blob: b9ddff1cf3dddca2e063e13dd7fe942b85ebc64f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceAssemblerMIPS32.cpp - MIPS32 Assembler --------------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Implements the Assembler class for MIPS32.
#include "IceAssemblerMIPS32.h"
#include "IceCfgNode.h"
#include "IceRegistersMIPS32.h"
#include "IceUtils.h"
namespace {
using namespace Ice;
using namespace Ice::MIPS32;
// Offset modifier to current PC for next instruction.
static constexpr IOffsetT kPCReadOffset = 4;
// Mask to pull out PC offset from branch instruction.
static constexpr int kBranchOffsetBits = 16;
static constexpr IOffsetT kBranchOffsetMask = 0x0000ffff;
} // end of anonymous namespace
namespace Ice {
namespace MIPS32 {
void AssemblerMIPS32::emitTextInst(const std::string &Text, SizeT InstSize) {
AssemblerFixup *F = createTextFixup(Text, InstSize);
for (SizeT I = 0; I < InstSize; ++I) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
namespace {
// TEQ $0, $0 - Trap if equal
static constexpr uint8_t TrapBytesRaw[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34};
const auto TrapBytes =
llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>(TrapBytesRaw, llvm::array_lengthof(TrapBytesRaw));
} // end of anonymous namespace
llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> AssemblerMIPS32::getNonExecBundlePadding() const {
return TrapBytes;
void AssemblerMIPS32::trap() {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
for (const uint8_t &Byte : reverse_range(TrapBytes))
void AssemblerMIPS32::nop() { emitInst(0); }
void AssemblerMIPS32::padWithNop(intptr_t Padding) {
constexpr intptr_t InstWidth = sizeof(IValueT);
assert(Padding % InstWidth == 0 &&
"Padding not multiple of instruction size");
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Padding; i += InstWidth)
Label *AssemblerMIPS32::getOrCreateLabel(SizeT Number, LabelVector &Labels) {
Label *L = nullptr;
if (Number == Labels.size()) {
L = new (this->allocate<Label>()) Label();
return L;
if (Number > Labels.size()) {
Labels.resize(Number + 1);
L = Labels[Number];
if (L == nullptr) {
L = new (this->allocate<Label>()) Label();
Labels[Number] = L;
return L;
void AssemblerMIPS32::bindCfgNodeLabel(const CfgNode *Node) {
if (BuildDefs::dump() && !getFlags().getDisableHybridAssembly()) {
constexpr SizeT InstSize = 0;
emitTextInst(Node->getAsmName() + ":", InstSize);
SizeT NodeNumber = Node->getIndex();
Label *L = getOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(NodeNumber);
// Checks that Offset can fit in imm16 constant of branch instruction.
void assertCanEncodeBranchOffset(IOffsetT Offset) {
assert(Utils::IsAligned(Offset, 4));
assert(Utils::IsInt(kBranchOffsetBits, Offset >> 2));
IValueT encodeBranchOffset(IOffsetT Offset, IValueT Inst) {
Offset -= kPCReadOffset;
Offset >>= 2;
Offset &= kBranchOffsetMask;
return (Inst & ~kBranchOffsetMask) | Offset;
IOffsetT AssemblerMIPS32::decodeBranchOffset(IValueT Inst) {
int16_t imm = (Inst & kBranchOffsetMask);
IOffsetT Offset = imm;
Offset = Offset << 2;
return (Offset + kPCReadOffset);
void AssemblerMIPS32::bind(Label *L) {
IOffsetT BoundPc = Buffer.size();
assert(!L->isBound()); // Labels can only be bound once.
while (L->isLinked()) {
IOffsetT Position = L->getLinkPosition();
IOffsetT Dest = BoundPc - Position;
IValueT Inst = Buffer.load<IValueT>(Position);<IValueT>(Position, encodeBranchOffset(Dest, Inst));
enum RegSetWanted { WantGPRegs, WantFPRegs };
IValueT getEncodedGPRegNum(const Variable *Var) {
const auto Reg = Var->getRegNum();
return RegMIPS32::getEncodedGPR(Reg);
bool encodeOperand(const Operand *Opnd, IValueT &Value,
RegSetWanted WantedRegSet) {
Value = 0;
if (const auto *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Opnd)) {
if (Var->hasReg()) {
switch (WantedRegSet) {
case WantGPRegs:
Value = getEncodedGPRegNum(Var);
return true;
return false;
return false;
IValueT encodeRegister(const Operand *OpReg, RegSetWanted WantedRegSet,
const char *RegName, const char *InstName) {
IValueT Reg = 0;
if (encodeOperand(OpReg, Reg, WantedRegSet) != true)
llvm::report_fatal_error(std::string(InstName) + ": Can't find register " +
return Reg;
IValueT encodeGPRegister(const Operand *OpReg, const char *RegName,
const char *InstName) {
return encodeRegister(OpReg, WantGPRegs, RegName, InstName);
void AssemblerMIPS32::emitRtRsImm16(IValueT Opcode, const Operand *OpRt,
const Operand *OpRs, const uint32_t Imm,
const char *InsnName) {
const IValueT Rt = encodeGPRegister(OpRt, "Rt", InsnName);
const IValueT Rs = encodeGPRegister(OpRs, "Rs", InsnName);
Opcode |= Rs << 21;
Opcode |= Rt << 16;
Opcode |= Imm & 0xffff;
void AssemblerMIPS32::emitRdRtSa(IValueT Opcode, const Operand *OpRd,
const Operand *OpRt, const uint32_t Sa,
const char *InsnName) {
const IValueT Rd = encodeGPRegister(OpRd, "Rd", InsnName);
const IValueT Rt = encodeGPRegister(OpRt, "Rt", InsnName);
Opcode |= Rt << 16;
Opcode |= Rd << 11;
Opcode |= (Sa & 0x1f) << 6;
void AssemblerMIPS32::emitRdRsRt(IValueT Opcode, const Operand *OpRd,
const Operand *OpRs, const Operand *OpRt,
const char *InsnName) {
const IValueT Rd = encodeGPRegister(OpRd, "Rd", InsnName);
const IValueT Rs = encodeGPRegister(OpRs, "Rs", InsnName);
const IValueT Rt = encodeGPRegister(OpRt, "Rt", InsnName);
Opcode |= Rs << 21;
Opcode |= Rt << 16;
Opcode |= Rd << 11;
void AssemblerMIPS32::addiu(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpRs,
const uint32_t Imm) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x24000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpRs, Imm, "addiu");
void AssemblerMIPS32::slti(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpRs,
const uint32_t Imm) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x28000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpRs, Imm, "slti");
void AssemblerMIPS32::sltiu(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpRs,
const uint32_t Imm) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x2c000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpRs, Imm, "sltiu");
void AssemblerMIPS32::and_(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000024;
emitRdRsRt(Opcode, OpRd, OpRs, OpRt, "and");
void AssemblerMIPS32::andi(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpRs,
const uint32_t Imm) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x30000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpRs, Imm, "andi");
void AssemblerMIPS32::or_(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000025;
emitRdRsRt(Opcode, OpRd, OpRs, OpRt, "or");
void AssemblerMIPS32::ori(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpRs,
const uint32_t Imm) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x34000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpRs, Imm, "ori");
void AssemblerMIPS32::xor_(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000026;
emitRdRsRt(Opcode, OpRd, OpRs, OpRt, "xor");
void AssemblerMIPS32::xori(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpRs,
const uint32_t Imm) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x38000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpRs, Imm, "xori");
void AssemblerMIPS32::sll(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRt,
const uint32_t Sa) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000000;
emitRdRtSa(Opcode, OpRd, OpRt, Sa, "sll");
void AssemblerMIPS32::srl(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRt,
const uint32_t Sa) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000002;
emitRdRtSa(Opcode, OpRd, OpRt, Sa, "srl");
void AssemblerMIPS32::sra(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRt,
const uint32_t Sa) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000003;
emitRdRtSa(Opcode, OpRd, OpRt, Sa, "sra");
void AssemblerMIPS32::move(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs) {
IValueT Opcode = 0x00000021;
const IValueT Rd = encodeGPRegister(OpRd, "Rd", "pseudo-move");
const IValueT Rs = encodeGPRegister(OpRs, "Rs", "pseudo-move");
const IValueT Rt = 0; // $0
Opcode |= Rs << 21;
Opcode |= Rt << 16;
Opcode |= Rd << 11;
void AssemblerMIPS32::addu(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x00000021;
emitRdRsRt(Opcode, OpRd, OpRs, OpRt, "addu");
void AssemblerMIPS32::sltu(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x0000002B;
emitRdRsRt(Opcode, OpRd, OpRs, OpRt, "sltu");
void AssemblerMIPS32::slt(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x0000002A;
emitRdRsRt(Opcode, OpRd, OpRs, OpRt, "slt");
void AssemblerMIPS32::sw(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpBase,
const uint32_t Offset) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0xAC000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpBase, Offset, "sw");
void AssemblerMIPS32::lw(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpBase,
const uint32_t Offset) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x8C000000;
emitRtRsImm16(Opcode, OpRt, OpBase, Offset, "lw");
void AssemblerMIPS32::ret(void) {
static constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0x03E00008; // JR $31
nop(); // delay slot
void AssemblerMIPS32::emitBr(const CondMIPS32::Cond Cond, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt, IOffsetT Offset) {
IValueT Opcode = 0;
switch (Cond) {
case CondMIPS32::AL:
case CondMIPS32::EQ:
case CondMIPS32::EQZ:
Opcode = 0x10000000;
case CondMIPS32::NE:
case CondMIPS32::NEZ:
Opcode = 0x14000000;
case CondMIPS32::LEZ:
Opcode = 0x18000000;
case CondMIPS32::LTZ:
Opcode = 0x04000000;
case CondMIPS32::GEZ:
Opcode = 0x04010000;
case CondMIPS32::GTZ:
Opcode = 0x1C000000;
if (Opcode == 0) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Branch: Invalid condition");
if (OpRs != nullptr) {
IValueT Rs = encodeGPRegister(OpRs, "Rs", "branch");
Opcode |= Rs << 21;
if (OpRt != nullptr) {
IValueT Rt = encodeGPRegister(OpRt, "Rt", "branch");
Opcode |= Rt << 16;
Opcode = encodeBranchOffset(Offset, Opcode);
nop(); // delay slot
void AssemblerMIPS32::b(Label *TargetLabel) {
static constexpr Operand *OpRsNone = nullptr;
static constexpr Operand *OpRtNone = nullptr;
if (TargetLabel->isBound()) {
const int32_t Dest = TargetLabel->getPosition() - Buffer.size();
emitBr(CondMIPS32::AL, OpRsNone, OpRtNone, Dest);
const IOffsetT Position = Buffer.size();
emitBr(CondMIPS32::AL, OpRsNone, OpRtNone, TargetLabel->getEncodedPosition());
TargetLabel->linkTo(*this, Position);
void AssemblerMIPS32::bcc(const CondMIPS32::Cond Cond, const Operand *OpRs,
const Operand *OpRt, Label *TargetLabel) {
if (TargetLabel->isBound()) {
const int32_t Dest = TargetLabel->getPosition() - Buffer.size();
emitBr(Cond, OpRs, OpRt, Dest);
const IOffsetT Position = Buffer.size();
emitBr(Cond, OpRs, OpRt, TargetLabel->getEncodedPosition());
TargetLabel->linkTo(*this, Position);
void AssemblerMIPS32::bzc(const CondMIPS32::Cond Cond, const Operand *OpRs,
Label *TargetLabel) {
static constexpr Operand *OpRtNone = nullptr;
if (TargetLabel->isBound()) {
const int32_t Dest = TargetLabel->getPosition() - Buffer.size();
emitBr(Cond, OpRs, OpRtNone, Dest);
const IOffsetT Position = Buffer.size();
emitBr(Cond, OpRs, OpRtNone, TargetLabel->getEncodedPosition());
TargetLabel->linkTo(*this, Position);
} // end of namespace MIPS32
} // end of namespace Ice