| Name: Bloat - Generate webtreemap-compatible JSON summaries of binary size |
| URL: https://github.com/martine/bloat |
| Revision: 2c22b831f081402a9160adb957b64b83316202e1 |
| License File: NOT_SHIPPED |
| Generate webtreemap-compatible JSON summaries of binary size. |
| Only bloat.py is used (with no modifications). |
| ======================================================================== |
| Name: Webtreemap - Web-based treemap |
| URL: https://github.com/martine/webtreemap |
| Revision: a2fa353833eca1a4821ba4c93fb6a7d546aed02a |
| License File: NOT_SHIPPED |
| A simple treemap implementation using web technologies (DOM nodes, CSS |
| styling and transitions) rather than a big canvas/svg/plugin. |
| webtreemap.{js,css} are used with no modifications. demo/demo.html |
| was used as the basis for pnacl-sz.bloat.html. |