blob: ab0ba346383b3214f496d98db5aea1d6ef1d5fe6 [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2012 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
#include "intermediate.h"
#include "ParseHelper.h"
#include "Shader/PixelShader.hpp"
#include "Shader/VertexShader.hpp"
#define GL_APICALL
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
namespace gl
class Shader;
namespace sh
struct Uniform
Uniform(GLenum type, const std::string &name, int arraySize, int registerIndex);
GLenum type;
std::string name;
int arraySize;
int registerIndex;
typedef std::vector<Uniform> ActiveUniforms;
struct Attribute
Attribute(GLenum type, const std::string &name, int arraySize, int registerIndex);
GLenum type;
std::string name;
int arraySize;
int registerIndex;
struct Function
Function(int label, const char *name, TIntermSequence *arg, TIntermTyped *ret) : label(label), name(name), arg(arg), ret(ret)
Function(int label, const TString &name, TIntermSequence *arg, TIntermTyped *ret) : label(label), name(name), arg(arg), ret(ret)
const int label;
const TString name;
TIntermSequence *const arg;
TIntermTyped *const ret;
typedef sw::Shader::Instruction Instruction;
typedef std::vector<Attribute> ActiveAttributes;
class Temporary;
class OutputASM : public TIntermTraverser
explicit OutputASM(TParseContext &context, gl::Shader *shaderObject);
void output();
void freeTemporary(Temporary *temporary);
enum Scope
void emitShader(Scope scope);
// Visit AST nodes and output their code to the body stream
virtual bool visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary*);
virtual bool visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary*);
virtual bool visitSelection(Visit visit, TIntermSelection*);
virtual bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate*);
virtual bool visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop*);
virtual bool visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch*);
Instruction *emit(sw::Shader::Opcode op, TIntermTyped *dst = 0, TIntermNode *src0 = 0, TIntermNode *src1 = 0, TIntermNode *src2 = 0);
void emitAssign(sw::Shader::Opcode op, TIntermTyped *result, TIntermTyped *lhs, TIntermTyped *src0, TIntermTyped *src1 = 0);
void emitCmp(sw::Shader::Control cmpOp, TIntermTyped *dst, TIntermNode *left, TIntermNode *right, int index = 0);
void argument(sw::Shader::SourceParameter &parameter, TIntermNode *argument, int index = 0);
void copy(TIntermTyped *dst, TIntermNode *src, int offset = 0);
void assignLvalue(TIntermTyped *dst, TIntermNode *src);
int lvalue(sw::Shader::DestinationParameter &dst, Temporary &address, TIntermTyped *node);
sw::Shader::ParameterType registerType(TIntermTyped *operand);
int registerIndex(TIntermTyped *operand);
int writeMask(TIntermTyped *destination, int index = 0);
bool trivial(TIntermTyped *expression, int budget); // Fast to compute and no side effects
int cost(TIntermNode *expression, int budget);
const Function &findFunction(const TString &name);
int temporaryRegister(TIntermTyped *temporary);
int varyingRegister(TIntermTyped *varying);
int uniformRegister(TIntermTyped *uniform);
int attributeRegister(TIntermTyped *attribute);
int samplerRegister(TIntermTyped *sampler);
typedef std::vector<TIntermTyped*> VariableArray;
int lookup(VariableArray &list, TIntermTyped *variable);
int allocate(VariableArray &list, TIntermTyped *variable);
void free(VariableArray &list, TIntermTyped *variable);
void declareUniform(const TType &type, const TString &name, int index);
GLenum glVariableType(const TType &type);
static int dim(TIntermNode *v);
static int dim2(TIntermNode *m);
gl::Shader *const shaderObject;
sw::Shader *shader;
sw::PixelShader *pixelShader;
sw::VertexShader *vertexShader;
VariableArray temporaries;
VariableArray uniforms;
VariableArray varyings;
VariableArray attributes;
VariableArray samplers;
Scope emitScope;
Scope currentScope;
int currentFunction;
std::vector<Function> functionArray;
TParseContext &mContext;