blob: 64902285b1369201735878aaa551e99d92912c28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Marl Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef marl_scheduler_h
#define marl_scheduler_h
#include "debug.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "sal.h"
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace marl {
class OSFiber;
// Task is a unit of work for the scheduler.
using Task = std::function<void()>;
// Scheduler asynchronously processes Tasks.
// A scheduler can be bound to one or more threads using the bind() method.
// Once bound to a thread, that thread can call marl::schedule() to enqueue
// work tasks to be executed asynchronously.
// Scheduler are initially constructed in single-threaded mode.
// Call setWorkerThreadCount() to spawn dedicated worker threads.
class Scheduler {
class Worker;
Scheduler(Allocator* allocator = Allocator::Default);
// get() returns the scheduler bound to the current thread.
static Scheduler* get();
// bind() binds this scheduler to the current thread.
// There must be no existing scheduler bound to the thread prior to calling.
void bind();
// unbind() unbinds the scheduler currently bound to the current thread.
// There must be a existing scheduler bound to the thread prior to calling.
static void unbind();
// enqueue() queues the task for asynchronous execution.
void enqueue(Task&& task);
// setThreadInitializer() sets the worker thread initializer function which
// will be called for each new worker thread spawned.
// The initializer will only be called on newly created threads (call
// setThreadInitializer() before setWorkerThreadCount()).
void setThreadInitializer(const std::function<void()>& init);
// getThreadInitializer() returns the thread initializer function set by
// setThreadInitializer().
const std::function<void()>& getThreadInitializer();
// setWorkerThreadCount() adjusts the number of dedicated worker threads.
// A count of 0 puts the scheduler into single-threaded mode.
// Note: Currently the number of threads cannot be adjusted once tasks
// have been enqueued. This restriction may be lifted at a later time.
void setWorkerThreadCount(int count);
// getWorkerThreadCount() returns the number of worker threads.
int getWorkerThreadCount();
// Fibers expose methods to perform cooperative multitasking and are
// automatically created by the Scheduler.
// The currently executing Fiber can be obtained by calling Fiber::current().
// When execution becomes blocked, yield() can be called to suspend execution
// of the fiber and start executing other pending work. Once the block has
// been lifted, schedule() can be called to reschedule the Fiber on the same
// thread that previously executed it.
class Fiber {
// current() returns the currently executing fiber, or nullptr if called
// without a bound scheduler.
static Fiber* current();
// yield() suspends execution of this Fiber, allowing the thread to work
// on other tasks.
// yield() must only be called on the currently executing fiber.
void yield();
// schedule() reschedules the suspended Fiber for execution.
void schedule();
// id is the thread-unique identifier of the Fiber.
uint32_t const id;
friend class Allocator;
friend class Scheduler;
Fiber(Allocator::unique_ptr<OSFiber>&&, uint32_t id);
// switchTo() switches execution to the given fiber.
// switchTo() must only be called on the currently executing fiber.
void switchTo(Fiber*);
// create() constructs and returns a new fiber with the given identifier,
// stack size that will executed func when switched to.
static Allocator::unique_ptr<Fiber> create(
Allocator* allocator,
uint32_t id,
size_t stackSize,
const std::function<void()>& func);
// createFromCurrentThread() constructs and returns a new fiber with the
// given identifier for the current thread.
static Allocator::unique_ptr<Fiber> createFromCurrentThread(
Allocator* allocator,
uint32_t id);
Allocator::unique_ptr<OSFiber> const impl;
Worker* const worker;
// Stack size in bytes of a new fiber.
// TODO: Make configurable so the default size can be reduced.
static constexpr size_t FiberStackSize = 1024 * 1024;
// Maximum number of worker threads.
static constexpr size_t MaxWorkerThreads = 256;
// TODO: Implement a queue that recycles elements to reduce number of
// heap allocations.
using TaskQueue = std::queue<Task>;
using FiberQueue = std::queue<Fiber*>;
// Workers executes Tasks on a single thread.
// Once a task is started, it may yield to other tasks on the same Worker.
// Tasks are always resumed by the same Worker.
class Worker {
enum class Mode {
// Worker will spawn a background thread to process tasks.
// Worker will execute tasks whenever it yields.
Worker(Scheduler* scheduler, Mode mode, uint32_t id);
// start() begins execution of the worker.
void start();
// stop() ceases execution of the worker, blocking until all pending
// tasks have fully finished.
void stop();
// yield() suspends execution of the current task, and looks for other
// tasks to start or continue execution.
void yield(Fiber* fiber);
// enqueue(Fiber*) enqueues resuming of a suspended fiber.
void enqueue(Fiber* fiber);
// enqueue(Task&&) enqueues a new, unstarted task.
void enqueue(Task&& task);
// tryLock() attempts to lock the worker for task enqueing.
// If the lock was successful then true is returned, and the caller must
// call enqueueAndUnlock().
bool tryLock();
// enqueueAndUnlock() enqueues the task and unlocks the worker.
// Must only be called after a call to tryLock() which returned true.
void enqueueAndUnlock(Task&& task);
// flush() processes all pending tasks before returning.
void flush();
// dequeue() attempts to take a Task from the worker. Returns true if
// a task was taken and assigned to out, otherwise false.
bool dequeue(Task& out);
// getCurrent() returns the Worker currently bound to the current
// thread.
static inline Worker* getCurrent();
// getCurrentFiber() returns the Fiber currently being executed.
inline Fiber* getCurrentFiber() const;
// Unique identifier of the Worker.
const uint32_t id;
// run() is the task processing function for the worker.
// If the worker was constructed in Mode::MultiThreaded, run() will
// continue to process tasks until stop() is called.
// If the worker was constructed in Mode::SingleThreaded, run() call
// flush() and return.
void run();
// createWorkerFiber() creates a new fiber that when executed calls
// run().
Fiber* createWorkerFiber();
// switchToFiber() switches execution to the given fiber. The fiber
// must belong to this worker.
void switchToFiber(Fiber*);
// runUntilIdle() executes all pending tasks and then returns.
_Requires_lock_held_(lock) void runUntilIdle(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
// waitForWork() blocks until new work is available, potentially calling
// spinForWork().
_Requires_lock_held_(lock) void waitForWork(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
// spinForWork() attempts to steal work from another Worker, and keeps
// the thread awake for a short duration. This reduces overheads of
// frequently putting the thread to sleep and re-waking.
void spinForWork();
// numBlockedFibers() returns the number of fibers currently blocked and
// held externally.
_Requires_lock_held_(lock) inline size_t numBlockedFibers() const {
return workerFibers.size() - idleFibers.size();
// Work holds tasks and fibers that are enqueued on the Worker.
struct Work {
std::atomic<uint64_t> num = {0}; // tasks.size() + fibers.size()
TaskQueue tasks; // guarded by mutex
FiberQueue fibers; // guarded by mutex
std::condition_variable added;
std::mutex mutex;
class FastRnd {
inline uint64_t operator()() {
x ^= x << 13;
x ^= x >> 7;
x ^= x << 17;
return x;
uint64_t x = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
// The current worker bound to the current thread.
static thread_local Worker* current;
Mode const mode;
Scheduler* const scheduler;
Allocator::unique_ptr<Fiber> mainFiber;
Fiber* currentFiber = nullptr;
std::thread thread;
Work work;
FiberQueue idleFibers; // Fibers that have completed which can be reused.
workerFibers; // All fibers created by this worker.
FastRnd rng;
std::atomic<bool> shutdown = {false};
// stealWork() attempts to steal a task from the worker with the given id.
// Returns true if a task was stolen and assigned to out, otherwise false.
bool stealWork(Worker* thief, uint64_t from, Task& out);
// onBeginSpinning() is called when a Worker calls spinForWork().
// The scheduler will prioritize this worker for new tasks to try to prevent
// it going to sleep.
void onBeginSpinning(int workerId);
// The scheduler currently bound to the current thread.
static thread_local Scheduler* bound;
Allocator* const allocator;
std::function<void()> threadInitFunc;
std::mutex threadInitFuncMutex;
std::array<std::atomic<int>, 8> spinningWorkers;
std::atomic<unsigned int> nextSpinningWorkerIdx = {0x8000000};
// TODO: Make this lot thread-safe so setWorkerThreadCount() can be called
// during execution of tasks.
std::atomic<unsigned int> nextEnqueueIndex = {0};
unsigned int numWorkerThreads = 0;
std::array<Worker*, MaxWorkerThreads> workerThreads;
std::mutex singleThreadedWorkerMutex;
std::unordered_map<std::thread::id, Allocator::unique_ptr<Worker>>
Scheduler::Worker* Scheduler::Worker::getCurrent() {
return Worker::current;
Scheduler::Fiber* Scheduler::Worker::getCurrentFiber() const {
return currentFiber;
// schedule() schedules the function f to be asynchronously called with the
// given arguments using the currently bound scheduler.
template <typename Function, typename... Args>
inline void schedule(Function&& f, Args&&... args) {
auto scheduler = Scheduler::get();
std::bind(std::forward<Function>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
// schedule() schedules the function f to be asynchronously called using the
// currently bound scheduler.
template <typename Function>
inline void schedule(Function&& f) {
auto scheduler = Scheduler::get();
} // namespace marl
#endif // marl_scheduler_h