blob: 72d42537ced369c94c11cf6c46e0e336a05f6395 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_PixelRoutine_hpp
#define sw_PixelRoutine_hpp
#include "Device/QuadRasterizer.hpp"
namespace sw {
class PixelShader;
class SamplerCore;
class PixelRoutine : public sw::QuadRasterizer
PixelRoutine(const PixelProcessor::State &state,
vk::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout,
SpirvShader const *spirvShader,
const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets);
virtual ~PixelRoutine();
Float4 z[4]; // Multisampled z
Float4 w; // Used as is
Float4 rhw; // Reciprocal w
SpirvRoutine routine;
const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets;
// Depth output
Float4 oDepth;
virtual void setBuiltins(Int &x, Int &y, Float4 (&z)[4], Float4 &w, Int cMask[4]) = 0;
virtual void applyShader(Int cMask[4], Int sMask[4], Int zMask[4]) = 0;
virtual Bool alphaTest(Int cMask[4]) = 0;
virtual void rasterOperation(Pointer<Byte> cBuffer[4], Int &x, Int sMask[4], Int zMask[4], Int cMask[4]) = 0;
void quad(Pointer<Byte> cBuffer[4], Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, Int cMask[4], Int &x, Int &y) override;
void alphaTest(Int &aMask, const Short4 &alpha);
void alphaToCoverage(Int cMask[4], const Float4 &alpha);
// Raster operations
void alphaBlend(int index, const Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4s &current, const Int &x);
void writeColor(int index, const Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, const Int &x, Vector4f &oC, const Int &sMask, const Int &zMask, const Int &cMask);
void alphaBlend(int index, const Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4f &oC, const Int &x);
void writeColor(int index, const Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, const Int &x, Vector4s &current, const Int &sMask, const Int &zMask, const Int &cMask);
bool isSRGB(int index) const;
UShort4 convertFixed16(const Float4 &cf, bool saturate = true);
void linearToSRGB12_16(Vector4s &c);
Float4 interpolateCentroid(const Float4 &x, const Float4 &y, const Float4 &rhw, Pointer<Byte> planeEquation, bool flat, bool perspective);
Byte8 stencilReplaceRef(bool isBack);
void stencilTest(const Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, int q, const Int &x, Int &sMask, const Int &cMask);
void stencilTest(Byte8 &value, VkCompareOp stencilCompareMode, bool isBack);
void stencilOperation(Byte8 &newValue, const Byte8 &bufferValue, const PixelProcessor::States::StencilOpState &ops, bool isBack, const Int &zMask, const Int &sMask);
void stencilOperation(Byte8 &output, const Byte8 &bufferValue, VkStencilOp operation, bool isBack);
Bool depthTest(const Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Float4 &z, const Int &sMask, Int &zMask, const Int &cMask);
// Raster operations
void blendFactor(Vector4s &blendFactor, const Vector4s &current, const Vector4s &pixel, VkBlendFactor blendFactorActive);
void blendFactorAlpha(Vector4s &blendFactor, const Vector4s &current, const Vector4s &pixel, VkBlendFactor blendFactorAlphaActive);
void readPixel(int index, const Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, const Int &x, Vector4s &pixel);
void blendFactor(Vector4f &blendFactor, const Vector4f &oC, const Vector4f &pixel, VkBlendFactor blendFactorActive);
void blendFactorAlpha(Vector4f &blendFactor, const Vector4f &oC, const Vector4f &pixel, VkBlendFactor blendFactorAlphaActive);
void writeStencil(Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Int &sMask, const Int &zMask, const Int &cMask);
void writeDepth(Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Float4 &z, const Int &zMask);
void sRGBtoLinear16_12_16(Vector4s &c);
void linearToSRGB16_12_16(Vector4s &c);
Float4 sRGBtoLinear(const Float4 &x);
Bool depthTest32F(const Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Float4 &z, const Int &sMask, Int &zMask, const Int &cMask);
Bool depthTest16(const Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Float4 &z, const Int &sMask, Int &zMask, const Int &cMask);
void writeDepth32F(Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Float4 &z, const Int &zMask);
void writeDepth16(Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, const Int &x, const Float4 &z, const Int &zMask);
} // namespace sw
#endif // sw_PixelRoutine_hpp