Matrix determinant and inverse implementation

Implementation for determinant has been done directly in
ShaderCore in order to avoid having to allocate temporaries
manually in OutputASM.

For now, the implementation for the inverse matrix is very
simple, i.e., it doesn't attempt to re-use results from the
cofactor matrix computation to compute the determinant or
do any other kind of optimization, but it works.

Change-Id: I0fc70133809ae2752dc567bf58b60d7af7a88009
Tested-by: Alexis Hétu <>
Reviewed-by: Alexis Hétu <>
diff --git a/src/Shader/VertexProgram.cpp b/src/Shader/VertexProgram.cpp
index 35581af..2040480 100644
--- a/src/Shader/VertexProgram.cpp
+++ b/src/Shader/VertexProgram.cpp
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
 			Src src0 = instruction->src[0];
 			Src src1 = instruction->src[1];
 			Src src2 = instruction->src[2];
+			Src src3 = instruction->src[3];
 			bool predicate = instruction->predicate;
 			Control control = instruction->control;
@@ -112,10 +113,12 @@
 			Vector4f s0;
 			Vector4f s1;
 			Vector4f s2;
+			Vector4f s3;
 			if(src0.type != Shader::PARAMETER_VOID) s0 = fetchRegisterF(r, src0);
 			if(src1.type != Shader::PARAMETER_VOID) s1 = fetchRegisterF(r, src1);
 			if(src2.type != Shader::PARAMETER_VOID) s2 = fetchRegisterF(r, src2);
+			if(src3.type != Shader::PARAMETER_VOID) s3 = fetchRegisterF(r, src3);
@@ -151,6 +154,9 @@
 			case Shader::OPCODE_DP2:		dp2(d, s0, s1);					break;
 			case Shader::OPCODE_DP3:		dp3(d, s0, s1);					break;
 			case Shader::OPCODE_DP4:		dp4(d, s0, s1);					break;
+			case Shader::OPCODE_DET2:       det2(d, s0, s1);                break;
+			case Shader::OPCODE_DET3:       det3(d, s0, s1, s2);            break;
+			case Shader::OPCODE_DET4:       det4(d, s0, s1, s2, s3);        break;
 			case Shader::OPCODE_ATT:		att(d, s0, s1);					break;
 			case Shader::OPCODE_EXP2X:		exp2x(d, s0, pp);				break;
 			case Shader::OPCODE_EXP2:		exp2(d, s0, pp);				break;