blob: 0381a53f55b7d4bd71f04b4a02fe819c8728969f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.cpp - x86-32 lowering -----------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Implements the TargetLoweringX8632 class, which consists almost
/// entirely of the lowering sequence for each high-level instruction.
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8632.h"
#include "IceCfg.h"
#include "IceCfgNode.h"
#include "IceClFlags.h"
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceELFObjectWriter.h"
#include "IceGlobalInits.h"
#include "IceInstVarIter.h"
#include "IceInstX8632.h"
#include "IceLiveness.h"
#include "IceOperand.h"
#include "IcePhiLoweringImpl.h"
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8632Traits.h"
#include "IceUtils.h"
#include "IceVariableSplitting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include <stack>
#if defined(_WIN32)
extern "C" void _chkstk();
namespace X8632 {
std::unique_ptr<::Ice::TargetLowering> createTargetLowering(::Ice::Cfg *Func) {
return ::Ice::X8632::TargetX8632::create(Func);
createTargetDataLowering(::Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx) {
return ::Ice::X8632::TargetDataX8632::create(Ctx);
createTargetHeaderLowering(::Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx) {
return ::Ice::X8632::TargetHeaderX86::create(Ctx);
void staticInit(::Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx) {
bool shouldBePooled(const class ::Ice::Constant *C) {
return ::Ice::X8632::TargetX8632::shouldBePooled(C);
::Ice::Type getPointerType() { return ::Ice::Type::IceType_i32; }
} // end of namespace X8632
namespace Ice {
namespace X8632 {
template <typename T> struct PoolTypeConverter {};
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<float> {
using PrimitiveIntType = uint32_t;
using IceType = ConstantFloat;
static const Type Ty = IceType_f32;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<double> {
using PrimitiveIntType = uint64_t;
using IceType = ConstantDouble;
static const Type Ty = IceType_f64;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
// Add converter for int type constant pooling
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t> {
using PrimitiveIntType = uint32_t;
using IceType = ConstantInteger32;
static const Type Ty = IceType_i32;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
// Add converter for int type constant pooling
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t> {
using PrimitiveIntType = uint32_t;
using IceType = ConstantInteger32;
static const Type Ty = IceType_i16;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
// Add converter for int type constant pooling
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t> {
using PrimitiveIntType = uint32_t;
using IceType = ConstantInteger32;
static const Type Ty = IceType_i8;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::TypeName = "float";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::AsmTag = ".long";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::TypeName = "double";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::AsmTag = ".quad";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::PrintfString = "0x%llx";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t>::TypeName = "i32";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t>::AsmTag = ".long";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t>::TypeName = "i16";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t>::AsmTag = ".short";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t>::TypeName = "i8";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t>::AsmTag = ".byte";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
BoolFoldingEntry::BoolFoldingEntry(Inst *I)
: Instr(I), IsComplex(BoolFolding::hasComplexLowering(I)) {}
typename BoolFolding::BoolFoldingProducerKind
BoolFolding::getProducerKind(const Inst *Instr) {
if (llvm::isa<InstIcmp>(Instr)) {
if (Instr->getSrc(0)->getType() != IceType_i64)
return PK_Icmp32;
return PK_Icmp64;
if (llvm::isa<InstFcmp>(Instr))
return PK_Fcmp;
if (auto *Arith = llvm::dyn_cast<InstArithmetic>(Instr)) {
if (Arith->getSrc(0)->getType() != IceType_i64) {
switch (Arith->getOp()) {
return PK_None;
case InstArithmetic::And:
case InstArithmetic::Or:
return PK_Arith;
return PK_None; // TODO(stichnot): remove this
if (auto *Cast = llvm::dyn_cast<InstCast>(Instr)) {
switch (Cast->getCastKind()) {
return PK_None;
case InstCast::Trunc:
return PK_Trunc;
return PK_None;
typename BoolFolding::BoolFoldingConsumerKind
BoolFolding::getConsumerKind(const Inst *Instr) {
if (llvm::isa<InstBr>(Instr))
return CK_Br;
if (llvm::isa<InstSelect>(Instr))
return CK_Select;
return CK_None; // TODO(stichnot): remove this
if (auto *Cast = llvm::dyn_cast<InstCast>(Instr)) {
switch (Cast->getCastKind()) {
return CK_None;
case InstCast::Sext:
return CK_Sext;
case InstCast::Zext:
return CK_Zext;
return CK_None;
/// Returns true if the producing instruction has a "complex" lowering sequence.
/// This generally means that its lowering sequence requires more than one
/// conditional branch, namely 64-bit integer compares and some floating-point
/// compares. When this is true, and there is more than one consumer, we prefer
/// to disable the folding optimization because it minimizes branches.
bool BoolFolding::hasComplexLowering(const Inst *Instr) {
switch (getProducerKind(Instr)) {
return false;
case PK_Icmp64:
return true;
case PK_Fcmp:
return Traits::TableFcmp[llvm::cast<InstFcmp>(Instr)->getCondition()].C2 !=
bool BoolFolding::isValidFolding(
typename BoolFolding::BoolFoldingProducerKind ProducerKind,
typename BoolFolding::BoolFoldingConsumerKind ConsumerKind) {
switch (ProducerKind) {
return false;
case PK_Icmp32:
case PK_Icmp64:
case PK_Fcmp:
return (ConsumerKind == CK_Br) || (ConsumerKind == CK_Select);
case PK_Arith:
return ConsumerKind == CK_Br;
void BoolFolding::init(CfgNode *Node) {
for (Inst &Instr : Node->getInsts()) {
if (Instr.isDeleted())
// Check whether Instr is a valid producer.
Variable *Var = Instr.getDest();
if (Var) { // only consider instructions with an actual dest var
if (isBooleanType(Var->getType())) { // only bool-type dest vars
if (getProducerKind(&Instr) != PK_None) { // white-listed instructions
Producers[Var->getIndex()] = BoolFoldingEntry(&Instr);
// Check each src variable against the map.
SizeT VarNum = Var->getIndex();
if (!containsValid(VarNum))
// All valid consumers use Var as the first source operand
if (IndexOfVarOperandInInst(Var) != 0) {
// Consumer instructions must be white-listed
typename BoolFolding::BoolFoldingConsumerKind ConsumerKind =
if (ConsumerKind == CK_None) {
typename BoolFolding::BoolFoldingProducerKind ProducerKind =
if (!isValidFolding(ProducerKind, ConsumerKind)) {
// Avoid creating multiple copies of complex producer instructions.
if (Producers[VarNum].IsComplex && Producers[VarNum].NumUses > 0) {
if (Instr.isLastUse(Var)) {
Producers[VarNum].IsLiveOut = false;
for (auto &I : Producers) {
// Ignore entries previously marked invalid.
if (I.second.Instr == nullptr)
// Disable the producer if its dest may be live beyond this block.
if (I.second.IsLiveOut) {
// Mark as "dead" rather than outright deleting. This is so that other
// peephole style optimizations during or before lowering have access to
// this instruction in undeleted form. See for example
// tryOptimizedCmpxchgCmpBr().
const Inst *BoolFolding::getProducerFor(const Operand *Opnd) const {
auto *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<const Variable>(Opnd);
if (Var == nullptr)
return nullptr;
SizeT VarNum = Var->getIndex();
auto Element = Producers.find(VarNum);
if (Element == Producers.end())
return nullptr;
return Element->second.Instr;
void BoolFolding::dump(const Cfg *Func) const {
if (!BuildDefs::dump() || !Func->isVerbose(IceV_Folding))
OstreamLocker L(Func->getContext());
Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
for (auto &I : Producers) {
if (I.second.Instr == nullptr)
Str << "Found foldable producer:\n ";
Str << "\n";
/// If the given instruction has potential memory side effects (e.g. store, rmw,
/// or a call instruction with potential memory side effects), then we must not
/// allow a pre-store Producer instruction with memory operands to be folded
/// into a post-store Consumer instruction. If this is detected, the Producer
/// is invalidated.
/// We use the Producer's IsLiveOut field to determine whether any potential
/// Consumers come after this store instruction. The IsLiveOut field is
/// initialized to true, and BoolFolding::init() sets IsLiveOut to false when it
/// sees the variable's definitive last use (indicating the variable is not in
/// the node's live-out set). Thus if we see here that IsLiveOut is false, we
/// know that there can be no consumers after the store, and therefore we know
/// the folding is safe despite the store instruction.
void BoolFolding::invalidateProducersOnStore(const Inst *Instr) {
if (!Instr->isMemoryWrite())
for (auto &ProducerPair : Producers) {
if (!ProducerPair.second.IsLiveOut)
Inst *PInst = ProducerPair.second.Instr;
if (PInst == nullptr)
bool HasMemOperand = false;
const SizeT SrcSize = PInst->getSrcSize();
for (SizeT I = 0; I < SrcSize; ++I) {
if (llvm::isa<typename Traits::X86OperandMem>(PInst->getSrc(I))) {
HasMemOperand = true;
if (!HasMemOperand)
void TargetX8632::initNodeForLowering(CfgNode *Node) {
TargetX8632::TargetX8632(Cfg *Func) : TargetX86(Func) {}
void TargetX8632::staticInit(GlobalContext *Ctx) {
Traits::initRegisterSet(getFlags(), &TypeToRegisterSet, &RegisterAliases);
for (size_t i = 0; i < TypeToRegisterSet.size(); ++i)
TypeToRegisterSetUnfiltered[i] = TypeToRegisterSet[i];
filterTypeToRegisterSet(Ctx, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_NUM,, TypeToRegisterSet.size(),
Traits::getRegName, getRegClassName);
bool TargetX8632::shouldBePooled(const Constant *C) {
if (auto *ConstFloat = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantFloat>(C)) {
return !Utils::isPositiveZero(ConstFloat->getValue());
if (auto *ConstDouble = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantDouble>(C)) {
return !Utils::isPositiveZero(ConstDouble->getValue());
return false;
Type TargetX8632::getPointerType() { return IceType_i32; }
void TargetX8632::translateO2() {
TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_O2, Func);
Func->dump("After target helper call insertion");
// Merge Alloca instructions, and lay out the stack.
static constexpr bool SortAndCombineAllocas = true;
Func->dump("After Alloca processing");
// Run this early so it can be used to focus optimizations on potentially hot
// code.
// TODO(stichnot,ascull): currently only used for regalloc not
// expensive high level optimizations which could be focused on potentially
// hot code.
Func->dump("After loop analysis");
if (getFlags().getLoopInvariantCodeMotion()) {
Func->dump("After LICM");
if (getFlags().getLocalCSE() != Ice::LCSE_Disabled) {
Func->localCSE(getFlags().getLocalCSE() == Ice::LCSE_EnabledSSA);
Func->dump("After Local CSE");
if (getFlags().getEnableShortCircuit()) {
Func->dump("After Short Circuiting");
if (!getFlags().getEnablePhiEdgeSplit()) {
// Lower Phi instructions.
if (Func->hasError())
if (Func->hasError())
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After Phi lowering");
// Address mode optimization.
// Find read-modify-write opportunities. Do this after address mode
// optimization so that doAddressOpt() doesn't need to be applied to RMW
// instructions as well.
Func->dump("After RMW transform");
// Argument lowering
// Target lowering. This requires liveness analysis for some parts of the
// lowering decisions, such as compare/branch fusing. If non-lightweight
// liveness analysis is used, the instructions need to be renumbered first
// TODO: This renumbering should only be necessary if we're actually
// calculating live intervals, which we only do for register allocation.
if (Func->hasError())
// TODO: It should be sufficient to use the fastest liveness calculation,
// i.e. livenessLightweight(). However, for some reason that slows down the
// rest of the translation. Investigate.
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After x86 address mode opt");
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After x86 codegen");
// Register allocation. This requires instruction renumbering and full
// liveness analysis. Loops must be identified before liveness so variable
// use weights are correct.
if (Func->hasError())
if (Func->hasError())
// The post-codegen dump is done here, after liveness analysis and associated
// cleanup, to make the dump cleaner and more useful.
Func->dump("After initial x86 codegen");
// Validate the live range computations. The expensive validation call is
// deliberately only made when assertions are enabled.
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After linear scan regalloc");
if (getFlags().getEnablePhiEdgeSplit()) {
Func->dump("After advanced Phi lowering");
// Stack frame mapping.
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After stack frame mapping");
// Branch optimization. This needs to be done just before code emission. In
// particular, no transformations that insert or reorder CfgNodes should be
// done after branch optimization. We go ahead and do it before nop insertion
// to reduce the amount of work needed for searching for opportunities.
Func->dump("After branch optimization");
void TargetX8632::translateOm1() {
TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_Om1, Func);
// Do not merge Alloca instructions, and lay out the stack.
// static constexpr bool SortAndCombineAllocas = false;
static constexpr bool SortAndCombineAllocas =
true; // TODO(b/171222930): Fix Win32 bug when this is false
Func->dump("After Alloca processing");
if (Func->hasError())
if (Func->hasError())
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After Phi lowering");
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After initial x86 codegen");
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After regalloc of infinite-weight variables");
if (Func->hasError())
Func->dump("After stack frame mapping");
inline bool canRMW(const InstArithmetic *Arith) {
Type Ty = Arith->getDest()->getType();
// X86 vector instructions write to a register and have no RMW option.
if (isVectorType(Ty))
return false;
bool isI64 = Ty == IceType_i64;
switch (Arith->getOp()) {
// Not handled for lack of simple lowering:
// shift on i64
// mul, udiv, urem, sdiv, srem, frem
// Not handled for lack of RMW instructions:
// fadd, fsub, fmul, fdiv (also vector types)
return false;
case InstArithmetic::Add:
case InstArithmetic::Sub:
case InstArithmetic::And:
case InstArithmetic::Or:
case InstArithmetic::Xor:
return true;
case InstArithmetic::Shl:
case InstArithmetic::Lshr:
case InstArithmetic::Ashr:
return false; // TODO(stichnot): implement
return !isI64;
bool isSameMemAddressOperand(const Operand *A, const Operand *B) {
if (A == B)
return true;
if (auto *MemA = llvm::dyn_cast<typename TargetX8632::X86OperandMem>(A)) {
if (auto *MemB = llvm::dyn_cast<typename TargetX8632::X86OperandMem>(B)) {
return MemA->getBase() == MemB->getBase() &&
MemA->getOffset() == MemB->getOffset() &&
MemA->getIndex() == MemB->getIndex() &&
MemA->getShift() == MemB->getShift() &&
MemA->getSegmentRegister() == MemB->getSegmentRegister();
return false;
void TargetX8632::findRMW() {
TimerMarker _(TimerStack::TT_findRMW, Func);
Func->dump("Before RMW");
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_RMW))
for (CfgNode *Node : Func->getNodes()) {
// Walk through the instructions, considering each sequence of 3
// instructions, and look for the particular RMW pattern. Note that this
// search can be "broken" (false negatives) if there are intervening
// deleted instructions, or intervening instructions that could be safely
// moved out of the way to reveal an RMW pattern.
auto E = Node->getInsts().end();
auto I1 = E, I2 = E, I3 = Node->getInsts().begin();
for (; I3 != E; I1 = I2, I2 = I3, ++I3) {
// Make I3 skip over deleted instructions.
while (I3 != E && I3->isDeleted())
if (I1 == E || I2 == E || I3 == E)
auto *Load = llvm::dyn_cast<InstLoad>(I1);
auto *Arith = llvm::dyn_cast<InstArithmetic>(I2);
auto *Store = llvm::dyn_cast<InstStore>(I3);
if (!Load || !Arith || !Store)
// Look for:
// a = Load addr
// b = <op> a, other
// Store b, addr
// Change to:
// a = Load addr
// b = <op> a, other
// x = FakeDef
// RMW <op>, addr, other, x
// b = Store b, addr, x
// Note that inferTwoAddress() makes sure setDestRedefined() gets called
// on the updated Store instruction, to avoid liveness problems later.
// With this transformation, the Store instruction acquires a Dest
// variable and is now subject to dead code elimination if there are no
// more uses of "b". Variable "x" is a beacon for determining whether the
// Store instruction gets dead-code eliminated. If the Store instruction
// is eliminated, then it must be the case that the RMW instruction ends
// x's live range, and therefore the RMW instruction will be retained and
// later lowered. On the other hand, if the RMW instruction does not end
// x's live range, then the Store instruction must still be present, and
// therefore the RMW instruction is ignored during lowering because it is
// redundant with the Store instruction.
// Note that if "a" has further uses, the RMW transformation may still
// trigger, resulting in two loads and one store, which is worse than the
// original one load and one store. However, this is probably rare, and
// caching probably keeps it just as fast.
if (!isSameMemAddressOperand(Load->getLoadAddress(),
Operand *ArithSrcFromLoad = Arith->getSrc(0);
Operand *ArithSrcOther = Arith->getSrc(1);
if (ArithSrcFromLoad != Load->getDest()) {
if (!Arith->isCommutative() || ArithSrcOther != Load->getDest())
std::swap(ArithSrcFromLoad, ArithSrcOther);
if (Arith->getDest() != Store->getData())
if (!canRMW(Arith))
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_RMW)) {
Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
Str << "Found RMW in " << Func->getFunctionName() << ":\n ";
Str << "\n ";
Str << "\n ";
Str << "\n";
Variable *Beacon = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32);
auto *BeaconDef = InstFakeDef::create(Func, Beacon);
Node->getInsts().insert(I3, BeaconDef);
auto *RMW =
InstX86FakeRMW::create(Func, ArithSrcOther, Store->getStoreAddress(),
Beacon, Arith->getOp());
Node->getInsts().insert(I3, RMW);
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_RMW))
// Converts a ConstantInteger32 operand into its constant value, or
// MemoryOrderInvalid if the operand is not a ConstantInteger32.
inline uint64_t getConstantMemoryOrder(Operand *Opnd) {
if (auto *Integer = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Opnd))
return Integer->getValue();
return Intrinsics::MemoryOrderInvalid;
/// Determines whether the dest of a Load instruction can be folded into one of
/// the src operands of a 2-operand instruction. This is true as long as the
/// load dest matches exactly one of the binary instruction's src operands.
/// Replaces Src0 or Src1 with LoadSrc if the answer is true.
inline bool canFoldLoadIntoBinaryInst(Operand *LoadSrc, Variable *LoadDest,
Operand *&Src0, Operand *&Src1) {
if (Src0 == LoadDest && Src1 != LoadDest) {
Src0 = LoadSrc;
return true;
if (Src0 != LoadDest && Src1 == LoadDest) {
Src1 = LoadSrc;
return true;
return false;
void TargetX8632::doLoadOpt() {
TimerMarker _(TimerStack::TT_loadOpt, Func);
for (CfgNode *Node : Func->getNodes()) {
while (!Context.atEnd()) {
Variable *LoadDest = nullptr;
Operand *LoadSrc = nullptr;
Inst *CurInst = iteratorToInst(Context.getCur());
Inst *Next = Context.getNextInst();
// Determine whether the current instruction is a Load instruction or
// equivalent.
if (auto *Load = llvm::dyn_cast<InstLoad>(CurInst)) {
// An InstLoad qualifies unless it uses a 64-bit absolute address,
// which requires legalization to insert a copy to register.
// TODO(b/148272103): Fold these after legalization.
LoadDest = Load->getDest();
constexpr bool DoLegalize = false;
LoadSrc = formMemoryOperand(Load->getLoadAddress(), LoadDest->getType(),
} else if (auto *Intrin = llvm::dyn_cast<InstIntrinsic>(CurInst)) {
// An AtomicLoad intrinsic qualifies as long as it has a valid memory
// ordering, and can be implemented in a single instruction (i.e., not
// i64 on x86-32).
Intrinsics::IntrinsicID ID = Intrin->getIntrinsicID();
if (ID == Intrinsics::AtomicLoad &&
(Intrin->getDest()->getType() != IceType_i64) &&
ID, getConstantMemoryOrder(Intrin->getArg(1)))) {
LoadDest = Intrin->getDest();
constexpr bool DoLegalize = false;
LoadSrc = formMemoryOperand(Intrin->getArg(0), LoadDest->getType(),
// A Load instruction can be folded into the following instruction only
// if the following instruction ends the Load's Dest variable's live
// range.
if (LoadDest && Next && Next->isLastUse(LoadDest)) {
Inst *NewInst = nullptr;
if (auto *Arith = llvm::dyn_cast<InstArithmetic>(Next)) {
Operand *Src0 = Arith->getSrc(0);
Operand *Src1 = Arith->getSrc(1);
if (canFoldLoadIntoBinaryInst(LoadSrc, LoadDest, Src0, Src1)) {
NewInst = InstArithmetic::create(Func, Arith->getOp(),
Arith->getDest(), Src0, Src1);
} else if (auto *Icmp = llvm::dyn_cast<InstIcmp>(Next)) {
Operand *Src0 = Icmp->getSrc(0);
Operand *Src1 = Icmp->getSrc(1);
if (canFoldLoadIntoBinaryInst(LoadSrc, LoadDest, Src0, Src1)) {
NewInst = InstIcmp::create(Func, Icmp->getCondition(),
Icmp->getDest(), Src0, Src1);
} else if (auto *Fcmp = llvm::dyn_cast<InstFcmp>(Next)) {
Operand *Src0 = Fcmp->getSrc(0);
Operand *Src1 = Fcmp->getSrc(1);
if (canFoldLoadIntoBinaryInst(LoadSrc, LoadDest, Src0, Src1)) {
NewInst = InstFcmp::create(Func, Fcmp->getCondition(),
Fcmp->getDest(), Src0, Src1);
} else if (auto *Select = llvm::dyn_cast<InstSelect>(Next)) {
Operand *Src0 = Select->getTrueOperand();
Operand *Src1 = Select->getFalseOperand();
if (canFoldLoadIntoBinaryInst(LoadSrc, LoadDest, Src0, Src1)) {
NewInst = InstSelect::create(Func, Select->getDest(),
Select->getCondition(), Src0, Src1);
} else if (auto *Cast = llvm::dyn_cast<InstCast>(Next)) {
// The load dest can always be folded into a Cast instruction.
auto *Src0 = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Cast->getSrc(0));
if (Src0 == LoadDest) {
NewInst = InstCast::create(Func, Cast->getCastKind(),
Cast->getDest(), LoadSrc);
if (NewInst) {
// Update NewInst->LiveRangesEnded so that target lowering may
// benefit. Also update NewInst->HasSideEffects.
NewInst->spliceLivenessInfo(Next, CurInst);
Func->dump("After load optimization");
bool TargetX8632::doBranchOpt(Inst *I, const CfgNode *NextNode) {
if (auto *Br = llvm::dyn_cast<InstX86Br>(I)) {
return Br->optimizeBranch(NextNode);
return false;
Variable *TargetX8632::getPhysicalRegister(RegNumT RegNum, Type Ty) {
if (Ty == IceType_void)
Ty = IceType_i32;
if (PhysicalRegisters[Ty].empty())
assert(unsigned(RegNum) < PhysicalRegisters[Ty].size());
Variable *Reg = PhysicalRegisters[Ty][RegNum];
if (Reg == nullptr) {
Reg = Func->makeVariable(Ty);
PhysicalRegisters[Ty][RegNum] = Reg;
// Specially mark a named physical register as an "argument" so that it is
// considered live upon function entry. Otherwise it's possible to get
// liveness validation errors for saving callee-save registers.
// Don't bother tracking the live range of a named physical register.
assert(Traits::getGprForType(Ty, RegNum) == RegNum);
return Reg;
const char *TargetX8632::getRegName(RegNumT RegNum, Type Ty) const {
return Traits::getRegName(Traits::getGprForType(Ty, RegNum));
void TargetX8632::emitVariable(const Variable *Var) const {
if (!BuildDefs::dump())
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
if (Var->hasReg()) {
Str << "%" << getRegName(Var->getRegNum(), Var->getType());
if (Var->mustHaveReg()) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Infinite-weight Variable (" + Var->getName() +
") has no register assigned - function " +
const int32_t Offset = Var->getStackOffset();
auto BaseRegNum = Var->getBaseRegNum();
if (BaseRegNum.hasNoValue())
BaseRegNum = getFrameOrStackReg();
// Print in the form "Offset(%reg)", omitting Offset when it is 0.
if (getFlags().getDecorateAsm()) {
Str << Var->getSymbolicStackOffset();
} else if (Offset != 0) {
Str << Offset;
const Type FrameSPTy = Traits::WordType;
Str << "(%" << getRegName(BaseRegNum, FrameSPTy) << ")";
void TargetX8632::addProlog(CfgNode *Node) {
// Stack frame layout:
// +------------------------+ ^ +
// | 1. return address | |
// +------------------------+ v -
// | 2. preserved registers |
// +------------------------+ <--- BasePointer (if used)
// | 3. padding |
// +------------------------+
// | 4. global spill area |
// +------------------------+
// | 5. padding |
// +------------------------+
// | 6. local spill area |
// +------------------------+
// | 7. padding |
// +------------------------+
// | 7.5 shadow (WinX64) |
// +------------------------+
// | 8. allocas |
// +------------------------+
// | 9. padding |
// +------------------------+
// | 10. out args |
// +------------------------+ <--- StackPointer
// The following variables record the size in bytes of the given areas:
// * X86_RET_IP_SIZE_BYTES: area 1
// * PreservedRegsSizeBytes: area 2
// * SpillAreaPaddingBytes: area 3
// * GlobalsSize: area 4
// * LocalsSlotsPaddingBytes: area 5
// * GlobalsAndSubsequentPaddingSize: areas 4 - 5
// * LocalsSpillAreaSize: area 6
// * FixedAllocaSizeBytes: areas 7 - 8
// * SpillAreaSizeBytes: areas 3 - 10
// * maxOutArgsSizeBytes(): areas 9 - 10
// Determine stack frame offsets for each Variable without a register
// assignment. This can be done as one variable per stack slot. Or, do
// coalescing by running the register allocator again with an infinite set of
// registers (as a side effect, this gives variables a second chance at
// physical register assignment).
// A middle ground approach is to leverage sparsity and allocate one block of
// space on the frame for globals (variables with multi-block lifetime), and
// one block to share for locals (single-block lifetime).
// StackPointer: points just past return address of calling function
SmallBitVector CalleeSaves = getRegisterSet(RegSet_CalleeSave, RegSet_None);
RegsUsed = SmallBitVector(CalleeSaves.size());
VarList SortedSpilledVariables, VariablesLinkedToSpillSlots;
size_t GlobalsSize = 0;
// If there is a separate locals area, this represents that area. Otherwise
// it counts any variable not counted by GlobalsSize.
SpillAreaSizeBytes = 0;
// If there is a separate locals area, this specifies the alignment for it.
uint32_t LocalsSlotsAlignmentBytes = 0;
// The entire spill locations area gets aligned to largest natural alignment
// of the variables that have a spill slot.
uint32_t SpillAreaAlignmentBytes = 0;
// A spill slot linked to a variable with a stack slot should reuse that
// stack slot.
std::function<bool(Variable *)> TargetVarHook =
[&VariablesLinkedToSpillSlots](Variable *Var) {
// TODO(stichnot): Refactor this into the base class.
Variable *Root = Var->getLinkedToStackRoot();
if (Root != nullptr) {
if (!Root->hasReg()) {
return true;
return false;
// Compute the list of spilled variables and bounds for GlobalsSize, etc.
getVarStackSlotParams(SortedSpilledVariables, RegsUsed, &GlobalsSize,
&SpillAreaSizeBytes, &SpillAreaAlignmentBytes,
&LocalsSlotsAlignmentBytes, TargetVarHook);
uint32_t LocalsSpillAreaSize = SpillAreaSizeBytes;
SpillAreaSizeBytes += GlobalsSize;
// Add push instructions for preserved registers.
uint32_t NumCallee = 0;
size_t PreservedRegsSizeBytes = 0;
SmallBitVector Pushed(CalleeSaves.size());
for (RegNumT i : RegNumBVIter(CalleeSaves)) {
const auto Canonical = Traits::getBaseReg(i);
assert(Canonical == Traits::getBaseReg(Canonical));
if (RegsUsed[i]) {
Pushed[Canonical] = true;
for (RegNumT RegNum : RegNumBVIter(Pushed)) {
assert(RegNum == Traits::getBaseReg(RegNum));
if (Traits::isXmm(RegNum)) {
PreservedRegsSizeBytes += 16;
} else {
PreservedRegsSizeBytes += typeWidthInBytes(Traits::WordType);
// StackPointer: points past preserved registers at start of spill area
// Generate "push frameptr; mov frameptr, stackptr"
if (IsEbpBasedFrame) {
(RegsUsed & getRegisterSet(RegSet_FramePointer, RegSet_None)).count() ==
PreservedRegsSizeBytes += typeWidthInBytes(Traits::WordType);
// Align the variables area. SpillAreaPaddingBytes is the size of the region
// after the preserved registers and before the spill areas.
// LocalsSlotsPaddingBytes is the amount of padding between the globals and
// locals area if they are separate.
assert(LocalsSlotsAlignmentBytes <= SpillAreaAlignmentBytes);
uint32_t SpillAreaPaddingBytes = 0;
uint32_t LocalsSlotsPaddingBytes = 0;
alignStackSpillAreas(Traits::X86_RET_IP_SIZE_BYTES + PreservedRegsSizeBytes,
SpillAreaAlignmentBytes, GlobalsSize,
LocalsSlotsAlignmentBytes, &SpillAreaPaddingBytes,
SpillAreaSizeBytes += SpillAreaPaddingBytes + LocalsSlotsPaddingBytes;
uint32_t GlobalsAndSubsequentPaddingSize =
GlobalsSize + LocalsSlotsPaddingBytes;
// Functions returning scalar floating point types may need to convert values
// from an in-register xmm value to the top of the x87 floating point stack.
// This is done by a movp[sd] and an fld[sd]. Ensure there is enough scratch
// space on the stack for this.
const Type ReturnType = Func->getReturnType();
if (!Traits::X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM) {
if (isScalarFloatingType(ReturnType)) {
// Avoid misaligned double-precision load/store.
RequiredStackAlignment = std::max<size_t>(
RequiredStackAlignment, Traits::X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES);
SpillAreaSizeBytes =
std::max(typeWidthInBytesOnStack(ReturnType), SpillAreaSizeBytes);
RequiredStackAlignment =
std::max<size_t>(RequiredStackAlignment, SpillAreaAlignmentBytes);
if (PrologEmitsFixedAllocas) {
RequiredStackAlignment =
std::max(RequiredStackAlignment, FixedAllocaAlignBytes);
// Combine fixed allocations into SpillAreaSizeBytes if we are emitting the
// fixed allocations in the prolog.
if (PrologEmitsFixedAllocas)
SpillAreaSizeBytes += FixedAllocaSizeBytes;
// Entering the function has made the stack pointer unaligned. Re-align it by
// adjusting the stack size.
// Note that StackOffset does not include spill area. It's the offset from the
// base stack pointer (epb), whether we set it or not, to the the first stack
// arg (if any). StackSize, on the other hand, does include the spill area.
const uint32_t StackOffset =
Traits::X86_RET_IP_SIZE_BYTES + PreservedRegsSizeBytes;
uint32_t StackSize = Utils::applyAlignment(StackOffset + SpillAreaSizeBytes,
StackSize = Utils::applyAlignment(StackSize + maxOutArgsSizeBytes(),
SpillAreaSizeBytes = StackSize - StackOffset; // Adjust for alignment, if any
if (SpillAreaSizeBytes) {
auto *Func = Node->getCfg();
if (SpillAreaSizeBytes > Func->getStackSizeLimit()) {
Func->setError("Stack size limit exceeded");
// Generate "sub stackptr, SpillAreaSizeBytes"
// StackPointer: points just past the spill area (end of stack frame)
// If the required alignment is greater than the stack pointer's guaranteed
// alignment, align the stack pointer accordingly.
if (RequiredStackAlignment > Traits::X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES) {
_and(getPhysicalRegister(getStackReg(), Traits::WordType),
// StackPointer: may have just been offset for alignment
// Account for known-frame-offset alloca instructions that were not already
// combined into the prolog.
if (!PrologEmitsFixedAllocas)
SpillAreaSizeBytes += FixedAllocaSizeBytes;
// Fill in stack offsets for stack args, and copy args into registers for
// those that were register-allocated. Args are pushed right to left, so
// Arg[0] is closest to the stack/frame pointer.
RegNumT FrameOrStackReg = IsEbpBasedFrame ? getFrameReg() : getStackReg();
Variable *FramePtr = getPhysicalRegister(FrameOrStackReg, Traits::WordType);
size_t BasicFrameOffset = StackOffset;
if (!IsEbpBasedFrame)
BasicFrameOffset += SpillAreaSizeBytes;
const VarList &Args = Func->getArgs();
size_t InArgsSizeBytes = 0;
unsigned NumXmmArgs = 0;
unsigned NumGPRArgs = 0;
for (SizeT i = 0, NumArgs = Args.size(); i < NumArgs; ++i) {
Variable *Arg = Args[i];
// Skip arguments passed in registers.
if (isVectorType(Arg->getType())) {
if (Traits::getRegisterForXmmArgNum(Traits::getArgIndex(i, NumXmmArgs))
.hasValue()) {
} else if (isScalarFloatingType(Arg->getType())) {
if (Traits::X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM &&
Traits::getRegisterForXmmArgNum(Traits::getArgIndex(i, NumXmmArgs))
.hasValue()) {
} else {
if (Traits::getRegisterForGprArgNum(Traits::WordType,
Traits::getArgIndex(i, NumGPRArgs))
.hasValue()) {
// For esp-based frames where the allocas are done outside the prolog, the
// esp value may not stabilize to its home value until after all the
// fixed-size alloca instructions have executed. In this case, a stack
// adjustment is needed when accessing in-args in order to copy them into
// registers.
size_t StackAdjBytes = 0;
if (!IsEbpBasedFrame && !PrologEmitsFixedAllocas)
StackAdjBytes -= FixedAllocaSizeBytes;
finishArgumentLowering(Arg, FramePtr, BasicFrameOffset, StackAdjBytes,
// Fill in stack offsets for locals.
assignVarStackSlots(SortedSpilledVariables, SpillAreaPaddingBytes,
SpillAreaSizeBytes, GlobalsAndSubsequentPaddingSize,
IsEbpBasedFrame && !needsStackPointerAlignment());
// Assign stack offsets to variables that have been linked to spilled
// variables.
for (Variable *Var : VariablesLinkedToSpillSlots) {
const Variable *Root = Var->getLinkedToStackRoot();
assert(Root != nullptr);
// If the stack root variable is an arg, make this variable an arg too so
// that stackVarToAsmAddress uses the correct base pointer (e.g. ebp on
// x86).
this->HasComputedFrame = true;
if (BuildDefs::dump() && Func->isVerbose(IceV_Frame)) {
OstreamLocker L(Func->getContext());
Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
Str << "Stack layout:\n";
uint32_t EspAdjustmentPaddingSize =
SpillAreaSizeBytes - LocalsSpillAreaSize -
GlobalsAndSubsequentPaddingSize - SpillAreaPaddingBytes -
Str << " in-args = " << InArgsSizeBytes << " bytes\n"
<< " return address = " << Traits::X86_RET_IP_SIZE_BYTES << " bytes\n"
<< " preserved registers = " << PreservedRegsSizeBytes << " bytes\n"
<< " spill area padding = " << SpillAreaPaddingBytes << " bytes\n"
<< " globals spill area = " << GlobalsSize << " bytes\n"
<< " globals-locals spill areas intermediate padding = "
<< GlobalsAndSubsequentPaddingSize - GlobalsSize << " bytes\n"
<< " locals spill area = " << LocalsSpillAreaSize << " bytes\n"
<< " esp alignment padding = " << EspAdjustmentPaddingSize
<< " bytes\n";
Str << "Stack details:\n"
<< " esp adjustment = " << SpillAreaSizeBytes << " bytes\n"
<< " spill area alignment = " << SpillAreaAlignmentBytes << " bytes\n"
<< " outgoing args size = " << maxOutArgsSizeBytes() << " bytes\n"
<< " locals spill area alignment = " << LocalsSlotsAlignmentBytes
<< " bytes\n"
<< " is ebp based = " << IsEbpBasedFrame << "\n";
/// Helper function for addProlog().
/// This assumes Arg is an argument passed on the stack. This sets the frame
/// offset for Arg and updates InArgsSizeBytes according to Arg's width. For an
/// I64 arg that has been split into Lo and Hi components, it calls itself
/// recursively on the components, taking care to handle Lo first because of the
/// little-endian architecture. Lastly, this function generates an instruction
/// to copy Arg into its assigned register if applicable.
void TargetX8632::finishArgumentLowering(Variable *Arg, Variable *FramePtr,
size_t BasicFrameOffset,
size_t StackAdjBytes,
size_t &InArgsSizeBytes) {
if (auto *Arg64On32 = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable64On32>(Arg)) {
Variable *Lo = Arg64On32->getLo();
Variable *Hi = Arg64On32->getHi();
finishArgumentLowering(Lo, FramePtr, BasicFrameOffset, StackAdjBytes,
finishArgumentLowering(Hi, FramePtr, BasicFrameOffset, StackAdjBytes,
Type Ty = Arg->getType();
if (isVectorType(Ty)) {
InArgsSizeBytes = Traits::applyStackAlignment(InArgsSizeBytes);
Arg->setStackOffset(BasicFrameOffset + InArgsSizeBytes);
InArgsSizeBytes += typeWidthInBytesOnStack(Ty);
if (Arg->hasReg()) {
assert(Ty != IceType_i64);
auto *Mem = X86OperandMem::create(
Func, Ty, FramePtr,
Ctx->getConstantInt32(Arg->getStackOffset() + StackAdjBytes));
if (isVectorType(Arg->getType())) {
_movp(Arg, Mem);
} else {
_mov(Arg, Mem);
// This argument-copying instruction uses an explicit X86OperandMem
// operand instead of a Variable, so its fill-from-stack operation has to
// be tracked separately for statistics.
void TargetX8632::addEpilog(CfgNode *Node) {
InstList &Insts = Node->getInsts();
InstList::reverse_iterator RI, E;
for (RI = Insts.rbegin(), E = Insts.rend(); RI != E; ++RI) {
if (llvm::isa<Insts::Ret>(*RI))
if (RI == E)
// Convert the reverse_iterator position into its corresponding (forward)
// iterator position.
InstList::iterator InsertPoint = reverseToForwardIterator(RI);
if (IsEbpBasedFrame) {
} else {
// add stackptr, SpillAreaSizeBytes
if (SpillAreaSizeBytes != 0) {
// Add pop instructions for preserved registers.
SmallBitVector CalleeSaves = getRegisterSet(RegSet_CalleeSave, RegSet_None);
SmallBitVector Popped(CalleeSaves.size());
for (int32_t i = CalleeSaves.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const auto RegNum = RegNumT::fromInt(i);
if (RegNum == getFrameReg() && IsEbpBasedFrame)
const RegNumT Canonical = Traits::getBaseReg(RegNum);
if (CalleeSaves[i] && RegsUsed[i]) {
Popped[Canonical] = true;
for (int32_t i = Popped.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!Popped[i])
const auto RegNum = RegNumT::fromInt(i);
assert(RegNum == Traits::getBaseReg(RegNum));
Type TargetX8632::stackSlotType() { return Traits::WordType; }
Operand *TargetX8632::loOperand(Operand *Operand) {
assert(Operand->getType() == IceType_i64 ||
Operand->getType() == IceType_f64);
if (Operand->getType() != IceType_i64 && Operand->getType() != IceType_f64)
return Operand;
if (auto *Var64On32 = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable64On32>(Operand))
return Var64On32->getLo();
if (auto *Const = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger64>(Operand)) {
auto *ConstInt = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(
// Check if we need to blind/pool the constant.
return legalize(ConstInt);
if (auto *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<X86OperandMem>(Operand)) {
auto *MemOperand = X86OperandMem::create(
Func, IceType_i32, Mem->getBase(), Mem->getOffset(), Mem->getIndex(),
Mem->getShift(), Mem->getSegmentRegister(), Mem->getIsRebased());
// Test if we should randomize or pool the offset, if so randomize it or
// pool it then create mem operand with the blinded/pooled constant.
// Otherwise, return the mem operand as ordinary mem operand.
return legalize(MemOperand);
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported operand type");
return nullptr;
Operand *TargetX8632::hiOperand(Operand *Operand) {
assert(Operand->getType() == IceType_i64 ||
Operand->getType() == IceType_f64);
if (Operand->getType() != IceType_i64 && Operand->getType() != IceType_f64)
return Operand;
if (auto *Var64On32 = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable64On32>(Operand))
return Var64On32->getHi();
if (auto *Const = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger64>(Operand)) {
auto *ConstInt = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(
Ctx->getConstantInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(Const->getValue() >> 32)));
// Check if we need to blind/pool the constant.
return legalize(ConstInt);
if (auto *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<X86OperandMem>(Operand)) {
Constant *Offset = Mem->getOffset();
if (Offset == nullptr) {
Offset = Ctx->getConstantInt32(4);
} else if (auto *IntOffset = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Offset)) {
Offset = Ctx->getConstantInt32(4 + IntOffset->getValue());
} else if (auto *SymOffset = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantRelocatable>(Offset)) {
assert(!Utils::WouldOverflowAdd(SymOffset->getOffset(), 4));
Offset =
Ctx->getConstantSym(4 + SymOffset->getOffset(), SymOffset->getName());
auto *MemOperand = X86OperandMem::create(
Func, IceType_i32, Mem->getBase(), Offset, Mem->getIndex(),
Mem->getShift(), Mem->getSegmentRegister(), Mem->getIsRebased());
// Test if the Offset is an eligible i32 constants for randomization and
// pooling. Blind/pool it if it is. Otherwise return as oridinary mem
// operand.
return legalize(MemOperand);
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported operand type");
return nullptr;
SmallBitVector TargetX8632::getRegisterSet(RegSetMask Include,
RegSetMask Exclude) const {
return Traits::getRegisterSet(getFlags(), Include, Exclude);
void TargetX8632::lowerAlloca(const InstAlloca *Instr) {
// Conservatively require the stack to be aligned. Some stack adjustment
// operations implemented below assume that the stack is aligned before the
// alloca. All the alloca code ensures that the stack alignment is preserved
// after the alloca. The stack alignment restriction can be relaxed in some
// cases.
RequiredStackAlignment = std::max<size_t>(RequiredStackAlignment,
// For default align=0, set it to the real value 1, to avoid any
// bit-manipulation problems below.
const uint32_t AlignmentParam = std::max(1u, Instr->getAlignInBytes());
// LLVM enforces power of 2 alignment.
const uint32_t Alignment =
std::max(AlignmentParam, Traits::X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES);
const bool OverAligned = Alignment > Traits::X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES;
const bool OptM1 = Func->getOptLevel() == Opt_m1;
const bool AllocaWithKnownOffset = Instr->getKnownFrameOffset();
const bool UseFramePointer =
hasFramePointer() || OverAligned || !AllocaWithKnownOffset || OptM1;
if (UseFramePointer)
Variable *esp = getPhysicalRegister(getStackReg(), Traits::WordType);
if (OverAligned) {
_and(esp, Ctx->getConstantInt32(-Alignment));
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
Operand *TotalSize = legalize(Instr->getSizeInBytes());
if (const auto *ConstantTotalSize =
llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(TotalSize)) {
const uint32_t Value =
Utils::applyAlignment(ConstantTotalSize->getValue(), Alignment);
if (UseFramePointer) {
} else {
// If we don't need a Frame Pointer, this alloca has a known offset to the
// stack pointer. We don't need adjust the stack pointer, nor assign any
// value to Dest, as Dest is rematerializable.
FixedAllocaSizeBytes += Value;
} else {
// Non-constant sizes need to be adjusted to the next highest multiple of
// the required alignment at runtime.
Variable *T = makeReg(IceType_i32);
_mov(T, TotalSize);
_add(T, Ctx->getConstantInt32(Alignment - 1));
_and(T, Ctx->getConstantInt32(-Alignment));
// Add enough to the returned address to account for the out args area.
uint32_t OutArgsSize = maxOutArgsSizeBytes();
if (OutArgsSize > 0) {
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
auto *CalculateOperand = X86OperandMem::create(
Func, IceType_void, esp, Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, OutArgsSize));
_lea(T, CalculateOperand);
_mov(Dest, T);
} else {
_mov(Dest, esp);
void TargetX8632::lowerArguments() {
const bool OptM1 = Func->getOptLevel() == Opt_m1;
VarList &Args = Func->getArgs();
unsigned NumXmmArgs = 0;
bool XmmSlotsRemain = true;
unsigned NumGprArgs = 0;
bool GprSlotsRemain = true;
for (SizeT i = 0, End = Args.size();
i < End && (XmmSlotsRemain || GprSlotsRemain); ++i) {
Variable *Arg = Args[i];
Type Ty = Arg->getType();
Variable *RegisterArg = nullptr;
RegNumT RegNum;
if (isVectorType(Ty)) {
RegNum =
Traits::getRegisterForXmmArgNum(Traits::getArgIndex(i, NumXmmArgs));
if (RegNum.hasNoValue()) {
XmmSlotsRemain = false;
RegisterArg = Func->makeVariable(Ty);
} else if (isScalarFloatingType(Ty)) {
if (!Traits::X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM) {
RegNum =
Traits::getRegisterForXmmArgNum(Traits::getArgIndex(i, NumXmmArgs));
if (RegNum.hasNoValue()) {
XmmSlotsRemain = false;
RegisterArg = Func->makeVariable(Ty);
} else if (isScalarIntegerType(Ty)) {
RegNum = Traits::getRegisterForGprArgNum(
Ty, Traits::getArgIndex(i, NumGprArgs));
if (RegNum.hasNoValue()) {
GprSlotsRemain = false;
RegisterArg = Func->makeVariable(Ty);
assert(RegisterArg != nullptr);
// Replace Arg in the argument list with the home register. Then generate
// an instruction in the prolog to copy the home register to the assigned
// location of Arg.
if (BuildDefs::dump())
RegisterArg->setName(Func, "home_reg:" + Arg->getName());
Args[i] = RegisterArg;
// When not Om1, do the assignment through a temporary, instead of directly
// from the pre-colored variable, so that a subsequent availabilityGet()
// call has a chance to work. (In Om1, don't bother creating extra
// instructions with extra variables to register-allocate.)
if (OptM1) {
Context.insert<InstAssign>(Arg, RegisterArg);
} else {
Variable *Tmp = makeReg(RegisterArg->getType());
Context.insert<InstAssign>(Tmp, RegisterArg);
Context.insert<InstAssign>(Arg, Tmp);
if (!OptM1)
/// Strength-reduce scalar integer multiplication by a constant (for i32 or
/// narrower) for certain constants. The lea instruction can be used to multiply
/// by 3, 5, or 9, and the lsh instruction can be used to multiply by powers of
/// 2. These can be combined such that e.g. multiplying by 100 can be done as 2
/// lea-based multiplies by 5, combined with left-shifting by 2.
bool TargetX8632::optimizeScalarMul(Variable *Dest, Operand *Src0,
int32_t Src1) {
// Disable this optimization for Om1 and O0, just to keep things simple
// there.
if (Func->getOptLevel() < Opt_1)
return false;
Type Ty = Dest->getType();
if (Src1 == -1) {
Variable *T = nullptr;
_mov(T, Src0);
_mov(Dest, T);
return true;
if (Src1 == 0) {
_mov(Dest, Ctx->getConstantZero(Ty));
return true;
if (Src1 == 1) {
Variable *T = nullptr;
_mov(T, Src0);
_mov(Dest, T);
return true;
// Don't bother with the edge case where Src1 == MININT.
if (Src1 == -Src1)
return false;
const bool Src1IsNegative = Src1 < 0;
if (Src1IsNegative)
Src1 = -Src1;
uint32_t Count9 = 0;
uint32_t Count5 = 0;
uint32_t Count3 = 0;
uint32_t Count2 = 0;
uint32_t CountOps = 0;
while (Src1 > 1) {
if (Src1 % 9 == 0) {
Src1 /= 9;
} else if (Src1 % 5 == 0) {
Src1 /= 5;
} else if (Src1 % 3 == 0) {
Src1 /= 3;
} else if (Src1 % 2 == 0) {
if (Count2 == 0)
Src1 /= 2;
} else {
return false;
// Lea optimization only works for i16 and i32 types, not i8.
if (Ty != IceType_i32 && (Count3 || Count5 || Count9))
return false;
// Limit the number of lea/shl operations for a single multiply, to a
// somewhat arbitrary choice of 3.
constexpr uint32_t MaxOpsForOptimizedMul = 3;
if (CountOps > MaxOpsForOptimizedMul)
return false;
Variable *T = makeReg(Traits::WordType);
if (typeWidthInBytes(Src0->getType()) < typeWidthInBytes(T->getType())) {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
_movzx(T, Src0RM);
} else {
_mov(T, Src0);
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Count9; ++i) {
constexpr uint16_t Shift = 3; // log2(9-1)
_lea(T, X86OperandMem::create(Func, IceType_void, T, Zero, T, Shift));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Count5; ++i) {
constexpr uint16_t Shift = 2; // log2(5-1)
_lea(T, X86OperandMem::create(Func, IceType_void, T, Zero, T, Shift));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Count3; ++i) {
constexpr uint16_t Shift = 1; // log2(3-1)
_lea(T, X86OperandMem::create(Func, IceType_void, T, Zero, T, Shift));
if (Count2) {
_shl(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, Count2));
if (Src1IsNegative)
_mov(Dest, T);
return true;
void TargetX8632::lowerShift64(InstArithmetic::OpKind Op, Operand *Src0Lo,
Operand *Src0Hi, Operand *Src1Lo,
Variable *DestLo, Variable *DestHi) {
// TODO: Refactor the similarities between Shl, Lshr, and Ashr.
Variable *T_1 = nullptr, *T_2 = nullptr, *T_3 = nullptr;
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
Constant *SignExtend = Ctx->getConstantInt32(0x1f);
if (auto *ConstantShiftAmount = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Src1Lo)) {
uint32_t ShiftAmount = ConstantShiftAmount->getValue();
if (ShiftAmount > 32) {
Constant *ReducedShift = Ctx->getConstantInt32(ShiftAmount - 32);
switch (Op) {
assert(0 && "non-shift op");
case InstArithmetic::Shl: {
// a=b<<c ==>
// t2 = b.lo
// t2 = shl t2, ShiftAmount-32
// t3 = t2
// t2 = 0
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_shl(T_2, ReducedShift);
_mov(DestHi, T_2);
_mov(DestLo, Zero);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Lshr: {
// a=b>>c (unsigned) ==>
// t2 = b.hi
// t2 = shr t2, ShiftAmount-32
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = 0
_mov(T_2, Src0Hi);
_shr(T_2, ReducedShift);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, Zero);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Ashr: {
// a=b>>c (signed) ==>
// t3 = b.hi
// t3 = sar t3, 0x1f
// t2 = b.hi
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, ShiftAmount-32
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = t3
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
_sar(T_3, SignExtend);
_mov(T_2, Src0Hi);
_shrd(T_2, T_3, ReducedShift);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
} break;
} else if (ShiftAmount == 32) {
switch (Op) {
assert(0 && "non-shift op");
case InstArithmetic::Shl: {
// a=b<<c ==>
// t2 = b.lo
// a.hi = t2
// a.lo = 0
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(DestHi, T_2);
_mov(DestLo, Zero);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Lshr: {
// a=b>>c (unsigned) ==>
// t2 = b.hi
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = 0
_mov(T_2, Src0Hi);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, Zero);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Ashr: {
// a=b>>c (signed) ==>
// t2 = b.hi
// a.lo = t2
// t3 = b.hi
// t3 = sar t3, 0x1f
// a.hi = t3
_mov(T_2, Src0Hi);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
_sar(T_3, SignExtend);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
} break;
} else {
// t2 = b.lo
// t3 = b.hi
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
switch (Op) {
assert(0 && "non-shift op");
case InstArithmetic::Shl: {
// a=b<<c ==>
// t3 = shld t3, t2, ShiftAmount
// t2 = shl t2, ShiftAmount
_shld(T_3, T_2, ConstantShiftAmount);
_shl(T_2, ConstantShiftAmount);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Lshr: {
// a=b>>c (unsigned) ==>
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, ShiftAmount
// t3 = shr t3, ShiftAmount
_shrd(T_2, T_3, ConstantShiftAmount);
_shr(T_3, ConstantShiftAmount);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Ashr: {
// a=b>>c (signed) ==>
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, ShiftAmount
// t3 = sar t3, ShiftAmount
_shrd(T_2, T_3, ConstantShiftAmount);
_sar(T_3, ConstantShiftAmount);
} break;
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = t3
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
} else {
Constant *BitTest = Ctx->getConstantInt32(0x20);
InstX86Label *Label = InstX86Label::create(Func, this);
// t1:ecx = c.lo & 0xff
// t2 = b.lo
// t3 = b.hi
T_1 = copyToReg8(Src1Lo, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_cl);
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
switch (Op) {
assert(0 && "non-shift op");
case InstArithmetic::Shl: {
// a=b<<c ==>
// t3 = shld t3, t2, t1
// t2 = shl t2, t1
// test t1, 0x20
// je L1
// use(t3)
// t3 = t2
// t2 = 0
_shld(T_3, T_2, T_1);
_shl(T_2, T_1);
_test(T_1, BitTest);
_br(CondX86::Br_e, Label);
// T_2 and T_3 are being assigned again because of the intra-block control
// flow, so we need to use _redefined to avoid liveness problems.
_redefined(_mov(T_3, T_2));
_redefined(_mov(T_2, Zero));
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Lshr: {
// a=b>>c (unsigned) ==>
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, t1
// t3 = shr t3, t1
// test t1, 0x20
// je L1
// use(t2)
// t2 = t3
// t3 = 0
_shrd(T_2, T_3, T_1);
_shr(T_3, T_1);
_test(T_1, BitTest);
_br(CondX86::Br_e, Label);
// T_2 and T_3 are being assigned again because of the intra-block control
// flow, so we need to use _redefined to avoid liveness problems.
_redefined(_mov(T_2, T_3));
_redefined(_mov(T_3, Zero));
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Ashr: {
// a=b>>c (signed) ==>
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, t1
// t3 = sar t3, t1
// test t1, 0x20
// je L1
// use(t2)
// t2 = t3
// t3 = sar t3, 0x1f
Constant *SignExtend = Ctx->getConstantInt32(0x1f);
_shrd(T_2, T_3, T_1);
_sar(T_3, T_1);
_test(T_1, BitTest);
_br(CondX86::Br_e, Label);
// T_2 and T_3 are being assigned again because of the intra-block control
// flow, so T_2 needs to use _redefined to avoid liveness problems. T_3
// doesn't need special treatment because it is reassigned via _sar
// instead of _mov.
_redefined(_mov(T_2, T_3));
_sar(T_3, SignExtend);
} break;
// L1:
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = t3
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
void TargetX8632::lowerArithmetic(const InstArithmetic *Instr) {
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
if (Dest->isRematerializable()) {
Type Ty = Dest->getType();
Operand *Src0 = legalize(Instr->getSrc(0));
Operand *Src1 = legalize(Instr->getSrc(1));
if (Instr->isCommutative()) {
uint32_t SwapCount = 0;
if (!llvm::isa<Variable>(Src0) && llvm::isa<Variable>(Src1)) {
std::swap(Src0, Src1);
if (llvm::isa<Constant>(Src0) && !llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1)) {
std::swap(Src0, Src1);
// Improve two-address code patterns by avoiding a copy to the dest
// register when one of the source operands ends its lifetime here.
if (!Instr->isLastUse(Src0) && Instr->isLastUse(Src1)) {
std::swap(Src0, Src1);
assert(SwapCount <= 1);
if (Ty == IceType_i64) {
// These x86-32 helper-call-involved instructions are lowered in this
// separate switch. This is because loOperand() and hiOperand() may insert
// redundant instructions for constant blinding and pooling. Such redundant
// instructions will fail liveness analysis under -Om1 setting. And,
// actually these arguments do not need to be processed with loOperand()
// and hiOperand() to be used.
switch (Instr->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::Udiv:
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv:
case InstArithmetic::Urem:
case InstArithmetic::Srem:
llvm::report_fatal_error("Helper call was expected");
auto *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
auto *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Operand *Src0Lo = loOperand(Src0);
Operand *Src0Hi = hiOperand(Src0);
Operand *Src1Lo = loOperand(Src1);
Operand *Src1Hi = hiOperand(Src1);
Variable *T_Lo = nullptr, *T_Hi = nullptr;
switch (Instr->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::_num:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown arithmetic operator");
case InstArithmetic::Add:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_add(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_adc(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::And:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_and(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_and(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Or:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_or(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_or(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Xor:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_xor(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_xor(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Sub:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_sub(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_sbb(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Mul: {
Variable *T_1 = nullptr, *T_2 = nullptr, *T_3 = nullptr;
Variable *T_4Lo = makeReg(IceType_i32, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax);
Variable *T_4Hi = makeReg(IceType_i32, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_edx);
// gcc does the following:
// a=b*c ==>
// t1 = b.hi; t1 *=(imul) c.lo
// t2 = c.hi; t2 *=(imul) b.lo
// t3:eax = b.lo
// t4.hi:edx,t4.lo:eax = t3:eax *(mul) c.lo
// a.lo = t4.lo
// t4.hi += t1
// t4.hi += t2
// a.hi = t4.hi
// The mul instruction cannot take an immediate operand.
Src1Lo = legalize(Src1Lo, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
_mov(T_1, Src0Hi);
_imul(T_1, Src1Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Lo, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax);
_mul(T_4Lo, T_3, Src1Lo);
// The mul instruction produces two dest variables, edx:eax. We create a
// fake definition of edx to account for this.
Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(T_4Hi, T_4Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_4Lo);
_add(T_4Hi, T_1);
_mov(T_2, Src1Hi);
Src0Lo = legalize(Src0Lo, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
_imul(T_2, Src0Lo);
_add(T_4Hi, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_4Hi);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Shl:
case InstArithmetic::Lshr:
case InstArithmetic::Ashr:
lowerShift64(Instr->getOp(), Src0Lo, Src0Hi, Src1Lo, DestLo, DestHi);
case InstArithmetic::Fadd:
case InstArithmetic::Fsub:
case InstArithmetic::Fmul:
case InstArithmetic::Fdiv:
case InstArithmetic::Frem:
llvm_unreachable("FP instruction with i64 type");
case InstArithmetic::Udiv:
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv:
case InstArithmetic::Urem:
case InstArithmetic::Srem:
llvm_unreachable("Call-helper-involved instruction for i64 type \
should have already been handled before");
if (isVectorType(Ty)) {
// TODO: Trap on integer divide and integer modulo by zero. See:
if (llvm::isa<X86OperandMem>(Src1))
Src1 = legalizeToReg(Src1);
switch (Instr->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::_num:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown arithmetic operator");
case InstArithmetic::Add: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_padd(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::And: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_pand(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Or: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_por(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Xor: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_pxor(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Sub: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_psub(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Mul: {
bool TypesAreValidForPmull = Ty == IceType_v4i32 || Ty == IceType_v8i16;
bool InstructionSetIsValidForPmull =
Ty == IceType_v8i16 || InstructionSet >= SSE4_1;
if (TypesAreValidForPmull && InstructionSetIsValidForPmull) {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_pmull(T, Src0 == Src1 ? T : Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} else if (Ty == IceType_v4i32) {
// Lowering sequence:
// Note: The mask arguments have index 0 on the left.
// movups T1, Src0
// pshufd T2, Src0, {1,0,3,0}
// pshufd T3, Src1, {1,0,3,0}
// # T1 = {Src0[0] * Src1[0], Src0[2] * Src1[2]}
// pmuludq T1, Src1
// # T2 = {Src0[1] * Src1[1], Src0[3] * Src1[3]}
// pmuludq T2, T3
// # T1 = {lo(T1[0]), lo(T1[2]), lo(T2[0]), lo(T2[2])}
// shufps T1, T2, {0,2,0,2}
// pshufd T4, T1, {0,2,1,3}
// movups Dest, T4
// Mask that directs pshufd to create a vector with entries
// Src[1, 0, 3, 0]
constexpr unsigned Constant1030 = 0x31;
Constant *Mask1030 = Ctx->getConstantInt32(Constant1030);
// Mask that directs shufps to create a vector with entries
// Dest[0, 2], Src[0, 2]
constexpr unsigned Mask0202 = 0x88;
// Mask that directs pshufd to create a vector with entries
// Src[0, 2, 1, 3]
constexpr unsigned Mask0213 = 0xd8;
Variable *T1 = makeReg(IceType_v4i32);
Variable *T2 = makeReg(IceType_v4i32);
Variable *T3 = makeReg(IceType_v4i32);
Variable *T4 = makeReg(IceType_v4i32);
_movp(T1, Src0);
_pshufd(T2, Src0, Mask1030);
_pshufd(T3, Src1, Mask1030);
_pmuludq(T1, Src1);
_pmuludq(T2, T3);
_shufps(T1, T2, Ctx->getConstantInt32(Mask0202));
_pshufd(T4, T1, Ctx->getConstantInt32(Mask0213));
_movp(Dest, T4);
} else if (Ty == IceType_v16i8) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Scalarized operation was expected");
} else {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Invalid vector multiply type");
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Shl: {
assert(llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1) && "Non-constant shift not scalarized");
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_psll(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Lshr: {
assert(llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1) && "Non-constant shift not scalarized");
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_psrl(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Ashr: {
assert(llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1) && "Non-constant shift not scalarized");
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_psra(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Udiv:
case InstArithmetic::Urem:
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv:
case InstArithmetic::Srem:
llvm::report_fatal_error("Scalarized operation was expected");
case InstArithmetic::Fadd: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_addps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fsub: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_subps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fmul: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_mulps(T, Src0 == Src1 ? T : Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fdiv: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_movp(T, Src0);
_divps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Frem:
llvm::report_fatal_error("Scalarized operation was expected");
Variable *T_edx = nullptr;
Variable *T = nullptr;
switch (Instr->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::_num:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown arithmetic operator");
case InstArithmetic::Add: {
const bool ValidType = Ty == IceType_i32;
auto *Const = llvm::dyn_cast<Constant>(Instr->getSrc(1));
const bool ValidKind =
Const != nullptr && (llvm::isa<ConstantInteger32>(Const) ||
if (getFlags().getAggressiveLea() && ValidType && ValidKind) {
auto *Var = legalizeToReg(Src0);
auto *Mem = Traits::X86OperandMem::create(Func, IceType_void, Var, Const);
T = makeReg(Ty);
_lea(T, Mem);
_mov(Dest, T);
_mov(T, Src0);
_add(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::And:
_mov(T, Src0);
_and(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Or:
_mov(T, Src0);
_or(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Xor:
_mov(T, Src0);
_xor(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Sub:
_mov(T, Src0);
_sub(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Mul:
if (auto *C = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Src1)) {
if (optimizeScalarMul(Dest, Src0, C->getValue()))
// The 8-bit version of imul only allows the form "imul r/m8" where T must
// be in al.
if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
_mov(T, Src0, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_al);
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
_imul(T, Src0 == Src1 ? T : Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
} else if (auto *ImmConst = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Src1)) {
T = makeReg(Ty);
Src0 = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
_imul_imm(T, Src0, ImmConst);
_mov(Dest, T);
} else {
_mov(T, Src0);
// No need to legalize Src1 to Reg | Mem because the Imm case is handled
// already by the ConstantInteger32 case above.
_imul(T, Src0 == Src1 ? T : Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Shl:
_mov(T, Src0);
if (!llvm::isa<ConstantInteger32>(Src1) &&
Src1 = copyToReg8(Src1, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_cl);
_shl(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Lshr:
_mov(T, Src0);
if (!llvm::isa<ConstantInteger32>(Src1) &&
Src1 = copyToReg8(Src1, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_cl);
_shr(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Ashr:
_mov(T, Src0);
if (!llvm::isa<ConstantInteger32>(Src1) &&
Src1 = copyToReg8(Src1, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_cl);
_sar(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Udiv: {
// div and idiv are the few arithmetic operators that do not allow
// immediates as the operand.
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
RegNumT Eax;
RegNumT Edx;
switch (Ty) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Bad type for udiv");
case IceType_i64:
Eax = Traits::getRaxOrDie();
Edx = Traits::getRdxOrDie();
case IceType_i32:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_edx;
case IceType_i16:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ax;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_dx;
case IceType_i8:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_al;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ah;
T_edx = makeReg(Ty, Edx);
_mov(T, Src0, Eax);
_mov(T_edx, Ctx->getConstantZero(Ty));
_div(T_edx, Src1, T);
_redefined(Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(T, T_edx));
_mov(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv:
// TODO(stichnot): Enable this after doing better performance and cross
// testing.
if (false && Func->getOptLevel() >= Opt_1) {
// Optimize division by constant power of 2, but not for Om1 or O0, just
// to keep things simple there.
if (auto *C = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Src1)) {
const int32_t Divisor = C->getValue();
const uint32_t UDivisor = Divisor;
if (Divisor > 0 && llvm::isPowerOf2_32(UDivisor)) {
uint32_t LogDiv = llvm::Log2_32(UDivisor);
// LLVM does the following for dest=src/(1<<log):
// t=src
// sar t,typewidth-1 // -1 if src is negative, 0 if not
// shr t,typewidth-log
// add t,src
// sar t,log
// dest=t
uint32_t TypeWidth = Traits::X86_CHAR_BIT * typeWidthInBytes(Ty);
_mov(T, Src0);
// If for some reason we are dividing by 1, just treat it like an
// assignment.
if (LogDiv > 0) {
// The initial sar is unnecessary when dividing by 2.
if (LogDiv > 1)
_sar(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, TypeWidth - 1));
_shr(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, TypeWidth - LogDiv));
_add(T, Src0);
_sar(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, LogDiv));
_mov(Dest, T);
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
switch (Ty) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Bad type for sdiv");
case IceType_i64:
T_edx = makeReg(Ty, Traits::getRdxOrDie());
_mov(T, Src0, Traits::getRaxOrDie());
case IceType_i32:
T_edx = makeReg(Ty, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_edx);
_mov(T, Src0, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax);
case IceType_i16:
T_edx = makeReg(Ty, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_dx);
_mov(T, Src0, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ax);
case IceType_i8:
T_edx = makeReg(IceType_i16, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ax);
_mov(T, Src0, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_al);
_cbwdq(T_edx, T);
_idiv(T_edx, Src1, T);
_redefined(Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(T, T_edx));
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Urem: {
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
RegNumT Eax;
RegNumT Edx;
switch (Ty) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Bad type for urem");
case IceType_i64:
Eax = Traits::getRaxOrDie();
Edx = Traits::getRdxOrDie();
case IceType_i32:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_edx;
case IceType_i16:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ax;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_dx;
case IceType_i8:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_al;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ah;
T_edx = makeReg(Ty, Edx);
_mov(T_edx, Ctx->getConstantZero(Ty));
_mov(T, Src0, Eax);
_div(T, Src1, T_edx);
_redefined(Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(T_edx, T));
if (Ty == IceType_i8) {
// Register ah must be moved into one of {al,bl,cl,dl} before it can be
// moved into a general 8-bit register.
auto *T_AhRcvr = makeReg(Ty);
_mov(T_AhRcvr, T_edx);
T_edx = T_AhRcvr;
_mov(Dest, T_edx);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Srem: {
// TODO(stichnot): Enable this after doing better performance and cross
// testing.
if (false && Func->getOptLevel() >= Opt_1) {
// Optimize mod by constant power of 2, but not for Om1 or O0, just to
// keep things simple there.
if (auto *C = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Src1)) {
const int32_t Divisor = C->getValue();
const uint32_t UDivisor = Divisor;
if (Divisor > 0 && llvm::isPowerOf2_32(UDivisor)) {
uint32_t LogDiv = llvm::Log2_32(UDivisor);
// LLVM does the following for dest=src%(1<<log):
// t=src
// sar t,typewidth-1 // -1 if src is negative, 0 if not
// shr t,typewidth-log
// add t,src
// and t, -(1<<log)
// sub t,src
// neg t
// dest=t
uint32_t TypeWidth = Traits::X86_CHAR_BIT * typeWidthInBytes(Ty);
// If for some reason we are dividing by 1, just assign 0.
if (LogDiv == 0) {
_mov(Dest, Ctx->getConstantZero(Ty));
_mov(T, Src0);
// The initial sar is unnecessary when dividing by 2.
if (LogDiv > 1)
_sar(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, TypeWidth - 1));
_shr(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, TypeWidth - LogDiv));
_add(T, Src0);
_and(T, Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, -(1 << LogDiv)));
_sub(T, Src0);
_mov(Dest, T);
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
RegNumT Eax;
RegNumT Edx;
switch (Ty) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Bad type for srem");
case IceType_i64:
Eax = Traits::getRaxOrDie();
Edx = Traits::getRdxOrDie();
case IceType_i32:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_edx;
case IceType_i16:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ax;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_dx;
case IceType_i8:
Eax = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_al;
Edx = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_ah;
T_edx = makeReg(Ty, Edx);
_mov(T, Src0, Eax);
_cbwdq(T_edx, T);
_idiv(T, Src1, T_edx);
_redefined(Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(T_edx, T));
if (Ty == IceType_i8) {
// Register ah must be moved into one of {al,bl,cl,dl} before it can be
// moved into a general 8-bit register.
auto *T_AhRcvr = makeReg(Ty);
_mov(T_AhRcvr, T_edx);
T_edx = T_AhRcvr;
_mov(Dest, T_edx);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fadd:
_mov(T, Src0);
_addss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Fsub:
_mov(T, Src0);
_subss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Fmul:
_mov(T, Src0);
_mulss(T, Src0 == Src1 ? T : Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Fdiv:
_mov(T, Src0);
_divss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Frem:
llvm::report_fatal_error("Helper call was expected");
void TargetX8632::lowerAssign(const InstAssign *Instr) {
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
if (Dest->isRematerializable()) {
Operand *Src = Instr->getSrc(0);
assert(Dest->getType() == Src->getType());
lowerMove(Dest, Src, false);
void TargetX8632::lowerBr(const InstBr *Br) {
if (Br->isUnconditional()) {
Operand *Cond = Br->getCondition();
// Handle folding opportunities.
if (const Inst *Producer = FoldingInfo.getProducerFor(Cond)) {
switch (BoolFolding::getProducerKind(Producer)) {
case BoolFolding::PK_Icmp32:
case BoolFolding::PK_Icmp64: {
lowerIcmpAndConsumer(llvm::cast<InstIcmp>(Producer), Br);
case BoolFolding::PK_Fcmp: {
lowerFcmpAndConsumer(llvm::cast<InstFcmp>(Producer), Br);
case BoolFolding::PK_Arith: {
lowerArithAndConsumer(llvm::cast<InstArithmetic>(Producer), Br);
Operand *Src0 = legalize(Cond, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
_cmp(Src0, Zero);
_br(CondX86::Br_ne, Br->getTargetTrue(), Br->getTargetFalse());
// constexprMax returns a (constexpr) max(S0, S1), and it is used for defining
// OperandList in lowerCall. std::max() is supposed to work, but it doesn't.
inline constexpr SizeT constexprMax(SizeT S0, SizeT S1) {
return S0 < S1 ? S1 : S0;
void TargetX8632::lowerCall(const InstCall *Instr) {
// System V x86-32 calling convention lowering:
// * At the point before the call, the stack must be aligned to 16 bytes.
// * Non-register arguments are pushed onto the stack in right-to-left order,
// such that the left-most argument ends up on the top of the stack at the
// lowest memory address.
// * Stack arguments of vector type are aligned to start at the next highest
// multiple of 16 bytes. Other stack arguments are aligned to the next word
// size boundary (4 or 8 bytes, respectively).
// This is compatible with the Microsoft x86-32 'cdecl' calling convention,
// which doesn't have a 16-byte stack alignment requirement.
RequiredStackAlignment = std::max<size_t>(RequiredStackAlignment,
constexpr SizeT MaxOperands =
constexprMax(Traits::X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS, Traits::X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS);
using OperandList = llvm::SmallVector<Operand *, MaxOperands>;
OperandList XmmArgs;
llvm::SmallVector<SizeT, MaxOperands> XmmArgIndices;
CfgVector<std::pair<const Type, Operand *>> GprArgs;
CfgVector<SizeT> GprArgIndices;
OperandList StackArgs, StackArgLocations;
uint32_t ParameterAreaSizeBytes = 0;
// Classify each argument operand according to the location where the argument
// is passed.
for (SizeT i = 0, NumArgs = Instr->getNumArgs(); i < NumArgs; ++i) {
Operand *Arg = Instr->getArg(i);
const Type Ty = Arg->getType();
// The PNaCl ABI requires the width of arguments to be at least 32 bits.
assert(typeWidthInBytes(Ty) >= 4);
if (isVectorType(Ty) &&
Traits::getRegisterForXmmArgNum(Traits::getArgIndex(i, XmmArgs.size()))
.hasValue()) {
} else if (isScalarFloatingType(Ty) && Traits::X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM &&
Traits::getArgIndex(i, XmmArgs.size()))
.hasValue()) {
} else if (isScalarIntegerType(Ty) &&
Ty, Traits::getArgIndex(i, GprArgs.size()))
.hasValue()) {
GprArgs.emplace_back(Ty, Arg);
} else {
// Place on stack.
if (isVectorType(Arg->getType())) {
ParameterAreaSizeBytes =
Variable *esp = getPhysicalRegister(getStackReg(), Traits::WordType);
Constant *Loc = Ctx->getConstantInt32(ParameterAreaSizeBytes);
Traits::X86OperandMem::create(Func, Ty, esp, Loc));
ParameterAreaSizeBytes += typeWidthInBytesOnStack(Arg->getType());
// Ensure there is enough space for the fstp/movs for floating returns.
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
const Type DestTy = Dest ? Dest->getType() : IceType_void;
if (!Traits::X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM) {
if (isScalarFloatingType(DestTy)) {
ParameterAreaSizeBytes =
// Adjust the parameter area so that the stack is aligned. It is assumed that
// the stack is already aligned at the start of the calling sequence.
ParameterAreaSizeBytes = Traits::applyStackAlignment(ParameterAreaSizeBytes);
assert(ParameterAreaSizeBytes <= maxOutArgsSizeBytes());
// Copy arguments that are passed on the stack to the appropriate stack
// locations. We make sure legalize() is called on each argument at this
// point, to allow availabilityGet() to work.
for (SizeT i = 0, NumStackArgs = StackArgs.size(); i < NumStackArgs; ++i) {
InstStore::create(Func, legalize(StackArgs[i]), StackArgLocations[i]));
// Copy arguments to be passed in registers to the appropriate registers.
for (SizeT i = 0, NumXmmArgs = XmmArgs.size(); i < NumXmmArgs; ++i) {
XmmArgs[i] = legalizeToReg(legalize(XmmArgs[i]),
Traits::getArgIndex(XmmArgIndices[i], i)));
// Materialize moves for arguments passed in GPRs.
for (SizeT i = 0, NumGprArgs = GprArgs.size(); i < NumGprArgs; ++i) {
const Type SignatureTy = GprArgs[i].first;
Operand *Arg =
legalize(GprArgs[i].second, Legal_Default | Legal_Rematerializable);
GprArgs[i].second = legalizeToReg(
Arg, Traits::getRegisterForGprArgNum(
Arg->getType(), Traits::getArgIndex(GprArgIndices[i], i)));
assert(SignatureTy == IceType_i64 || SignatureTy == IceType_i32);
assert(SignatureTy == Arg->getType());
// Generate a FakeUse of register arguments so that they do not get dead code
// eliminated as a result of the FakeKill of scratch registers after the call.
// These need to be right before the call instruction.
for (auto *Arg : XmmArgs) {
for (auto &ArgPair : GprArgs) {
// Generate the call instruction. Assign its result to a temporary with high
// register allocation weight.
// ReturnReg doubles as ReturnRegLo as necessary.
Variable *ReturnReg = nullptr;
Variable *ReturnRegHi = nullptr;
if (Dest) {
switch (DestTy) {
case IceType_NUM:
case IceType_void:
case IceType_i1:
case IceType_i8:
case IceType_i16:
llvm::report_fatal_error("Invalid Call dest type");
case IceType_i32:
ReturnReg = makeReg(DestTy, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax);
case IceType_i64:
ReturnReg = makeReg(IceType_i32, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax);
ReturnRegHi = makeReg(IceType_i32, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_edx);
case IceType_f32:
case IceType_f64:
if (!Traits::X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM) {
// Leave ReturnReg==ReturnRegHi==nullptr, and capture the result with
// the fstp instruction.
// Fallthrough intended.
case IceType_v4i1:
case IceType_v8i1:
case IceType_v16i1:
case IceType_v16i8:
case IceType_v8i16:
case IceType_v4i32:
case IceType_v4f32:
ReturnReg = makeReg(DestTy, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_xmm0);
// Emit the call to the function.
Operand *CallTarget =
legalize(Instr->getCallTarget(), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm | Legal_AddrAbs);
size_t NumVariadicFpArgs = Instr->isVariadic() ? XmmArgs.size() : 0;
Inst *NewCall = emitCallToTarget(CallTarget, ReturnReg, NumVariadicFpArgs);
// Keep the upper return register live on 32-bit platform.
if (ReturnRegHi)
// Mark the call as killing all the caller-save registers.
// Handle x86-32 floating point returns.
if (Dest != nullptr && isScalarFloatingType(DestTy) &&
// Special treatment for an FP function which returns its result in st(0).
// If Dest ends up being a physical xmm register, the fstp emit code will
// route st(0) through the space reserved in the function argument area
// we allocated.
// Create a fake use of Dest in case it actually isn't used, because st(0)
// still needs to be popped.
// Generate a FakeUse to keep the call live if necessary.
if (Instr->hasSideEffects() && ReturnReg) {
// Process the return value, if any.
if (Dest == nullptr)
// Assign the result of the call to Dest. Route it through a temporary so
// that the local register availability peephole can be subsequently used.
Variable *Tmp = nullptr;
if (isVectorType(DestTy)) {
assert(ReturnReg && "Vector type requires a return register");
Tmp = makeReg(DestTy);