blob: 36eac017bc8f29efec0d749e978fbc2eb669371c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceClFlagsExtra.h - Extra Cl Flags -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Defines class Ice::ClFlagsExtra
#include "IceDefs.h"
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-move"
#endif // __clang__
#include "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h"
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif // __clang__
namespace Ice {
/// Declares command line flags primarily used for non-minimal builds.
class ClFlagsExtra {
ClFlagsExtra(const ClFlagsExtra &) = delete;
ClFlagsExtra &operator=(const ClFlagsExtra &) = delete;
ClFlagsExtra() = default;
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::AlwaysExitSuccess
bool getAlwaysExitSuccess() const { return AlwaysExitSuccess; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::AlwaysExitSuccess to a new value
void setAlwaysExitSuccess(bool NewValue) { AlwaysExitSuccess = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::BuildOnRead
bool getBuildOnRead() const { return BuildOnRead; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::BuildOnRead to a new value
void setBuildOnRead(bool NewValue) { BuildOnRead = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::GenerateBuildAtts
bool getGenerateBuildAtts() const { return GenerateBuildAtts; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::GenerateBuildAtts to a new value
void setGenerateBuildAtts(bool NewValue) { GenerateBuildAtts = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::LLVMVerboseErrors
bool getLLVMVerboseErrors() const { return LLVMVerboseErrors; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::LLVMVerboseErrors to a new value
void setLLVMVerboseErrors(bool NewValue) { LLVMVerboseErrors = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::BitcodeAsText
bool getBitcodeAsText() const { return BitcodeAsText; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::BitcodeAsText to a new value
void setBitcodeAsText(bool NewValue) { BitcodeAsText = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::InputFileFormat
llvm::NaClFileFormat getInputFileFormat() const { return InputFileFormat; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::InputFileFormat to a new value
void setInputFileFormat(llvm::NaClFileFormat NewValue) {
InputFileFormat = NewValue;
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::AppName
const IceString &getAppName() const { return AppName; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::AppName to a new value
void setAppName(const IceString &NewValue) { AppName = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::IRFilename
const IceString &getIRFilename() const { return IRFilename; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::IRFilename to a new value
void setIRFilename(const IceString &NewValue) { IRFilename = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::LogFilename
const IceString &getLogFilename() const { return LogFilename; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::LogFilename to a new value
void setLogFilename(const IceString &NewValue) { LogFilename = NewValue; }
/// Get the value of ClFlagsExtra::OutputFilename
const IceString &getOutputFilename() const { return OutputFilename; }
/// Set ClFlagsExtra::OutputFilename to a new value
void setOutputFilename(const IceString &NewValue) {
OutputFilename = NewValue;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::AlwaysExitSuccess
bool AlwaysExitSuccess = false;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::BitcodeAsText
bool BitcodeAsText = false;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::BuildOnRead
bool BuildOnRead = false;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::GenerateBuildAtts
bool GenerateBuildAtts = false;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::LLVMVerboseErrors
bool LLVMVerboseErrors = false;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::InputFileFormat
llvm::NaClFileFormat InputFileFormat = llvm::LLVMFormat;
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::AppName
IceString AppName = "";
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::IRFilename
IceString IRFilename = "";
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::LogFilename
IceString LogFilename = "";
/// see anonymous_namespace{IceClFlags.cpp}::OutputFilename
IceString OutputFilename = "";
} // end of namespace Ice