blob: 71b2e5af41ab04391ee1ce4ee14c5e3144089499 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "VkConfig.hpp"
#include "VkObject.hpp"
#include "VkSemaphore.hpp"
#include "marl/conditionvariable.h"
#include "marl/mutex.h"
#include "System/Synchronization.hpp"
#include <chrono>
namespace vk {
// Timeline Semaphores track a 64-bit payload instead of a binary payload.
// A timeline does not have a "signaled" and "unsignalled" state. Threads instead wait
// for the payload to become a certain value. When a thread signals the timeline, it provides
// a new payload that is greater than the current payload.
// There is no way to reset a timeline or to decrease the payload's value. A user must instead
// create a new timeline with a new initial payload if they desire this behavior.
class TimelineSemaphore : public Semaphore, public Object<TimelineSemaphore, VkSemaphore>
// WaitForAny represents a single vkWaitSemaphores() call with the
class WaitForAny
// Creates a WaitForAny object and populates it with the contents of a VkSemaphoreWaitInfo.
WaitForAny(const VkSemaphoreWaitInfo *pWaitInfo);
void wait();
template<class CLOCK, class DURATION>
VkResult wait(std::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION> end_ns);
void signal();
marl::mutex mutex;
marl::ConditionVariable cv;
// TODO(b/181683382) -- Add Thread Safety Analysis instrumentation when it can properly
// analyze lambdas.
bool is_signaled = false;
marl::containers::vector<TimelineSemaphore *, 16> semaphores;
TimelineSemaphore(const VkSemaphoreCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, void *mem, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator);
static size_t ComputeRequiredAllocationSize(const VkSemaphoreCreateInfo *pCreateInfo);
// Block until this semaphore is signaled with the specified value;
void wait(uint64_t value);
// Wait until a certain amount of time has passed or until the specified value is signaled.
template<class CLOCK, class DURATION>
VkResult wait(uint64_t value, std::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION> end_ns);
// Set the payload to the specified value and signal all waiting threads.
void signal(uint64_t value);
// Retrieve the current payload. This should not be used to make thread execution decisions as
// there's no guarantee that the value returned here matches the actual payload's value.
uint64_t getCounterValue();
// Clean up any allocated resources
void destroy(const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator);
enum class AddWaitResult
kWaitAdded = 0,
AddWaitResult addWait(WaitForAny *waitObject, uint64_t waitValue);
void removeWait(WaitForAny *waitObject);
// Guards access to all the resources that may be accessed by other threads.
// No clang Thread Safety Analysis is used on variables guarded by mutex
// as there is an issue with TSA. Despite instrumenting everything properly,
// compilation will fail when a lambda function uses a guarded resource.
marl::mutex mutex;
// Entry point to the marl threading library that handles blocking and unblocking.
marl::ConditionVariable cv;
// TODO(b/181683382) -- Add Thread Safety Analysis instrumentation when it can properly
// analyze lambdas.
// The 64-bit payload.
uint64_t counter;
// All the WaitForAny objects waiting on this semaphore to reach specific values.
std::map<WaitForAny *, uint64_t> any_waits;
template<typename Clock, typename Duration>
VkResult TimelineSemaphore::wait(uint64_t value,
const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> timeout)
marl::lock lock(mutex);
if(!cv.wait_until(lock, timeout, [&]() { return counter >= value; }))
return VK_TIMEOUT;
return VK_SUCCESS;
template<typename Clock, typename Duration>
VkResult TimelineSemaphore::WaitForAny::wait(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> timeout)
marl::lock lock(mutex);
if(!cv.wait_until(lock, timeout, [&]() { return is_signaled; }))
return VK_TIMEOUT;
return VK_SUCCESS;
} // namespace vk