| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 7 |
| Column: 13 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift.CountableRange.init(uncheckedBounds:)"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(Int, Int, @thin CountableRange<Int>.Type) -> CountableRange<Int>' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 7 |
| Column: 12 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift.Collection<>.makeIterator()"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(@in_guaranteed CountableRange<Int>) -> IndexingIterator<CountableRange<Int>>' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 7 |
| Column: 9 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift.IndexingIterator.next()"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(@inout IndexingIterator<CountableRange<Int>>) -> Optional<Int>' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 8 |
| Column: 12 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift._allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<Any>, Builtin.RawPointer)' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 8 |
| Column: 12 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift.Array.subscript.getter"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(Int, @guaranteed Array<Int>) -> Int' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-inliner |
| Name: sil.Inlined |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 7 |
| Column: 13 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - Callee: '"specialized Swift.CountableRange.init(uncheckedBounds:)"' |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: blah.swift |
| Line: 6 |
| Column: 6 |
| - String: ' inlined into ' |
| - Caller: '"s.f()"' |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 6 |
| Column: 6 |
| - String: ' (cost = ' |
| - Cost: '0' |
| - String: ', benefit = ' |
| - Benefit: '20' |
| - String: ')' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-inliner |
| Name: sil.Inlined |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 8 |
| Column: 12 |
| Function: 'f()' |
| Args: |
| - Callee: '"specialized Swift.Array.subscript.getter"' |
| - String: ' inlined into ' |
| - Caller: '"s.f()"' |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 6 |
| Column: 6 |
| - String: ' (cost = ' |
| - Cost: '3' |
| - String: ', benefit = ' |
| - Benefit: '52' |
| - String: ')' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 4 |
| Column: 17 |
| Function: main |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift._allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<Int>, Builtin.RawPointer)' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-generic-specializer |
| Name: sil.Specialized |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 4 |
| Column: 16 |
| Function: main |
| Args: |
| - String: 'Specialized function ' |
| - Function: '"Swift.Array.init(arrayLiteral:)"' |
| - String: ' with type ' |
| - FuncType: '(@owned Array<Int>, @thin Array<Int>.Type) -> @owned Array<Int>' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-inliner |
| Name: sil.Inlined |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 4 |
| Column: 16 |
| Function: main |
| Args: |
| - Callee: '"specialized Swift.Array.init(arrayLiteral:)"' |
| - String: ' inlined into ' |
| - Caller: '"main"' |
| - String: ' (cost = ' |
| - Cost: '0' |
| - String: ', benefit = ' |
| - Benefit: '20' |
| - String: ')' |
| ... |
| --- !Passed |
| Pass: sil-inliner |
| Name: sil.Inlined |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 12 |
| Column: 1 |
| Function: main |
| Args: |
| - Callee: '"s.f()"' |
| DebugLoc: |
| File: s.swift |
| Line: 6 |
| Column: 6 |
| - String: ' inlined into ' |
| - Caller: '"main"' |
| - String: ' (cost = ' |
| - Cost: '20' |
| - String: ', benefit = ' |
| - Benefit: '20' |
| - String: ')' |
| ... |