blob: e9904bcb5ecf2265a13ef6c70e728890597b26ac [file] [log] [blame]
//TODO: copyrights
#include "kernel.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "builtins.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "memobject.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "program.h"
//#include <llvm/Function.h>
//#include <llvm/Constants.h>
//#include <llvm/Instructions.h>
//#include <llvm/LLVMContext.h>
//#include <llvm/Module.h>
//#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Devices;
CPUKernel::CPUKernel(CPUDevice *device, Kernel *kernel, llvm::Function *function)
: DeviceKernel(), p_device(device), p_kernel(kernel), p_function(function),
p_call_function_mutex = new sw::Resource(0);
size_t CPUKernel::workGroupSize() const
return 0; // TODO
cl_ulong CPUKernel::localMemSize() const
return 0; // TODO
cl_ulong CPUKernel::privateMemSize() const
return 0; // TODO
size_t CPUKernel::preferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple() const
return 0; // TODO
template<typename T>
T k_exp(T base, unsigned int e)
T rs = base;
for(unsigned int i = 1; i<e; ++i)
rs *= base;
return rs;
// Try to find the size a work group has to have to be executed the fastest on
// the CPU.
size_t CPUKernel::guessWorkGroupSize(cl_uint num_dims, cl_uint dim,
size_t global_work_size) const
unsigned int cpus = sw::CPUID::coreCount();
// Don't break in too small parts
if(k_exp(global_work_size, num_dims) > 64)
return global_work_size;
// Find the divisor of global_work_size the closest to cpus but >= than it
unsigned int divisor = cpus;
if((global_work_size % divisor) == 0)
// Don't let the loop go up to global_work_size, the overhead would be
// too huge
if(divisor > global_work_size || divisor > cpus * 32)
divisor = 1; // Not parallel but has no CommandQueue overhead
// Return the size
return global_work_size / divisor;
llvm::Function *CPUKernel::function() const
return p_function;
Kernel *CPUKernel::kernel() const
return p_kernel;
CPUDevice *CPUKernel::device() const
return p_device;
// From Wikipedia :
template <class T>
T next_power_of_two(T k) {
if(k == 0)
return 1;
for(int i = 1; i<sizeof(T) * 8; i <<= 1)
k = k | k >> i;
return k + 1;
size_t CPUKernel::typeOffset(size_t &offset, size_t type_len)
size_t rs = offset;
// Align offset to stype_len
type_len = next_power_of_two(type_len);
size_t mask = ~(type_len - 1);
while(rs & mask != rs)
// Where to try to place the next value
offset = rs + type_len;
return rs;
llvm::Function *CPUKernel::callFunction()
// If we can reuse the same function between work groups, do it
llvm::Function *rs = p_call_function;
return rs;
/* Create a stub function in the form of
* void stub(void *args) {
* kernel(*(int *)((char *)args + 0),
* *(float **)((char *)args + sizeof(int)),
* *(sampler_t *)((char *)args + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float *)));
* }
* In LLVM, it is exprimed in the form of :
* @stub(i8* args) {
* kernel(
* load(i32* bitcast(i8* getelementptr(i8* args, i64 0), i32*)),
* load(float** bitcast(i8* getelementptr(i8* args, i64 4), float**)),
* ...
* );
* }
//llvm::FunctionType *kernel_function_type = p_function->getFunctionType();
//llvm::FunctionType *stub_function_type = llvm::FunctionType::get(
// p_function->getReturnType(),
// llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(
// p_function->getContext()),
// false);
//llvm::Function *stub_function = llvm::Function::Create(
// stub_function_type,
// llvm::Function::InternalLinkage,
// "",
// p_function->getParent());
//// Insert a basic block
//llvm::BasicBlock *basic_block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(
// p_function->getContext(),
// "",
// stub_function);
//// Create the function arguments
//llvm::Argument &stub_arg = stub_function->getArgumentList().front();
//llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 8> args;
//size_t args_offset = 0;
//for(unsigned int i = 0; i<kernel_function_type->getNumParams(); ++i)
// llvm::Type *param_type = kernel_function_type->getParamType(i);
// llvm::Type *param_type_ptr = param_type->getPointerTo(); // We'll use pointers to the value
// const Kernel::Arg &arg = p_kernel->arg(i);
// // Calculate the size of the arg
// size_t arg_size = arg.valueSize() * arg.vecDim();
// // Get where to place this argument
// size_t arg_offset = typeOffset(args_offset, arg_size);
// // %1 = getelementptr(args, $arg_offset);
// llvm::Value *getelementptr = llvm::GetElementPtrInst::CreateInBounds(
// &stub_arg,
// llvm::ConstantInt::get(stub_function->getContext(),
// llvm::APInt(64, arg_offset)),
// "",
// basic_block);
// // %2 = bitcast(%1, $param_type_ptr)
// llvm::Value *bitcast = new llvm::BitCastInst(
// getelementptr,
// param_type_ptr,
// "",
// basic_block);
// // %3 = load(%2)
// llvm::Value *load = new llvm::LoadInst(
// bitcast,
// "",
// false,
// arg_size, // We ensure that an argument is always aligned on its size, it enables things like fast movaps
// basic_block);
// // We have the value, send it to the function
// args.push_back(load);
//// Create the call instruction
//llvm::CallInst *call_inst = llvm::CallInst::Create(
// p_function,
// args,
// "",
// basic_block);
//// Create a return instruction to end the stub
// p_function->getContext(),
// basic_block);
//// Retain the function if it can be reused
//p_call_function = stub_function;
llvm::Function *rs = p_call_function;
return rs;
//return stub_function;
* CPUKernelEvent
CPUKernelEvent::CPUKernelEvent(CPUDevice *device, KernelEvent *event)
: p_device(device), p_event(event), p_current_wg(0), p_finished_wg(0),
// Set current work group to (0, 0, ..., 0)
std::memset(p_current_work_group, 0, event->work_dim() * sizeof(size_t));
// Populate p_max_work_groups
p_num_wg = 1;
for(cl_uint i = 0; i<event->work_dim(); ++i)
p_max_work_groups[i] =
(event->global_work_size(i) / event->local_work_size(i)) - 1; // 0..n-1, not 1..n
p_num_wg *= p_max_work_groups[i] + 1;
bool CPUKernelEvent::reserve()
// Lock, this will be unlocked in takeInstance()
// Last work group if current == max - 1
return (p_current_wg == p_num_wg - 1);
bool CPUKernelEvent::finished()
bool rs;
rs = (p_finished_wg == p_num_wg);
return rs;
void CPUKernelEvent::workGroupFinished()
CPUKernelWorkGroup *CPUKernelEvent::takeInstance()
CPUKernelWorkGroup *wg = new CPUKernelWorkGroup((CPUKernel *)p_event->deviceKernel(),
// Increment current work group
incVec(p_event->work_dim(), p_current_work_group, p_max_work_groups);
p_current_wg += 1;
// Release event
return wg;
void *CPUKernelEvent::kernelArgs() const
return p_kernel_args;
void CPUKernelEvent::cacheKernelArgs(void *args)
p_kernel_args = args;
* CPUKernelWorkGroup
CPUKernelWorkGroup::CPUKernelWorkGroup(CPUKernel *kernel, KernelEvent *event,
CPUKernelEvent *cpu_event,
const size_t *work_group_index)
: p_kernel(kernel), p_cpu_event(cpu_event), p_event(event),
p_work_dim(event->work_dim()), p_contexts(0), p_stack_size(8192 /* TODO */),
// Set index
std::memcpy(p_index, work_group_index, p_work_dim * sizeof(size_t));
// Set maxs and global id
p_num_work_items = 1;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<p_work_dim; ++i)
p_max_local_id[i] = event->local_work_size(i) - 1; // 0..n-1, not 1..n
p_num_work_items *= event->local_work_size(i);
// Set global id
p_global_id_start_offset[i] = (p_index[i] * event->local_work_size(i))
+ event->global_work_offset(i);
void *CPUKernelWorkGroup::callArgs(std::vector<void *> &locals_to_free)
//if(p_cpu_event->kernelArgs() && !p_kernel->kernel()->hasLocals())
// // We have cached the args and can reuse them
// return p_cpu_event->kernelArgs();
// We need to create them from scratch
void *rs;
size_t args_size = 0;
/*for(unsigned int i = 0; i<p_kernel->kernel()->numArgs(); ++i)
const Kernel::Arg &arg = p_kernel->kernel()->arg(i);
CPUKernel::typeOffset(args_size, arg.valueSize() * arg.vecDim());
rs = std::malloc(args_size);
return false;
size_t arg_offset = 0;
//for(unsigned int i = 0; i<p_kernel->kernel()->numArgs(); ++i)
// const Kernel::Arg &arg = p_kernel->kernel()->arg(i);
// size_t size = arg.valueSize() * arg.vecDim();
// size_t offset = CPUKernel::typeOffset(arg_offset, size);
// // Where to place the argument
// unsigned char *target = (unsigned char *)rs;
// target += offset;
// // We may have to perform some changes in the values (buffers, etc)
// switch(arg.kind())
// {
// case Kernel::Arg::Buffer:
// {
// MemObject *buffer = *(MemObject **);
// if(arg.file() == Kernel::Arg::Local)
// {
// // Alloc a buffer and pass it to the kernel
// void *local_buffer = std::malloc(arg.allocAtKernelRuntime());
// locals_to_free.push_back(local_buffer);
// *(void **)target = local_buffer;
// }
// else
// {
// if(!buffer)
// {
// // We can do that, just send NULL
// *(void **)target = NULL;
// }
// else
// {
// // Get the CPU buffer, allocate it and get its pointer
// CPUBuffer *cpubuf =
// (CPUBuffer *)buffer->deviceBuffer(p_kernel->device());
// void *buf_ptr = 0;
// buffer->allocate(p_kernel->device());
// buf_ptr = cpubuf->data();
// *(void **)target = buf_ptr;
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case Kernel::Arg::Image2D:
// case Kernel::Arg::Image3D:
// {
// // We need to ensure the image is allocated
// Image2D *image = *(Image2D **);
// image->allocate(p_kernel->device());
// // Fall through to the memcpy
// }
// default:
// // Simply copy the arg's data into the buffer
// std::memcpy(target,, size);
// break;
// }
// Cache the arguments if we can do so
return rs;
bool CPUKernelWorkGroup::run()
// Get the kernel function to call
std::vector<void *> locals_to_free;
llvm::Function *kernel_func = p_kernel->callFunction();
return false;
//Program *p = (Program *)p_kernel->kernel()->parent();
//CPUProgram *prog = (CPUProgram *)(p->deviceDependentProgram(p_kernel->device()));
//p_kernel_func_addr =
// (void(*)(void *))prog->jit()->getPointerToFunction(kernel_func);
//// Get the arguments
//p_args = callArgs(locals_to_free);
//// Tell the builtins this thread will run a kernel work group
//// Initialize the dummy context used by the builtins before a call to barrier()
//p_current_work_item = 0;
//p_current_context = &p_dummy_context;
//std::memset(p_dummy_context.local_id, 0, p_work_dim * sizeof(size_t));
// // Simply call the "call function", it and the builtins will do the rest
// p_kernel_func_addr(p_args);
//} while(!p_had_barrier &&
// !incVec(p_work_dim, p_dummy_context.local_id, p_max_local_id));
//// If no barrier() call was made, all is fine. If not, only the first
//// work-item has currently finished. We must let the others run.
// Context *main_context = p_current_context; // After the first swapcontext,
// // we will not be able to trust
// // p_current_context anymore.
// // We'll call swapcontext for each remaining work-item. They will
// // finish, and when they'll do so, this main context will be resumed, so
// // it's easy (i starts from 1 because the main context already finished)
// for(unsigned int i = 1; i<p_num_work_items; ++i)
// {
// Context *ctx = getContextAddr(i);
// swapcontext(&main_context->context, &ctx->context);
// }
//// Free the allocated locals
// for(size_t i = 0; i<locals_to_free.size(); ++i)
// {
// std::free(locals_to_free[i]);
// }
// std::free(p_args);
return true;
CPUKernelWorkGroup::Context *CPUKernelWorkGroup::getContextAddr(unsigned int index)
size_t size;
char *data = (char *)p_contexts;
// Each Context in data is an element of size p_stack_size + sizeof(Context)
size = p_stack_size + sizeof(Context);
size *= index; // To get an offset
return (Context *)(data + size); // Pointer to the context