blob: 8fb8be50632e4b14ffad6e6d87f01700075c01c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2015 Google Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of Google Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
// VertexArray.h: Defines the es2::VertexArray class
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "Context.h"
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
namespace es2
class VertexArray : public gl::NamedObject
VertexArray(GLuint name);
const VertexAttribute& getVertexAttribute(size_t attributeIndex) const;
VertexAttributeArray& getVertexAttributes() { return mVertexAttributes; }
void detachBuffer(GLuint bufferName);
void setVertexAttribDivisor(GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
void enableAttribute(unsigned int attributeIndex, bool enabledState);
void setAttributeState(unsigned int attributeIndex, Buffer *boundBuffer, GLint size, GLenum type,
bool normalized, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer);
Buffer *getElementArrayBuffer() const { return mElementArrayBuffer; }
void setElementArrayBuffer(Buffer *buffer);
VertexAttributeArray mVertexAttributes;
gl::BindingPointer<Buffer> mElementArrayBuffer;