blob: 8e37967ee238b5b16d6ca9d5df6529d3476742af [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2011 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
#include "Nucleus.hpp"
namespace sw
#define For(init, cond, inc) \
init; \
for(llvm::BasicBlock *loopBB__ = beginLoop(), \
*bodyBB__ = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(), \
*endBB__ = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(), \
*onceBB__ = endBB__; \
onceBB__ && branch(cond, bodyBB__, endBB__); \
inc, onceBB__ = 0, Nucleus::createBr(loopBB__), Nucleus::setInsertBlock(endBB__))
#define While(cond) For(((void*)0), cond, ((void*)0))
#define Do \
{ \
llvm::BasicBlock *body = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(); \
Nucleus::createBr(body); \
#define Until(cond) \
llvm::BasicBlock *end = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(); \
Nucleus::createCondBr((cond).value, end, body); \
Nucleus::setInsertBlock(end); \
#define If(cond) \
for(llvm::BasicBlock *trueBB__ = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(), \
*falseBB__ = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(), \
*endBB__ = Nucleus::createBasicBlock(), \
*onceBB__ = endBB__; \
onceBB__ && branch(cond, trueBB__, falseBB__); \
onceBB__ = 0, Nucleus::createBr(endBB__), Nucleus::setInsertBlock(falseBB__), Nucleus::createBr(endBB__), Nucleus::setInsertBlock(endBB__))
#define Else \
for(llvm::BasicBlock *endBB__ = Nucleus::getInsertBlock(), \
*falseBB__ = Nucleus::getPredecessor(endBB__), \
*onceBB__ = endBB__; \
onceBB__ && elseBlock(falseBB__); \
onceBB__ = 0, Nucleus::createBr(endBB__), Nucleus::setInsertBlock(endBB__))