blob: dd41952b78786bf14063c7f30b13222e68af5a15 [file] [log] [blame]
include "llvm/Option/"
// lib.exe accepts options starting with either a dash or a slash.
// Flag that takes no arguments.
class F<string name> : Flag<["/", "-", "-?"], name>;
// Flag that takes one argument after ":".
class P<string name, string help> :
Joined<["/", "-", "-?"], name#":">, HelpText<help>;
def libpath: P<"libpath", "Object file search path">;
def out : P<"out", "Path to file to write output">;
def llvmlibthin : F<"llvmlibthin">,
HelpText<"Make .lib point to .obj files instead of copying their contents">;
def help : F<"help">;
def help_q : Flag<["/?", "-?"], "">, Alias<help>;
// The flags below do nothing. They are defined only for lib.exe compatibility.
class QF<string name> : Joined<["/", "-", "-?"], name#":">;
def ignore : QF<"ignore">;
def machine: QF<"machine">;
def nologo : F<"nologo">;