blob: fea1a8fef3caf72fc960f5c18d6c91ed9ead38e8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceTargetLoweringX8664Traits.h - x86-64 traits -*- C++ -*-=//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file declares the X8664 Target Lowering Traits.
#include "IceAssembler.h"
#include "IceConditionCodesX8664.h"
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceInst.h"
#include "IceInstX8664.def"
#include "IceOperand.h"
#include "IceRegistersX8664.h"
#include "IceTargetLowering.h"
namespace Ice {
class TargetX8664;
namespace X8664 {
class AssemblerX8664;
} // end of namespace X8664
namespace X86Internal {
template <class Machine> struct Insts;
template <class Machine> struct MachineTraits;
template <> struct MachineTraits<TargetX8664> {
// ______ ______ __ __
// /\ __ \/\ ___\/\ "-./ \
// \ \ __ \ \___ \ \ \-./\ \
// \ \_\ \_\/\_____\ \_\ \ \_\
// \/_/\/_/\/_____/\/_/ \/_/
static constexpr bool Is64Bit = true;
static constexpr bool HasPopa = false;
static constexpr bool HasPusha = false;
static constexpr bool UsesX87 = false;
static constexpr ::Ice::RegX8664::GPRRegister Last8BitGPR =
enum ScaleFactor { TIMES_1 = 0, TIMES_2 = 1, TIMES_4 = 2, TIMES_8 = 3 };
using GPRRegister = ::Ice::RegX8664::GPRRegister;
using XmmRegister = ::Ice::RegX8664::XmmRegister;
using ByteRegister = ::Ice::RegX8664::ByteRegister;
using Cond = ::Ice::CondX8664;
using RegisterSet = ::Ice::RegX8664;
static const GPRRegister Encoded_Reg_Accumulator = RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_eax;
static const GPRRegister Encoded_Reg_Counter = RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ecx;
static const FixupKind PcRelFixup = llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32; // TODO(jpp): ???
class Operand {
enum RexBits {
RexNone = 0x00,
RexBase = 0x40,
RexW = RexBase | (1 << 3),
RexR = RexBase | (1 << 2),
RexX = RexBase | (1 << 1),
RexB = RexBase | (1 << 0),
Operand(const Operand &other)
: fixup_(other.fixup_), rex_(other.rex_), length_(other.length_) {
memmove(&encoding_[0], &other.encoding_[0], other.length_);
Operand &operator=(const Operand &other) {
length_ = other.length_;
fixup_ = other.fixup_;
rex_ = other.rex_;
memmove(&encoding_[0], &other.encoding_[0], other.length_);
return *this;
uint8_t mod() const { return (encoding_at(0) >> 6) & 3; }
uint8_t rexX() const { return (rex_ & RexX) != RexX ? RexNone : RexX; }
uint8_t rexB() const { return (rex_ & RexB) != RexB ? RexNone : RexB; }
GPRRegister rm() const {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexB() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
(encoding_at(0) & 7));
ScaleFactor scale() const {
return static_cast<ScaleFactor>((encoding_at(1) >> 6) & 3);
GPRRegister index() const {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexX() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
((encoding_at(1) >> 3) & 7));
GPRRegister base() const {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexB() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
(encoding_at(1) & 7));
int8_t disp8() const {
assert(length_ >= 2);
return static_cast<int8_t>(encoding_[length_ - 1]);
int32_t disp32() const {
assert(length_ >= 5);
return bit_copy<int32_t>(encoding_[length_ - 4]);
AssemblerFixup *fixup() const { return fixup_; }
Operand() : fixup_(nullptr), length_(0) {} // Needed by subclass Address.
void SetModRM(int mod, GPRRegister rm) {
assert((mod & ~3) == 0);
encoding_[0] = (mod << 6) | (rm & 0x07);
rex_ = (rm & 0x08) ? RexB : RexNone;
length_ = 1;
void SetSIB(ScaleFactor scale, GPRRegister index, GPRRegister base) {
assert(length_ == 1);
assert((scale & ~3) == 0);
encoding_[1] = (scale << 6) | ((index & 0x07) << 3) | (base & 0x07);
rex_ =
((base & 0x08) ? RexB : RexNone) | ((index & 0x08) ? RexX : RexNone);
length_ = 2;
void SetDisp8(int8_t disp) {
assert(length_ == 1 || length_ == 2);
encoding_[length_++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(disp);
void SetDisp32(int32_t disp) {
assert(length_ == 1 || length_ == 2);
intptr_t disp_size = sizeof(disp);
memmove(&encoding_[length_], &disp, disp_size);
length_ += disp_size;
void SetFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup) { fixup_ = fixup; }
AssemblerFixup *fixup_;
uint8_t rex_ = 0;
uint8_t encoding_[6];
uint8_t length_;
explicit Operand(GPRRegister reg) : fixup_(nullptr) { SetModRM(3, reg); }
/// Get the operand encoding byte at the given index.
uint8_t encoding_at(intptr_t index) const {
assert(index >= 0 && index < length_);
return encoding_[index];
/// Returns whether or not this operand is really the given register in
/// disguise. Used from the assembler to generate better encodings.
bool IsRegister(GPRRegister reg) const {
return ((encoding_[0] & 0xF8) ==
0xC0) // Addressing mode is register only.
(rm() == reg); // Register codes match.
template <class> friend class AssemblerX86Base;
class Address : public Operand {
Address() = delete;
Address(const Address &other) : Operand(other) {}
Address &operator=(const Address &other) {
return *this;
Address(GPRRegister base, int32_t disp) {
if (disp == 0 && (base & 7) != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ebp) {
SetModRM(0, base);
if ((base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp)
SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp, base);
} else if (Utils::IsInt(8, disp)) {
SetModRM(1, base);
if ((base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp)
SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp, base);
} else {
SetModRM(2, base);
if ((base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp)
SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp, base);
Address(GPRRegister index, ScaleFactor scale, int32_t disp) {
assert(index != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp); // Illegal addressing mode.
SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp);
SetSIB(scale, index, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ebp);
Address(GPRRegister base, GPRRegister index, ScaleFactor scale,
int32_t disp) {
assert(index != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp); // Illegal addressing mode.
if (disp == 0 && (base & 7) != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ebp) {
SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp);
SetSIB(scale, index, base);
} else if (Utils::IsInt(8, disp)) {
SetModRM(1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp);
SetSIB(scale, index, base);
} else {
SetModRM(2, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_esp);
SetSIB(scale, index, base);
// PcRelTag is a special tag for requesting rip-relative addressing in
// X86-64.
// TODO(jpp): this is bogus. remove.
enum AbsoluteTag { ABSOLUTE };
Address(AbsoluteTag, const uintptr_t Addr) {
SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ebp);
// TODO(jpp): remove this.
static Address Absolute(const uintptr_t Addr) {
return Address(ABSOLUTE, Addr);
Address(AbsoluteTag, RelocOffsetT Offset, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ebp);
// Use the Offset in the displacement for now. If we decide to process
// fixups later, we'll need to patch up the emitted displacement.
// TODO(jpp): remove this.
static Address Absolute(RelocOffsetT Offset, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
return Address(ABSOLUTE, Offset, Fixup);
static Address ofConstPool(Assembler *Asm, const Constant *Imm) {
// TODO(jpp): ???
AssemblerFixup *Fixup = Asm->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_32, Imm);
const RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
return Address(ABSOLUTE, Offset, Fixup);
// __ ______ __ __ ______ ______ __ __ __ ______
// /\ \ /\ __ \/\ \ _ \ \/\ ___\/\ == \/\ \/\ "-.\ \/\ ___\
// \ \ \___\ \ \/\ \ \ \/ ".\ \ \ __\\ \ __<\ \ \ \ \-. \ \ \__ \
// \ \_____\ \_____\ \__/".~\_\ \_____\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\\"\_\ \_____\
// \/_____/\/_____/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/\/_/ /_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/
using Assembler = X8664::AssemblerX8664;
} // end of namespace X86Internal
namespace X8664 {
using Traits = ::Ice::X86Internal::MachineTraits<TargetX8664>;
} // end of namespace X8664
} // end of namespace Ice