blob: e3001e5fdee0dd9882a1fad451c1baa856f9bb7b [file] [log] [blame]
; This tests a switch statement, including multiple branches to the
; same label which also results in phi instructions with multiple
; entries for the same incoming edge.
; For x86 see adv-switch-opt.ll
; TODO(jvoung): Update to -02 once the phi assignments is done for ARM
; RUN: %if --need=target_ARM32 --need=allow_dump \
; RUN: --command %p2i --filetype=asm --assemble --disassemble \
; RUN: --target arm32 -i %s --args -Om1 --skip-unimplemented \
; RUN: | %if --need=target_ARM32 --need=allow_dump \
; RUN: --command FileCheck --check-prefix ARM32 %s
; TODO(jaydeep.patil): Using --skip-unimplemented for MIPS32
; RUN: %if --need=target_MIPS32 --need=allow_dump \
; RUN: --command %p2i --filetype=asm --assemble --disassemble \
; RUN: --target mips32 -i %s --args -Om1 --skip-unimplemented \
; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols \
; RUN: | %if --need=target_MIPS32 --need=allow_dump \
; RUN: --command FileCheck --check-prefix MIPS32 %s
define internal i32 @testSwitch(i32 %a) {
switch i32 %a, label %sw.default [
i32 1, label %sw.epilog
i32 2, label %sw.epilog
i32 3, label %sw.epilog
i32 7, label %sw.bb1
i32 8, label %sw.bb1
i32 15, label %sw.bb2
i32 14, label %sw.bb2
sw.default: ; preds = %entry
%add = add i32 %a, 27
br label %sw.epilog
sw.bb1: ; preds = %entry, %entry
%phitmp = sub i32 21, %a
br label %sw.bb2
sw.bb2: ; preds = %sw.bb1, %entry, %entry
%result.0 = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ 1, %entry ], [ %phitmp, %sw.bb1 ]
br label %sw.epilog
sw.epilog: ; preds = %sw.bb2, %sw.default, %entry, %entry, %entry
%result.1 = phi i32 [ %add, %sw.default ], [ %result.0, %sw.bb2 ], [ 17, %entry ], [ 17, %entry ], [ 17, %entry ]
ret i32 %result.1
; MIPS32-LABEL: testSwitch
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},1
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},17
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},1
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_EPILOG:.*]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},2
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_EPILOG]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},3
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_EPILOG]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},7
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_BB1:.*]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},8
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_BB1]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},15
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_BB2:.*]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},14
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <[[SW_BB2]]>
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <[[SW_DEFAULT:.*]]>
; MIPS32: <[[SW_DEFAULT]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},27
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <[[SW_EPILOG]]>
; MIPS32: <[[SW_BB1]]>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},21
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <[[SW_BB2]]>
; MIPS32: <[[SW_BB2]]>
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <[[SW_EPILOG]]>
; MIPS32: <[[SW_EPILOG]]>
; MIPS32: jr ra
; Check for a valid addressing mode when the switch operand is an
; immediate. It's important that there is exactly one case, because
; for two or more cases the source operand is legalized into a
; register.
define internal i32 @testSwitchImm() {
switch i32 10, label %sw.default [
i32 1, label %sw.default
ret i32 20
; ARM32-LABEL: testSwitchImm
; ARM32: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, #1
; ARM32-NEXT: beq
; ARM32-NEXT: b
; MIPS32-LABEL: testSwitchImm
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},10
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},1
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitchImm$sw.default>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitchImm$sw.default
; MIPS32: li v0,20
; MIPS32: jr ra
; Test for correct 64-bit lowering.
define internal i32 @testSwitch64(i64 %a) {
switch i64 %a, label %sw.default [
i64 123, label %return
i64 234, label %sw.bb1
i64 345, label %sw.bb2
i64 78187493520, label %sw.bb3
sw.bb1: ; preds = %entry
br label %return
sw.bb2: ; preds = %entry
br label %return
sw.bb3: ; preds = %entry
br label %return
sw.default: ; preds = %entry
br label %return
return: ; preds = %sw.default, %sw.bb3, %sw.bb2, %sw.bb1, %entry
%retval.0 = phi i32 [ 5, %sw.default ], [ 4, %sw.bb3 ], [ 3, %sw.bb2 ], [ 2, %sw.bb1 ], [ 1, %entry ]
ret i32 %retval.0
; ARM32-LABEL: testSwitch64
; ARM32: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, #123
; ARM32-NEXT: cmpeq {{r[0-9]+}}, #0
; ARM32-NEXT: beq
; ARM32: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, #234
; ARM32-NEXT: cmpeq {{r[0-9]+}}, #0
; ARM32-NEXT: beq
; ARM32: movw [[REG:r[0-9]+]], #345
; ARM32-NEXT: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, [[REG]]
; ARM32-NEXT: cmpeq {{r[0-9]+}}, #0
; ARM32-NEXT: beq
; ARM32: movw [[REG:r[0-9]+]], #30864
; ARM32-NEXT: movt [[REG]], #13398
; ARM32-NEXT: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, [[REG]]
; ARM32-NEXT: cmpeq {{r[0-9]+}}, #18
; ARM32-NEXT: beq
; ARM32-NEXT: b
; MIPS32-LABEL: testSwitch64
; MIPS32: bne {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$local$__0>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},123
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$return>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$local$__0
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: bne {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$local$__1>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},234
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$sw.bb1>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$local$__1
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: bne {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$local$__2>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},345
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$sw.bb2>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$local$__2
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},18
; MIPS32: bne {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$local$__3>
; MIPS32: lui {{.*}},0x3456
; MIPS32: ori {{.*}},{{.*}},0x7890
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$sw.bb3>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$local$__3
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$sw.default>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$sw.bb1
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},2
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$return>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$sw.bb2
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},3
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$return>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$sw.bb3
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},4
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$return>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$sw.default
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},5
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitch64$return>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitch64$return
; MIPS32: jr ra
; Similar to testSwitchImm, make sure proper addressing modes are
; used. In reality, this is tested by running the output through the
; assembler.
define internal i32 @testSwitchImm64() {
switch i64 10, label %sw.default [
i64 1, label %sw.default
ret i32 20
; ARM32-LABEL: testSwitchImm64
; ARM32: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, #1
; ARM32-NEXT: cmpeq {{r[0-9]+}}, #0
; ARM32-NEXT: beq [[ADDR:[0-9a-f]+]]
; ARM32-NEXT: b [[ADDR]]
; MIPS32-LABEL: testSwitchImm64
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},10
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: bne {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitchImm64$local$__0>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},1
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitchImm64$sw.default>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitchImm64$local$__0
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitchImm64$sw.default>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitchImm64$sw.default
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},20
; MIPS32: jr ra
define internal i32 @testSwitchUndef64() {
switch i64 undef, label %sw.default [
i64 1, label %sw.default
ret i32 20
; ARM32-LABEL: testSwitchUndef64
; ARM32: mov {{.*}}, #0
; ARM32: mov {{.*}}, #0
; MIPS32-LABEL: testSwitchUndef64
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},0
; MIPS32: bne {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitchUndef64$local$__0>
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},1
; MIPS32: beq {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} <.LtestSwitchUndef64$sw.default>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitchUndef64$local$__0
; MIPS32: b {{.*}} <.LtestSwitchUndef64$sw.default>
; MIPS32: .LtestSwitchUndef64$sw.default
; MIPS32: li {{.*}},20
; MIPS32: jr ra