blob: e459e2cc41456d103c0c9b36732a3fe019f8be9f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.cpp - x86-32 lowering -----------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the TargetLoweringX8632 class, which
// consists almost entirely of the lowering sequence for each
// high-level instruction. It also implements
// TargetX8632Fast::postLower() which does the simplest possible
// register allocation for the "fast" target.
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceCfg.h"
#include "IceCfgNode.h"
#include "IceInstX8632.h"
#include "IceOperand.h"
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8632.def"
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8632.h"
namespace Ice {
namespace {
// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the fcmp instruction.
// There is one table entry for each of the 16 conditions. A comment in
// lowerFcmp() describes the lowering template. In the most general case, there
// is a compare followed by two conditional branches, because some fcmp
// conditions don't map to a single x86 conditional branch. However, in many
// cases it is possible to swap the operands in the comparison and have a single
// conditional branch. Since it's quite tedious to validate the table by hand,
// good execution tests are helpful.
const struct TableFcmp_ {
uint32_t Default;
bool SwapOperands;
InstX8632Br::BrCond C1, C2;
} TableFcmp[] = {
#define X(val, dflt, swap, C1, C2) \
{ dflt, swap, InstX8632Br::C1, InstX8632Br::C2 } \
#undef X
const size_t TableFcmpSize = llvm::array_lengthof(TableFcmp);
// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the icmp instruction
// for i32 and narrower types. Each icmp condition has a clear mapping to an
// x86 conditional branch instruction.
const struct TableIcmp32_ {
InstX8632Br::BrCond Mapping;
} TableIcmp32[] = {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
{ InstX8632Br::C_32 } \
#undef X
const size_t TableIcmp32Size = llvm::array_lengthof(TableIcmp32);
// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the icmp instruction
// for the i64 type. For Eq and Ne, two separate 32-bit comparisons and
// conditional branches are needed. For the other conditions, three separate
// conditional branches are needed.
const struct TableIcmp64_ {
InstX8632Br::BrCond C1, C2, C3;
} TableIcmp64[] = {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
{ InstX8632Br::C1_64, InstX8632Br::C2_64, InstX8632Br::C3_64 } \
#undef X
const size_t TableIcmp64Size = llvm::array_lengthof(TableIcmp64);
InstX8632Br::BrCond getIcmp32Mapping(InstIcmp::ICond Cond) {
size_t Index = static_cast<size_t>(Cond);
assert(Index < TableIcmp32Size);
return TableIcmp32[Index].Mapping;
// The maximum number of arguments to pass in XMM registers
const unsigned X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS = 4;
// In some cases, there are x-macros tables for both high-level and
// low-level instructions/operands that use the same enum key value.
// The tables are kept separate to maintain a proper separation
// between abstraction layers. There is a risk that the tables
// could get out of sync if enum values are reordered or if entries
// are added or deleted. This dummy function uses static_assert to
// ensure everything is kept in sync.
void xMacroIntegrityCheck() {
// Validate the enum values in FCMPX8632_TABLE.
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level
// table entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(val, dflt, swap, C1, C2) _tmp_##val,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, str) static const int _table1_##tag = InstFcmp::tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries,
// and ensure the table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(val, dflt, swap, C1, C2) \
static const int _table2_##val = _tmp_##val; \
STATIC_ASSERT(_table1_##val == _table2_##val);
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level
// table entries in case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, str) STATIC_ASSERT(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag);
#undef X
// Validate the enum values in ICMPX8632_TABLE.
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level
// table entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) _tmp_##val,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, str) static const int _table1_##tag = InstIcmp::tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries,
// and ensure the table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
static const int _table2_##val = _tmp_##val; \
STATIC_ASSERT(_table1_##val == _table2_##val);
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level
// table entries in case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, str) STATIC_ASSERT(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag);
#undef X
// Validate the enum values in ICETYPEX8632_TABLE.
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level
// table entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(tag, cvt, sdss, width) _tmp_##tag,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, size, align, elts, elty, str) \
static const int _table1_##tag = tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries,
// and ensure the table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(tag, cvt, sdss, width) \
static const int _table2_##tag = _tmp_##tag; \
STATIC_ASSERT(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag);
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level
// table entries in case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, size, align, elts, elty, str) \
STATIC_ASSERT(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag);
#undef X
} // end of anonymous namespace
TargetX8632::TargetX8632(Cfg *Func)
: TargetLowering(Func), IsEbpBasedFrame(false), FrameSizeLocals(0),
LocalsSizeBytes(0), NextLabelNumber(0), ComputedLiveRanges(false),
PhysicalRegisters(VarList(Reg_NUM)) {
// TODO: Don't initialize IntegerRegisters and friends every time.
// Instead, initialize in some sort of static initializer for the
// class.
llvm::SmallBitVector IntegerRegisters(Reg_NUM);
llvm::SmallBitVector IntegerRegistersI8(Reg_NUM);
llvm::SmallBitVector FloatRegisters(Reg_NUM);
llvm::SmallBitVector VectorRegisters(Reg_NUM);
llvm::SmallBitVector InvalidRegisters(Reg_NUM);
#define X(val, init, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP) \
IntegerRegisters[val] = isInt; \
IntegerRegistersI8[val] = isI8; \
FloatRegisters[val] = isFP; \
VectorRegisters[val] = isFP; \
ScratchRegs[val] = scratch;
#undef X
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_void] = InvalidRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_i1] = IntegerRegistersI8;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_i8] = IntegerRegistersI8;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_i16] = IntegerRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_i32] = IntegerRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_i64] = IntegerRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_f32] = FloatRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_f64] = FloatRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v4i1] = VectorRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v8i1] = VectorRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v16i1] = VectorRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v16i8] = VectorRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v8i16] = VectorRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v4i32] = VectorRegisters;
TypeToRegisterSet[IceType_v4f32] = VectorRegisters;
void TargetX8632::translateO2() {
GlobalContext *Context = Func->getContext();
// Lower Phi instructions.
Timer T_placePhiLoads;
if (Func->hasError())
T_placePhiLoads.printElapsedUs(Context, "placePhiLoads()");
Timer T_placePhiStores;
if (Func->hasError())
T_placePhiStores.printElapsedUs(Context, "placePhiStores()");
Timer T_deletePhis;
if (Func->hasError())
T_deletePhis.printElapsedUs(Context, "deletePhis()");
Func->dump("After Phi lowering");
// Address mode optimization.
Timer T_doAddressOpt;
T_doAddressOpt.printElapsedUs(Context, "doAddressOpt()");
// Argument lowering
Timer T_argLowering;
T_argLowering.printElapsedUs(Context, "lowerArguments()");
// Target lowering. This requires liveness analysis for some parts
// of the lowering decisions, such as compare/branch fusing. If
// non-lightweight liveness analysis is used, the instructions need
// to be renumbered first. TODO: This renumbering should only be
// necessary if we're actually calculating live intervals, which we
// only do for register allocation.
Timer T_renumber1;
if (Func->hasError())
T_renumber1.printElapsedUs(Context, "renumberInstructions()");
// TODO: It should be sufficient to use the fastest liveness
// calculation, i.e. livenessLightweight(). However, for some
// reason that slows down the rest of the translation. Investigate.
Timer T_liveness1;
if (Func->hasError())
T_liveness1.printElapsedUs(Context, "liveness()");
Func->dump("After x86 address mode opt");
Timer T_genCode;
if (Func->hasError())
T_genCode.printElapsedUs(Context, "genCode()");
// Register allocation. This requires instruction renumbering and
// full liveness analysis.
Timer T_renumber2;
if (Func->hasError())
T_renumber2.printElapsedUs(Context, "renumberInstructions()");
Timer T_liveness2;
if (Func->hasError())
T_liveness2.printElapsedUs(Context, "liveness()");
// Validate the live range computations. Do it outside the timing
// code. TODO: Put this under a flag.
bool ValidLiveness = Func->validateLiveness();
(void)ValidLiveness; // used only in assert()
ComputedLiveRanges = true;
// The post-codegen dump is done here, after liveness analysis and
// associated cleanup, to make the dump cleaner and more useful.
Func->dump("After initial x8632 codegen");
Timer T_regAlloc;
if (Func->hasError())
T_regAlloc.printElapsedUs(Context, "regAlloc()");
Func->dump("After linear scan regalloc");
// Stack frame mapping.
Timer T_genFrame;
if (Func->hasError())
T_genFrame.printElapsedUs(Context, "genFrame()");
Func->dump("After stack frame mapping");
void TargetX8632::translateOm1() {
GlobalContext *Context = Func->getContext();
Timer T_placePhiLoads;
if (Func->hasError())
T_placePhiLoads.printElapsedUs(Context, "placePhiLoads()");
Timer T_placePhiStores;
if (Func->hasError())
T_placePhiStores.printElapsedUs(Context, "placePhiStores()");
Timer T_deletePhis;
if (Func->hasError())
T_deletePhis.printElapsedUs(Context, "deletePhis()");
Func->dump("After Phi lowering");
Timer T_argLowering;
T_argLowering.printElapsedUs(Context, "lowerArguments()");
Timer T_genCode;
if (Func->hasError())
T_genCode.printElapsedUs(Context, "genCode()");
Func->dump("After initial x8632 codegen");
Timer T_genFrame;
if (Func->hasError())
T_genFrame.printElapsedUs(Context, "genFrame()");
Func->dump("After stack frame mapping");
IceString TargetX8632::RegNames[] = {
#define X(val, init, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP) \
#undef X
Variable *TargetX8632::getPhysicalRegister(SizeT RegNum) {
assert(RegNum < PhysicalRegisters.size());
Variable *Reg = PhysicalRegisters[RegNum];
if (Reg == NULL) {
CfgNode *Node = NULL; // NULL means multi-block lifetime
Reg = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32, Node);
PhysicalRegisters[RegNum] = Reg;
return Reg;
IceString TargetX8632::getRegName(SizeT RegNum, Type Ty) const {
assert(RegNum < Reg_NUM);
static IceString RegNames8[] = {
#define X(val, init, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP) \
#undef X
static IceString RegNames16[] = {
#define X(val, init, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP) \
#undef X
switch (Ty) {
case IceType_i1:
case IceType_i8:
return RegNames8[RegNum];
case IceType_i16:
return RegNames16[RegNum];
return RegNames[RegNum];
void TargetX8632::emitVariable(const Variable *Var, const Cfg *Func) const {
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
assert(Var->getLocalUseNode() == NULL ||
Var->getLocalUseNode() == Func->getCurrentNode());
if (Var->hasReg()) {
Str << getRegName(Var->getRegNum(), Var->getType());
Str << InstX8632::getWidthString(Var->getType());
Str << " [" << getRegName(getFrameOrStackReg(), IceType_i32);
int32_t Offset = Var->getStackOffset();
if (!hasFramePointer())
Offset += getStackAdjustment();
if (Offset) {
if (Offset > 0)
Str << "+";
Str << Offset;
Str << "]";
void TargetX8632::lowerArguments() {
VarList &Args = Func->getArgs();
// The first four arguments of vector type, regardless of their
// position relative to the other arguments in the argument list, are
// passed in registers xmm0 - xmm3.
unsigned NumXmmArgs = 0;
for (SizeT I = 0, E = Args.size(); I < E && NumXmmArgs < X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS;
++I) {
Variable *Arg = Args[I];
Type Ty = Arg->getType();
if (!isVectorType(Ty))
// Replace Arg in the argument list with the home register. Then
// generate an instruction in the prolog to copy the home register
// to the assigned location of Arg.
int32_t RegNum = Reg_xmm0 + NumXmmArgs;
IceString Name = "home_reg:" + Arg->getName();
const CfgNode *DefNode = NULL;
Variable *RegisterArg = Func->makeVariable(Ty, DefNode, Name);
Arg->setIsArg(Func, false);
Args[I] = RegisterArg;
Context.insert(InstAssign::create(Func, Arg, RegisterArg));
// Helper function for addProlog().
// This assumes Arg is an argument passed on the stack. This sets the
// frame offset for Arg and updates InArgsSizeBytes according to Arg's
// width. For an I64 arg that has been split into Lo and Hi components,
// it calls itself recursively on the components, taking care to handle
// Lo first because of the little-endian architecture. Lastly, this
// function generates an instruction to copy Arg into its assigned
// register if applicable.
void TargetX8632::finishArgumentLowering(Variable *Arg, Variable *FramePtr,
size_t BasicFrameOffset,
size_t &InArgsSizeBytes) {
Variable *Lo = Arg->getLo();
Variable *Hi = Arg->getHi();
Type Ty = Arg->getType();
if (Lo && Hi && Ty == IceType_i64) {
assert(Lo->getType() != IceType_i64); // don't want infinite recursion
assert(Hi->getType() != IceType_i64); // don't want infinite recursion
finishArgumentLowering(Lo, FramePtr, BasicFrameOffset, InArgsSizeBytes);
finishArgumentLowering(Hi, FramePtr, BasicFrameOffset, InArgsSizeBytes);
Arg->setStackOffset(BasicFrameOffset + InArgsSizeBytes);
InArgsSizeBytes += typeWidthInBytesOnStack(Ty);
if (Arg->hasReg()) {
assert(Ty != IceType_i64);
OperandX8632Mem *Mem = OperandX8632Mem::create(
Func, Ty, FramePtr,
Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, Arg->getStackOffset()));
if (isVectorType(Arg->getType())) {
_movp(Arg, Mem);
} else {
_mov(Arg, Mem);
Type TargetX8632::stackSlotType() { return IceType_i32; }
void TargetX8632::addProlog(CfgNode *Node) {
// If SimpleCoalescing is false, each variable without a register
// gets its own unique stack slot, which leads to large stack
// frames. If SimpleCoalescing is true, then each "global" variable
// without a register gets its own slot, but "local" variable slots
// are reused across basic blocks. E.g., if A and B are local to
// block 1 and C is local to block 2, then C may share a slot with A
// or B.
const bool SimpleCoalescing = true;
size_t InArgsSizeBytes = 0;
size_t RetIpSizeBytes = 4;
size_t PreservedRegsSizeBytes = 0;
LocalsSizeBytes = 0;
// Determine stack frame offsets for each Variable without a
// register assignment. This can be done as one variable per stack
// slot. Or, do coalescing by running the register allocator again
// with an infinite set of registers (as a side effect, this gives
// variables a second chance at physical register assignment).
// A middle ground approach is to leverage sparsity and allocate one
// block of space on the frame for globals (variables with
// multi-block lifetime), and one block to share for locals
// (single-block lifetime).
llvm::SmallBitVector CalleeSaves =
getRegisterSet(RegSet_CalleeSave, RegSet_None);
size_t GlobalsSize = 0;
std::vector<size_t> LocalsSize(Func->getNumNodes());
// Prepass. Compute RegsUsed, PreservedRegsSizeBytes, and
// LocalsSizeBytes.
RegsUsed = llvm::SmallBitVector(CalleeSaves.size());
const VarList &Variables = Func->getVariables();
const VarList &Args = Func->getArgs();
for (VarList::const_iterator I = Variables.begin(), E = Variables.end();
I != E; ++I) {
Variable *Var = *I;
if (Var->hasReg()) {
RegsUsed[Var->getRegNum()] = true;
// An argument either does not need a stack slot (if passed in a
// register) or already has one (if passed on the stack).
if (Var->getIsArg())
// An unreferenced variable doesn't need a stack slot.
if (ComputedLiveRanges && Var->getLiveRange().isEmpty())
// A spill slot linked to a variable with a stack slot should reuse
// that stack slot.
if (Var->getWeight() == RegWeight::Zero && Var->getRegisterOverlap()) {
if (Variable *Linked = Var->getPreferredRegister()) {
if (!Linked->hasReg())
size_t Increment = typeWidthInBytesOnStack(Var->getType());
if (SimpleCoalescing) {
if (Var->isMultiblockLife()) {
GlobalsSize += Increment;
} else {
SizeT NodeIndex = Var->getLocalUseNode()->getIndex();
LocalsSize[NodeIndex] += Increment;
if (LocalsSize[NodeIndex] > LocalsSizeBytes)
LocalsSizeBytes = LocalsSize[NodeIndex];
} else {
LocalsSizeBytes += Increment;
LocalsSizeBytes += GlobalsSize;
// Add push instructions for preserved registers.
for (SizeT i = 0; i < CalleeSaves.size(); ++i) {
if (CalleeSaves[i] && RegsUsed[i]) {
PreservedRegsSizeBytes += 4;
const bool SuppressStackAdjustment = true;
_push(getPhysicalRegister(i), SuppressStackAdjustment);
// Generate "push ebp; mov ebp, esp"
if (IsEbpBasedFrame) {
assert((RegsUsed & getRegisterSet(RegSet_FramePointer, RegSet_None))
.count() == 0);
PreservedRegsSizeBytes += 4;
Variable *ebp = getPhysicalRegister(Reg_ebp);
Variable *esp = getPhysicalRegister(Reg_esp);
const bool SuppressStackAdjustment = true;
_push(ebp, SuppressStackAdjustment);
_mov(ebp, esp);
// Generate "sub esp, LocalsSizeBytes"
if (LocalsSizeBytes)
Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, LocalsSizeBytes));
// Fill in stack offsets for stack args, and copy args into registers
// for those that were register-allocated. Args are pushed right to
// left, so Arg[0] is closest to the stack/frame pointer.
Variable *FramePtr = getPhysicalRegister(getFrameOrStackReg());
size_t BasicFrameOffset = PreservedRegsSizeBytes + RetIpSizeBytes;
if (!IsEbpBasedFrame)
BasicFrameOffset += LocalsSizeBytes;
unsigned NumXmmArgs = 0;
for (SizeT i = 0; i < Args.size(); ++i) {
Variable *Arg = Args[i];
// Skip arguments passed in registers.
if (isVectorType(Arg->getType()) && NumXmmArgs < X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS) {
finishArgumentLowering(Arg, FramePtr, BasicFrameOffset, InArgsSizeBytes);
// Fill in stack offsets for locals.
size_t TotalGlobalsSize = GlobalsSize;
GlobalsSize = 0;
LocalsSize.assign(LocalsSize.size(), 0);
size_t NextStackOffset = 0;
for (VarList::const_iterator I = Variables.begin(), E = Variables.end();
I != E; ++I) {
Variable *Var = *I;
if (Var->hasReg()) {
RegsUsed[Var->getRegNum()] = true;
if (Var->getIsArg())
if (ComputedLiveRanges && Var->getLiveRange().isEmpty())
if (Var->getWeight() == RegWeight::Zero && Var->getRegisterOverlap()) {
if (Variable *Linked = Var->getPreferredRegister()) {
if (!Linked->hasReg()) {
// TODO: Make sure Linked has already been assigned a stack
// slot.
size_t Increment = typeWidthInBytesOnStack(Var->getType());
if (SimpleCoalescing) {
if (Var->isMultiblockLife()) {
GlobalsSize += Increment;
NextStackOffset = GlobalsSize;
} else {
SizeT NodeIndex = Var->getLocalUseNode()->getIndex();
LocalsSize[NodeIndex] += Increment;
NextStackOffset = TotalGlobalsSize + LocalsSize[NodeIndex];
} else {
NextStackOffset += Increment;
if (IsEbpBasedFrame)
Var->setStackOffset(LocalsSizeBytes - NextStackOffset);
this->FrameSizeLocals = NextStackOffset;
this->HasComputedFrame = true;
if (Func->getContext()->isVerbose(IceV_Frame)) {
Func->getContext()->getStrDump() << "LocalsSizeBytes=" << LocalsSizeBytes
<< "\n"
<< "InArgsSizeBytes=" << InArgsSizeBytes
<< "\n"
<< "PreservedRegsSizeBytes="
<< PreservedRegsSizeBytes << "\n";
void TargetX8632::addEpilog(CfgNode *Node) {
InstList &Insts = Node->getInsts();
InstList::reverse_iterator RI, E;
for (RI = Insts.rbegin(), E = Insts.rend(); RI != E; ++RI) {
if (llvm::isa<InstX8632Ret>(*RI))
if (RI == E)
// Convert the reverse_iterator position into its corresponding
// (forward) iterator position.
InstList::iterator InsertPoint = RI.base();
Variable *esp = getPhysicalRegister(Reg_esp);
if (IsEbpBasedFrame) {
Variable *ebp = getPhysicalRegister(Reg_ebp);
_mov(esp, ebp);
} else {
// add esp, LocalsSizeBytes
if (LocalsSizeBytes)
_add(esp, Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, LocalsSizeBytes));
// Add pop instructions for preserved registers.
llvm::SmallBitVector CalleeSaves =
getRegisterSet(RegSet_CalleeSave, RegSet_None);
for (SizeT i = 0; i < CalleeSaves.size(); ++i) {
SizeT j = CalleeSaves.size() - i - 1;
if (j == Reg_ebp && IsEbpBasedFrame)
if (CalleeSaves[j] && RegsUsed[j]) {
template <typename T> struct PoolTypeConverter {};
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<float> {
typedef float PrimitiveFpType;
typedef uint32_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantFloat IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_f32;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::TypeName = "float";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::AsmTag = ".long";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<double> {
typedef double PrimitiveFpType;
typedef uint64_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantDouble IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_f64;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::TypeName = "double";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::AsmTag = ".quad";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::PrintfString = "0x%llx";
template <typename T> void TargetX8632::emitConstantPool() const {
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
Type Ty = T::Ty;
SizeT Align = typeAlignInBytes(Ty);
ConstantList Pool = Ctx->getConstantPool(Ty);
Str << "\t.section\t.rodata.cst" << Align << ",\"aM\",@progbits," << Align
<< "\n";
Str << "\t.align\t" << Align << "\n";
for (ConstantList::const_iterator I = Pool.begin(), E = Pool.end(); I != E;
++I) {
typename T::IceType *Const = llvm::cast<typename T::IceType>(*I);
typename T::PrimitiveFpType Value = Const->getValue();
// Use memcpy() to copy bits from Value into RawValue in a way
// that avoids breaking strict-aliasing rules.
typename T::PrimitiveIntType RawValue;
memcpy(&RawValue, &Value, sizeof(Value));
char buf[30];
int CharsPrinted =
snprintf(buf, llvm::array_lengthof(buf), T::PrintfString, RawValue);
assert(CharsPrinted >= 0 &&
(size_t)CharsPrinted < llvm::array_lengthof(buf));
(void)CharsPrinted; // avoid warnings if asserts are disabled
Str << "L$" << Ty << "$" << Const->getPoolEntryID() << ":\n";
Str << "\t" << T::AsmTag << "\t" << buf << "\t# " << T::TypeName << " "
<< Value << "\n";
void TargetX8632::emitConstants() const {
emitConstantPool<PoolTypeConverter<float> >();
emitConstantPool<PoolTypeConverter<double> >();
// No need to emit constants from the int pool since (for x86) they
// are embedded as immediates in the instructions.
void TargetX8632::split64(Variable *Var) {
switch (Var->getType()) {
case IceType_i64:
// TODO: Only consider F64 if we need to push each half when
// passing as an argument to a function call. Note that each half
// is still typed as I32.
case IceType_f64:
Variable *Lo = Var->getLo();
Variable *Hi = Var->getHi();
if (Lo) {
assert(Hi == NULL);
Lo = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32, Context.getNode(),
Var->getName() + "__lo");
Hi = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32, Context.getNode(),
Var->getName() + "__hi");
Var->setLoHi(Lo, Hi);
if (Var->getIsArg()) {
Operand *TargetX8632::loOperand(Operand *Operand) {
assert(Operand->getType() == IceType_i64);
if (Operand->getType() != IceType_i64)
return Operand;
if (Variable *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Operand)) {
return Var->getLo();
if (ConstantInteger *Const = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger>(Operand)) {
uint64_t Mask = (1ull << 32) - 1;
return Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, Const->getValue() & Mask);
if (OperandX8632Mem *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandX8632Mem>(Operand)) {
return OperandX8632Mem::create(Func, IceType_i32, Mem->getBase(),
Mem->getOffset(), Mem->getIndex(),
Mem->getShift(), Mem->getSegmentRegister());
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported operand type");
return NULL;
Operand *TargetX8632::hiOperand(Operand *Operand) {
assert(Operand->getType() == IceType_i64);
if (Operand->getType() != IceType_i64)
return Operand;
if (Variable *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Operand)) {
return Var->getHi();
if (ConstantInteger *Const = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger>(Operand)) {
return Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, Const->getValue() >> 32);
if (OperandX8632Mem *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandX8632Mem>(Operand)) {
Constant *Offset = Mem->getOffset();
if (Offset == NULL)
Offset = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 4);
else if (ConstantInteger *IntOffset =
llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger>(Offset)) {
Offset = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 4 + IntOffset->getValue());
} else if (ConstantRelocatable *SymOffset =
llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantRelocatable>(Offset)) {
Offset = Ctx->getConstantSym(IceType_i32, 4 + SymOffset->getOffset(),
return OperandX8632Mem::create(Func, IceType_i32, Mem->getBase(), Offset,
Mem->getIndex(), Mem->getShift(),
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported operand type");
return NULL;
llvm::SmallBitVector TargetX8632::getRegisterSet(RegSetMask Include,
RegSetMask Exclude) const {
llvm::SmallBitVector Registers(Reg_NUM);
#define X(val, init, name, name16, name8, scratch, preserved, stackptr, \
frameptr, isI8, isInt, isFP) \
if (scratch && (Include & RegSet_CallerSave)) \
Registers[val] = true; \
if (preserved && (Include & RegSet_CalleeSave)) \
Registers[val] = true; \
if (stackptr && (Include & RegSet_StackPointer)) \
Registers[val] = true; \
if (frameptr && (Include & RegSet_FramePointer)) \
Registers[val] = true; \
if (scratch && (Exclude & RegSet_CallerSave)) \
Registers[val] = false; \
if (preserved && (Exclude & RegSet_CalleeSave)) \
Registers[val] = false; \
if (stackptr && (Exclude & RegSet_StackPointer)) \
Registers[val] = false; \
if (frameptr && (Exclude & RegSet_FramePointer)) \
Registers[val] = false;
#undef X
return Registers;
void TargetX8632::lowerAlloca(const InstAlloca *Inst) {
IsEbpBasedFrame = true;
// TODO(sehr,stichnot): align allocated memory, keep stack aligned, minimize
// the number of adjustments of esp, etc.
Variable *esp = getPhysicalRegister(Reg_esp);
Operand *TotalSize = legalize(Inst->getSizeInBytes());
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
_sub(esp, TotalSize);
_mov(Dest, esp);
void TargetX8632::lowerArithmetic(const InstArithmetic *Inst) {
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
Operand *Src0 = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0));
Operand *Src1 = legalize(Inst->getSrc(1));
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Operand *Src0Lo = loOperand(Src0);
Operand *Src0Hi = hiOperand(Src0);
Operand *Src1Lo = loOperand(Src1);
Operand *Src1Hi = hiOperand(Src1);
Variable *T_Lo = NULL, *T_Hi = NULL;
switch (Inst->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::_num:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown arithmetic operator");
case InstArithmetic::Add:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_add(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_adc(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::And:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_and(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_and(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Or:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_or(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_or(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Xor:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_xor(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_xor(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Sub:
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_sub(T_Lo, Src1Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_sbb(T_Hi, Src1Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
case InstArithmetic::Mul: {
Variable *T_1 = NULL, *T_2 = NULL, *T_3 = NULL;
Variable *T_4Lo = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_eax);
Variable *T_4Hi = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_edx);
// gcc does the following:
// a=b*c ==>
// t1 = b.hi; t1 *=(imul) c.lo
// t2 = c.hi; t2 *=(imul) b.lo
// t3:eax = b.lo
// t4.hi:edx,t4.lo:eax = t3:eax *(mul) c.lo
// a.lo = t4.lo
// t4.hi += t1
// t4.hi += t2
// a.hi = t4.hi
_mov(T_1, Src0Hi);
_imul(T_1, Src1Lo);
_mov(T_2, Src1Hi);
_imul(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Lo, Reg_eax);
_mul(T_4Lo, T_3, Src1Lo);
// The mul instruction produces two dest variables, edx:eax. We
// create a fake definition of edx to account for this.
Context.insert(InstFakeDef::create(Func, T_4Hi, T_4Lo));
_mov(DestLo, T_4Lo);
_add(T_4Hi, T_1);
_add(T_4Hi, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_4Hi);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Shl: {
// TODO: Refactor the similarities between Shl, Lshr, and Ashr.
// gcc does the following:
// a=b<<c ==>
// t1:ecx = c.lo & 0xff
// t2 = b.lo
// t3 = b.hi
// t3 = shld t3, t2, t1
// t2 = shl t2, t1
// test t1, 0x20
// je L1
// use(t3)
// t3 = t2
// t2 = 0
// L1:
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = t3
Variable *T_1 = NULL, *T_2 = NULL, *T_3 = NULL;
Constant *BitTest = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 0x20);
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_mov(T_1, Src1Lo, Reg_ecx);
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
_shld(T_3, T_2, T_1);
_shl(T_2, T_1);
_test(T_1, BitTest);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_e, Label);
// Because of the intra-block control flow, we need to fake a use
// of T_3 to prevent its earlier definition from being dead-code
// eliminated in the presence of its later definition.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, T_3));
_mov(T_3, T_2);
_mov(T_2, Zero);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Lshr: {
// a=b>>c (unsigned) ==>
// t1:ecx = c.lo & 0xff
// t2 = b.lo
// t3 = b.hi
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, t1
// t3 = shr t3, t1
// test t1, 0x20
// je L1
// use(t2)
// t2 = t3
// t3 = 0
// L1:
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = t3
Variable *T_1 = NULL, *T_2 = NULL, *T_3 = NULL;
Constant *BitTest = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 0x20);
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_mov(T_1, Src1Lo, Reg_ecx);
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
_shrd(T_2, T_3, T_1);
_shr(T_3, T_1);
_test(T_1, BitTest);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_e, Label);
// Because of the intra-block control flow, we need to fake a use
// of T_3 to prevent its earlier definition from being dead-code
// eliminated in the presence of its later definition.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, T_2));
_mov(T_2, T_3);
_mov(T_3, Zero);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Ashr: {
// a=b>>c (signed) ==>
// t1:ecx = c.lo & 0xff
// t2 = b.lo
// t3 = b.hi
// t2 = shrd t2, t3, t1
// t3 = sar t3, t1
// test t1, 0x20
// je L1
// use(t2)
// t2 = t3
// t3 = sar t3, 0x1f
// L1:
// a.lo = t2
// a.hi = t3
Variable *T_1 = NULL, *T_2 = NULL, *T_3 = NULL;
Constant *BitTest = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 0x20);
Constant *SignExtend = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 0x1f);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_mov(T_1, Src1Lo, Reg_ecx);
_mov(T_2, Src0Lo);
_mov(T_3, Src0Hi);
_shrd(T_2, T_3, T_1);
_sar(T_3, T_1);
_test(T_1, BitTest);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_e, Label);
// Because of the intra-block control flow, we need to fake a use
// of T_3 to prevent its earlier definition from being dead-code
// eliminated in the presence of its later definition.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, T_2));
_mov(T_2, T_3);
_sar(T_3, SignExtend);
_mov(DestLo, T_2);
_mov(DestHi, T_3);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Udiv: {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 2;
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("__udivdi3", Dest, MaxSrcs);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv: {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 2;
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("__divdi3", Dest, MaxSrcs);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Urem: {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 2;
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("__umoddi3", Dest, MaxSrcs);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Srem: {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 2;
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("__moddi3", Dest, MaxSrcs);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fadd:
case InstArithmetic::Fsub:
case InstArithmetic::Fmul:
case InstArithmetic::Fdiv:
case InstArithmetic::Frem:
llvm_unreachable("FP instruction with i64 type");
} else if (isVectorType(Dest->getType())) {
switch (Inst->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::_num:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown arithmetic operator");
case InstArithmetic::Add:
case InstArithmetic::And:
case InstArithmetic::Or:
case InstArithmetic::Xor:
case InstArithmetic::Sub:
case InstArithmetic::Mul:
case InstArithmetic::Shl:
case InstArithmetic::Lshr:
case InstArithmetic::Ashr:
case InstArithmetic::Udiv:
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv:
case InstArithmetic::Urem:
case InstArithmetic::Srem:
// TODO(wala): Handle these.
Func->setError("Unhandled instruction");
case InstArithmetic::Fadd: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_movp(T, Src0);
_addps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fsub: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_movp(T, Src0);
_subps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fmul: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_movp(T, Src0);
_mulps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Fdiv: {
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_movp(T, Src0);
_divps(T, Src1);
_movp(Dest, T);
} break;
case InstArithmetic::Frem: {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 2;
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("__frem_v4f32", Dest, MaxSrcs);
} break;
} else { // Dest->getType() is non-i64 scalar
Variable *T_edx = NULL;
Variable *T = NULL;
switch (Inst->getOp()) {
case InstArithmetic::_num:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown arithmetic operator");
case InstArithmetic::Add:
_mov(T, Src0);
_add(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::And:
_mov(T, Src0);
_and(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Or:
_mov(T, Src0);
_or(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Xor:
_mov(T, Src0);
_xor(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Sub:
_mov(T, Src0);
_sub(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Mul:
// TODO: Optimize for llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1)
// TODO: Strength-reduce multiplications by a constant,
// particularly -1 and powers of 2. Advanced: use lea to
// multiply by 3, 5, 9.
// The 8-bit version of imul only allows the form "imul r/m8"
// where T must be in eax.
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i8)
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_mov(T, Src0);
_imul(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Shl:
_mov(T, Src0);
if (!llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1))
Src1 = legalizeToVar(Src1, false, Reg_ecx);
_shl(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Lshr:
_mov(T, Src0);
if (!llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1))
Src1 = legalizeToVar(Src1, false, Reg_ecx);
_shr(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Ashr:
_mov(T, Src0);
if (!llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1))
Src1 = legalizeToVar(Src1, false, Reg_ecx);
_sar(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Udiv:
// div and idiv are the few arithmetic operators that do not allow
// immediates as the operand.
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i8) {
Variable *T_ah = NULL;
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i8);
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_mov(T_ah, Zero, Reg_ah);
_div(T, Src1, T_ah);
_mov(Dest, T);
} else {
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_mov(T_edx, Zero, Reg_edx);
_div(T, Src1, T_edx);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Sdiv:
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
T_edx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_edx);
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_cdq(T_edx, T);
_idiv(T, Src1, T_edx);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Urem:
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i8) {
Variable *T_ah = NULL;
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i8);
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_mov(T_ah, Zero, Reg_ah);
_div(T_ah, Src1, T);
_mov(Dest, T_ah);
} else {
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
_mov(T_edx, Zero, Reg_edx);
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_div(T_edx, Src1, T);
_mov(Dest, T_edx);
case InstArithmetic::Srem:
Src1 = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
T_edx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_edx);
_mov(T, Src0, Reg_eax);
_cdq(T_edx, T);
_idiv(T_edx, Src1, T);
_mov(Dest, T_edx);
case InstArithmetic::Fadd:
_mov(T, Src0);
_addss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Fsub:
_mov(T, Src0);
_subss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Fmul:
_mov(T, Src0);
_mulss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Fdiv:
_mov(T, Src0);
_divss(T, Src1);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstArithmetic::Frem: {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 2;
Type Ty = Dest->getType();
InstCall *Call =
makeHelperCall(Ty == IceType_f32 ? "fmodf" : "fmod", Dest, MaxSrcs);
return lowerCall(Call);
} break;
void TargetX8632::lowerAssign(const InstAssign *Inst) {
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
Operand *Src0 = Inst->getSrc(0);
assert(Dest->getType() == Src0->getType());
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
Src0 = legalize(Src0);
Operand *Src0Lo = loOperand(Src0);
Operand *Src0Hi = hiOperand(Src0);
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Variable *T_Lo = NULL, *T_Hi = NULL;
_mov(T_Lo, Src0Lo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, Src0Hi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
} else {
const bool AllowOverlap = true;
// RI is either a physical register or an immediate.
Operand *RI = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, AllowOverlap);
if (isVectorType(Dest->getType()))
_movp(Dest, RI);
_mov(Dest, RI);
void TargetX8632::lowerBr(const InstBr *Inst) {
if (Inst->isUnconditional()) {
} else {
Operand *Src0 = legalize(Inst->getCondition());
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
_cmp(Src0, Zero);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Inst->getTargetTrue(), Inst->getTargetFalse());
void TargetX8632::lowerCall(const InstCall *Instr) {
// Classify each argument operand according to the location where the
// argument is passed.
OperandList XmmArgs;
OperandList StackArgs;
for (SizeT i = 0, NumArgs = Instr->getNumArgs(); i < NumArgs; ++i) {
Operand *Arg = Instr->getArg(i);
if (isVectorType(Arg->getType()) && XmmArgs.size() < X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS) {
} else {
// For stack arguments, generate a sequence of push instructions,
// pushing right to left, keeping track of stack offsets in case a
// push involves a stack operand and we are using an esp-based frame.
uint32_t StackOffset = 0;
// TODO: Consolidate the stack adjustment for function calls by
// reserving enough space for the arguments only once.
// TODO: If for some reason the call instruction gets dead-code
// eliminated after lowering, we would need to ensure that the
// pre-call push instructions and the post-call esp adjustment get
// eliminated as well.
for (OperandList::reverse_iterator I = StackArgs.rbegin(),
E = StackArgs.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
Operand *Arg = legalize(*I);
if (Arg->getType() == IceType_i64) {
} else if (Arg->getType() == IceType_f64 || isVectorType(Arg->getType())) {
// If the Arg turns out to be a memory operand, more than one push
// instruction is required. This ends up being somewhat clumsy in
// the current IR, so we use a workaround. Force the operand into
// a (xmm) register, and then push the register. An xmm register
// push is actually not possible in x86, but the Push instruction
// emitter handles this by decrementing the stack pointer and
// directly writing the xmm register value.
_push(legalize(Arg, Legal_Reg));
} else {
// Otherwise PNaCl requires parameter types to be at least 32-bits.
assert(Arg->getType() == IceType_f32 || Arg->getType() == IceType_i32);
StackOffset += typeWidthInBytesOnStack(Arg->getType());
// Copy arguments to be passed in registers to the appropriate
// registers.
// TODO: Investigate the impact of lowering arguments passed in
// registers after lowering stack arguments as opposed to the other
// way around. Lowering register arguments after stack arguments may
// reduce register pressure. On the other hand, lowering register
// arguments first (before stack arguments) may result in more compact
// code, as the memory operand displacements may end up being smaller
// before any stack adjustment is done.
for (SizeT i = 0, NumXmmArgs = XmmArgs.size(); i < NumXmmArgs; ++i) {
Variable *Reg = legalizeToVar(XmmArgs[i], false, Reg_xmm0 + i);
// Generate a FakeUse of register arguments so that they do not get
// dead code eliminated as a result of the FakeKill of scratch
// registers after the call.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Reg));
// Generate the call instruction. Assign its result to a temporary
// with high register allocation weight.
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
// ReturnReg doubles as ReturnRegLo as necessary.
Variable *ReturnReg = NULL;
Variable *ReturnRegHi = NULL;
if (Dest) {
switch (Dest->getType()) {
case IceType_NUM:
llvm_unreachable("Invalid Call dest type");
case IceType_void:
case IceType_i1:
case IceType_i8:
case IceType_i16:
case IceType_i32:
ReturnReg = makeReg(Dest->getType(), Reg_eax);
case IceType_i64:
ReturnReg = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_eax);
ReturnRegHi = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_edx);
case IceType_f32:
case IceType_f64:
// Leave ReturnReg==ReturnRegHi==NULL, and capture the result with
// the fstp instruction.
case IceType_v4i1:
case IceType_v8i1:
case IceType_v16i1:
case IceType_v16i8:
case IceType_v8i16:
case IceType_v4i32:
case IceType_v4f32:
ReturnReg = makeReg(Dest->getType(), Reg_xmm0);
// TODO(stichnot): LEAHACK: remove Legal_All (and use default) once
// a proper emitter is used.
Operand *CallTarget = legalize(Instr->getCallTarget(), Legal_All);
Inst *NewCall = InstX8632Call::create(Func, ReturnReg, CallTarget);
if (ReturnRegHi)
Context.insert(InstFakeDef::create(Func, ReturnRegHi));
// Add the appropriate offset to esp.
if (StackOffset) {
Variable *esp = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_esp);
_add(esp, Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, StackOffset));
// Insert a register-kill pseudo instruction.
VarList KilledRegs;
for (SizeT i = 0; i < ScratchRegs.size(); ++i) {
if (ScratchRegs[i])
Context.insert(InstFakeKill::create(Func, KilledRegs, NewCall));
// Generate a FakeUse to keep the call live if necessary.
if (Instr->hasSideEffects() && ReturnReg) {
Inst *FakeUse = InstFakeUse::create(Func, ReturnReg);
if (!Dest)
// Assign the result of the call to Dest.
if (ReturnReg) {
if (ReturnRegHi) {
assert(Dest->getType() == IceType_i64);
Variable *DestLo = Dest->getLo();
Variable *DestHi = Dest->getHi();
DestLo->setPreferredRegister(ReturnReg, false);
DestHi->setPreferredRegister(ReturnRegHi, false);
_mov(DestLo, ReturnReg);
_mov(DestHi, ReturnRegHi);
} else {
assert(Dest->getType() == IceType_i32 || Dest->getType() == IceType_i16 ||
Dest->getType() == IceType_i8 || Dest->getType() == IceType_i1 ||
Dest->setPreferredRegister(ReturnReg, false);
if (isVectorType(Dest->getType())) {
_movp(Dest, ReturnReg);
} else {
_mov(Dest, ReturnReg);
} else if (Dest->getType() == IceType_f32 || Dest->getType() == IceType_f64) {
// Special treatment for an FP function which returns its result in
// st(0).
// If Dest ends up being a physical xmm register, the fstp emit code
// will route st(0) through a temporary stack slot.
void TargetX8632::lowerCast(const InstCast *Inst) {
// a = cast(b) ==> t=cast(b); a=t; (link t->b, link a->t, no overlap)
InstCast::OpKind CastKind = Inst->getCastKind();
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
switch (CastKind) {
Func->setError("Cast type not supported");
case InstCast::Sext: {
// Src0RM is the source operand legalized to physical register or memory,
// but not immediate, since the relevant x86 native instructions don't
// allow an immediate operand. If the operand is an immediate, we could
// consider computing the strength-reduced result at translation time,
// but we're unlikely to see something like that in the bitcode that
// the optimizer wouldn't have already taken care of.
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0), Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// t1=movsx src; t2=t1; t2=sar t2, 31; dst.lo=t1; dst.hi=t2
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Variable *T_Lo = makeReg(DestLo->getType());
if (Src0RM->getType() == IceType_i32)
_mov(T_Lo, Src0RM);
_movsx(T_Lo, Src0RM);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
Variable *T_Hi = NULL;
Constant *Shift = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 31);
_mov(T_Hi, T_Lo);
_sar(T_Hi, Shift);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
} else {
// TODO: Sign-extend an i1 via "shl reg, 31; sar reg, 31", and
// also copy to the high operand of a 64-bit variable.
// t1 = movsx src; dst = t1
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_movsx(T, Src0RM);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstCast::Zext: {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0), Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// t1=movzx src; dst.lo=t1; dst.hi=0
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Variable *Tmp = makeReg(DestLo->getType());
if (Src0RM->getType() == IceType_i32)
_mov(Tmp, Src0RM);
_movzx(Tmp, Src0RM);
_mov(DestLo, Tmp);
_mov(DestHi, Zero);
} else if (Src0RM->getType() == IceType_i1) {
// t = Src0RM; t &= 1; Dest = t
Operand *One = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 1);
Variable *T = makeReg(IceType_i32);
_movzx(T, Src0RM);
_and(T, One);
_mov(Dest, T);
} else {
// t1 = movzx src; dst = t1
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_movzx(T, Src0RM);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstCast::Trunc: {
Operand *Src0 = Inst->getSrc(0);
if (Src0->getType() == IceType_i64)
Src0 = loOperand(Src0);
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
// t1 = trunc Src0RM; Dest = t1
Variable *T = NULL;
_mov(T, Src0RM);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstCast::Fptrunc:
case InstCast::Fpext: {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0), Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
// t1 = cvt Src0RM; Dest = t1
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_cvt(T, Src0RM);
_mov(Dest, T);
case InstCast::Fptosi:
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// Use a helper for converting floating-point values to 64-bit
// integers. SSE2 appears to have no way to convert from xmm
// registers to something like the edx:eax register pair, and
// gcc and clang both want to use x87 instructions complete with
// temporary manipulation of the status word. This helper is
// not needed for x86-64.
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 1;
Type SrcType = Inst->getSrc(0)->getType();
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall(
SrcType == IceType_f32 ? "cvtftosi64" : "cvtdtosi64", Dest, MaxSrcs);
// TODO: Call the correct compiler-rt helper function.
} else {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0), Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
// t1.i32 = cvt Src0RM; t2.dest_type = t1; Dest = t2.dest_type
Variable *T_1 = makeReg(IceType_i32);
Variable *T_2 = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_cvt(T_1, Src0RM);
_mov(T_2, T_1); // T_1 and T_2 may have different integer types
_mov(Dest, T_2);
T_2->setPreferredRegister(T_1, true);
case InstCast::Fptoui:
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64 || Dest->getType() == IceType_i32) {
// Use a helper for both x86-32 and x86-64.
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 1;
Type DestType = Dest->getType();
Type SrcType = Inst->getSrc(0)->getType();
IceString DstSubstring = (DestType == IceType_i64 ? "64" : "32");
IceString SrcSubstring = (SrcType == IceType_f32 ? "f" : "d");
// Possibilities are cvtftoui32, cvtdtoui32, cvtftoui64, cvtdtoui64
IceString TargetString = "cvt" + SrcSubstring + "toui" + DstSubstring;
// TODO: Call the correct compiler-rt helper function.
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall(TargetString, Dest, MaxSrcs);
} else {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0), Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
// t1.i32 = cvt Src0RM; t2.dest_type = t1; Dest = t2.dest_type
Variable *T_1 = makeReg(IceType_i32);
Variable *T_2 = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_cvt(T_1, Src0RM);
_mov(T_2, T_1); // T_1 and T_2 may have different integer types
_mov(Dest, T_2);
T_2->setPreferredRegister(T_1, true);
case InstCast::Sitofp:
if (Inst->getSrc(0)->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// Use a helper for x86-32.
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 1;
Type DestType = Dest->getType();
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall(
DestType == IceType_f32 ? "cvtsi64tof" : "cvtsi64tod", Dest, MaxSrcs);
// TODO: Call the correct compiler-rt helper function.
} else {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0), Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
// Sign-extend the operand.
// t1.i32 = movsx Src0RM; t2 = Cvt t1.i32; Dest = t2
Variable *T_1 = makeReg(IceType_i32);
Variable *T_2 = makeReg(Dest->getType());
if (Src0RM->getType() == IceType_i32)
_mov(T_1, Src0RM);
_movsx(T_1, Src0RM);
_cvt(T_2, T_1);
_mov(Dest, T_2);
case InstCast::Uitofp: {
Operand *Src0 = Inst->getSrc(0);
if (Src0->getType() == IceType_i64 || Src0->getType() == IceType_i32) {
// Use a helper for x86-32 and x86-64. Also use a helper for
// i32 on x86-32.
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 1;
Type DestType = Dest->getType();
IceString SrcSubstring = (Src0->getType() == IceType_i64 ? "64" : "32");
IceString DstSubstring = (DestType == IceType_f32 ? "f" : "d");
// Possibilities are cvtui32tof, cvtui32tod, cvtui64tof, cvtui64tod
IceString TargetString = "cvtui" + SrcSubstring + "to" + DstSubstring;
// TODO: Call the correct compiler-rt helper function.
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall(TargetString, Dest, MaxSrcs);
} else {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
// Zero-extend the operand.
// t1.i32 = movzx Src0RM; t2 = Cvt t1.i32; Dest = t2
Variable *T_1 = makeReg(IceType_i32);
Variable *T_2 = makeReg(Dest->getType());
if (Src0RM->getType() == IceType_i32)
_mov(T_1, Src0RM);
_movzx(T_1, Src0RM);
_cvt(T_2, T_1);
_mov(Dest, T_2);
case InstCast::Bitcast: {
Operand *Src0 = Inst->getSrc(0);
if (Dest->getType() == Src0->getType()) {
InstAssign *Assign = InstAssign::create(Func, Dest, Src0);
switch (Dest->getType()) {
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected Bitcast dest type");
case IceType_i32:
case IceType_f32: {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
Type DestType = Dest->getType();
Type SrcType = Src0RM->getType();
assert((DestType == IceType_i32 && SrcType == IceType_f32) ||
(DestType == IceType_f32 && SrcType == IceType_i32));
// a.i32 = bitcast b.f32 ==>
// t.f32 = b.f32
// s.f32 = spill t.f32
// a.i32 = s.f32
Variable *T = NULL;
// TODO: Should be able to force a spill setup by calling legalize() with
// Legal_Mem and not Legal_Reg or Legal_Imm.
Variable *Spill = Func->makeVariable(SrcType, Context.getNode());
Spill->setPreferredRegister(Dest, true);
_mov(T, Src0RM);
_mov(Spill, T);
_mov(Dest, Spill);
} break;
case IceType_i64: {
Operand *Src0RM = legalize(Src0, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
assert(Src0RM->getType() == IceType_f64);
// a.i64 = bitcast b.f64 ==>
// s.f64 = spill b.f64
// t_lo.i32 = lo(s.f64)
// a_lo.i32 = t_lo.i32
// t_hi.i32 = hi(s.f64)
// a_hi.i32 = t_hi.i32
Variable *Spill = Func->makeVariable(IceType_f64, Context.getNode());
Spill->setPreferredRegister(llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Src0RM), true);
_movq(Spill, Src0RM);
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Variable *T_Lo = makeReg(IceType_i32);
Variable *T_Hi = makeReg(IceType_i32);
VariableSplit *SpillLo =
VariableSplit::create(Func, Spill, VariableSplit::Low);
VariableSplit *SpillHi =
VariableSplit::create(Func, Spill, VariableSplit::High);
_mov(T_Lo, SpillLo);
_mov(DestLo, T_Lo);
_mov(T_Hi, SpillHi);
_mov(DestHi, T_Hi);
} break;
case IceType_f64: {
Src0 = legalize(Src0);
assert(Src0->getType() == IceType_i64);
// a.f64 = bitcast b.i64 ==>
// t_lo.i32 = b_lo.i32
// FakeDef(s.f64)
// lo(s.f64) = t_lo.i32
// t_hi.i32 = b_hi.i32
// hi(s.f64) = t_hi.i32
// a.f64 = s.f64
Variable *Spill = Func->makeVariable(IceType_f64, Context.getNode());
Spill->setPreferredRegister(Dest, true);
Variable *T_Lo = NULL, *T_Hi = NULL;
VariableSplit *SpillLo =
VariableSplit::create(Func, Spill, VariableSplit::Low);
VariableSplit *SpillHi =
VariableSplit::create(Func, Spill, VariableSplit::High);
_mov(T_Lo, loOperand(Src0));
// Technically, the Spill is defined after the _store happens, but
// SpillLo is considered a "use" of Spill so define Spill before it
// is used.
Context.insert(InstFakeDef::create(Func, Spill));
_store(T_Lo, SpillLo);
_mov(T_Hi, hiOperand(Src0));
_store(T_Hi, SpillHi);
_movq(Dest, Spill);
} break;
void TargetX8632::lowerFcmp(const InstFcmp *Inst) {
Operand *Src0 = Inst->getSrc(0);
Operand *Src1 = Inst->getSrc(1);
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
// Lowering a = fcmp cond, b, c
// ucomiss b, c /* only if C1 != Br_None */
// /* but swap b,c order if SwapOperands==true */
// mov a, <default>
// j<C1> label /* only if C1 != Br_None */
// j<C2> label /* only if C2 != Br_None */
// FakeUse(a) /* only if C1 != Br_None */
// mov a, !<default> /* only if C1 != Br_None */
// label: /* only if C1 != Br_None */
InstFcmp::FCond Condition = Inst->getCondition();
size_t Index = static_cast<size_t>(Condition);
assert(Index < TableFcmpSize);
if (TableFcmp[Index].SwapOperands) {
Operand *Tmp = Src0;
Src0 = Src1;
Src1 = Tmp;
bool HasC1 = (TableFcmp[Index].C1 != InstX8632Br::Br_None);
bool HasC2 = (TableFcmp[Index].C2 != InstX8632Br::Br_None);
if (HasC1) {
Src0 = legalize(Src0);
Operand *Src1RM = legalize(Src1, Legal_Reg | Legal_Mem);
Variable *T = NULL;
_mov(T, Src0);
_ucomiss(T, Src1RM);
Constant *Default =
Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, TableFcmp[Index].Default);
_mov(Dest, Default);
if (HasC1) {
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_br(TableFcmp[Index].C1, Label);
if (HasC2) {
_br(TableFcmp[Index].C2, Label);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest));
Constant *NonDefault =
Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, !TableFcmp[Index].Default);
_mov(Dest, NonDefault);
void TargetX8632::lowerIcmp(const InstIcmp *Inst) {
Operand *Src0 = legalize(Inst->getSrc(0));
Operand *Src1 = legalize(Inst->getSrc(1));
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
// If Src1 is an immediate, or known to be a physical register, we can
// allow Src0 to be a memory operand. Otherwise, Src0 must be copied into
// a physical register. (Actually, either Src0 or Src1 can be chosen for
// the physical register, but unfortunately we have to commit to one or
// the other before register allocation.)
bool IsSrc1ImmOrReg = false;
if (llvm::isa<Constant>(Src1)) {
IsSrc1ImmOrReg = true;
} else if (Variable *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Src1)) {
if (Var->hasReg())
IsSrc1ImmOrReg = true;
// Try to fuse a compare immediately followed by a conditional branch. This
// is possible when the compare dest and the branch source operands are the
// same, and are their only uses. TODO: implement this optimization for i64.
if (InstBr *NextBr = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<InstBr>(Context.getNextInst())) {
if (Src0->getType() != IceType_i64 && !NextBr->isUnconditional() &&
Dest == NextBr->getSrc(0) && NextBr->isLastUse(Dest)) {
Operand *Src0New =
legalize(Src0, IsSrc1ImmOrReg ? Legal_All : Legal_Reg, true);
_cmp(Src0New, Src1);
_br(getIcmp32Mapping(Inst->getCondition()), NextBr->getTargetTrue(),
// Skip over the following branch instruction.
// a=icmp cond, b, c ==> cmp b,c; a=1; br cond,L1; FakeUse(a); a=0; L1:
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
Constant *One = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 1);
if (Src0->getType() == IceType_i64) {
InstIcmp::ICond Condition = Inst->getCondition();
size_t Index = static_cast<size_t>(Condition);
assert(Index < TableIcmp64Size);
Operand *Src1LoRI = legalize(loOperand(Src1), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm);
Operand *Src1HiRI = legalize(hiOperand(Src1), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm);
if (Condition == InstIcmp::Eq || Condition == InstIcmp::Ne) {
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_mov(Dest, (Condition == InstIcmp::Eq ? Zero : One));
_cmp(loOperand(Src0), Src1LoRI);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Label);
_cmp(hiOperand(Src0), Src1HiRI);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Label);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest));
_mov(Dest, (Condition == InstIcmp::Eq ? One : Zero));
} else {
InstX8632Label *LabelFalse = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
InstX8632Label *LabelTrue = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_mov(Dest, One);
_cmp(hiOperand(Src0), Src1HiRI);
_br(TableIcmp64[Index].C1, LabelTrue);
_br(TableIcmp64[Index].C2, LabelFalse);
_cmp(loOperand(Src0), Src1LoRI);
_br(TableIcmp64[Index].C3, LabelTrue);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest));
_mov(Dest, Zero);
// cmp b, c
Operand *Src0New =
legalize(Src0, IsSrc1ImmOrReg ? Legal_All : Legal_Reg, true);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
_cmp(Src0New, Src1);
_mov(Dest, One);
_br(getIcmp32Mapping(Inst->getCondition()), Label);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest));
_mov(Dest, Zero);
void TargetX8632::lowerIntrinsicCall(const InstIntrinsicCall *Instr) {
switch (Instr->getIntrinsicInfo().ID) {
case Intrinsics::AtomicCmpxchg: {
if (!Intrinsics::VerifyMemoryOrder(
llvm::cast<ConstantInteger>(Instr->getArg(3))->getValue())) {
Func->setError("Unexpected memory ordering (success) for AtomicCmpxchg");
if (!Intrinsics::VerifyMemoryOrder(
llvm::cast<ConstantInteger>(Instr->getArg(4))->getValue())) {
Func->setError("Unexpected memory ordering (failure) for AtomicCmpxchg");
Variable *DestPrev = Instr->getDest();
Operand *PtrToMem = Instr->getArg(0);
Operand *Expected = Instr->getArg(1);
Operand *Desired = Instr->getArg(2);
lowerAtomicCmpxchg(DestPrev, PtrToMem, Expected, Desired);
// TODO(jvoung): If we peek ahead a few instructions and see how
// DestPrev is used (typically via another compare and branch),
// we may be able to optimize. If the result truly is used by a
// compare + branch, and the comparison is for equality, then we can
// optimize out the later compare, and fuse with the later branch.
case Intrinsics::AtomicFence:
if (!Intrinsics::VerifyMemoryOrder(
llvm::cast<ConstantInteger>(Instr->getArg(0))->getValue())) {
Func->setError("Unexpected memory ordering for AtomicFence");
case Intrinsics::AtomicFenceAll:
// NOTE: FenceAll should prevent and load/store from being moved
// across the fence (both atomic and non-atomic). The InstX8632Mfence
// instruction is currently marked coarsely as "HasSideEffects".
case Intrinsics::AtomicIsLockFree: {
// X86 is always lock free for 8/16/32/64 bit accesses.
// TODO(jvoung): Since the result is constant when given a constant
// byte size, this opens up DCE opportunities.
Operand *ByteSize = Instr->getArg(0);
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
if (ConstantInteger *CI = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger>(ByteSize)) {
Constant *Result;
switch (CI->getValue()) {
// Some x86-64 processors support the cmpxchg16b intruction, which
// can make 16-byte operations lock free (when used with the LOCK
// prefix). However, that's not supported in 32-bit mode, so just
// return 0 even for large sizes.
Result = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
Result = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, 1);
_mov(Dest, Result);
// The PNaCl ABI requires the byte size to be a compile-time constant.
Func->setError("AtomicIsLockFree byte size should be compile-time const");
case Intrinsics::AtomicLoad: {
// We require the memory address to be naturally aligned.
// Given that is the case, then normal loads are atomic.
if (!Intrinsics::VerifyMemoryOrder(
llvm::cast<ConstantInteger>(Instr->getArg(1))->getValue())) {
Func->setError("Unexpected memory ordering for AtomicLoad");
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// Follow what GCC does and use a movq instead of what lowerLoad()
// normally does (split the load into two).
// Thus, this skips load/arithmetic op folding. Load/arithmetic folding
// can't happen anyway, since this is x86-32 and integer arithmetic only
// happens on 32-bit quantities.
Variable *T = makeReg(IceType_f64);
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Instr->getArg(0), IceType_f64);
_movq(T, Addr);
// Then cast the bits back out of the XMM register to the i64 Dest.
InstCast *Cast = InstCast::create(Func, InstCast::Bitcast, Dest, T);
// Make sure that the atomic load isn't elided.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest->getLo()));
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest->getHi()));
InstLoad *Load = InstLoad::create(Func, Dest, Instr->getArg(0));
// Make sure the atomic load isn't elided.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest));
case Intrinsics::AtomicRMW:
if (!Intrinsics::VerifyMemoryOrder(
llvm::cast<ConstantInteger>(Instr->getArg(3))->getValue())) {
Func->setError("Unexpected memory ordering for AtomicRMW");
Instr->getArg(1), Instr->getArg(2));
case Intrinsics::AtomicStore: {
if (!Intrinsics::VerifyMemoryOrder(
llvm::cast<ConstantInteger>(Instr->getArg(2))->getValue())) {
Func->setError("Unexpected memory ordering for AtomicStore");
// We require the memory address to be naturally aligned.
// Given that is the case, then normal stores are atomic.
// Add a fence after the store to make it visible.
Operand *Value = Instr->getArg(0);
Operand *Ptr = Instr->getArg(1);
if (Value->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// Use a movq instead of what lowerStore() normally does
// (split the store into two), following what GCC does.
// Cast the bits from int -> to an xmm register first.
Variable *T = makeReg(IceType_f64);
InstCast *Cast = InstCast::create(Func, InstCast::Bitcast, T, Value);
// Then store XMM w/ a movq.
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, IceType_f64);
_storeq(T, Addr);
InstStore *Store = InstStore::create(Func, Value, Ptr);
case Intrinsics::Bswap:
case Intrinsics::Ctlz:
case Intrinsics::Ctpop:
case Intrinsics::Cttz:
// TODO(jvoung): fill it in.
Func->setError("Unhandled intrinsic");
case Intrinsics::Longjmp: {
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("longjmp", NULL, 2);
case Intrinsics::Memcpy: {
// In the future, we could potentially emit an inline memcpy/memset, etc.
// for intrinsic calls w/ a known length.
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("memcpy", NULL, 3);
case Intrinsics::Memmove: {
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("memmove", NULL, 3);
case Intrinsics::Memset: {
// The value operand needs to be extended to a stack slot size
// because we "push" only works for a specific operand size.
Operand *ValOp = Instr->getArg(1);
assert(ValOp->getType() == IceType_i8);
Variable *ValExt = makeReg(stackSlotType());
_movzx(ValExt, ValOp);
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("memset", NULL, 3);
case Intrinsics::NaClReadTP: {
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
Operand *Src = OperandX8632Mem::create(Func, IceType_i32, NULL, Zero, NULL,
0, OperandX8632Mem::SegReg_GS);
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
Variable *T = NULL;
_mov(T, Src);
_mov(Dest, T);
case Intrinsics::Setjmp: {
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("setjmp", Instr->getDest(), 1);
case Intrinsics::Sqrt: {
Operand *Src = legalize(Instr->getArg(0));
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
Variable *T = makeReg(Dest->getType());
_sqrtss(T, Src);
_mov(Dest, T);
case Intrinsics::Stacksave:
case Intrinsics::Stackrestore:
// TODO(jvoung): fill it in.
Func->setError("Unhandled intrinsic");
case Intrinsics::Trap:
case Intrinsics::UnknownIntrinsic:
Func->setError("Should not be lowering UnknownIntrinsic");
void TargetX8632::lowerAtomicCmpxchg(Variable *DestPrev, Operand *Ptr,
Operand *Expected, Operand *Desired) {
if (Expected->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// Reserve the pre-colored registers first, before adding any more
// infinite-weight variables from FormMemoryOperand's legalization.
Variable *T_edx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_edx);
Variable *T_eax = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_eax);
Variable *T_ecx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_ecx);
Variable *T_ebx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_ebx);
_mov(T_eax, loOperand(Expected));
_mov(T_edx, hiOperand(Expected));
_mov(T_ebx, loOperand(Desired));
_mov(T_ecx, hiOperand(Desired));
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Expected->getType());
const bool Locked = true;
_cmpxchg8b(Addr, T_edx, T_eax, T_ecx, T_ebx, Locked);
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(DestPrev));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(DestPrev));
_mov(DestLo, T_eax);
_mov(DestHi, T_edx);
Variable *T_eax = makeReg(Expected->getType(), Reg_eax);
_mov(T_eax, Expected);
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Expected->getType());
Variable *DesiredReg = legalizeToVar(Desired);
const bool Locked = true;
_cmpxchg(Addr, T_eax, DesiredReg, Locked);
_mov(DestPrev, T_eax);
void TargetX8632::lowerAtomicRMW(Variable *Dest, uint32_t Operation,
Operand *Ptr, Operand *Val) {
bool NeedsCmpxchg = false;
LowerBinOp Op_Lo = NULL;
LowerBinOp Op_Hi = NULL;
switch (Operation) {
Func->setError("Unknown AtomicRMW operation");
case Intrinsics::AtomicAdd: {
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// All the fall-through paths must set this to true, but use this
// for asserting.
NeedsCmpxchg = true;
Op_Lo = &TargetX8632::_add;
Op_Hi = &TargetX8632::_adc;
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Dest->getType());
const bool Locked = true;
Variable *T = NULL;
_mov(T, Val);
_xadd(Addr, T, Locked);
_mov(Dest, T);
case Intrinsics::AtomicSub: {
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
NeedsCmpxchg = true;
Op_Lo = &TargetX8632::_sub;
Op_Hi = &TargetX8632::_sbb;
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Dest->getType());
const bool Locked = true;
Variable *T = NULL;
_mov(T, Val);
_xadd(Addr, T, Locked);
_mov(Dest, T);
case Intrinsics::AtomicOr:
// TODO(jvoung): If Dest is null or dead, then some of these
// operations do not need an "exchange", but just a locked op.
// That appears to be "worth" it for sub, or, and, and xor.
// xadd is probably fine vs lock add for add, and xchg is fine
// vs an atomic store.
NeedsCmpxchg = true;
Op_Lo = &TargetX8632::_or;
Op_Hi = &TargetX8632::_or;
case Intrinsics::AtomicAnd:
NeedsCmpxchg = true;
Op_Lo = &TargetX8632::_and;
Op_Hi = &TargetX8632::_and;
case Intrinsics::AtomicXor:
NeedsCmpxchg = true;
Op_Lo = &TargetX8632::_xor;
Op_Hi = &TargetX8632::_xor;
case Intrinsics::AtomicExchange:
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
NeedsCmpxchg = true;
// NeedsCmpxchg, but no real Op_Lo/Op_Hi need to be done. The values
// just need to be moved to the ecx and ebx registers.
Op_Lo = NULL;
Op_Hi = NULL;
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Dest->getType());
Variable *T = NULL;
_mov(T, Val);
_xchg(Addr, T);
_mov(Dest, T);
// Otherwise, we need a cmpxchg loop.
expandAtomicRMWAsCmpxchg(Op_Lo, Op_Hi, Dest, Ptr, Val);
void TargetX8632::expandAtomicRMWAsCmpxchg(LowerBinOp Op_Lo, LowerBinOp Op_Hi,
Variable *Dest, Operand *Ptr,
Operand *Val) {
// Expand a more complex RMW operation as a cmpxchg loop:
// For 64-bit:
// mov eax, [ptr]
// mov edx, [ptr + 4]
// .LABEL:
// mov ebx, eax
// <Op_Lo> ebx, <desired_adj_lo>
// mov ecx, edx
// <Op_Hi> ecx, <desired_adj_hi>
// lock cmpxchg8b [ptr]
// jne .LABEL
// mov <dest_lo>, eax
// mov <dest_lo>, edx
// For 32-bit:
// mov eax, [ptr]
// .LABEL:
// mov <reg>, eax
// op <reg>, [desired_adj]
// lock cmpxchg [ptr], <reg>
// jne .LABEL
// mov <dest>, eax
// If Op_{Lo,Hi} are NULL, then just copy the value.
Val = legalize(Val);
Type Ty = Val->getType();
if (Ty == IceType_i64) {
Variable *T_edx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_edx);
Variable *T_eax = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_eax);
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Ty);
_mov(T_eax, loOperand(Addr));
_mov(T_edx, hiOperand(Addr));
Variable *T_ecx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_ecx);
Variable *T_ebx = makeReg(IceType_i32, Reg_ebx);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
const bool IsXchg8b = Op_Lo == NULL && Op_Hi == NULL;
if (!IsXchg8b) {
_mov(T_ebx, T_eax);
(this->*Op_Lo)(T_ebx, loOperand(Val));
_mov(T_ecx, T_edx);
(this->*Op_Hi)(T_ecx, hiOperand(Val));
} else {
// This is for xchg, which doesn't need an actual Op_Lo/Op_Hi.
// It just needs the Val loaded into ebx and ecx.
// That can also be done before the loop.
_mov(T_ebx, loOperand(Val));
_mov(T_ecx, hiOperand(Val));
const bool Locked = true;
_cmpxchg8b(Addr, T_edx, T_eax, T_ecx, T_ebx, Locked);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Label);
if (!IsXchg8b) {
// If Val is a variable, model the extended live range of Val through
// the end of the loop, since it will be re-used by the loop.
if (Variable *ValVar = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Val)) {
Variable *ValLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(ValVar));
Variable *ValHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(ValVar));
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, ValLo));
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, ValHi));
} else {
// For xchg, the loop is slightly smaller and ebx/ecx are used.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, T_ebx));
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, T_ecx));
// The address base is also reused in the loop.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Addr->getBase()));
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
_mov(DestLo, T_eax);
_mov(DestHi, T_edx);
OperandX8632Mem *Addr = FormMemoryOperand(Ptr, Ty);
Variable *T_eax = makeReg(Ty, Reg_eax);
_mov(T_eax, Addr);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
// We want to pick a different register for T than Eax, so don't use
// _mov(T == NULL, T_eax).
Variable *T = makeReg(Ty);
_mov(T, T_eax);
(this->*Op_Lo)(T, Val);
const bool Locked = true;
_cmpxchg(Addr, T_eax, T, Locked);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Label);
// If Val is a variable, model the extended live range of Val through
// the end of the loop, since it will be re-used by the loop.
if (Variable *ValVar = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Val)) {
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, ValVar));
// The address base is also reused in the loop.
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Addr->getBase()));
_mov(Dest, T_eax);
namespace {
bool isAdd(const Inst *Inst) {
if (const InstArithmetic *Arith =
llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<const InstArithmetic>(Inst)) {
return (Arith->getOp() == InstArithmetic::Add);
return false;
void computeAddressOpt(Variable *&Base, Variable *&Index, uint16_t &Shift,
int32_t &Offset) {
(void)Offset; // TODO: pattern-match for non-zero offsets.
if (Base == NULL)
// If the Base has more than one use or is live across multiple
// blocks, then don't go further. Alternatively (?), never consider
// a transformation that would change a variable that is currently
// *not* live across basic block boundaries into one that *is*.
if (Base->isMultiblockLife() /* || Base->getUseCount() > 1*/)
while (true) {
// Base is Base=Var ==>
// set Base=Var
const Inst *BaseInst = Base->getDefinition();
Operand *BaseOperand0 = BaseInst ? BaseInst->getSrc(0) : NULL;
Variable *BaseVariable0 = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<Variable>(BaseOperand0);
// TODO: Helper function for all instances of assignment
// transitivity.
if (BaseInst && llvm::isa<InstAssign>(BaseInst) && BaseVariable0 &&
// TODO: ensure BaseVariable0 stays single-BB
true) {
Base = BaseVariable0;
// Index is Index=Var ==>
// set Index=Var
// Index==NULL && Base is Base=Var1+Var2 ==>
// set Base=Var1, Index=Var2, Shift=0
Operand *BaseOperand1 =
BaseInst && BaseInst->getSrcSize() >= 2 ? BaseInst->getSrc(1) : NULL;
Variable *BaseVariable1 = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<Variable>(BaseOperand1);
if (Index == NULL && isAdd(BaseInst) && BaseVariable0 && BaseVariable1 &&
// TODO: ensure BaseVariable0 and BaseVariable1 stay single-BB
true) {
Base = BaseVariable0;
Index = BaseVariable1;
Shift = 0; // should already have been 0
// Index is Index=Var*Const && log2(Const)+Shift<=3 ==>
// Index=Var, Shift+=log2(Const)
const Inst *IndexInst = Index ? Index->getDefinition() : NULL;
if (const InstArithmetic *ArithInst =
llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<InstArithmetic>(IndexInst)) {
Operand *IndexOperand0 = ArithInst->getSrc(0);
Variable *IndexVariable0 = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(IndexOperand0);
Operand *IndexOperand1 = ArithInst->getSrc(1);
ConstantInteger *IndexConstant1 =
if (ArithInst->getOp() == InstArithmetic::Mul && IndexVariable0 &&
IndexOperand1->getType() == IceType_i32 && IndexConstant1) {
uint64_t Mult = IndexConstant1->getValue();
uint32_t LogMult;
switch (Mult) {
case 1:
LogMult = 0;
case 2:
LogMult = 1;
case 4:
LogMult = 2;
case 8:
LogMult = 3;
LogMult = 4;
if (Shift + LogMult <= 3) {
Index = IndexVariable0;
Shift += LogMult;
// Index is Index=Var<<Const && Const+Shift<=3 ==>
// Index=Var, Shift+=Const
// Index is Index=Const*Var && log2(Const)+Shift<=3 ==>
// Index=Var, Shift+=log2(Const)
// Index && Shift==0 && Base is Base=Var*Const && log2(Const)+Shift<=3 ==>
// swap(Index,Base)
// Similar for Base=Const*Var and Base=Var<<Const
// Base is Base=Var+Const ==>
// set Base=Var, Offset+=Const
// Base is Base=Const+Var ==>
// set Base=Var, Offset+=Const
// Base is Base=Var-Const ==>
// set Base=Var, Offset-=Const
// Index is Index=Var+Const ==>
// set Index=Var, Offset+=(Const<<Shift)
// Index is Index=Const+Var ==>
// set Index=Var, Offset+=(Const<<Shift)
// Index is Index=Var-Const ==>
// set Index=Var, Offset-=(Const<<Shift)
// TODO: consider overflow issues with respect to Offset.
// TODO: handle symbolic constants.
} // anonymous namespace
void TargetX8632::lowerLoad(const InstLoad *Inst) {
// A Load instruction can be treated the same as an Assign
// instruction, after the source operand is transformed into an
// OperandX8632Mem operand. Note that the address mode
// optimization already creates an OperandX8632Mem operand, so it
// doesn't need another level of transformation.
Type Ty = Inst->getDest()->getType();
Operand *Src0 = FormMemoryOperand(Inst->getSourceAddress(), Ty);
// Fuse this load with a subsequent Arithmetic instruction in the
// following situations:
// a=[mem]; c=b+a ==> c=b+[mem] if last use of a and a not in b
// a=[mem]; c=a+b ==> c=b+[mem] if commutative and above is true
// TODO: Clean up and test thoroughly.
// (E.g., if there is an mfence-all make sure the load ends up on the
// same side of the fence).
// TODO: Why limit to Arithmetic instructions? This could probably be
// applied to most any instruction type. Look at all source operands
// in the following instruction, and if there is one instance of the
// load instruction's dest variable, and that instruction ends that
// variable's live range, then make the substitution. Deal with
// commutativity optimization in the arithmetic instruction lowering.
InstArithmetic *NewArith = NULL;
if (InstArithmetic *Arith =
llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<InstArithmetic>(Context.getNextInst())) {
Variable *DestLoad = Inst->getDest();
Variable *Src0Arith = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Arith->getSrc(0));
Variable *Src1Arith = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Arith->getSrc(1));
if (Src1Arith == DestLoad && Arith->isLastUse(Src1Arith) &&
DestLoad != Src0Arith) {
NewArith = InstArithmetic::create(Func, Arith->getOp(), Arith->getDest(),
Arith->getSrc(0), Src0);
} else if (Src0Arith == DestLoad && Arith->isCommutative() &&
Arith->isLastUse(Src0Arith) && DestLoad != Src1Arith) {
NewArith = InstArithmetic::create(Func, Arith->getOp(), Arith->getDest(),
Arith->getSrc(1), Src0);
if (NewArith) {
InstAssign *Assign = InstAssign::create(Func, Inst->getDest(), Src0);
void TargetX8632::doAddressOptLoad() {
Inst *Inst = *Context.getCur();
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
Operand *Addr = Inst->getSrc(0);
Variable *Index = NULL;
uint16_t Shift = 0;
int32_t Offset = 0; // TODO: make Constant
// Vanilla ICE load instructions should not use the segment registers,
// and computeAddressOpt only works at the level of Variables and Constants,
// not other OperandX8632Mem, so there should be no mention of segment
// registers there either.
const OperandX8632Mem::SegmentRegisters SegmentReg =
Variable *Base = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Addr);
computeAddressOpt(Base, Index, Shift, Offset);
if (Base && Addr != Base) {
Constant *OffsetOp = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, Offset);
Addr = OperandX8632Mem::create(Func, Dest->getType(), Base, OffsetOp, Index,
Shift, SegmentReg);
Context.insert(InstLoad::create(Func, Dest, Addr));
void TargetX8632::lowerPhi(const InstPhi * /*Inst*/) {
Func->setError("Phi found in regular instruction list");
void TargetX8632::lowerRet(const InstRet *Inst) {
Variable *Reg = NULL;
if (Inst->hasRetValue()) {
Operand *Src0 = legalize(Inst->getRetValue());
if (Src0->getType() == IceType_i64) {
Variable *eax = legalizeToVar(loOperand(Src0), false, Reg_eax);
Variable *edx = legalizeToVar(hiOperand(Src0), false, Reg_edx);
Reg = eax;
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, edx));
} else if (Src0->getType() == IceType_f32 ||
Src0->getType() == IceType_f64) {
} else if (isVectorType(Src0->getType())) {
Reg = legalizeToVar(Src0, false, Reg_xmm0);
} else {
_mov(Reg, Src0, Reg_eax);
// Add a fake use of esp to make sure esp stays alive for the entire
// function. Otherwise post-call esp adjustments get dead-code
// eliminated. TODO: Are there more places where the fake use
// should be inserted? E.g. "void f(int n){while(1) g(n);}" may not
// have a ret instruction.
Variable *esp = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_esp);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, esp));
void TargetX8632::lowerSelect(const InstSelect *Inst) {
// a=d?b:c ==> cmp d,0; a=b; jne L1; FakeUse(a); a=c; L1:
Variable *Dest = Inst->getDest();
Operand *SrcT = Inst->getTrueOperand();
Operand *SrcF = Inst->getFalseOperand();
Operand *Condition = legalize(Inst->getCondition());
Constant *Zero = Ctx->getConstantZero(IceType_i32);
InstX8632Label *Label = InstX8632Label::create(Func, this);
if (Dest->getType() == IceType_i64) {
Variable *DestLo = llvm::cast<Variable>(loOperand(Dest));
Variable *DestHi = llvm::cast<Variable>(hiOperand(Dest));
Operand *SrcLoRI = legalize(loOperand(SrcT), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
Operand *SrcHiRI = legalize(hiOperand(SrcT), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
_cmp(Condition, Zero);
_mov(DestLo, SrcLoRI);
_mov(DestHi, SrcHiRI);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Label);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, DestLo));
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, DestHi));
Operand *SrcFLo = loOperand(SrcF);
Operand *SrcFHi = hiOperand(SrcF);
SrcLoRI = legalize(SrcFLo, Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
SrcHiRI = legalize(SrcFHi, Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
_mov(DestLo, SrcLoRI);
_mov(DestHi, SrcHiRI);
} else {
_cmp(Condition, Zero);
SrcT = legalize(SrcT, Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
_mov(Dest, SrcT);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_ne, Label);
Context.insert(InstFakeUse::create(Func, Dest));
SrcF = legalize(SrcF, Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
_mov(Dest, SrcF);
void TargetX8632::lowerStore(const InstStore *Inst) {
Operand *Value = Inst->getData();
Operand *Addr = Inst->getAddr();
OperandX8632Mem *NewAddr = FormMemoryOperand(Addr, Value->getType());
if (NewAddr->getType() == IceType_i64) {
Value = legalize(Value);
Operand *ValueHi = legalize(hiOperand(Value), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
Operand *ValueLo = legalize(loOperand(Value), Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
_store(ValueHi, llvm::cast<OperandX8632Mem>(hiOperand(NewAddr)));
_store(ValueLo, llvm::cast<OperandX8632Mem>(loOperand(NewAddr)));
} else {
Value = legalize(Value, Legal_Reg | Legal_Imm, true);
_store(Value, NewAddr);
void TargetX8632::doAddressOptStore() {
InstStore *Inst = llvm::cast<InstStore>(*Context.getCur());
Operand *Data = Inst->getData();
Operand *Addr = Inst->getAddr();
Variable *Index = NULL;
uint16_t Shift = 0;
int32_t Offset = 0; // TODO: make Constant
Variable *Base = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Addr);
// Vanilla ICE store instructions should not use the segment registers,
// and computeAddressOpt only works at the level of Variables and Constants,
// not other OperandX8632Mem, so there should be no mention of segment
// registers there either.
const OperandX8632Mem::SegmentRegisters SegmentReg =
computeAddressOpt(Base, Index, Shift, Offset);
if (Base && Addr != Base) {
Constant *OffsetOp = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, Offset);
Addr = OperandX8632Mem::create(Func, Data->getType(), Base, OffsetOp, Index,
Shift, SegmentReg);
Context.insert(InstStore::create(Func, Data, Addr));
void TargetX8632::lowerSwitch(const InstSwitch *Inst) {
// This implements the most naive possible lowering.
// cmp a,val[0]; jeq label[0]; cmp a,val[1]; jeq label[1]; ... jmp default
Operand *Src0 = Inst->getComparison();
SizeT NumCases = Inst->getNumCases();
// OK, we'll be slightly less naive by forcing Src into a physical
// register if there are 2 or more uses.
if (NumCases >= 2)
Src0 = legalizeToVar(Src0, true);
Src0 = legalize(Src0, Legal_All, true);
for (SizeT I = 0; I < NumCases; ++I) {
Operand *Value = Ctx->getConstantInt(IceType_i32, Inst->getValue(I));
_cmp(Src0, Value);
_br(InstX8632Br::Br_e, Inst->getLabel(I));
void TargetX8632::lowerUnreachable(const InstUnreachable * /*Inst*/) {
const SizeT MaxSrcs = 0;
Variable *Dest = NULL;
InstCall *Call = makeHelperCall("ice_unreachable", Dest, MaxSrcs);
// Helper for legalize() to emit the right code to lower an operand to a
// register of the appropriate type.
Variable *TargetX8632::copyToReg(Operand *Src, int32_t RegNum) {
Type Ty = Src->getType();
Variable *Reg = makeReg(Ty, RegNum);
if (isVectorType(Src->getType())) {
_movp(Reg, Src);
} else {
_mov(Reg, Src);
return Reg;
Operand *TargetX8632::legalize(Operand *From, LegalMask Allowed,
bool AllowOverlap, int32_t RegNum) {
// Assert that a physical register is allowed. To date, all calls
// to legalize() allow a physical register. If a physical register
// needs to be explicitly disallowed, then new code will need to be
// written to force a spill.
assert(Allowed & Legal_Reg);
// If we're asking for a specific physical register, make sure we're
// not allowing any other operand kinds. (This could be future
// work, e.g. allow the shl shift amount to be either an immediate
// or in ecx.)
assert(RegNum == Variable::NoRegister || Allowed == Legal_Reg);
if (OperandX8632Mem *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandX8632Mem>(From)) {
// Before doing anything with a Mem operand, we need to ensure
// that the Base and Index components are in physical registers.
Variable *Base = Mem->getBase();
Variable *Index = Mem->getIndex();
Variable *RegBase = NULL;
Variable *RegIndex = NULL;
if (Base) {
RegBase = legalizeToVar(Base, true);
if (Index) {
RegIndex = legalizeToVar(Index, true);
if (Base != RegBase || Index != RegIndex) {
From = OperandX8632Mem::create(
Func, Mem->getType(), RegBase, Mem->getOffset(), RegIndex,
Mem->getShift(), Mem->getSegmentRegister());
if (!(Allowed & Legal_Mem)) {
From = copyToReg(From, RegNum);
return From;
if (llvm::isa<Constant>(From)) {
if (llvm::isa<ConstantUndef>(From)) {
// Lower undefs to zero. Another option is to lower undefs to an
// uninitialized register; however, using an uninitialized register
// results in less predictable code.
// If in the future the implementation is changed to lower undef
// values to uninitialized registers, a FakeDef will be needed:
// Context.insert(InstFakeDef::create(Func, Reg));
// This is in order to ensure that the live range of Reg is not
// overestimated. If the constant being lowered is a 64 bit value,
// then the result should be split and the lo and hi components will
// need to go in uninitialized registers.
if (isVectorType(From->getType())) {
// There is no support for loading or emitting vector constants, so
// undef values are instead initialized in registers.
Variable *Reg = makeReg(From->getType(), RegNum);
// Insert a FakeDef, since otherwise the live range of Reg might
// be overestimated.
Context.insert(InstFakeDef::create(Func, Reg));
_pxor(Reg, Reg);
return Reg;
} else {
From = Ctx->getConstantZero(From->getType());
bool NeedsReg = false;
if (!(Allowed & Legal_Imm))
// Immediate specifically not allowed
NeedsReg = true;
// TODO(stichnot): LEAHACK: remove Legal_Reloc once a proper
// emitter is used.
if (!(Allowed & Legal_Reloc) && llvm::isa<ConstantRelocatable>(From))
// Relocatable specifically not allowed
NeedsReg = true;
if (!(Allowed & Legal_Mem) &&
(From->getType() == IceType_f32 || From->getType() == IceType_f64))
// On x86, FP constants are lowered to mem operands.
NeedsReg = true;
if (NeedsReg) {
From = copyToReg(From, RegNum);
return From;
if (Variable *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(From)) {
// We need a new physical register for the operand if:
// Mem is not allowed and Var isn't guaranteed a physical
// register, or
// RegNum is required and Var->getRegNum() doesn't match.
bool WillHaveRegister =
(Var->hasReg() || Var->getWeight() == RegWeight::Inf);
if ((!(Allowed & Legal_Mem) && !WillHaveRegister) ||
(RegNum != Variable::NoRegister && RegNum != Var->getRegNum())) {
Variable *Reg = copyToReg(From, RegNum);
if (RegNum == Variable::NoRegister) {
Reg->setPreferredRegister(Var, AllowOverlap);
From = Reg;
return From;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled operand kind in legalize()");
return From;
// Provide a trivial wrapper to legalize() for this common usage.
Variable *TargetX8632::legalizeToVar(Operand *From, bool AllowOverlap,
int32_t RegNum) {
return llvm::cast<Variable>(legalize(From, Legal_Reg, AllowOverlap, RegNum));
OperandX8632Mem *TargetX8632::FormMemoryOperand(Operand *Operand, Type Ty) {
OperandX8632Mem *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandX8632Mem>(Operand);
// It may be the case that address mode optimization already creates
// an OperandX8632Mem, so in that case it wouldn't need another level
// of transformation.
if (!Mem) {
Variable *Base = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Operand);
Constant *Offset = llvm::dyn_cast<Constant>(Operand);
assert(Base || Offset);
Mem = OperandX8632Mem::create(Func, Ty, Base, Offset);
return llvm::cast<OperandX8632Mem>(legalize(Mem));
Variable *TargetX8632::makeReg(Type Type, int32_t RegNum) {
// There aren't any 64-bit integer registers for x86-32.
assert(Type != IceType_i64);
Variable *Reg = Func->makeVariable(Type, Context.getNode());
if (RegNum == Variable::NoRegister)
return Reg;
void TargetX8632::postLower() {
if (Ctx->getOptLevel() != Opt_m1)
// TODO: Avoid recomputing WhiteList every instruction.
RegSetMask RegInclude = RegSet_All;
RegSetMask RegExclude = RegSet_None;
if (hasFramePointer())
RegExclude |= RegSet_FramePointer;
llvm::SmallBitVector WhiteList = getRegisterSet(RegInclude, RegExclude);
// Make one pass to black-list pre-colored registers. TODO: If
// there was some prior register allocation pass that made register
// assignments, those registers need to be black-listed here as
// well.
for (InstList::iterator I = Context.getCur(), E = Context.getEnd(); I != E;
++I) {
const Inst *Inst = *I;
if (Inst->isDeleted())
if (llvm::isa<InstFakeKill>(Inst))
for (SizeT SrcNum = 0; SrcNum < Inst->getSrcSize(); ++SrcNum) {
Operand *Src = Inst->getSrc(SrcNum);
SizeT NumVars = Src->getNumVars();
for (SizeT J = 0; J < NumVars; ++J) {
const Variable *Var = Src->getVar(J);
if (!Var->hasReg())
WhiteList[Var->getRegNum()] = false;
// The second pass colors infinite-weight variables.
llvm::SmallBitVector AvailableRegisters = WhiteList;
for (InstList::iterator I = Context.getCur(), E = Context.getEnd(); I != E;
++I) {
const Inst *Inst = *I;
if (Inst->isDeleted())
for (SizeT SrcNum = 0; SrcNum < Inst->getSrcSize(); ++SrcNum) {
Operand *Src = Inst->getSrc(SrcNum);
SizeT NumVars = Src->getNumVars();
for (SizeT J = 0; J < NumVars; ++J) {
Variable *Var = Src->getVar(J);
if (Var->hasReg())
if (!Var->getWeight().isInf())
llvm::SmallBitVector AvailableTypedRegisters =
AvailableRegisters & getRegisterSetForType(Var->getType());
if (!AvailableTypedRegisters.any()) {
// This is a hack in case we run out of physical registers
// due to an excessive number of "push" instructions from
// lowering a call.
AvailableRegisters = WhiteList;
AvailableTypedRegisters =
AvailableRegisters & getRegisterSetForType(Var->getType());
int32_t RegNum = AvailableTypedRegisters.find_first();
AvailableRegisters[RegNum] = false;
template <> void ConstantInteger::emit(GlobalContext *Ctx) const {
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
Str << getValue();
template <> void ConstantFloat::emit(GlobalContext *Ctx) const {
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
// It would be better to prefix with ".L$" instead of "L$", but
// llvm-mc doesn't parse "dword ptr [.L$foo]".
Str << "dword ptr [L$" << IceType_f32 << "$" << getPoolEntryID() << "]";
template <> void ConstantDouble::emit(GlobalContext *Ctx) const {
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
Str << "qword ptr [L$" << IceType_f64 << "$" << getPoolEntryID() << "]";
TargetGlobalInitX8632::TargetGlobalInitX8632(GlobalContext *Ctx)
: TargetGlobalInitLowering(Ctx) {}
namespace {
char hexdigit(unsigned X) { return X < 10 ? '0' + X : 'A' + X - 10; }
void TargetGlobalInitX8632::lower(const IceString &Name, SizeT Align,
bool IsInternal, bool IsConst,
bool IsZeroInitializer, SizeT Size,
const char *Data, bool DisableTranslation) {
if (Ctx->isVerbose()) {
// TODO: Consider moving the dump output into the driver to be
// reused for all targets.
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
Str << "@" << Name << " = " << (IsInternal ? "internal" : "external");
Str << (IsConst ? " constant" : " global");
Str << " [" << Size << " x i8] ";
if (IsZeroInitializer) {
Str << "zeroinitializer";
} else {
Str << "c\"";
// Code taken from PrintEscapedString() in AsmWriter.cpp. Keep
// the strings in the same format as the .ll file for practical
// diffing.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
unsigned char C = Data[i];
if (isprint(C) && C != '\\' && C != '"')
Str << C;
Str << '\\' << hexdigit(C >> 4) << hexdigit(C & 0x0F);
Str << "\"";
Str << ", align " << Align << "\n";
if (DisableTranslation)
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
// constant:
// .section .rodata,"a",@progbits
// .align ALIGN
// .byte ...
// .size NAME, SIZE
// non-constant:
// .data
// .align ALIGN
// .byte ...
// .size NAME, SIZE
// zeroinitializer (constant):
// (.section or .data as above)
// .align ALIGN
// .zero SIZE
// .size NAME, SIZE
// zeroinitializer (non-constant):
// (.section or .data as above)
// .comm NAME, SIZE, ALIGN
// .local NAME
IceString MangledName = Ctx->mangleName(Name);
// Start a new section.
if (IsConst) {
Str << "\t.section\t.rodata,\"a\",@progbits\n";
} else {
Str << "\t.type\t" << MangledName << ",@object\n";
Str << "\\n";
if (IsZeroInitializer) {
if (IsConst) {
Str << "\t.align\t" << Align << "\n";
Str << MangledName << ":\n";
Str << "\\t" << Size << "\n";
Str << "\t.size\t" << MangledName << ", " << Size << "\n";
} else {
// TODO(stichnot): Put the appropriate non-constant
// zeroinitializers in a .bss section to reduce object size.
Str << "\t.comm\t" << MangledName << ", " << Size << ", " << Align
<< "\n";
} else {
Str << "\t.align\t" << Align << "\n";
Str << MangledName << ":\n";
for (SizeT i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
Str << "\t.byte\t" << (((unsigned)Data[i]) & 0xff) << "\n";
Str << "\t.size\t" << MangledName << ", " << Size << "\n";
Str << "\t" << (IsInternal ? ".local" : ".global") << "\t" << MangledName
<< "\n";
} // end of namespace Ice