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//===- subzero/src/IceInstX8664.def - X-macros for x86-64 insts -*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines properties of lowered x86-64 instructions in the
// form of x-macros.
// NOTE: we use the 32bit register names for two reasons:
// (1) it makes it easier to implement the x86 assembler template.
// (2) when generating code, subzero defaults to using 32 bit registers,
// so using the 32 bit register name would hopefully make this design
// more explicit.
// NOTE: esp is not considered isInt, to avoid register allocating it.
#define REGX8664_GPR_TABLE \
/* val, encode, name64, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isInt, isFP */ \
X(Reg_eax, = 0, "rax", "eax" , "ax" , "al" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_ecx, = 1, "rcx", "ecx" , "cx" , "cl" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_edx, = 2, "rdx", "edx" , "dx" , "dl" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_ebx, = 3, "rbx", "ebx" , "bx" , "bl" , 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_esp, = 4, "rsp", "esp" , "sp" , "spl" , 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) \
X(Reg_ebp, = 5, "rbp", "ebp" , "bp" , "bpl" , 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_esi, = 6, "rsi", "esi" , "si" , "sil" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_edi, = 7, "rdi", "edi" , "di" , "dil" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r8d, = 8, "r8" , "r8d" , "r8w", "r8l" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r9d, = 9, "r9" , "r9d" , "r9w", "r9l" , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r10d, = 10, "r10", "r10d", "r10w", "r10l", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r11d, = 11, "r11", "r11d", "r11w", "r11l", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r12d, = 12, "r12", "r12d", "r12w", "r12l", 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r13d, = 13, "r13", "r13d", "r13w", "r12l", 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r14d, = 14, "r14", "r14d", "r14w", "r14l", 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0) \
X(Reg_r15d, = 15, "r15", "r15d", "r15w", "r15l", 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
#define REGX8664_XMM_TABLE \
/* val, encode, name64, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isInt, isFP */ \
X(Reg_xmm0, = 0, "xmm0" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm1, = 1, "xmm1" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm2, = 2, "xmm2" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm3, = 3, "xmm3" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm4, = 4, "xmm4" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm5, = 5, "xmm5" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm6, = 6, "xmm6" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm7, = 7, "xmm7" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm8, = 8, "xmm8" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm9, = 9, "xmm9" , "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm10, = 10, "xmm10", "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm11, = 11, "xmm11", "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm12, = 12, "xmm12", "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm13, = 13, "xmm13", "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm14, = 14, "xmm14", "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \
X(Reg_xmm15, = 15, "xmm15", "", "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
//#define X(val, encode, name, name32, name16, name8, scratch, preserved,
// stackptr, frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP)
// We also provide a combined table, so that there is a namespace where
// all of the registers are considered and have distinct numberings.
// This is in contrast to the above, where the "encode" is based on how
// the register numbers will be encoded in binaries and values can overlap.
#define REGX8664_TABLE \
/* val, encode, name64, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, \
stackptr, frameptr, isInt, isFP */ \
//#define X(val, encode, name, name32, name16, name8, scratch, preserved,
// stackptr, frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP)
#define REGX8664_TABLE_BOUNDS \
/* val , init */ \
X(Reg_GPR_First, = Reg_eax ) \
X(Reg_GPR_Last , = Reg_r15d ) \
X(Reg_XMM_First, = Reg_xmm0 ) \
X(Reg_XMM_Last , = Reg_xmm15)
// define X(val, init)
// We also need the encodings for the Byte registers (other info overlaps
// what is in the REGX8664_GPR_TABLE). We don't expose the ah, ch, dh,
// bh registers to keep register selection simple.
#define REGX8664_BYTEREG_TABLE \
/* val , encode */ \
X(Reg_al , = 0) \
X(Reg_cl , = 1) \
X(Reg_dl , = 2) \
X(Reg_bl , = 3) \
X(Reg_spl , = 4) \
X(Reg_bpl , = 5) \
X(Reg_sil , = 6) \
X(Reg_dil , = 7) \
X(Reg_r8l , = 8) \
X(Reg_r9l , = 9) \
X(Reg_r10l, = 10) \
X(Reg_r11l, = 11) \
X(Reg_r12l, = 12) \
X(Reg_r13l, = 13) \
X(Reg_r14l, = 14) \
X(Reg_r15l, = 15)
//#define X(val, encode)
#define ICEINSTX8664BR_TABLE \
/* enum value, encode, opposite, dump, emit */ \
X(Br_o , = 0, Br_no , "o" , "jo" ) \
X(Br_no , = 1, Br_o , "no", "jno") \
X(Br_b , = 2, Br_ae , "b" , "jb" ) \
X(Br_ae , = 3, Br_b , "ae", "jae") \
X(Br_e , = 4, Br_ne , "e" , "je" ) \
X(Br_ne , = 5, Br_e , "ne", "jne") \
X(Br_be , = 6, Br_a , "be", "jbe") \
X(Br_a , = 7, Br_be , "a" , "ja" ) \
X(Br_s , = 8, Br_ns , "s" , "js" ) \
X(Br_ns , = 9, Br_s , "ns", "jns") \
X(Br_p , = 10, Br_np , "p" , "jp" ) \
X(Br_np , = 11, Br_p , "np", "jnp") \
X(Br_l , = 12, Br_ge , "l" , "jl" ) \
X(Br_ge , = 13, Br_l , "ge", "jge") \
X(Br_le , = 14, Br_g , "le", "jle") \
X(Br_g , = 15, Br_le , "g" , "jg")
//#define X(tag, encode, opp, dump, emit)
/* enum value, emit */ \
X(Cmpps_eq , "eq" ) \
X(Cmpps_lt , "lt" ) \
X(Cmpps_le , "le" ) \
X(Cmpps_unord, "unord") \
X(Cmpps_neq , "neq" ) \
X(Cmpps_nlt , "nlt" ) \
X(Cmpps_nle , "nle" ) \
X(Cmpps_ord , "ord" )
//#define X(tag, emit)
#define ICETYPEX8664_TABLE \
/* tag , element type, cvt , sdss, pack, width, fld */ \
X(IceType_void , IceType_void, "?" , "" , "" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_i1 , IceType_void, "si", "" , "" , "b" , "" ) \
X(IceType_i8 , IceType_void, "si", "" , "" , "b" , "" ) \
X(IceType_i16 , IceType_void, "si", "" , "" , "w" , "" ) \
X(IceType_i32 , IceType_void, "si", "" , "" , "l" , "" ) \
X(IceType_i64 , IceType_void, "si", "" , "" , "q" , "" ) \
X(IceType_f32 , IceType_void, "ss", "ss", "d" , "" , "s") \
X(IceType_f64 , IceType_void, "sd", "sd", "q" , "" , "l") \
X(IceType_v4i1 , IceType_i32 , "?" , "" , "d" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_v8i1 , IceType_i16 , "?" , "" , "w" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_v16i1, IceType_i8 , "?" , "" , "b" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_v16i8, IceType_i8 , "?" , "" , "b" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_v8i16, IceType_i16 , "?" , "" , "w" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_v4i32, IceType_i32 , "dq", "" , "d" , "" , "" ) \
X(IceType_v4f32, IceType_f32 , "ps", "" , "d" , "" , "" )
//#define X(tag, elementty, cvt, sdss, pack, width, fld)