blob: a0b638d5bb71e6961026073e010864f55c304ae5 [file] [log] [blame]
//TODO: copyrights
#ifndef __MEMOBJECT_H__
#define __MEMOBJECT_H__
#include "object.h"
#include "opencl.h"
namespace Devices
class DeviceBuffer;
class Context;
class DeviceInterface;
* \brief Base class for all the memory objects
class MemObject : public Object
* \brief Type of memory object
enum Type
* \brief Constructor
* \param ctx parent \c Coal::Context
* \param flags memory object flags
* \param host_ptr host pointer used by some flags (see the OpenCL spec)
* \param errcode_ret return value
* \note Don't do any initialization here, but in \c init(). We only fill
* the private variables and check the values passed in argument.
* \sa init
MemObject(Context *ctx, cl_mem_flags flags, void *host_ptr,
cl_int *errcode_ret);
* \brief Initialize the memory object
* Memory objects are device-independent classes. This function creates
* one \c Coal::DeviceBuffer per device present in the context by
* calling \c Coal::DeviceInterface::createDeviceBuffer().
* If there is only one device, its \c Coal::DeviceBuffer is directly
* allocated. If there are more than one device, the allocation is
* deferred until a \c Coal::Event is pushed for this device.
* \return \c CL_SUCCESS if success, an error code otherwise
virtual cl_int init();
virtual bool allocate(DeviceInterface *device); /*!< \brief Allocate this memory object on the given \p device */
virtual size_t size() const = 0; /*!< \brief Device-independent size of the memory object */
virtual Type type() const = 0; /*!< \brief Type of the memory object */
cl_mem_flags flags() const; /*!< \brief Flags */
void *host_ptr() const; /*!< \brief Host pointer */
DeviceBuffer *deviceBuffer(DeviceInterface *device) const; /*!< \brief \c Coal::DeviceBuffer for the given \p device */
void deviceAllocated(DeviceBuffer *buffer); /*!< \brief Is the \c Coal::DeviceBuffer for \p buffer allocated ? */
* \brief Set a destructor callback for this memory object
* This callback is called when this memory object is deleted. It is
* currently called from the destructor, so the memory object is already
* invalid, but as OpenCL objects are immutable, the callback cannot
* use its \c memobj parameter except in a pointer comparison, and there
* is no problem.
* \param pfn_notify function to call when the memory object is deleted
* \param user_data user data to pass to this function
void setDestructorCallback(void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify)(cl_mem memobj,
void *user_data),
void *user_data);
* \brief Get information about this memory object
* \copydetails Coal::DeviceInterface::info
cl_int info(cl_mem_info param_name,
size_t param_value_size,
void *param_value,
size_t *param_value_size_ret) const;
unsigned int p_num_devices, p_devices_to_allocate;
cl_mem_flags p_flags;
void *p_host_ptr;
DeviceBuffer **p_devicebuffers;
void (CL_CALLBACK *p_dtor_callback)(cl_mem memobj, void *user_data);
void *p_dtor_userdata;
* \brief Simple buffer object
class Buffer : public MemObject
* \brief Constructor
* \param ctx parent \c Coal::Context
* \param size size of the buffer, in bytes
* \param host_ptr host pointer
* \param flags memory flags
* \param errcode_ret return code
Buffer(Context *ctx, size_t size, void *host_ptr, cl_mem_flags flags,
cl_int *errcode_ret);
size_t size() const; /*!< \brief Size of the buffer, in bytes */
Type type() const; /*!< \brief Return that we are a \c Coal::MemObject::Buffer */
size_t p_size;
* \brief Sub-buffer
class SubBuffer : public MemObject
* \brief Constructor
* \param parent parent \c Coal::Buffer
* \param offset offset in \p parent of the start of this sub-buffer
* \param size size of the sub-buffer
* \param flags memory flags (must be compatible with the \p parent's ones)
* \param errcode_ret return code
SubBuffer(class Buffer *parent, size_t offset, size_t size,
cl_mem_flags flags, cl_int *errcode_ret);
size_t size() const; /*!< \brief Size */
Type type() const; /*!< \brief Return that we are a \c Coal::MemObject::SubBuffer */
bool allocate(DeviceInterface *device); /*!< \brief Allocate the \b parent \c Coal::Buffer */
size_t offset() const; /*!< \brief Offset in bytes */
class Buffer *parent() const; /*!< \brief Parent \c Coal::Buffer */
size_t p_offset, p_size;
class Buffer *p_parent;
* \brief 2D image
class Image2D : public MemObject
* \brief Constructor
* \param ctx parent \c Coal::Context
* \param width width of the image
* \param height height of the image
* \param row_pitch number of bytes in a row of pixels. If 0, defaults to <tt>width * pixel_size()</tt>
* \param format image format
* \param host_ptr host pointer
* \param flags memory flags
* \param errcode_ret return code
Image2D(Context *ctx, size_t width, size_t height, size_t row_pitch,
const cl_image_format *format, void *host_ptr,
cl_mem_flags flags, cl_int *errcode_ret);
virtual size_t size() const; /*!< \brief Size in bytes */
virtual Type type() const; /*!< \brief Return that we are a \c Coal::MemObject::Image2D */
size_t width() const; /*!< \brief Width */
size_t height() const; /*!< \brief Height */
size_t row_pitch() const; /*!< \brief Size in bytes of a row of pixels */
virtual size_t slice_pitch() const; /*!< \brief Size in bytes of the image */
const cl_image_format &format() const; /*!< \brief Image format descriptor */
* \brief Information about this image object
* This function is also usable for \c Coal::Image3D objects as it does
* casting when necessary in order to give information when needed.
* \copydetails Coal::DeviceInterface::info
cl_int imageInfo(cl_image_info param_name,
size_t param_value_size,
void *param_value,
size_t *param_value_size_ret) const;
static size_t element_size(const cl_image_format &format); /*!< \brief Size in bytes of each channel of \p format */
static unsigned int channels(const cl_image_format &format);/*!< \brief Number of channels of \p format */
static size_t pixel_size(const cl_image_format &format); /*!< \brief Size in bytes of a pixel in \p format */
size_t pixel_size() const; /*!< \brief Pixel size of this image */
size_t element_size() const; /*!< \brief Channel size of this image */
unsigned int channels() const; /*!< \brief Number of channels of this image */
size_t p_width, p_height, p_row_pitch;
cl_image_format p_format;
* \brief 3D image
class Image3D : public Image2D
* \brief Constructor
* \param ctx parent \c Coal::Context
* \param width width of the image
* \param height height of the image
* \param depth depth of the image
* \param row_pitch number of bytes in a row of pixels. If 0, defaults to <tt>width * pixel_size()</tt>
* \param slice_pitch number of bytes in a 2D slice. If 0, defaults to <tt>height * row_pitch()</tt>
* \param format image format
* \param host_ptr host pointer
* \param flags memory flags
* \param errcode_ret return code
Image3D(Context *ctx, size_t width, size_t height, size_t depth,
size_t row_pitch, size_t slice_pitch,
const cl_image_format *format, void *host_ptr,
cl_mem_flags flags, cl_int *errcode_ret);
size_t size() const; /*!< \brief Size in bytes of this image */
Type type() const; /*!< \brief Return that we are a \c Coal::MemObject::Image3D */
size_t depth() const; /*!< \brief Depth of the image */
size_t slice_pitch() const; /*!< \brief Size in bytes of a 2D slice */
size_t p_depth, p_slice_pitch;
struct _cl_mem : public Devices::MemObject