blob: ec563e8401e6abe1ee703024d3c8fc10ddc9600c [file] [log] [blame]
; Show that we know how to translate and.
; NOTE: We use -O2 to get rid of memory stores.
; REQUIRES: allow_dump
; Compile using standalone assembler.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=asm -i %s --target=arm32 --args -O2 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ASM
; Show bytes in assembled standalone code.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=asm -i %s --target=arm32 --assemble --disassemble \
; RUN: --args -O2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DIS
; Compile using integrated assembler.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=iasm -i %s --target=arm32 --args -O2 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=IASM
; Show bytes in assembled integrated code.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=iasm -i %s --target=arm32 --assemble --disassemble \
; RUN: --args -O2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DIS
define internal i32 @And1WithR0(i32 %p) {
%v = and i32 %p, 1
ret i32 %v
; ASM-LABEL:And1WithR0:
; ASM-NEXT:.LAnd1WithR0$__0:
; ASM-NEXT: and r0, r0, #1
; DIS-LABEL:00000000 <And1WithR0>:
; DIS-NEXT: 0: e2000001
; IASM-LABEL:And1WithR0:
; IASM-NEXT:.LAnd1WithR0$__0:
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x1
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe2
define internal i32 @And2Regs(i32 %p1, i32 %p2) {
%v = and i32 %p1, %p2
ret i32 %v
; ASM-LABEL:And2Regs:
; ASM-NEXT:.LAnd2Regs$__0:
; ASM-NEXT: and r0, r0, r1
; DIS-LABEL:00000010 <And2Regs>:
; DIS-NEXT: 10: e0000001
; IASM-LABEL:And2Regs:
; IASM-NEXT:.LAnd2Regs$__0:
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x1
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe0
define internal i64 @AndI64WithR0R1(i64 %p) {
%v = and i64 %p, 1
ret i64 %v
; ASM-LABEL:AndI64WithR0R1:
; ASM-NEXT:.LAndI64WithR0R1$__0:
; ASM-NEXT: and r0, r0, #1
; ASM-NEXT: and r1, r1, #0
; DIS-LABEL:00000020 <AndI64WithR0R1>:
; DIS-NEXT: 20: e2000001
; DIS-NEXT: 24: e2011000
; IASM-LABEL:AndI64WithR0R1:
; IASM-NEXT:.LAndI64WithR0R1$__0:
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x1
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe2
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x10
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x1
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe2
define internal i64 @AndI64Regs(i64 %p1, i64 %p2) {
%v = and i64 %p1, %p2
ret i64 %v
; ASM-LABEL:AndI64Regs:
; ASM-NEXT:.LAndI64Regs$__0:
; ASM-NEXT: and r0, r0, r2
; ASM-NEXT: and r1, r1, r3
; DIS-LABEL:00000030 <AndI64Regs>:
; DIS-NEXT: 30: e0000002
; DIS-NEXT: 34: e0011003
; IASM-LABEL:AndI64Regs:
; IASM-NEXT:.LAndI64Regs$__0:
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x2
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe0
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x3
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x10
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0x1
; IASM-NEXT: .byte 0xe0