blob: cf0078aa6a518ccdde7009447485934b87e26d56 [file] [log] [blame]
; Show that we know how to encode the dmb instruction.
; REQUIRES: allow_dump
; Compile using standalone assembler.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=asm -i %s --target=arm32 --args -Om1 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ASM
; Show bytes in assembled standalone code.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=asm -i %s --target=arm32 --assemble --disassemble \
; RUN: --args -Om1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DIS
; Compile using integrated assembler.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=iasm -i %s --target=arm32 --args -Om1 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=IASM
; Show bytes in assembled integrated code.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=iasm -i %s --target=arm32 --assemble --disassemble \
; RUN: --args -Om1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DIS
declare i8 @llvm.nacl.atomic.load.i8(i8*, i32)
define internal i32 @test_atomic_load_8(i32 %iptr) {
; ASM-LABEL:test_atomic_load_8:
; DIS-LABEL:00000000 <test_atomic_load_8>:
; IASM-LABEL:test_atomic_load_8:
; ASM-NEXT:.Ltest_atomic_load_8$entry:
; IASM-NEXT:.Ltest_atomic_load_8$entry:
; ASM-NEXT: sub sp, sp, #12
; DIS-NEXT: 0: e24dd00c
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xc
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xd0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x4d
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe2
; ASM-NEXT: str r0, [sp, #8]
; ASM-NEXT: # [sp, #8] = def.pseudo
; DIS-NEXT: 4: e58d0008
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x8
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x8d
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe5
%ptr = inttoptr i32 %iptr to i8*
; parameter value "6" is for the sequential consistency memory order.
%i = call i8 @llvm.nacl.atomic.load.i8(i8* %ptr, i32 6)
; ASM-NEXT: ldr r0, [sp, #8]
; DIS-NEXT: 8: e59d0008
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x8
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x9d
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe5
; ASM-NEXT: ldrb r0, [r0]
; DIS-NEXT: c: e5d00000
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xd0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe5
; ASM-NEXT: dmb sy
; DIS-NEXT: 10: f57ff05f
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x5f
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xf0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x7f
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xf5
%r = zext i8 %i to i32
ret i32 %r