| add gcc builtins for alpha instructions |
| custom expand byteswap into nifty |
| extract/insert/mask byte/word/longword/quadword low/high |
| see if any of the extract/insert/mask operations can be added |
| match more interesting things for cmovlbc cmovlbs (move if low bit clear/set) |
| remq(i,j): i - (j * divq(i,j)) if j != 0 |
| remqu(i,j): i - (j * divqu(i,j)) if j != 0 |
| reml(i,j): i - (j * divl(i,j)) if j != 0 |
| remlu(i,j): i - (j * divlu(i,j)) if j != 0 |
| add crazy vector instructions (MVI): |
| (MIN|MAX)(U|S)(B8|W4) min and max, signed and unsigned, byte and word |
| PKWB, UNPKBW pack/unpack word to byte |
| PKLB UNPKBL pack/unpack long to byte |
| PERR pixel error (sum across bytes of bytewise abs(i8v8 a - i8v8 b)) |
| cmpbytes bytewise cmpeq of i8v8 a and i8v8 b (not part of MVI extensions) |
| this has some good examples for other operations that can be synthesised well |
| from these rather meager vector ops (such as saturating add). |
| http://www.alphalinux.org/docs/MVI-full.html |