blob: 71224fd1257d0522ecf991188c7acb1c13a44f85 [file] [log] [blame]
; This file checks that Subzero generates code in accordance with the
; calling convention for vectors.
; RUN: %p2i -i %s --filetype=obj --disassemble --args -O2 \
; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols | FileCheck %s
; RUN: %p2i -i %s --filetype=obj --disassemble --args -Om1 \
; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols | FileCheck --check-prefix=OPTM1 %s
; The first five functions test that vectors are moved from their
; correct argument location to xmm0.
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_arg0(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5) {
ret <4 x float> %arg0
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_arg0
; CHECK-NOT: mov
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_arg0
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm0
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_arg1(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5) {
ret <4 x float> %arg1
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_arg1
; CHECK: movups xmm0,xmm1
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_arg1
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm1
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_arg2(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5) {
ret <4 x float> %arg2
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_arg2
; CHECK: movups xmm0,xmm2
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_arg2
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm2
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_arg3(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5) {
ret <4 x float> %arg3
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_arg3
; CHECK: movups xmm0,xmm3
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_arg3
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm3
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_arg4(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5) {
ret <4 x float> %arg4
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_arg4
; CHECK: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x4]
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_arg4
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: ret
; The next five functions check that xmm arguments are handled
; correctly when interspersed with stack arguments in the argument
; list.
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_interspersed_arg0(
i32 %i32arg0, double %doublearg0, <4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1,
i32 %i32arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, double %doublearg1, <4 x float> %arg3,
i32 %i32arg2, double %doublearg2, float %floatarg0, <4 x float> %arg4,
<4 x float> %arg5, float %floatarg1) {
ret <4 x float> %arg0
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg0
; CHECK-NOT: mov
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg0
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm0
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_interspersed_arg1(
i32 %i32arg0, double %doublearg0, <4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1,
i32 %i32arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, double %doublearg1, <4 x float> %arg3,
i32 %i32arg2, double %doublearg2, float %floatarg0, <4 x float> %arg4,
<4 x float> %arg5, float %floatarg1) {
ret <4 x float> %arg1
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg1
; CHECK: movups xmm0,xmm1
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg1
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm1
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_interspersed_arg2(
i32 %i32arg0, double %doublearg0, <4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1,
i32 %i32arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, double %doublearg1, <4 x float> %arg3,
i32 %i32arg2, double %doublearg2, float %floatarg0, <4 x float> %arg4,
<4 x float> %arg5, float %floatarg1) {
ret <4 x float> %arg2
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg2
; CHECK: movups xmm0,xmm2
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg2
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm2
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_interspersed_arg3(
i32 %i32arg0, double %doublearg0, <4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1,
i32 %i32arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, double %doublearg1, <4 x float> %arg3,
i32 %i32arg2, double %doublearg2, float %floatarg0, <4 x float> %arg4,
<4 x float> %arg5, float %floatarg1) {
ret <4 x float> %arg3
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg3
; CHECK: movups xmm0,xmm3
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg3
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [[LOC:.*]],xmm3
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [[LOC]]
; OPTM1: ret
define internal <4 x float> @test_returning_interspersed_arg4(
i32 %i32arg0, double %doublearg0, <4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1,
i32 %i32arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, double %doublearg1, <4 x float> %arg3,
i32 %i32arg2, double %doublearg2, float %floatarg0, <4 x float> %arg4,
<4 x float> %arg5, float %floatarg1) {
ret <4 x float> %arg4
; CHECK-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg4
; CHECK: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x34]
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_returning_interspersed_arg4
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: ret
; Test that vectors are passed correctly as arguments to a function.
declare void @VectorArgs(<4 x float>, <4 x float>, <4 x float>, <4 x float>,
<4 x float>, <4 x float>)
declare void @killXmmRegisters()
define internal void @test_passing_vectors(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5, <4 x float> %arg6, <4 x float> %arg7,
<4 x float> %arg8, <4 x float> %arg9) {
; Kills XMM registers so that no in-arg lowering code interferes
; with the test.
call void @killXmmRegisters()
call void @VectorArgs(<4 x float> %arg9, <4 x float> %arg8, <4 x float> %arg7,
<4 x float> %arg6, <4 x float> %arg5, <4 x float> %arg4)
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: test_passing_vectors
; CHECK-NEXT: sub esp,0x2c
; CHECK: movups [[ARG5:.*]],XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x40]
; CHECK: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp],[[ARG5]]
; CHECK: movups [[ARG6:.*]],XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x30]
; CHECK: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x10],[[ARG6]]
; CHECK: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x80]
; CHECK: movups xmm1,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x70]
; CHECK: movups xmm2,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x60]
; CHECK: movups xmm3,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x50]
; CHECK: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} VectorArgs
; CHECK-NEXT: add esp,0x2c
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_passing_vectors
; OPTM1: sub esp,0x6c
; OPTM1: movups [[ARG5:.*]],XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp],[[ARG5]]
; OPTM1: movups [[ARG6:.*]],XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x10],[[ARG6]]
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups xmm1,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups xmm2,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups xmm3,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} VectorArgs
; OPTM1-NEXT: add esp,0x6c
declare void @InterspersedVectorArgs(
<4 x float>, i64, <4 x float>, i64, <4 x float>, float, <4 x float>,
double, <4 x float>, i32, <4 x float>)
define internal void @test_passing_vectors_interspersed(
<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, <4 x float> %arg2, <4 x float> %arg3,
<4 x float> %arg4, <4 x float> %arg5, <4 x float> %arg6, <4 x float> %arg7,
<4 x float> %arg8, <4 x float> %arg9) {
; Kills XMM registers so that no in-arg lowering code interferes
; with the test.
call void @killXmmRegisters()
call void @InterspersedVectorArgs(<4 x float> %arg9, i64 0, <4 x float> %arg8,
i64 1, <4 x float> %arg7, float 2.000000e+00,
<4 x float> %arg6, double 3.000000e+00,
<4 x float> %arg5, i32 4, <4 x float> %arg4)
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: test_passing_vectors_interspersed
; CHECK: sub esp,0x5c
; CHECK: movups [[ARG9:.*]],XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x70]
; CHECK: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x20],[[ARG9]]
; CHECK: movups [[ARG11:.*]],XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x60]
; CHECK: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x40],[[ARG11]]
; CHECK: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0xb0]
; CHECK: movups xmm1,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0xa0]
; CHECK: movups xmm2,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x90]
; CHECK: movups xmm3,XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x80]
; CHECK: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} InterspersedVectorArgs
; CHECK-NEXT: add esp,0x5c
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_passing_vectors_interspersed
; OPTM1: sub esp,0x9c
; OPTM1: movups [[ARG9:.*]],XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x20],[[ARG9]]
; OPTM1: movups [[ARG11:.*]],XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups XMMWORD PTR [esp+0x40],[[ARG11]]
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups xmm1,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups xmm2,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: movups xmm3,XMMWORD PTR {{.*}}
; OPTM1: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} InterspersedVectorArgs
; OPTM1-NEXT: add esp,0x9c
; OPTM1: ret
; Test that a vector returned from a function is recognized to be in
; xmm0.
declare <4 x float> @VectorReturn(<4 x float> %arg0)
define internal void @test_receiving_vectors(<4 x float> %arg0) {
%result = call <4 x float> @VectorReturn(<4 x float> %arg0)
%result2 = call <4 x float> @VectorReturn(<4 x float> %result)
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: test_receiving_vectors
; CHECK: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} VectorReturn
; CHECK-NOT: movups xmm0
; CHECK: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} VectorReturn
; CHECK: ret
; OPTM1-LABEL: test_receiving_vectors
; OPTM1: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} VectorReturn
; OPTM1: movups {{.*}},xmm0
; OPTM1: movups xmm0,{{.*}}
; OPTM1: call {{.*}} R_{{.*}} VectorReturn
; OPTM1: ret