \
__ ucomiss(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
Label Done; \
__ j(Cond::Br_##BParity, &Done, NearBranch); \
__ j(Cond::Br_##BOther, &Done, NearBranch); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_eax, Immediate(ImmIfTrue)); \
__ bind(&Done); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, test##Size##DstValue); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, test##Size##SrcValue); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(ImmIfTrue, test.eax()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplCond(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size, CompType, BParity, \
BOther) \
do { \
TestImplXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size, CompType, BParity, BOther); \
TestImplXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Size, CompType, BParity, BOther); \
} while (0)
#define TestImplSize(Dst, Src, Size) \
do { \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, 1.0, Size, isEq, p, ne); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, 2.0, Size, isNe, p, e); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, 2.0, Size, isLe, p, a); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, 1.0, Size, isLe, p, a); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, 2.0, Size, isLt, p, ae); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 2.0, Src, 1.0, Size, isGe, p, b); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, 1.0, Size, isGe, p, b); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 2.0, Src, 1.0, Size, isGt, p, be); \
TestImplCond(Dst, qnan##Size, Src, 1.0, Size, isUnord, np, o); \
TestImplCond(Dst, 1.0, Src, qnan##Size, Size, isUnord, np, s); \
TestImplCond(Dst, qnan##Size, Src, qnan##Size, Size, isUnord, np, s); \
} while (0)
#define TestImpl(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestImplSize(Dst, Src, 32); \
TestImplSize(Dst, Src, 64); \
} while (0)
TestImpl(xmm0, xmm1);
TestImpl(xmm1, xmm2);
TestImpl(xmm2, xmm3);
TestImpl(xmm3, xmm4);
TestImpl(xmm4, xmm5);
TestImpl(xmm5, xmm6);
TestImpl(xmm6, xmm7);
TestImpl(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestImpl
#undef TestImplSize
#undef TestImplCond
#undef TestImplXmmAddr
#undef TestImplXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Sqrtss) {
Dqword test32SrcValue(-100.0, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0);
Dqword test32DstValue(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
Dqword test64SrcValue(-100.0, -100.0);
Dqword test64DstValue(-1.0, -1.0);
#define TestSqrtssXmmXmm(Dst, Src, Value1, Result, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Result ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
test##Size##SrcValue.F##Size[0] = Value1; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ sqrtss(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, test##Size##SrcValue); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, test##Size##DstValue); \; \
Dqword Expected = test##Size##DstValue; \
Expected.F##Size[0] = Result; \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestSqrtssXmmAddr(Dst, Value1, Result, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Result ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
test##Size##SrcValue.F##Size[0] = Value1; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ sqrtss(IceType_f##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T0)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, test##Size##SrcValue); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, test##Size##DstValue); \; \
Dqword Expected = test##Size##DstValue; \
Expected.F##Size[0] = Result; \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestSqrtssSize(Dst, Src, Size) \
do { \
TestSqrtssXmmXmm(Dst, Src, 4.0, 2.0, Size); \
TestSqrtssXmmAddr(Dst, 4.0, 2.0, Size); \
TestSqrtssXmmXmm(Dst, Src, 9.0, 3.0, Size); \
TestSqrtssXmmAddr(Dst, 9.0, 3.0, Size); \
TestSqrtssXmmXmm(Dst, Src, 100.0, 10.0, Size); \
TestSqrtssXmmAddr(Dst, 100.0, 10.0, Size); \
} while (0)
#define TestSqrtss(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestSqrtssSize(Dst, Src, 32); \
TestSqrtssSize(Dst, Src, 64); \
} while (0)
TestSqrtss(xmm0, xmm1);
TestSqrtss(xmm1, xmm2);
TestSqrtss(xmm2, xmm3);
TestSqrtss(xmm3, xmm4);
TestSqrtss(xmm4, xmm5);
TestSqrtss(xmm5, xmm6);
TestSqrtss(xmm6, xmm7);
TestSqrtss(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestSqrtss
#undef TestSqrtssSize
#undef TestSqrtssXmmAddr
#undef TestSqrtssXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Insertps) {
#define TestInsertpsXmmXmmImm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Imm, Expected) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Imm ", " #Expected \
")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ insertps(IceType_v4f32, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Dqword Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestInsertpsXmmAddrImm(Dst, Value0, Value1, Imm, Expected) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Imm ", " #Expected ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ insertps(IceType_v4f32, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1), Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
ASSERT_EQ(Dqword Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestInsertps(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestInsertpsXmmXmmImm( \
Dst, (uint64_t(-1), uint64_t(-1)), Src, \
(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), uint64_t(0xCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDull)), \
0x99, \
(uint64_t(0xDDDDDDDD00000000ull), uint64_t(0x00000000FFFFFFFFull))); \
TestInsertpsXmmAddrImm( \
Dst, (uint64_t(-1), uint64_t(-1)), \
(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), uint64_t(0xCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDull)), \
0x99, \
(uint64_t(0xBBBBBBBB00000000ull), uint64_t(0x00000000FFFFFFFFull))); \
TestInsertpsXmmXmmImm( \
Dst, (uint64_t(-1), uint64_t(-1)), Src, \
(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), uint64_t(0xCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDull)), \
0x9D, \
(uint64_t(0xDDDDDDDD00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0000000000000000ull))); \
TestInsertpsXmmAddrImm( \
Dst, (uint64_t(-1), uint64_t(-1)), \
(uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), uint64_t(0xCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDull)), \
0x9D, \
(uint64_t(0xBBBBBBBB00000000ull), uint64_t(0x0000000000000000ull))); \
} while (0)
TestInsertps(xmm0, xmm1);
TestInsertps(xmm1, xmm2);
TestInsertps(xmm2, xmm3);
TestInsertps(xmm3, xmm4);
TestInsertps(xmm4, xmm5);
TestInsertps(xmm5, xmm6);
TestInsertps(xmm6, xmm7);
TestInsertps(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestInsertps
#undef TestInsertpsXmmXmmAddr
#undef TestInsertpsXmmXmmImm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Pinsr) {
static constexpr uint8_t Mask32 = 0x03;
static constexpr uint8_t Mask16 = 0x07;
static constexpr uint8_t Mask8 = 0x0F;
#define TestPinsrXmmGPRImm(Dst, Value0, GPR, Value1, Imm, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #GPR ", " #Value1 ", " #Imm ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ mov(IceType_i32, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, Immediate(Value1)); \
__ pinsr(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \; \
constexpr uint8_t sel = (Imm)&Mask##Size; \
Dqword Expected = V0; \
Expected.U##Size[sel] = Value1; \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPinsrXmmAddrImm(Dst, Value0, Value1, Imm, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Imm ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDword(); \
const uint32_t V1 = Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ pinsr(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1), Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
constexpr uint8_t sel = (Imm)&Mask##Size; \
Dqword Expected = V0; \
Expected.U##Size[sel] = Value1; \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPinsrSize(Dst, GPR, Value1, Imm, Size) \
do { \
TestPinsrXmmGPRImm(Dst, (uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), \
uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDull)), \
GPR, Value1, Imm, Size); \
TestPinsrXmmAddrImm(Dst, (uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), \
uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDull)), \
Value1, Imm, Size); \
} while (0)
#define TestPinsr(Src, Dst) \
do { \
TestPinsrSize(Src, Dst, 0xEE, 0x03, 8); \
TestPinsrSize(Src, Dst, 0xFFEE, 0x03, 16); \
TestPinsrSize(Src, Dst, 0xC0FFEE, 0x03, 32); \
} while (0)
TestPinsr(xmm0, eax);
TestPinsr(xmm1, ebx);
TestPinsr(xmm2, ecx);
TestPinsr(xmm3, edx);
TestPinsr(xmm4, esi);
TestPinsr(xmm5, edi);
TestPinsr(xmm6, eax);
TestPinsr(xmm7, ebx);
#undef TestPinsr
#undef TestPinsrSize
#undef TestPinsrXmmAddrImm
#undef TestPinsrXmmGPRImm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Pextr) {
static constexpr uint8_t Mask32 = 0x03;
static constexpr uint8_t Mask16 = 0x07;
static constexpr uint8_t Mask8 = 0x0F;
#define TestPextrGPRXmmImm(GPR, Src, Value1, Imm, Size) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #GPR ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Imm ", " #Size ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ pextr(IceType_i##Size, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##GPR, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \; \
constexpr uint8_t sel = (Imm)&Mask##Size; \
ASSERT_EQ(V0.U##Size[sel], test.GPR()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPextrSize(GPR, Src, Value1, Imm, Size) \
do { \
TestPextrGPRXmmImm(GPR, Src, (uint64_t(0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBull), \
uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDull)), \
Imm, Size); \
} while (0)
#define TestPextr(Src, Dst) \
do { \
TestPextrSize(Src, Dst, 0xEE, 0x03, 8); \
TestPextrSize(Src, Dst, 0xFFEE, 0x03, 16); \
TestPextrSize(Src, Dst, 0xC0FFEE, 0x03, 32); \
} while (0)
TestPextr(eax, xmm0);
TestPextr(ebx, xmm1);
TestPextr(ecx, xmm2);
TestPextr(edx, xmm3);
TestPextr(esi, xmm4);
TestPextr(edi, xmm5);
TestPextr(eax, xmm6);
TestPextr(ebx, xmm7);
#undef TestPextr
#undef TestPextrSize
#undef TestPextrXmmGPRImm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Pcmpeq_Pcmpgt) {
#define TestPcmpXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size, Inst, Op) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", " #Src ", " #Value1 ", " #Size ", " #Op ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ Inst(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
Dqword Expected(uint64_t(0), uint64_t(0)); \
static constexpr uint8_t ArraySize = \
sizeof(Dqword) / sizeof(uint##Size##_t); \
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ArraySize; ++i) { \
Expected.I##Size[i] = (V1.I##Size[i] Op V0.I##Size[i]) ? -1 : 0; \
} \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPcmpXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Size, Inst, Op) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Value0 ", Addr, " #Value1 ", " #Size ", " #Op ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0 Value0; \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1 Value1; \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ Inst(IceType_i##Size, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, \
dwordAddress(T1)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
Dqword Expected(uint64_t(0), uint64_t(0)); \
static constexpr uint8_t ArraySize = \
sizeof(Dqword) / sizeof(uint##Size##_t); \
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ArraySize; ++i) { \
Expected.I##Size[i] = (V1.I##Size[i] Op V0.I##Size[i]) ? -1 : 0; \
} \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestPcmpValues(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size) \
do { \
TestPcmpXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size, pcmpeq, == ); \
TestPcmpXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Size, pcmpeq, == ); \
TestPcmpXmmXmm(Dst, Value0, Src, Value1, Size, pcmpgt, < ); \
TestPcmpXmmAddr(Dst, Value0, Value1, Size, pcmpgt, < ); \
} while (0)
#define TestPcmpSize(Dst, Src, Size) \
do { \
TestPcmpValues(Dst, (uint64_t(0x8888888888888888ull), \
uint64_t(0x0000000000000000ull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0x0000008800008800ull), \
uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull)), \
Size); \
TestPcmpValues(Dst, (uint64_t(0x123567ABAB55DE01ull), \
uint64_t(0x12345abcde12345Aull)), \
Src, (uint64_t(0x0000008800008800ull), \
uint64_t(0xAABBCCDD1234321Aull)), \
Size); \
} while (0)
#define TestPcmp(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestPcmpSize(xmm0, xmm1, 8); \
TestPcmpSize(xmm0, xmm1, 16); \
TestPcmpSize(xmm0, xmm1, 32); \
} while (0)
TestPcmp(xmm0, xmm1);
TestPcmp(xmm1, xmm2);
TestPcmp(xmm2, xmm3);
TestPcmp(xmm3, xmm4);
TestPcmp(xmm4, xmm5);
TestPcmp(xmm5, xmm6);
TestPcmp(xmm6, xmm7);
TestPcmp(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestPcmp
#undef TestPcmpSize
#undef TestPcmpValues
#undef TestPcmpXmmAddr
#undef TestPcmpXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Roundsd) {
#define TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, Mode, Input, RN) \
do { \
static constexpr char TestString[] = \
"(" #Dst ", " #Src ", " #Mode ", " #Input ", " #RN ")"; \
const uint32_t T0 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V0(-3.0, -3.0); \
const uint32_t T1 = allocateDqword(); \
const Dqword V1(double(Input), -123.4); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, dwordAddress(T0)); \
__ movups(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, dwordAddress(T1)); \
__ roundsd(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Dst, XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, \
AssemblerX8632::k##Mode); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \
test.setDqwordTo(T0, V0); \
test.setDqwordTo(T1, V1); \; \
const Dqword Expected(double(RN), -3.0); \
EXPECT_EQ(Expected, test.Dst<Dqword>()) << TestString; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
#define TestRoundsd(Dst, Src) \
do { \
TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, RoundToNearest, 5.51, 6); \
TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, RoundToNearest, 5.49, 5); \
TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, RoundDown, 5.51, 5); \
TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, RoundUp, 5.49, 6); \
TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, RoundToZero, 5.49, 5); \
TestRoundsdXmmXmm(Dst, Src, RoundToZero, 5.51, 5); \
} while (0)
TestRoundsd(xmm0, xmm1);
TestRoundsd(xmm1, xmm2);
TestRoundsd(xmm2, xmm3);
TestRoundsd(xmm3, xmm4);
TestRoundsd(xmm4, xmm5);
TestRoundsd(xmm5, xmm6);
TestRoundsd(xmm6, xmm7);
TestRoundsd(xmm7, xmm0);
#undef TestRoundsd
#undef TestRoundsdXmmXmm
TEST_F(AssemblerX8632Test, Set1ps) {
#define TestImpl(Xmm, Src, Imm) \
do { \
__ set1ps(XmmRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Xmm, GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_##Src, \
Immediate(Imm)); \
AssembledTest test = assemble(); \; \
const Dqword Expected((uint64_t(Imm) << 32) | uint32_t(Imm), \
(uint64_t(Imm) << 32) | uint32_t(Imm)); \
ASSERT_EQ(Expected, test.Xmm<Dqword>()) \
<< "(" #Xmm ", " #Src ", " #Imm ")"; \
reset(); \
} while (0)
TestImpl(xmm0, ebx, 1);
TestImpl(xmm1, ecx, 2);
TestImpl(xmm2, edx, 3);
TestImpl(xmm3, esi, 4);
TestImpl(xmm4, edi, 5);
TestImpl(xmm5, eax, 6);
TestImpl(xmm6, ebx, 7);
TestImpl(xmm7, ecx, 8);
#undef TestImpl
} // end of anonymous namespace
} // end of namespace Test
} // end of namespace X8632
} // end of namespace Ice