blob: 9d7a0cbaf2babb79742359090ea49681896bad03 [file] [log] [blame]
//TODO: copyrights
#include "opencl.h"
#include "object.h"
namespace llvm
class PassManager;
class Module;
class Function;
namespace Devices
class DeviceBuffer;
class DeviceProgram;
class DeviceKernel;
class MemObject;
class Event;
class Program;
class Kernel;
* \brief Abstraction layer between core Clover objects and the devices
* This interface is used by the core Clover classes to communicate with the
* devices, that must reimplement all the functions described here.
class DeviceInterface : public Object
DeviceInterface() : Object(Object::T_Device, 0) {}
virtual ~DeviceInterface() {}
* \brief Retrieve information about the device
* This function is used to retrieve information about an object.
* Sometimes, the size of the data retrieved is unknown (for example, a
* string). The application can call this function twice, the first time
* to get the size, then it allocates a buffer, and finally get the data.
* \code
* const char *string = 0;
* size_t len;
* object->info(FOO_PROPERTY_STRING, 0, 0, &len);
* string = std::malloc(len);
* object->info(FOO_PROPERTY_STRING, len, string, 0);
* \endcode
* \param param_name Name of the property to retrieve
* \param param_value_size Size of the application-allocated buffer
* in which to put the value.
* \param param_value Pointer to an application-allocated buffer
* where the property data will be stored. Ignored
* if NULL.
* \param param_value_size_ret Size of the value retrieved, ignored if
* \return CL_SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a CL error code.
virtual cl_int info(cl_device_info param_name,
size_t param_value_size,
void *param_value,
size_t *param_value_size_ret) const = 0;
* \brief Create a \c Coal::DeviceBuffer object for this device
* \param buffer Memory object for which the buffer has to be created
* \param rs Error code (\c CL_SUCCESS if no error)
* \return a \c Coal::DeviceBuffer object, undefined if there is an error
virtual DeviceBuffer *createDeviceBuffer(MemObject *buffer, cl_int *rs) = 0;
* \brief Create a \c Coal::DeviceProgram object for this device
* \param program \c Coal::Program containing the device-independent
* program data
* \return a \c Coal::DeviceProgram object
virtual DeviceProgram *createDeviceProgram(Program *program) = 0;
* \brief Create a \c Coal::DeviceKernel object for this device
* \param kernel \c Coal::Kernel containing the device-independent kernel
* data
* \param function device-specific \c llvm::Function to be used
* \return a \c Coal::DeviceKernel object
virtual DeviceKernel *createDeviceKernel(Kernel *kernel,
llvm::Function *function) = 0;
* \brief Push an event on the device
* \sa the end of \ref events
* \param event the event to be pushed
virtual void pushEvent(Event *event) = 0;
* \brief Initialize device-specific event data
* This call allows a device to initialize device-specific event data,
* by using \c Coal::Event::setDeviceData(). For instance, an
* hardware-accelerated device can associate a device command to an
* event, and use it to manage the event when it gets pushed.
* @note This function has one obligation: it must call
* \c Coal::MapBufferEvent::setPtr() and
* \c Coal::MapImageEvent::setPtr() (and other function described
* in its documentation)
* \param event the event for which data can be set
* \return CL_SUCCESS in case of success
virtual cl_int initEventDeviceData(Event *event) = 0;
* \brief Free device-specific event data
* This function is called just before \p event gets deleted. It allows
* a device to free device-specific data of this event, if any.
* \param event the event that will be destroyed
virtual void freeEventDeviceData(Event *event) = 0;
* \brief Device-specific memory buffer
* This class is the backing-store used on a device for a \c Coal::MemObject. It
* is created by \c Coal::DeviceInterface::createDeviceBuffer().
class DeviceBuffer
DeviceBuffer() {}
virtual ~DeviceBuffer() {}
* \brief Allocate the buffer on the device
* \return true when success, false otherwise
virtual bool allocate() = 0;
* \brief \c Coal::DeviceInterface of this buffer
* \return parent \c Coal::DeviceInterface
virtual DeviceInterface *device() const = 0;
* \brief Allocation status
* \return true if already allocated, false otherwise
virtual bool allocated() const = 0;
* \brief Host-accessible memory pointer
* This function returns what is passed as arguments to native kernels
* (\c clEnqueueNativeKernel(), \c Coal::NativeKernelEvent) in place of
* \c Coal::MemObject pointers.
* For \c Coal::CPUDevice, it's simply a pointer in RAM, but
* hardware-accelerated devices may need to do some copying or mapping.
* \warning Beware that this data may get written to by the native kernel.
* \return A memory pointer usable by a host native kernel
virtual void *nativeGlobalPointer() const = 0;
* \brief Device-specific program data
class DeviceProgram
DeviceProgram() {}
virtual ~DeviceProgram() {}
* \brief Linking or not \b stdlib with this program
* \b stdlib is a LLVM bitcode file containing some implementations of
* OpenCL C built-ins. This function allows a device to tell
* \c Coal::Program::build() if it wants \b stdlib to be linked or not.
* Linking the library may allow inlining of functions like \c ceil(),
* \c floor(), \c clamp(), etc. So, if these functions are not better
* handled by the device itself than by \b stdlib, it's a good thing
* to link it.
* But if the device provides instructions for these functions, then
* it could be better not to link \b stdlib and to replace the LLVM
* calls to these functions with device-specific instructions.
* \warning \b Stdlib currently only works for \c Coal::CPUDevice, as
* it contains host-specific code (LLVM IR is not meant to be
* portable, pointer size changes for example).
* \return true if \b stdlib must be linked with the program
virtual bool linkStdLib() const = 0;
* \brief Create device-specific optimization passes
* This hook allows a device to add LLVM optimization passes to a
* \c llvm::PassManager . This way, devices needing function flattening
* or special analysis passes can have them run on the mode.
* \param manager \c llvm::PassManager to which add the passes
* \param optimize false if \c -cl-opt-disable was given at compilation
* time.
virtual void createOptimizationPasses(llvm::PassManager *manager,
bool optimize) = 0;
* \brief Build a device-specific representation of the program
* This function is called by \c Coal::Program::build() when the module
* is compiled and linked. It can be used by the device to build a
* device-specific representation of the program.
* \param module \c llvm::Module containing the program's LLVM IR
* \return true in case of success, false otherwise
virtual bool build(llvm::Module *module) = 0;
* \brief Device-specific kernel data
class DeviceKernel
DeviceKernel() {}
virtual ~DeviceKernel() {}
* \brief Maximum work-group size of a kernel
* \return Maximum work-group size of the kernel based on device-specific
* data such as memory usage, register pressure, etc)
virtual size_t workGroupSize() const = 0;
* \brief Local memory used by the kernel
* \return Local memory used by the kernel, in bytes
virtual cl_ulong localMemSize() const = 0;
* \brief Private memory used by the kernel
* \return Private memory used by the kernel, in bytes
virtual cl_ulong privateMemSize() const = 0;
* \brief Preferred work-group size multiple
* \return The size multiple a work-group can have to work the best and
* the fastest on the device
virtual size_t preferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple() const = 0;
* \brief Optimal work-group size
* This function allows a device to calculate the optimal work-group size
* for this kernel, using it's memory usage, SIMD dimension, etc.
* \c Coal::CPUDevice tries to split the kernel into a number of
* work-groups the closest possible to the number of CPU cores.
* \param num_dims Number of working dimensions
* \param dim Dimension for which the multiple is being calculated
* \param global_work_size Total number of work-items to split into
* work-groups
* \return optimal size of a work-group, for the \p dim dimension.
virtual size_t guessWorkGroupSize(cl_uint num_dims, cl_uint dim,
size_t global_work_size) const = 0;
struct _cl_device_id : public Devices::DeviceInterface