blob: 7423e5beb5b02a0fba684cdbc21da67258c4d375 [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2012 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
#ifndef sw_VertexProgram_hpp
#define sw_VertexProgram_hpp
#include "VertexRoutine.hpp"
#include "ShaderCore.hpp"
#include "Stream.hpp"
#include "Types.hpp"
namespace sw
struct Stream;
class VertexShader;
class SamplerCore;
class VertexProgram : public VertexRoutine, public ShaderCore
VertexProgram(const VertexProcessor::State &state, const VertexShader *vertexShader);
virtual ~VertexProgram();
typedef Shader::DestinationParameter Dst;
typedef Shader::SourceParameter Src;
typedef Shader::Control Control;
typedef Shader::Usage Usage;
void pipeline(Registers &r);
void program(Registers &r);
void passThrough(Registers &r);
Vector4f reg(Registers &r, const Src &src, int offset = 0);
Vector4f readConstant(Registers &r, const Src &src, int offset = 0);
Int relativeAddress(Registers &r, const Shader::Parameter &var);
Int4 enableMask(Registers &r, const Shader::Instruction *instruction);
void M3X2(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, Src &src1);
void M3X3(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, Src &src1);
void M3X4(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, Src &src1);
void M4X3(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, Src &src1);
void M4X4(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, Src &src1);
void BREAK(Registers &r);
void BREAKC(Registers &r, Vector4f &src0, Vector4f &src1, Control);
void BREAKP(Registers &r, const Src &predicateRegister);
void BREAK(Registers &r, Int4 &condition);
void CONTINUE(Registers &r);
void TEST();
void CALL(Registers &r, int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex);
void CALLNZ(Registers &r, int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex, const Src &src);
void CALLNZb(Registers &r, int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex, const Src &boolRegister);
void CALLNZp(Registers &r, int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex, const Src &predicateRegister);
void ELSE(Registers &r);
void ENDIF(Registers &r);
void ENDLOOP(Registers &r);
void ENDREP(Registers &r);
void ENDWHILE(Registers &r);
void IF(Registers &r, const Src &src);
void IFb(Registers &r, const Src &boolRegister);
void IFp(Registers &r, const Src &predicateRegister);
void IFC(Registers &r, Vector4f &src0, Vector4f &src1, Control);
void IF(Registers &r, Int4 &condition);
void LABEL(int labelIndex);
void LOOP(Registers &r, const Src &integerRegister);
void REP(Registers &r, const Src &integerRegister);
void WHILE(Registers &r, const Src &temporaryRegister);
void RET(Registers &r);
void LEAVE(Registers &r);
void TEXLDL(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src, const Src&);
void TEX(Registers &r, Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src, const Src&);
void sampleTexture(Registers &r, Vector4f &c, const Src &s, Float4 &u, Float4 &v, Float4 &w, Float4 &q);
SamplerCore *sampler[4];
int ifDepth;
int loopRepDepth;
int breakDepth;
int currentLabel;
bool whileTest;
// FIXME: Get rid of llvm::
llvm::BasicBlock *ifFalseBlock[24 + 24];
llvm::BasicBlock *loopRepTestBlock[4];
llvm::BasicBlock *loopRepEndBlock[4];
llvm::BasicBlock *labelBlock[2048];
std::vector<llvm::BasicBlock*> callRetBlock[2048];
llvm::BasicBlock *returnBlock;
bool isConditionalIf[24 + 24];
#endif // sw_VertexProgram_hpp