blob: 1ce295e5cfa2faa2e3f1121090c1e1d79c364c56 [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2012 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
// Display.h: Defines the egl::Display class, representing the abstract
// display on which graphics are drawn. Implements EGLDisplay.
// [EGL 1.4] section 2.1.2 page 3.
#include "Config.h"
#include "Surface.h"
#include "libGLESv2/Context.h"
#include "libGLESv2/Device.hpp"
#include <windows.h>
#include <set>
namespace egl
class Display
static egl::Display *getDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType displayId);
bool initialize();
void terminate();
virtual void startScene() {ASSERT(!"Stop calling internal ANGLE methods!");}; // FIXME: Remove when Chrome no longer calls getDevice() directly
virtual void endScene() {ASSERT(!"Stop calling internal ANGLE methods!");}; // FIXME: Remove when Chrome no longer calls getDevice() directly
bool getConfigs(EGLConfig *configs, const EGLint *attribList, EGLint configSize, EGLint *numConfig);
bool getConfigAttrib(EGLConfig config, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value);
EGLSurface createWindowSurface(HWND window, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attribList);
EGLSurface createOffscreenSurface(EGLConfig config, HANDLE shareHandle, const EGLint *attribList);
EGLContext createContext(EGLConfig configHandle, const gl::Context *shareContext);
void destroySurface(egl::Surface *surface);
void destroyContext(gl::Context *context);
bool isInitialized() const;
bool isValidConfig(EGLConfig config);
bool isValidContext(gl::Context *context);
bool isValidSurface(egl::Surface *surface);
bool hasExistingWindowSurface(HWND window);
EGLint getMinSwapInterval();
EGLint getMaxSwapInterval();
virtual gl::Device *getDeviceChrome() {ASSERT(!"Stop calling internal ANGLE methods!"); return 0;}; // FIXME: Remove when Chrome no longer calls getDevice() directly
virtual gl::Device *getDevice();
const char *getExtensionString() const;
Display(EGLNativeDisplayType displayId);
const EGLNativeDisplayType displayId;
gl::Device *mDevice;
EGLint mMaxSwapInterval;
EGLint mMinSwapInterval;
typedef std::set<Surface*> SurfaceSet;
SurfaceSet mSurfaceSet;
ConfigSet mConfigSet;
typedef std::set<gl::Context*> ContextSet;
ContextSet mContextSet;
bool createDevice();
void initExtensionString();
std::string mExtensionString;