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//===- subzero/src/IceTimerTree.h - Pass timer defs -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Declares the TimerTree class, which allows flat and cumulative
/// execution time collection of call chains.
// TODO(jpp): Refactor IceDefs.
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceTimerTree.def"
namespace Ice {
class TimerStack {
TimerStack() = delete;
TimerStack &operator=(const TimerStack &) = delete;
/// Timer tree index type. A variable of this type is used to access an
/// interior, not-necessarily-leaf node of the tree.
using TTindex = std::vector<class TimerTreeNode>::size_type;
/// Representation of a path of leaf values leading to a particular node. The
/// representation happens to be in "reverse" order, i.e. from leaf/interior
/// to root, for implementation efficiency.
using PathType = llvm::SmallVector<TTindex, 8>;
/// Representation of a mapping of leaf node indexes from one timer stack to
/// another.
using TranslationType = std::vector<TimerIdT>;
/// TimerTreeNode represents an interior or leaf node in the call tree. It
/// contains a list of children, a pointer to its parent, and the timer ID for
/// the node. It also holds the cumulative time spent at this node and below.
/// The children are always at a higher index in the TimerTreeNode::Nodes
/// array, and the parent is always at a lower index.
class TimerTreeNode {
TimerTreeNode &operator=(const TimerTreeNode &) = delete;
TimerTreeNode() = default;
TimerTreeNode(const TimerTreeNode &) = default;
std::vector<TTindex> Children; // indexed by TimerIdT
TTindex Parent = 0;
TimerIdT Interior = 0;
double Time = 0;
size_t UpdateCount = 0;
enum TimerTag {
#define X(tag) TT_##tag,
#undef X
explicit TimerStack(const std::string &Name);
TimerStack(const TimerStack &) = default;
TimerIdT getTimerID(const std::string &Name);
void mergeFrom(const TimerStack &Src);
void setName(const std::string &NewName) { Name = NewName; }
const std::string &getName() const { return Name; }
void push(TimerIdT ID);
void pop(TimerIdT ID);
void reset();
void dump(Ostream &Str, bool DumpCumulative);
void update(bool UpdateCounts);
static double timestamp();
TranslationType translateIDsFrom(const TimerStack &Src);
PathType getPath(TTindex Index, const TranslationType &Mapping) const;
TTindex getChildIndex(TTindex Parent, TimerIdT ID);
TTindex findPath(const PathType &Path);
std::string Name;
double FirstTimestamp;
double LastTimestamp;
uint64_t StateChangeCount = 0;
/// IDsIndex maps a symbolic timer name to its integer ID.
std::map<std::string, TimerIdT> IDsIndex;
std::vector<std::string> IDs; /// indexed by TimerIdT
std::vector<TimerTreeNode> Nodes; /// indexed by TTindex
std::vector<double> LeafTimes; /// indexed by TimerIdT
std::vector<size_t> LeafCounts; /// indexed by TimerIdT
TTindex StackTop = 0;
} // end of namespace Ice