blob: f92bf016a342b078070bb57844ecd8bf4b488b9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Validates ray query instructions from SPV_KHR_ray_query
#include "source/opcode.h"
#include "source/val/instruction.h"
#include "source/val/validate.h"
#include "source/val/validation_state.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace val {
namespace {
spv_result_t ValidateRayQueryPointer(ValidationState_t& _,
const Instruction* inst,
uint32_t ray_query_index) {
const uint32_t ray_query_id = inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(ray_query_index);
auto variable = _.FindDef(ray_query_id);
if (!variable || (variable->opcode() != SpvOpVariable &&
variable->opcode() != SpvOpFunctionParameter)) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray Query must be a memory object declaration";
auto pointer = _.FindDef(variable->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(0));
if (!pointer || pointer->opcode() != SpvOpTypePointer) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray Query must be a pointer";
auto type = _.FindDef(pointer->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2));
if (!type || type->opcode() != SpvOpTypeRayQueryKHR) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray Query must be a pointer to OpTypeRayQueryKHR";
spv_result_t ValidateIntersectionId(ValidationState_t& _,
const Instruction* inst,
uint32_t intersection_index) {
const uint32_t intersection_id =
const uint32_t intersection_type = _.GetTypeId(intersection_id);
const SpvOp intersection_opcode = _.GetIdOpcode(intersection_id);
if (!_.IsIntScalarType(intersection_type) ||
_.GetBitWidth(intersection_type) != 32 ||
!spvOpcodeIsConstant(intersection_opcode)) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Intersection ID to be a constant 32-bit int scalar";
} // namespace
spv_result_t RayQueryPass(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {
const SpvOp opcode = inst->opcode();
const uint32_t result_type = inst->type_id();
switch (opcode) {
case SpvOpRayQueryInitializeKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 0)) return error;
if (_.GetIdOpcode(_.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 1)) !=
SpvOpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Expected Acceleration Structure to be of type "
const uint32_t ray_flags = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
if (!_.IsIntScalarType(ray_flags) || _.GetBitWidth(ray_flags) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray Flags must be a 32-bit int scalar";
const uint32_t cull_mask = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);
if (!_.IsIntScalarType(cull_mask) || _.GetBitWidth(cull_mask) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Cull Mask must be a 32-bit int scalar";
const uint32_t ray_origin = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 4);
if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(ray_origin) || _.GetDimension(ray_origin) != 3 ||
_.GetBitWidth(ray_origin) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray Origin must be a 32-bit float 3-component vector";
const uint32_t ray_tmin = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 5);
if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(ray_tmin) || _.GetBitWidth(ray_tmin) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray TMin must be a 32-bit float scalar";
const uint32_t ray_direction = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 6);
if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(ray_direction) ||
_.GetDimension(ray_direction) != 3 ||
_.GetBitWidth(ray_direction) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray Direction must be a 32-bit float 3-component vector";
const uint32_t ray_tmax = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 7);
if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(ray_tmax) || _.GetBitWidth(ray_tmax) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Ray TMax must be a 32-bit float scalar";
case SpvOpRayQueryTerminateKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 0)) return error;
case SpvOpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 0)) return error;
const uint32_t hit_t_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 1);
if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(hit_t_id) || _.GetBitWidth(hit_t_id) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "Hit T must be a 32-bit float scalar";
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryProceedKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 2)) return error;
if (!_.IsBoolScalarType(result_type)) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type to be bool scalar type";
if (opcode == SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR) {
if (auto error = ValidateIntersectionId(_, inst, 3)) return error;
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 2)) return error;
if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type) ||
_.GetBitWidth(result_type) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type to be 32-bit float scalar type";
if (opcode == SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR) {
if (auto error = ValidateIntersectionId(_, inst, 3)) return error;
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 2)) return error;
if (!_.IsIntScalarType(result_type) || _.GetBitWidth(result_type) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type to be 32-bit int scalar type";
if (opcode != SpvOpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR) {
if (auto error = ValidateIntersectionId(_, inst, 3)) return error;
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 2)) return error;
if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type) ||
_.GetDimension(result_type) != 3 ||
_.GetBitWidth(result_type) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type to be 32-bit float 3-component "
"vector type";
if (opcode == SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR ||
opcode == SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR) {
if (auto error = ValidateIntersectionId(_, inst, 3)) return error;
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 2)) return error;
if (auto error = ValidateIntersectionId(_, inst, 3)) return error;
if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type) ||
_.GetDimension(result_type) != 2 ||
_.GetBitWidth(result_type) != 32) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type to be 32-bit float 2-component "
"vector type";
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR:
case SpvOpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR: {
if (auto error = ValidateRayQueryPointer(_, inst, 2)) return error;
if (auto error = ValidateIntersectionId(_, inst, 3)) return error;
uint32_t num_rows = 0;
uint32_t num_cols = 0;
uint32_t col_type = 0;
uint32_t component_type = 0;
if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(result_type, &num_rows, &num_cols, &col_type,
&component_type)) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected matrix type as Result Type";
if (num_cols != 4) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type matrix to have a Column Count of 4";
if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(component_type) ||
_.GetBitWidth(result_type) != 32 || num_rows != 3) {
return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
<< "expected Result Type matrix to have a Column Type of "
"3-component 32-bit float vectors";
} // namespace val
} // namespace spvtools