blob: dbab294dc32e2897108362ae8d7bee2c8ca805e5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceAssemblerX8664.h - Assembler for x86-64 ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Modified by the Subzero authors.
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Declares the Assembler class for X86-64.
#include "IceAssembler.h"
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceOperand.h"
#include "IceTypes.h"
#include "IceUtils.h"
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8664Traits.h"
namespace Ice {
namespace X8664 {
using Traits = TargetX8664Traits;
using ByteRegister = typename Traits::ByteRegister;
using BrCond = CondX86::BrCond;
using CmppsCond = CondX86::CmppsCond;
using GPRRegister = typename Traits::GPRRegister;
using XmmRegister = typename Traits::XmmRegister;
using X86OperandMem = typename Traits::X86OperandMem;
constexpr FixupKind FK_PcRel = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_PC32;
constexpr FixupKind FK_Abs = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_32S;
constexpr FixupKind FK_Gotoff = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_GOTOFF64;
constexpr FixupKind FK_GotPC = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_GOTPC32;
enum ScaleFactor { TIMES_1 = 0, TIMES_2 = 1, TIMES_4 = 2, TIMES_8 = 3 };
class AsmOperand {
enum RexBits {
RexNone = 0x00,
RexBase = 0x40,
RexW = RexBase | (1 << 3),
RexR = RexBase | (1 << 2),
RexX = RexBase | (1 << 1),
RexB = RexBase | (1 << 0),
// Needed by subclass AsmAddress.
AsmOperand() = default;
AsmOperand(const AsmOperand &) = default;
AsmOperand(AsmOperand &&) = default;
AsmOperand &operator=(const AsmOperand &) = default;
AsmOperand &operator=(AsmOperand &&) = default;
uint8_t mod() const { return (encoding_at(0) >> 6) & 3; }
uint8_t rexX() const { return (rex_ & RexX) != RexX ? RexNone : RexX; }
uint8_t rexB() const { return (rex_ & RexB) != RexB ? RexNone : RexB; }
GPRRegister rm() const {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexB() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
(encoding_at(0) & 7));
ScaleFactor scale() const {
return static_cast<ScaleFactor>((encoding_at(1) >> 6) & 3);
GPRRegister index() const {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexX() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
((encoding_at(1) >> 3) & 7));
GPRRegister base() const {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexB() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
(encoding_at(1) & 7));
int8_t disp8() const {
assert(length_ >= 2);
return static_cast<int8_t>(encoding_[length_ - 1]);
AssemblerFixup *fixup() const { return fixup_; }
void SetModRM(int mod, GPRRegister rm) {
assert((mod & ~3) == 0);
encoding_[0] = (mod << 6) | (rm & 0x07);
rex_ = (rm & 0x08) ? RexB : RexNone;
length_ = 1;
void SetSIB(ScaleFactor scale, GPRRegister index, GPRRegister base) {
assert(length_ == 1);
assert((scale & ~3) == 0);
encoding_[1] = (scale << 6) | ((index & 0x07) << 3) | (base & 0x07);
rex_ = ((base & 0x08) ? RexB : RexNone) | ((index & 0x08) ? RexX : RexNone);
length_ = 2;
void SetDisp8(int8_t disp) {
assert(length_ == 1 || length_ == 2);
encoding_[length_++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(disp);
void SetDisp32(int32_t disp) {
assert(length_ == 1 || length_ == 2);
intptr_t disp_size = sizeof(disp);
memmove(&encoding_[length_], &disp, disp_size);
length_ += disp_size;
void SetFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup) { fixup_ = fixup; }
AssemblerFixup *fixup_ = nullptr;
uint8_t rex_ = 0;
uint8_t encoding_[6];
uint8_t length_ = 0;
explicit AsmOperand(GPRRegister reg) : fixup_(nullptr) { SetModRM(3, reg); }
/// Get the operand encoding byte at the given index.
uint8_t encoding_at(intptr_t index) const {
assert(index >= 0 && index < length_);
return encoding_[index];
/// Returns whether or not this operand is really the given register in
/// disguise. Used from the assembler to generate better encodings.
bool IsRegister(GPRRegister reg) const {
return ((encoding_[0] & 0xF8) == 0xC0) // Addressing mode is register only.
&& (rm() == reg); // Register codes match.
friend class AssemblerX8664;
class AsmAddress : public AsmOperand {
AsmAddress() = default;
AsmAddress(const Variable *Var, const TargetX8664 *Target);
AsmAddress(const X86OperandMem *Mem, Ice::Assembler *Asm,
const Ice::TargetLowering *Target);
// Address into the constant pool.
AsmAddress(const Constant *Imm, Ice::Assembler *Asm) {
// TODO(jpp): ???
AssemblerFixup *Fixup = Asm->createFixup(FK_Abs, Imm);
const RelocOffsetT Offset = 4;
SetRipRelative(Offset, Fixup);
AsmAddress(const AsmAddress &) = default;
AsmAddress(AsmAddress &&) = default;
AsmAddress &operator=(const AsmAddress &) = default;
AsmAddress &operator=(AsmAddress &&) = default;
void SetBase(GPRRegister Base, int32_t Disp, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
if (Fixup == nullptr && Disp == 0 &&
(Base & 7) != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp) {
SetModRM(0, Base);
if ((Base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp)
SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, Base);
} else if (Fixup == nullptr && Utils::IsInt(8, Disp)) {
SetModRM(1, Base);
if ((Base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp)
SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, Base);
} else {
SetModRM(2, Base);
if ((Base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp)
SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, Base);
if (Fixup)
void SetIndex(GPRRegister Index, ScaleFactor Scale, int32_t Disp,
AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
assert(Index != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp); // Illegal addressing mode.
SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
SetSIB(Scale, Index, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp);
if (Fixup)
void SetBaseIndex(GPRRegister Base, GPRRegister Index, ScaleFactor Scale,
int32_t Disp, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
assert(Index != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp); // Illegal addressing mode.
if (Fixup == nullptr && Disp == 0 &&
(Base & 7) != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp) {
SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
SetSIB(Scale, Index, Base);
} else if (Fixup == nullptr && Utils::IsInt(8, Disp)) {
SetModRM(1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
SetSIB(Scale, Index, Base);
} else {
SetModRM(2, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
SetSIB(Scale, Index, Base);
if (Fixup)
/// Generate a RIP-relative address expression on x86-64.
void SetRipRelative(RelocOffsetT Offset, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
assert(Fixup != nullptr);
assert(Fixup->kind() == FK_PcRel);
SetModRM(0x0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp);
// Use the Offset in the displacement for now. If we decide to process
// fixups later, we'll need to patch up the emitted displacement.
if (Fixup)
/// Generate an absolute address.
void SetAbsolute(RelocOffsetT Addr) {
SetModRM(0x0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
static constexpr ScaleFactor NoScale = TIMES_1;
SetSIB(NoScale, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp);
class AssemblerX8664 : public ::Ice::Assembler {
AssemblerX8664(const AssemblerX8664 &) = delete;
AssemblerX8664 &operator=(const AssemblerX8664 &) = delete;
explicit AssemblerX8664() : Assembler(Asm_X8664) {}
static constexpr int MAX_NOP_SIZE = 8;
static bool classof(const Assembler *Asm) {
return Asm->getKind() == Asm_X8664;
class Immediate {
Immediate(const Immediate &) = delete;
Immediate &operator=(const Immediate &) = delete;
explicit Immediate(int32_t value) : value_(value) {}
explicit Immediate(AssemblerFixup *fixup) : fixup_(fixup) {}
int32_t value() const { return value_; }
AssemblerFixup *fixup() const { return fixup_; }
bool is_int8() const {
// We currently only allow 32-bit fixups, and they usually have value = 0,
// so if fixup_ != nullptr, it shouldn't be classified as int8/16.
return fixup_ == nullptr && Utils::IsInt(8, value_);
bool is_uint8() const {
return fixup_ == nullptr && Utils::IsUint(8, value_);
bool is_uint16() const {
return fixup_ == nullptr && Utils::IsUint(16, value_);
const int32_t value_ = 0;
AssemblerFixup *fixup_ = nullptr;
/// X86 allows near and far jumps.
class Label final : public Ice::Label {
Label(const Label &) = delete;
Label &operator=(const Label &) = delete;
Label() = default;
~Label() = default;
void finalCheck() const override {
/// Returns the position of an earlier branch instruction which assumes that
/// this label is "near", and bumps iterator to the next near position.
intptr_t getNearPosition() {
intptr_t Pos = UnresolvedNearPositions.back();
return Pos;
bool hasNear() const { return !UnresolvedNearPositions.empty(); }
bool isUnused() const override {
return Ice::Label::isUnused() && !hasNear();
friend class AssemblerX8664;
void nearLinkTo(const Assembler &Asm, intptr_t position) {
if (Asm.getPreliminary())
llvm::SmallVector<intptr_t, 20> UnresolvedNearPositions;
~AssemblerX8664() override;
static const bool kNearJump = true;
static const bool kFarJump = false;
void alignFunction() override;
SizeT getBundleAlignLog2Bytes() const override { return 5; }
const char *getAlignDirective() const override { return ".p2align"; }
llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> getNonExecBundlePadding() const override {
static const uint8_t Padding[] = {0xF4};
return llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Padding, 1);
void padWithNop(intptr_t Padding) override {
while (Padding > MAX_NOP_SIZE) {
Padding -= MAX_NOP_SIZE;
if (Padding)
Ice::Label *getCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) override;
void bindCfgNodeLabel(const CfgNode *Node) override;
Label *getOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(SizeT Number);
Label *getOrCreateLocalLabel(SizeT Number);
void bindLocalLabel(SizeT Number);
bool fixupIsPCRel(FixupKind Kind) const override {
// Currently assuming this is the only PC-rel relocation type used.
// TODO(jpp): Traits.PcRelTypes.count(Kind) != 0
return Kind == FK_PcRel;
// Operations to emit GPR instructions (and dispatch on operand type).
using TypedEmitGPR = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, GPRRegister);
using TypedEmitAddr = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, const AsmAddress &);
struct GPREmitterOneOp {
TypedEmitGPR Reg;
TypedEmitAddr Addr;
using TypedEmitGPRGPR = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, GPRRegister,
using TypedEmitGPRAddr = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, GPRRegister,
const AsmAddress &);
using TypedEmitGPRImm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, GPRRegister,
const Immediate &);
struct GPREmitterRegOp {
TypedEmitGPRAddr GPRAddr;
TypedEmitGPRImm GPRImm;
struct GPREmitterShiftOp {
// Technically, Addr/GPR and Addr/Imm are also allowed, but */Addr are
// not. In practice, we always normalize the Dest to a Register first.
TypedEmitGPRImm GPRImm;
using TypedEmitGPRGPRImm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, GPRRegister,
const Immediate &);
struct GPREmitterShiftD {
// Technically AddrGPR and AddrGPRImm are also allowed, but in practice we
// always normalize Dest to a Register first.
using TypedEmitAddrGPR = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, const AsmAddress &,
using TypedEmitAddrImm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, const AsmAddress &,
const Immediate &);
struct GPREmitterAddrOp {
TypedEmitAddrGPR AddrGPR;
TypedEmitAddrImm AddrImm;
// Operations to emit XMM instructions (and dispatch on operand type).
using TypedEmitXmmXmm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, XmmRegister,
using TypedEmitXmmAddr = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, XmmRegister,
const AsmAddress &);
struct XmmEmitterRegOp {
TypedEmitXmmXmm XmmXmm;
TypedEmitXmmAddr XmmAddr;
using EmitXmmXmm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(XmmRegister, XmmRegister);
using EmitXmmAddr = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(XmmRegister, const AsmAddress &);
using EmitAddrXmm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(const AsmAddress &, XmmRegister);
struct XmmEmitterMovOps {
EmitXmmXmm XmmXmm;
EmitXmmAddr XmmAddr;
EmitAddrXmm AddrXmm;
using TypedEmitXmmImm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, XmmRegister,
const Immediate &);
struct XmmEmitterShiftOp {
TypedEmitXmmXmm XmmXmm;
TypedEmitXmmAddr XmmAddr;
TypedEmitXmmImm XmmImm;
// Cross Xmm/GPR cast instructions.
template <typename DReg_t, typename SReg_t> struct CastEmitterRegOp {
using TypedEmitRegs = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, DReg_t, Type, SReg_t);
using TypedEmitAddr = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, DReg_t, Type,
const AsmAddress &);
TypedEmitRegs RegReg;
TypedEmitAddr RegAddr;
// Three operand (potentially) cross Xmm/GPR instructions. The last operand
// must be an immediate.
template <typename DReg_t, typename SReg_t> struct ThreeOpImmEmitter {
using TypedEmitRegRegImm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, DReg_t, SReg_t,
const Immediate &);
using TypedEmitRegAddrImm = void (AssemblerX8664::*)(Type, DReg_t,
const AsmAddress &,
const Immediate &);
TypedEmitRegRegImm RegRegImm;
TypedEmitRegAddrImm RegAddrImm;
* Emit Machine Instructions.
void call(GPRRegister reg);
void call(const AsmAddress &address);
void call(const ConstantRelocatable *label); // not testable.
void call(const Immediate &abs_address);
static const intptr_t kCallExternalLabelSize = 5;
void pushl(GPRRegister reg);
void pushl(const Immediate &Imm);
void pushl(const ConstantRelocatable *Label);
void popl(GPRRegister reg);
void popl(const AsmAddress &address);
void setcc(BrCond condition, ByteRegister dst);
void setcc(BrCond condition, const AsmAddress &address);
void mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &src);
void mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void mov(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &dst, GPRRegister src);
void mov(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &dst, const Immediate &imm);
void movabs(const GPRRegister Dst, uint64_t Imm64);
void movzx(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void movzx(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void movsx(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void movsx(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void lea(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void cmov(Type Ty, BrCond cond, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void cmov(Type Ty, BrCond cond, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void rep_movsb();
void movss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void movss(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &dst, XmmRegister src);
void movss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void movd(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void movd(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void movd(Type DestTy, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void movd(Type DestTy, const AsmAddress &dst, XmmRegister src);
void movq(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void movq(const AsmAddress &dst, XmmRegister src);
void movq(XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void addss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void addss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void subss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void subss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void mulss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void mulss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void divss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void divss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void movaps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void movups(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void movups(XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void movups(const AsmAddress &dst, XmmRegister src);
void padd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void padd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void padds(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void padds(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void paddus(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void paddus(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pand(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pand(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pandn(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pandn(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pmull(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pmull(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pmulhw(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pmulhw(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pmulhuw(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pmulhuw(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pmaddwd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pmaddwd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pmuludq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pmuludq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void por(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void por(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psub(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void psub(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psubs(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void psubs(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psubus(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void psubus(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pxor(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pxor(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &src);
void psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &src);
void psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &src);
void addps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void addps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void subps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void subps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void divps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void divps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void mulps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void mulps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void minps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void minps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void minss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void minss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void maxps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void maxps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void maxss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void maxss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void andnps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void andnps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void andps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void andps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void orps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void orps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void blendvps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void blendvps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pblendvb(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pblendvb(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void cmpps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src, CmppsCond CmpCondition);
void cmpps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src,
CmppsCond CmpCondition);
void sqrtps(XmmRegister dst);
void rsqrtps(XmmRegister dst);
void reciprocalps(XmmRegister dst);
void movhlps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void movlhps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void unpcklps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void unpckhps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void unpcklpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void unpckhpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void set1ps(XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister tmp, const Immediate &imm);
void sqrtpd(XmmRegister dst);
void pshufb(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pshufb(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pshufd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src, const Immediate &mask);
void pshufd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src,
const Immediate &mask);
void punpckl(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, XmmRegister Src);
void punpckl(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, const AsmAddress &Src);
void punpckh(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, XmmRegister Src);
void punpckh(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, const AsmAddress &Src);
void packss(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, XmmRegister Src);
void packss(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, const AsmAddress &Src);
void packus(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, XmmRegister Src);
void packus(Type Ty, XmmRegister Dst, const AsmAddress &Src);
void shufps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src, const Immediate &mask);
void shufps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src,
const Immediate &mask);
void cvtdq2ps(Type, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void cvtdq2ps(Type, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void cvttps2dq(Type, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void cvttps2dq(Type, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void cvtps2dq(Type, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void cvtps2dq(Type, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void cvtsi2ss(Type DestTy, XmmRegister dst, Type SrcTy, GPRRegister src);
void cvtsi2ss(Type DestTy, XmmRegister dst, Type SrcTy,
const AsmAddress &src);
void cvtfloat2float(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void cvtfloat2float(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void cvttss2si(Type DestTy, GPRRegister dst, Type SrcTy, XmmRegister src);
void cvttss2si(Type DestTy, GPRRegister dst, Type SrcTy,
const AsmAddress &src);
void cvtss2si(Type DestTy, GPRRegister dst, Type SrcTy, XmmRegister src);
void cvtss2si(Type DestTy, GPRRegister dst, Type SrcTy,
const AsmAddress &src);
void ucomiss(Type Ty, XmmRegister a, XmmRegister b);
void ucomiss(Type Ty, XmmRegister a, const AsmAddress &b);
void movmsk(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void sqrt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void sqrt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void xorps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void xorps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void insertps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
const Immediate &imm);
void insertps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src,
const Immediate &imm);
void pinsr(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src, const Immediate &imm);
void pinsr(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src,
const Immediate &imm);
void pextr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src, const Immediate &imm);
void pmovsxdq(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pcmpeq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pcmpeq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void pcmpgt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src);
void pcmpgt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
enum RoundingMode {
kRoundToNearest = 0x0,
kRoundDown = 0x1,
kRoundUp = 0x2,
kRoundToZero = 0x3
void round(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src, const Immediate &mode);
void round(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src,
const Immediate &mode);
void cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg0, GPRRegister reg1);
void cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const AsmAddress &address);
void cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void cmp(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void cmp(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void test(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg0, GPRRegister reg1);
void test(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void test(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void test(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &address);
void And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm);
void And(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void And(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &address);
void Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm);
void Or(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void Or(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &address);
void Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm);
void Xor(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void Xor(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void add(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void add(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const AsmAddress &address);
void add(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void add(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void add(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &address);
void adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void adc(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void adc(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const AsmAddress &address);
void sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void sub(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void sub(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const AsmAddress &address);
void sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void sbb(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
void sbb(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
void cbw();
void cwd();
void cdq();
void cqo();
void div(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg);
void div(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address);
void idiv(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg);
void idiv(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address);
void imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const AsmAddress &address);
void imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg);
void imul(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address);
void imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src, const Immediate &imm);
void imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &address,
const Immediate &imm);
void mul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg);
void mul(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address);
void incl(GPRRegister reg);
void incl(const AsmAddress &address);
void decl(GPRRegister reg);
void decl(const AsmAddress &address);
void rol(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void rol(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void rol(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void shl(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void shl(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void shl(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void shr(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void shr(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void shr(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void sar(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void sar(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter);
void sar(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister shifter);
void shld(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void shld(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src, const Immediate &imm);
void shld(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &operand, GPRRegister src);
void shrd(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void shrd(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src, const Immediate &imm);
void shrd(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &dst, GPRRegister src);
void neg(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg);
void neg(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &addr);
void notl(GPRRegister reg);
void bsf(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void bsf(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void bsr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src);
void bsr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const AsmAddress &src);
void bswap(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg);
void bt(GPRRegister base, GPRRegister offset);
void ret();
void ret(const Immediate &imm);
// 'size' indicates size in bytes and must be in the range 1..8.
void nop(int size = 1);
void int3();
void hlt();
void ud2();
// j(Label) is fully tested.
void j(BrCond condition, Label *label, bool near = kFarJump);
void j(BrCond condition, const ConstantRelocatable *label); // not testable.
void jmp(GPRRegister reg);
void jmp(Label *label, bool near = kFarJump);
void jmp(const ConstantRelocatable *label); // not testable.
void jmp(const Immediate &abs_address);
void mfence();
void lock();
void cmpxchg(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg,
bool Locked);
void cmpxchg8b(const AsmAddress &address, bool Locked);
void xadd(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg, bool Locked);
void xchg(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg0, GPRRegister reg1);
void xchg(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
/// \name Intel Architecture Code Analyzer markers.
/// @{
void iaca_start();
void iaca_end();
/// @}
void emitSegmentOverride(uint8_t prefix);
intptr_t preferredLoopAlignment() { return 16; }
void align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset);
void bind(Label *label);
intptr_t CodeSize() const { return Buffer.size(); }
inline void emitUint8(uint8_t value);
static constexpr Type RexTypeIrrelevant = IceType_i32;
static constexpr Type RexTypeForceRexW = IceType_i64;
static constexpr GPRRegister RexRegIrrelevant =
inline void emitInt16(int16_t value);
inline void emitInt32(int32_t value);
inline void emitRegisterOperand(int rm, int reg);
template <typename RegType, typename RmType>
inline void emitXmmRegisterOperand(RegType reg, RmType rm);
inline void emitOperandSizeOverride();
void emitOperand(int rm, const AsmOperand &operand, RelocOffsetT Addend = 0);
void emitImmediate(Type ty, const Immediate &imm);
void emitComplexI8(int rm, const AsmOperand &operand,
const Immediate &immediate);
void emitComplex(Type Ty, int rm, const AsmOperand &operand,
const Immediate &immediate);
void emitLabel(Label *label, intptr_t instruction_size);
void emitLabelLink(Label *label);
void emitNearLabelLink(Label *label);
void emitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
void emitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, const AsmOperand &operand,
GPRRegister shifter);
using LabelVector = std::vector<Label *>;
// A vector of pool-allocated x86 labels for CFG nodes.
LabelVector CfgNodeLabels;
// A vector of pool-allocated x86 labels for Local labels.
LabelVector LocalLabels;
Label *getOrCreateLabel(SizeT Number, LabelVector &Labels);
// The arith_int() methods factor out the commonality between the encodings
// of add(), Or(), adc(), sbb(), And(), sub(), Xor(), and cmp(). The Tag
// parameter is statically asserted to be less than 8.
template <uint32_t Tag>
void arith_int(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
template <uint32_t Tag>
void arith_int(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg0, GPRRegister reg1);
template <uint32_t Tag>
void arith_int(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const AsmAddress &address);
template <uint32_t Tag>
void arith_int(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, GPRRegister reg);
template <uint32_t Tag>
void arith_int(Type Ty, const AsmAddress &address, const Immediate &imm);
// gprEncoding returns Reg encoding for operand emission. For x86-64 we mask
// out the 4th bit as it is encoded in the REX.[RXB] bits. No other bits are
// touched because we don't want to mask errors.
template <typename RegType> GPRRegister gprEncoding(const RegType Reg) {
return static_cast<GPRRegister>(static_cast<uint8_t>(Reg) & ~0x08);
template <typename RegType>
bool is8BitRegisterRequiringRex(const Type Ty, const RegType Reg) {
static constexpr bool IsGPR =
std::is_same<typename std::decay<RegType>::type, ByteRegister>::value ||
std::is_same<typename std::decay<RegType>::type, GPRRegister>::value;
// At this point in the assembler, we have encoded regs, so it is not
// possible to distinguish between the "new" low byte registers introduced
// in x86-64 and the legacy [abcd]h registers. Because x86, we may still
// see ah (div) in the assembler, so we allow it here.
// The "local" uint32_t Encoded_Reg_ah is needed because RegType is an
// enum that is not necessarily the same type of
// Traits::RegisterSet::Encoded_Reg_ah.
constexpr uint32_t Encoded_Reg_ah = Traits::RegisterSet::Encoded_Reg_ah;
return IsGPR && (Reg & 0x04) != 0 && (Reg & 0x08) == 0 &&
isByteSizedType(Ty) && (Reg != Encoded_Reg_ah);
// assembleAndEmitRex is used for determining which (if any) rex prefix
// should be emitted for the current instruction. It allows different types
// for Reg and Rm because they could be of different types (e.g., in
// mov[sz]x instructions.) If Addr is not nullptr, then Rm is ignored, and
// Rex.B is determined by Addr instead. TyRm is still used to determine
// Addr's size.
template <typename RegType, typename RmType>
void assembleAndEmitRex(const Type TyReg, const RegType Reg, const Type TyRm,
const RmType Rm, const AsmAddress *Addr = nullptr) {
const uint8_t W = (TyReg == IceType_i64 || TyRm == IceType_i64)
? AsmOperand::RexW
: AsmOperand::RexNone;
const uint8_t R = (Reg & 0x08) ? AsmOperand::RexR : AsmOperand::RexNone;
const uint8_t X = (Addr != nullptr)
? (typename AsmOperand::RexBits)Addr->rexX()
: AsmOperand::RexNone;
const uint8_t B = (Addr != nullptr)
? (typename AsmOperand::RexBits)Addr->rexB()
: (Rm & 0x08) ? AsmOperand::RexB
: AsmOperand::RexNone;
const uint8_t Prefix = W | R | X | B;
if (Prefix != AsmOperand::RexNone) {
} else if (is8BitRegisterRequiringRex(TyReg, Reg) ||
(Addr == nullptr && is8BitRegisterRequiringRex(TyRm, Rm))) {
// emitRexRB is used for emitting a Rex prefix instructions with two
// explicit register operands in its mod-rm byte.
template <typename RegType, typename RmType>
void emitRexRB(const Type Ty, const RegType Reg, const RmType Rm) {
assembleAndEmitRex(Ty, Reg, Ty, Rm);
template <typename RegType, typename RmType>
void emitRexRB(const Type TyReg, const RegType Reg, const Type TyRm,
const RmType Rm) {
assembleAndEmitRex(TyReg, Reg, TyRm, Rm);
// emitRexB is used for emitting a Rex prefix if one is needed on encoding
// the Reg field in an x86 instruction. It is invoked by the template when
// Reg is the single register operand in the instruction (e.g., push Reg.)
template <typename RmType> void emitRexB(const Type Ty, const RmType Rm) {
emitRexRB(Ty, RexRegIrrelevant, Ty, Rm);
// emitRex is used for emitting a Rex prefix for an address and a GPR. The
// address may contain zero, one, or two registers.
template <typename RegType>
void emitRex(const Type Ty, const AsmAddress &Addr, const RegType Reg) {
assembleAndEmitRex(Ty, Reg, Ty, RexRegIrrelevant, &Addr);
template <typename RegType>
void emitRex(const Type AddrTy, const AsmAddress &Addr, const Type TyReg,
const RegType Reg) {
assembleAndEmitRex(TyReg, Reg, AddrTy, RexRegIrrelevant, &Addr);
inline void AssemblerX8664::emitUint8(uint8_t value) {
inline void AssemblerX8664::emitInt16(int16_t value) {
inline void AssemblerX8664::emitInt32(int32_t value) {
inline void AssemblerX8664::emitRegisterOperand(int reg, int rm) {
assert(reg >= 0 && reg < 8);
assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
Buffer.emit<uint8_t>(0xC0 + (reg << 3) + rm);
template <typename RegType, typename RmType>
inline void AssemblerX8664::emitXmmRegisterOperand(RegType reg, RmType rm) {
emitRegisterOperand(gprEncoding(reg), gprEncoding(rm));
inline void AssemblerX8664::emitOperandSizeOverride() { emitUint8(0x66); }
using Label = AssemblerX8664::Label;
using Immediate = AssemblerX8664::Immediate;
} // end of namespace X8664
} // end of namespace Ice