Regres: Collate and add new documentation for Regres

Pull together documentation from various places and put into one document.
Includes some long-overdue documentation on how the code coverage data is processed and compressed.

Change-Id: Iddf2094aff1f3804cd1ea19414e40da3b7cae163
Tested-by: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Capens <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff331a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# Regres - SwiftShader automated testing
+## Introduction
+Regres is a collection of tools to perform [dEQP](
+presubmit and continuous integration testing and code coverage evaluation for
+Regres provides:
+* [Presubmit testing](#presubmit-testing) - An automatic OpenGL|ES and Vulkan
+  dEQP test run for each Gerrit patchset put up for review.
+* [Continuous integration testing](#daily-run-continuous-integration-testing) -
+  A OpenGL|ES and Vulkan dEQP test run performed against the `master` branch each night. \
+  This nightly run also produces code coverage information which can be viewed at
+  [](
+* [Local dEQP test runner](#local-dEQP-test-runner) Provides a local tool for
+  efficiently running a number of dEQP tests based wildcard or regex name
+  matching.
+The Regres source root directory is at [`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/`](
+## Presubmit testing
+Regres monitors changes that have been [put up for review with Gerrit](
+Once a new [qualifying](#qualifying) patchset has been found, regres will
+checkout, build and test the change against the parent changelist. \
+Any differences in results are reported as a review comment on the change
+### Qualifying
+As Regres may be running externally authored code on Google hardware,
+Regres will only test a change if it is authored by or reviewed by a Googler.
+Only the most recent patchset of a change will be tested. If a new patchset is
+pushed while the previous is currently being tested, then testing will continue
+to completion and the previous patchsets will be posted, and the new patchset
+will be queued for testing.
+### Prioritization
+At the time of writing a Regres presubmit run takes a little over 20 minutes to
+complete, and there is a single Regres machine servicing all changes.
+To keep Regres responsive, changes are prioritized based on their 'readiness to
+land', which is determined by the change's `Kokoro-Presubmit`, `Code-Review` and
+`Presubmit-Ready` Gerrit labels.
+### Test Filtering
+By default, Regres will run all the test lists declared in the
+[`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/ci-tests.json`]( file.\
+As new functionally is being implemented, the test lists in `ci-tests.json` may
+reference known-passing test lists updated by the [daily run](#daily-run-continuous-integration-testing),
+so that failing tests for incomplete functionality are skipped, but tests that
+pass for new functionality *are tested* to ensure they do not regres.
+Additional tests names found in the files referenced by
+can be explicitly included in the change's presubmit run
+by including a line in the change description with the signature:
+Test: <dEQP-test-pattern>
+`<dEQP-test-pattern>` can be a single dEQP test name, or you can use wildcards
+[as documented here](
+You can repeat `Test:` as many times as you like. `Tests:` is also acccepted.
+[For example](
+Add support for OpLogicalEqual, OpLogicalNotEqual
+Test: dEQP-VK.glsl.operator.bool_compare.*
+Test: dEQP-VK.glsl.operator.binary_operator.equal.*
+Test: dEQP-VK.glsl.operator.binary_operator.not_equal.*
+Bug: b/126870789
+Change-Id: I9d33444d67792274d8027b7d1632235533cfc079
+## Daily-run continuous integration testing
+Once a day, regres will also test another set of tests from [`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/full-tests.json`](,
+and post the test result lists as a Gerrit changelist
+The daily run also performs code coverage instrumentation per dEQP test,
+automatically uploading the results of all the dEQP tests to the viewer at
+## Local dEQP test runner
+Regres also provides a multi-threaded, [process sandboxed](#process-sandboxing),
+local dEQP test runner with a wild-card / regex based test name matcher.
+The local test runner can be run with:
+[`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/`]( `--deqp-vk=<path to deqp-vk> [--filter=<test name filter>]`
+`<test name filter>` can be a single dEQP test name, or you can use wildcards
+[as documented here](
+Alternatively, start with a `/` to use a regex filter.
+Other useful flags:
+  -limit int
+        only run a maximum of this number of tests
+  -no-results
+        disable generation of results.json file
+  -output string
+        path to an output JSON results file (default "results.json")
+  -shuffle
+        shuffle tests
+  -test-list string
+        path to a test list file (default "vk-master-PASS.txt")
+Run [`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/`]( with `--help` to see all available flags.
+## Process sandboxing
+Regres will run each dEQP test in a separate process to prevent state
+leakage between tests.
+Tests are run concurrently, and crashing processes will not take down the test
+Some dEQP tests are known to perform excessive memory allocations (i.e. keep
+allocating until no more can be claimed from the OS). \
+In order to prevent a single test starving other test processes of memory, each
+process is restricted to a fraction of the system's memory using [linux resource limits](
+Tests may also deadlock, so each test process has a time limit before they are
+automatically killed.
+## Implementation details
+### Presubmit & daily run process
+Regres runs until stopped, and will:
+* Download a known compatible version of Clang to a cache directory. This will
+  be used for all compilation stages below.
+* Periodically poll Gerrit for recently opened changes
+* Periodically query Gerrit for details about each tracked change, determining
+  [whether it should be tested](#qualifying), and determine its current
+  [priority](#prioritization).
+* A qualifying change with the highest priority will be picked, and the
+  following is performed for the change:
+  1. The change is `git fetch`ed into a temporary directory.
+  2. If not already cached, the dEQP version described in the
+     change's [`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/deqp.json`]( file is downloaded and built the into a cached directory.
+  3. The source for the change is built into a temporary build directory.
+  4. The built dEQP binaries are used to test the change. The full test results
+     are stored in a cached directory.
+  5. If the parent change's test results aren't already cached, then steps 3 and
+     4 are repeated for the parent change.
+  6. The results of the two changes are diffed, and the results of the diff are
+     posted to the change as a Gerrit review comment.
+* The above is repeated until it is time to perform a daily run, upon which:
+  1. The `HEAD` change of `master` is fetched into a temporary directory.
+  2. If not already cached, the dEQP version described in the
+     change's [`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/deqp.json`]( file is downloaded and built the into a cached directory.
+  3. The `HEAD` change is built into a temporary directory, optionally with code
+     coverage instrumenting.
+  4. The build dEQP binaries are used to test the change.  The full test results
+     are stored in a cached directory, and the each test is binned by status and
+     written to the [`<swiftshader>/tests/regres/testlists`]( directory.
+  5. A new Gerrit change is created containing the updated test lists and put up
+     for review, along with a summary of test result changes [[example]](
+     If there's an existing daily test change up for review then this is reused
+     instead of creating another.
+  6. If the build included code coverage instrumentation, then the coverage
+     results are collated from all test runs, processed and compressed, and
+     uploaded to [](
+     which is immediately reflected at [](
+     This process is [described in more detail below](#code-coverage).
+  7. Stages 3 - 5 are repeated for both the LLVM and Subzero backends.
+### Caching
+The cache directory is heavily used to avoid duplicated work. For example, it
+is common for patchsets to be repeatedly pushed with the same parent change, so
+the test results of the parent can be calculated once and stored. A tested
+patchset that is merged into master would also be cached when used as a parent
+of another change.
+The cache needs to consider more than just the change identifier as the
+cache-key for storing and retrieving data. Both the test lists and version of
+dEQP used are dictated by the change being tested, and so both used as part of
+the cache key.
+### Code coverage
+The [daily run](#daily-run-continuous-integration-testing) produces code
+coverage information that can be examined for each individual dEQP test at
+The process for generating this information is complex, and is described in
+detail below:
+#### Per-test generation
+Code coverage instrumentation is generated with
+[clang's `--coverage`](
+functionality. This compiler option is enabled by using SwiftShader's
+Each dEQP test process is run with a unique `LLVM_PROFILE_FILE` environment
+variable value which dictates where the process writes its raw coverage profile
+file. Each process gets a different path so that we can emit coverage from
+multiple, concurrent dEQP test processes.
+#### Parsing
+[Clang provides two tools]( for processing coverage data:
+* `llvm-profdata` indexes the raw `.profraw` coverage profile file and emits a
+  `.profdata` file.
+* `llvm-cov` further processes the `.profdata` file into something human
+  readable or machine parsable.
+`llvm-cov` provides many options, including emitting an pretty HTML file, but is
+remarkably slow at producing easily machine-parsable data. Fortunately the core
+of `llvm-cov` is [a few hundreds of lines of code](, as it relies on LLVM libraries to do the heavy lifting. Regres
+replaces `llvm-cov` with ["`turbo-cov`"]( which efficiently converts a `.profdata` into a simple binary stream which can
+be consumed by Regres.
+#### Processing
+At the time of writing there are over 560,000 individual dEQP tests, and around
+176,000 lines of C++ code in [`<swiftshader>/src`](
+If you used 1 bit for each source line, per-line source coverage for all dEQP
+tests would require over 11GiB of storage. That's just for one snapshot.
+The processing and compression schemes described below reduces this down to
+around 10 MiB (~1100x reduction in size), and supports sub-line coverage scopes.
+##### Spans
+Code coverage information is described in spans.
+A span is a described as an interval of source locations, where a location is a
+line-column pair:
+type Location struct {
+    Line, Column int
+type Span struct {
+    Start, End Location
+##### Test tree construction
+Each dEQP test is uniquely identified by a fully qualified name.
+Each test belongs to a group, and that group may be nested within any number of
+parent groups. The groups are described in the test name, using dots (`.`) to
+delimit the groups and leaf test name.
+For example, the fully qualified test name:
+Can be broken down into the following groups and test name:
+dEQP-VK                       <-- root group name
+╰ fragment_shader_interlock
+  ╰ basic.discard
+    ╰ ssbo
+      ╰ sample_unordered
+        ╰ 4xaa
+          ╰ sample_shading
+            ╰ 16x16           <-- leaf test name
+Breaking down fully qualified test names into groups provide a natural way to
+structure coverage data, as tests of the same group are likely to have similar
+coverage spans.
+So, for each source file in the codebase, we create a tree with test groups as
+non-leaf nodes, and tests as leaf nodes.
+For example, given the following test list:
+We would construct the following tree:
+               a
+        ╭──────┴──────╮
+        b             c
+    ╭───┴───╮     ╭───┴───╮
+    d       e     f       g
+  ╭─┴─╮   ╭─┴─╮         ╭─┴─╮
+  h   i   j   k         l   m
+     ╭┴╮     ╭┴╮        │
+     n o     p q        r
+Each leaf node in this tree (`h`, `n`, `o`, `j`, `p`, `q`, `f`, `r`, `m`)
+represent a test, and non-leaf nodes (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`, `g`, `i`, `k`,
+`l`) are a groups.
+To begin, we create a test tree structure, and associate the full list of test
+coverage spans with every leaf node (test) in this tree.
+This data structure hasn't given us any compression benefits yet, but we can
+now do a few tricks to dramatically reduce number of spans needed to describe
+the graph:
+##### Optimization 1: Common span promotion
+The first compression scheme is to promote common spans up the tree when they
+are common for all children. This will reduce the number of spans needed to be
+encoded in the final file.
+For example, if the test group `a` has 4 children that all share the same span
+          a
+    ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
+    b   c   d   e
+ [X,Y] [X] [X] [X,Z]
+Then span `X` can be promoted up to `a`:
+         [X]
+          a
+    ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
+    b   c   d   e
+   [Y] []   [] [Z]
+##### Optimization 2: Span XOR promotion
+This idea can be extended further, by not requiring all the children to share
+the same span before promotion. If **most** child nodes share the same span, we
+can still promote the span, but this time we **remove** the span from the
+children **if they had it**, and **add** the span to children **if they didn't
+have it**.
+For example, if the test group `a` has 4 children with 3 that share the span
+          a
+    ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
+    b   c   d   e
+ [X,Y] [X]  [] [X,Z]
+Then span `X` can be promoted up to `a` by flipping the presence of `X` on the
+child nodes:
+         [X]
+          a
+    ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
+    b   c   d   e
+   [Y] []  [X] [Z]
+This process repeats up the tree.
+With this optimization applied, we now need to traverse the tree from root to
+leaf in order to know whether a given span is in use for the leaf node (test):
+* If the span is encountered an **odd** number of times during traversal, then
+  the span is **covered**.
+* If the span is encountered an **even** number of times during traversal, then
+  the span is **not covered**.
+See [`tests/regres/cov/coverage_test.go`]( for more examples of this optimization.
+##### Optimization 3: Common span grouping
+With real world data, we encounter groups of spans that are commonly found
+together. To further reduce coverage data, the whole graph is scanned for common
+span patterns, and are indexed by each tree node.
+The XOR'ing of spans as described above is performed as if the spans were not
+##### Optimization 4: Lookup tables
+All spans, span-groups and strings are stored in de-duplicated tables, and are
+indexed wherever possible.
+The final serialization is performed by [`tests/regres/cov/serialization.go`](
+##### Optimization 5: zlib compression
+The coverage data is encoded into JSON for parsing by the web page.
+Before writing the JSON file, the text data is zlib compressed.
+#### Presentation
+The zlib-compressed JSON coverage data is decompressed using
+[`pako`](, and consumed by some
+[vanilla JavaScript](
+[`codemirror`]( is used to perform coverage span and C++
+syntax highlighting