Renames the assembler* files.

Renames the assembler* files to IceAssembler*. Fixes whatever breaks.


Review URL:
diff --git a/Makefile.standalone b/Makefile.standalone
index 82eff15..a641ce1 100644
--- a/Makefile.standalone
+++ b/Makefile.standalone
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@
 SRCS = \
-	assembler.cpp \
-	assembler_ia32.cpp \
+	IceAssembler.cpp \
+	IceAssemblerX8632.cpp \
 	IceBrowserCompileServer.cpp \
 	IceCfg.cpp \
 	IceCfgNode.cpp \
diff --git a/src/assembler.cpp b/src/IceAssembler.cpp
similarity index 66%
rename from src/assembler.cpp
rename to src/IceAssembler.cpp
index 931998e..a0500d6 100644
--- a/src/assembler.cpp
+++ b/src/IceAssembler.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//===- subzero/src/assembler.cpp - Assembler base class -------------------===//
+//===- subzero/src/IceAssembler.cpp - Assembler base class ----------------===//
 // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -18,81 +18,81 @@
-// This file implements the Assembler class.
+// This file implements the Assembler base class.
-#include "assembler.h"
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceGlobalContext.h"
 #include "IceOperand.h"
 namespace Ice {
-static uintptr_t NewContents(Assembler &assembler, intptr_t capacity) {
-  uintptr_t result = assembler.AllocateBytes(capacity);
-  return result;
+static uintptr_t NewContents(Assembler &Assemblr, intptr_t Capacity) {
+  uintptr_t Result = Assemblr.allocateBytes(Capacity);
+  return Result;
 AssemblerFixup *AssemblerBuffer::createFixup(FixupKind Kind,
                                              const Constant *Value) {
   AssemblerFixup *F =
-      new (assembler_.Allocate<AssemblerFixup>()) AssemblerFixup();
+      new (Assemblr.allocate<AssemblerFixup>()) AssemblerFixup();
-  if (!assembler_.getPreliminary())
-    fixups_.push_back(F);
+  if (!Assemblr.getPreliminary())
+    Fixups.push_back(F);
   return F;
 #ifndef NDEBUG
 AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity::EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer *buffer) {
   if (buffer->cursor() >= buffer->limit())
-    buffer->ExtendCapacity();
+    buffer->extendCapacity();
   // In debug mode, we save the assembler buffer along with the gap
   // size before we start emitting to the buffer. This allows us to
   // check that any single generated instruction doesn't overflow the
   // limit implied by the minimum gap size.
-  buffer_ = buffer;
-  gap_ = ComputeGap();
+  Buffer = buffer;
+  Gap = computeGap();
   // Make sure that extending the capacity leaves a big enough gap
   // for any kind of instruction.
-  assert(gap_ >= kMinimumGap);
+  assert(Gap >= kMinimumGap);
   // Mark the buffer as having ensured the capacity.
-  assert(!buffer->HasEnsuredCapacity()); // Cannot nest.
-  buffer->has_ensured_capacity_ = true;
+  assert(!buffer->hasEnsuredCapacity()); // Cannot nest.
+  buffer->HasEnsuredCapacity = true;
 AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity::~EnsureCapacity() {
   // Unmark the buffer, so we cannot emit after this.
-  buffer_->has_ensured_capacity_ = false;
+  Buffer->HasEnsuredCapacity = false;
   // Make sure the generated instruction doesn't take up more
   // space than the minimum gap.
-  intptr_t delta = gap_ - ComputeGap();
+  intptr_t delta = Gap - computeGap();
   assert(delta <= kMinimumGap);
 #endif // !NDEBUG
-AssemblerBuffer::AssemblerBuffer(Assembler &assembler) : assembler_(assembler) {
+AssemblerBuffer::AssemblerBuffer(Assembler &Asm) : Assemblr(Asm) {
   const intptr_t OneKB = 1024;
   static const intptr_t kInitialBufferCapacity = 4 * OneKB;
-  contents_ = NewContents(assembler_, kInitialBufferCapacity);
-  cursor_ = contents_;
-  limit_ = ComputeLimit(contents_, kInitialBufferCapacity);
+  Contents = NewContents(Assemblr, kInitialBufferCapacity);
+  Cursor = Contents;
+  Limit = computeLimit(Contents, kInitialBufferCapacity);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-  has_ensured_capacity_ = false;
+  HasEnsuredCapacity = false;
 #endif // !NDEBUG
   // Verify internal state.
-  assert(Capacity() == kInitialBufferCapacity);
-  assert(Size() == 0);
+  assert(capacity() == kInitialBufferCapacity);
+  assert(size() == 0);
 AssemblerBuffer::~AssemblerBuffer() {}
-void AssemblerBuffer::ExtendCapacity() {
-  intptr_t old_size = Size();
-  intptr_t old_capacity = Capacity();
+void AssemblerBuffer::extendCapacity() {
+  intptr_t old_size = size();
+  intptr_t old_capacity = capacity();
   const intptr_t OneMB = 1 << 20;
   intptr_t new_capacity = std::min(old_capacity * 2, old_capacity + OneMB);
   if (new_capacity < old_capacity) {
@@ -101,42 +101,42 @@
   // Allocate the new data area and copy contents of the old one to it.
-  uintptr_t new_contents = NewContents(assembler_, new_capacity);
+  uintptr_t new_contents = NewContents(Assemblr, new_capacity);
   memmove(reinterpret_cast<void *>(new_contents),
-          reinterpret_cast<void *>(contents_), old_size);
+          reinterpret_cast<void *>(Contents), old_size);
   // Compute the relocation delta and switch to the new contents area.
-  intptr_t delta = new_contents - contents_;
-  contents_ = new_contents;
+  intptr_t delta = new_contents - Contents;
+  Contents = new_contents;
   // Update the cursor and recompute the limit.
-  cursor_ += delta;
-  limit_ = ComputeLimit(new_contents, new_capacity);
+  Cursor += delta;
+  Limit = computeLimit(new_contents, new_capacity);
   // Verify internal state.
-  assert(Capacity() == new_capacity);
-  assert(Size() == old_size);
+  assert(capacity() == new_capacity);
+  assert(size() == old_size);
 llvm::StringRef Assembler::getBufferView() const {
-  return llvm::StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer_.contents()),
-                         buffer_.Size());
+  return llvm::StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Buffer.contents()),
+                         Buffer.size());
 void Assembler::emitIASBytes(GlobalContext *Ctx) const {
   Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
-  intptr_t EndPosition = buffer_.Size();
+  intptr_t EndPosition = Buffer.size();
   intptr_t CurPosition = 0;
   const intptr_t FixupSize = 4;
   for (const AssemblerFixup *NextFixup : fixups()) {
     intptr_t NextFixupLoc = NextFixup->position();
     for (intptr_t i = CurPosition; i < NextFixupLoc; ++i) {
       Str << "\t.byte 0x";
-      Str.write_hex(buffer_.Load<uint8_t>(i));
+      Str.write_hex(Buffer.load<uint8_t>(i));
       Str << "\n";
     Str << "\t.long ";
-    NextFixup->emit(Ctx, buffer_.Load<RelocOffsetT>(NextFixupLoc));
+    NextFixup->emit(Ctx, Buffer.load<RelocOffsetT>(NextFixupLoc));
     if (fixupIsPCRel(NextFixup->kind()))
       Str << " - .";
     Str << "\n";
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   // Handle any bytes that are not prefixed by a fixup.
   for (intptr_t i = CurPosition; i < EndPosition; ++i) {
     Str << "\t.byte 0x";
-    Str.write_hex(buffer_.Load<uint8_t>(i));
+    Str.write_hex(Buffer.load<uint8_t>(i));
     Str << "\n";
diff --git a/src/assembler.h b/src/IceAssembler.h
similarity index 68%
rename from src/assembler.h
rename to src/IceAssembler.h
index cf65d94..131b62a 100644
--- a/src/assembler.h
+++ b/src/IceAssembler.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//===- subzero/src/assembler.h - Integrated assembler -----------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- subzero/src/IceAssembler.h - Integrated assembler --------*- C++ -*-===//
 // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceFixups.h"
@@ -38,30 +38,30 @@
   // Basic support for emitting, loading, and storing.
-  template <typename T> void Emit(T value) {
-    assert(HasEnsuredCapacity());
-    *reinterpret_cast<T *>(cursor_) = value;
-    cursor_ += sizeof(T);
+  template <typename T> void emit(T Value) {
+    assert(hasEnsuredCapacity());
+    *reinterpret_cast<T *>(Cursor) = Value;
+    Cursor += sizeof(T);
-  template <typename T> T Load(intptr_t position) const {
-    assert(position >= 0 &&
-           position <= (Size() - static_cast<intptr_t>(sizeof(T))));
-    return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(contents_ + position);
+  template <typename T> T load(intptr_t Position) const {
+    assert(Position >= 0 &&
+           Position <= (size() - static_cast<intptr_t>(sizeof(T))));
+    return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(Contents + Position);
-  template <typename T> void Store(intptr_t position, T value) {
-    assert(position >= 0 &&
-           position <= (Size() - static_cast<intptr_t>(sizeof(T))));
-    *reinterpret_cast<T *>(contents_ + position) = value;
+  template <typename T> void store(intptr_t Position, T Value) {
+    assert(Position >= 0 &&
+           Position <= (size() - static_cast<intptr_t>(sizeof(T))));
+    *reinterpret_cast<T *>(Contents + Position) = Value;
   // Emit a fixup at the current location.
-  void EmitFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup) { fixup->set_position(Size()); }
+  void emitFixup(AssemblerFixup *Fixup) { Fixup->set_position(size()); }
   // Get the size of the emitted code.
-  intptr_t Size() const { return cursor_ - contents_; }
-  uintptr_t contents() const { return contents_; }
+  intptr_t size() const { return Cursor - Contents; }
+  uintptr_t contents() const { return Contents; }
 // To emit an instruction to the assembler buffer, the EnsureCapacity helper
 // must be used to guarantee that the underlying data area is big enough to
@@ -77,47 +77,47 @@
     EnsureCapacity &operator=(const EnsureCapacity &) = delete;
-    explicit EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer *buffer);
+    explicit EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer *Buffer);
-    AssemblerBuffer *buffer_;
-    intptr_t gap_;
+    AssemblerBuffer *Buffer;
+    intptr_t Gap;
-    intptr_t ComputeGap() { return buffer_->Capacity() - buffer_->Size(); }
+    intptr_t computeGap() { return Buffer->capacity() - Buffer->size(); }
-  bool has_ensured_capacity_;
-  bool HasEnsuredCapacity() const { return has_ensured_capacity_; }
+  bool HasEnsuredCapacity;
+  bool hasEnsuredCapacity() const { return HasEnsuredCapacity; }
 #else  // NDEBUG
   class EnsureCapacity {
     EnsureCapacity(const EnsureCapacity &) = delete;
     EnsureCapacity &operator=(const EnsureCapacity &) = delete;
-    explicit EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer *buffer) {
-      if (buffer->cursor() >= buffer->limit())
-        buffer->ExtendCapacity();
+    explicit EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer *Buffer) {
+      if (Buffer->cursor() >= buffer->limit())
+        buffer->extendCapacity();
   // When building the C++ tests, assertion code is enabled. To allow
   // asserting that the user of the assembler buffer has ensured the
   // capacity needed for emitting, we add a dummy method in non-debug mode.
-  bool HasEnsuredCapacity() const { return true; }
+  bool hasEnsuredCapacity() const { return true; }
 #endif // NDEBUG
   // Returns the position in the instruction stream.
-  intptr_t GetPosition() const { return cursor_ - contents_; }
+  intptr_t getPosition() const { return Cursor - Contents; }
   // Create and track a fixup in the current function.
   AssemblerFixup *createFixup(FixupKind Kind, const Constant *Value);
-  const FixupRefList &fixups() const { return fixups_; }
+  const FixupRefList &fixups() const { return Fixups; }
   void setSize(intptr_t NewSize) {
-    assert(NewSize <= Size());
-    cursor_ = contents_ + NewSize;
+    assert(NewSize <= size());
+    Cursor = Contents + NewSize;
@@ -126,27 +126,28 @@
   // for a single, fast space check per instruction.
   static const intptr_t kMinimumGap = 32;
-  uintptr_t contents_;
-  uintptr_t cursor_;
-  uintptr_t limit_;
-  Assembler &assembler_;
+  uintptr_t Contents;
+  uintptr_t Cursor;
+  uintptr_t Limit;
+  // The member variable is named Assemblr to avoid hiding the class Assembler.
+  Assembler &Assemblr;
   // List of pool-allocated fixups relative to the current function.
-  FixupRefList fixups_;
+  FixupRefList Fixups;
-  uintptr_t cursor() const { return cursor_; }
-  uintptr_t limit() const { return limit_; }
-  intptr_t Capacity() const {
-    assert(limit_ >= contents_);
-    return (limit_ - contents_) + kMinimumGap;
+  uintptr_t cursor() const { return Cursor; }
+  uintptr_t limit() const { return Limit; }
+  intptr_t capacity() const {
+    assert(Limit >= Contents);
+    return (Limit - Contents) + kMinimumGap;
   // Compute the limit based on the data area and the capacity. See
   // description of kMinimumGap for the reasoning behind the value.
-  static uintptr_t ComputeLimit(uintptr_t data, intptr_t capacity) {
-    return data + capacity - kMinimumGap;
+  static uintptr_t computeLimit(uintptr_t Data, intptr_t Capacity) {
+    return Data + Capacity - kMinimumGap;
-  void ExtendCapacity();
+  void extendCapacity();
 class Assembler {
@@ -155,12 +156,12 @@
-      : FunctionName(""), IsInternal(false), Preliminary(false),
-        buffer_(*this) {}
-  virtual ~Assembler() {}
+      : Buffer(*this), FunctionName(""), IsInternal(false),
+        Preliminary(false) {}
+  virtual ~Assembler() = default;
   // Allocate a chunk of bytes using the per-Assembler allocator.
-  uintptr_t AllocateBytes(size_t bytes) {
+  uintptr_t allocateBytes(size_t bytes) {
     // For now, alignment is not related to NaCl bundle alignment, since
     // the buffer's GetPosition is relative to the base. So NaCl bundle
     // alignment checks can be relative to that base. Later, the buffer
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
   // Allocate data of type T using the per-Assembler allocator.
-  template <typename T> T *Allocate() { return Allocator.Allocate<T>(); }
+  template <typename T> T *allocate() { return Allocator.Allocate<T>(); }
   // Align the tail end of the function to the required target alignment.
   virtual void alignFunction() = 0;
@@ -187,17 +188,17 @@
   // Mark the current text location as the start of a CFG node
   // (represented by NodeNumber).
-  virtual void BindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) = 0;
+  virtual void bindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) = 0;
   virtual bool fixupIsPCRel(FixupKind Kind) const = 0;
   // Return a view of all the bytes of code for the current function.
   llvm::StringRef getBufferView() const;
-  const FixupRefList &fixups() const { return buffer_.fixups(); }
+  const FixupRefList &fixups() const { return Buffer.fixups(); }
   AssemblerFixup *createFixup(FixupKind Kind, const Constant *Value) {
-    return buffer_.createFixup(Kind, Value);
+    return Buffer.createFixup(Kind, Value);
   void emitIASBytes(GlobalContext *Ctx) const;
@@ -205,12 +206,15 @@
   void setInternal(bool Internal) { IsInternal = Internal; }
   const IceString &getFunctionName() { return FunctionName; }
   void setFunctionName(const IceString &NewName) { FunctionName = NewName; }
-  intptr_t getBufferSize() const { return buffer_.Size(); }
+  intptr_t getBufferSize() const { return Buffer.size(); }
   // Roll back to a (smaller) size.
-  void setBufferSize(intptr_t NewSize) { buffer_.setSize(NewSize); }
+  void setBufferSize(intptr_t NewSize) { Buffer.setSize(NewSize); }
   void setPreliminary(bool Value) { Preliminary = Value; }
   bool getPreliminary() const { return Preliminary; }
+  AssemblerBuffer Buffer;
   ArenaAllocator<32 * 1024> Allocator;
   // FunctionName and IsInternal are transferred from the original Cfg
@@ -223,11 +227,8 @@
   // final pass where all changes to label bindings, label links, and
   // relocation fixups are fully committed (Preliminary=false).
   bool Preliminary;
-  AssemblerBuffer buffer_;
 } // end of namespace Ice
diff --git a/src/assembler_arm32.h b/src/IceAssemblerARM32.h
similarity index 88%
rename from src/assembler_arm32.h
rename to src/IceAssemblerARM32.h
index 54eadec..a032204 100644
--- a/src/assembler_arm32.h
+++ b/src/IceAssemblerARM32.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//===- subzero/src/assembler_arm32.h - Assembler for ARM32 ------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- subzero/src/IceAssemblerARM32.h - Assembler for ARM32 ----*- C++ -*-===//
 // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceFixups.h"
-#include "assembler.h"
 namespace Ice {
 namespace ARM32 {
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@
     llvm_unreachable("Not yet implemented.");
-  void BindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) override {
+  void bindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) override {
     llvm_unreachable("Not yet implemented.");
@@ -74,4 +73,4 @@
 } // end of namespace ARM32
 } // end of namespace Ice
diff --git a/src/IceAssemblerX8632.cpp b/src/IceAssemblerX8632.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a45e7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IceAssemblerX8632.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2609 @@
+//===- subzero/src/IceAssemblerX8632.cpp - Assembler for x86-32  ----------===//
+// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Modified by the Subzero authors.
+//                        The Subzero Code Generator
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements the Assembler class for x86-32.
+#include "IceAssemblerX8632.h"
+#include "IceCfg.h"
+#include "IceOperand.h"
+namespace Ice {
+namespace X8632 {
+Address Address::ofConstPool(Assembler *Asm, const Constant *Imm) {
+  AssemblerFixup *Fixup = Asm->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_32, Imm);
+  const RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
+  return Address::Absolute(Offset, Fixup);
+AssemblerX8632::~AssemblerX8632() {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  for (const Label *Label : CfgNodeLabels) {
+    Label->FinalCheck();
+  }
+  for (const Label *Label : LocalLabels) {
+    Label->FinalCheck();
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::alignFunction() {
+  SizeT Align = 1 << getBundleAlignLog2Bytes();
+  SizeT BytesNeeded = Utils::OffsetToAlignment(Buffer.getPosition(), Align);
+  const SizeT HltSize = 1;
+  while (BytesNeeded > 0) {
+    hlt();
+    BytesNeeded -= HltSize;
+  }
+Label *AssemblerX8632::GetOrCreateLabel(SizeT Number, LabelVector &Labels) {
+  Label *L = nullptr;
+  if (Number == Labels.size()) {
+    L = new (this->allocate<Label>()) Label();
+    Labels.push_back(L);
+    return L;
+  }
+  if (Number > Labels.size()) {
+    Labels.resize(Number + 1);
+  }
+  L = Labels[Number];
+  if (!L) {
+    L = new (this->allocate<Label>()) Label();
+    Labels[Number] = L;
+  }
+  return L;
+Label *AssemblerX8632::GetOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) {
+  return GetOrCreateLabel(NodeNumber, CfgNodeLabels);
+Label *AssemblerX8632::GetOrCreateLocalLabel(SizeT Number) {
+  return GetOrCreateLabel(Number, LocalLabels);
+void AssemblerX8632::bindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) {
+  assert(!getPreliminary());
+  Label *L = GetOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(NodeNumber);
+  this->bind(L);
+void AssemblerX8632::BindLocalLabel(SizeT Number) {
+  Label *L = GetOrCreateLocalLabel(Number);
+  if (!getPreliminary())
+    this->bind(L);
+void AssemblerX8632::call(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xFF);
+  emitRegisterOperand(2, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::call(const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xFF);
+  emitOperand(2, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::call(const ConstantRelocatable *label) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  intptr_t call_start = Buffer.getPosition();
+  emitUint8(0xE8);
+  emitFixup(this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, label));
+  emitInt32(-4);
+  assert((Buffer.getPosition() - call_start) == kCallExternalLabelSize);
+  (void)call_start;
+void AssemblerX8632::call(const Immediate &abs_address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  intptr_t call_start = Buffer.getPosition();
+  emitUint8(0xE8);
+  emitFixup(
+      this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, AssemblerFixup::NullSymbol));
+  emitInt32(abs_address.value() - 4);
+  assert((Buffer.getPosition() - call_start) == kCallExternalLabelSize);
+  (void)call_start;
+void AssemblerX8632::pushl(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x50 + reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::popl(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x58 + reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::popl(const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x8F);
+  emitOperand(0, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::pushal() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x60);
+void AssemblerX8632::popal() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x61);
+void AssemblerX8632::setcc(CondX86::BrCond condition, ByteRegister dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x90 + condition);
+  emitUint8(0xC0 + dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::setcc(CondX86::BrCond condition, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x90 + condition);
+  emitOperand(0, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0xB0 + dst);
+    emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0xB8 + dst);
+  emitImmediate(Ty, imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x88);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x89);
+  }
+  emitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x8A);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x8B);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, const Address &dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x88);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x89);
+  }
+  emitOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, const Address &dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0xC6);
+    emitOperand(0, dst);
+    emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0xC7);
+    emitOperand(0, dst);
+    emitImmediate(Ty, imm);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::movzx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
+  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xB6 : 0xB7);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movzx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
+  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xB6 : 0xB7);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movsx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
+  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xBE : 0xBF);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movsx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
+  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xBE : 0xBF);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::lea(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x8D);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmov(Type Ty, CondX86::BrCond cond, GPRRegister dst,
+                          GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  else
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x40 + cond);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmov(Type Ty, CondX86::BrCond cond, GPRRegister dst,
+                          const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  else
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x40 + cond);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::rep_movsb() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF3);
+  emitUint8(0xA4);
+void AssemblerX8632::movss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x10);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movss(Type Ty, const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x11);
+  emitOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::movss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x11);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::movd(XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x6E);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movd(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x6E);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movd(GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x7E);
+  emitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::movd(const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x7E);
+  emitOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::movq(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF3);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x7E);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movq(const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xD6);
+  emitOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::movq(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF3);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x7E);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::addss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x58);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::addss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x58);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::subss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5C);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::subss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5C);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::mulss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x59);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::mulss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x59);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::divss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5E);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::divss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5E);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::fld(Type Ty, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xD9 : 0xDD);
+  emitOperand(0, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::fstp(Type Ty, const Address &dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xD9 : 0xDD);
+  emitOperand(3, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::fstp(X87STRegister st) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xDD);
+  emitUint8(0xD8 + st);
+void AssemblerX8632::movaps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x28);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movups(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x10);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movups(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x10);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movups(const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x11);
+  emitOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::padd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0xFC);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xFD);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0xFE);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::padd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0xFC);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xFD);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0xFE);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pand(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xDB);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pand(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xDB);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pandn(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xDF);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pandn(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xDF);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pmull(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xD5);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0x38);
+    emitUint8(0x40);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pmull(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xD5);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0x38);
+    emitUint8(0x40);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pmuludq(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xF4);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pmuludq(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst,
+                             const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xF4);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::por(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xEB);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::por(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xEB);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psub(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0xF8);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xF9);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0xFA);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psub(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0xF8);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xF9);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0xFA);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pxor(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xEF);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pxor(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xEF);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xF1);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0xF2);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xF1);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0xF2);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_int8());
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x71);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0x72);
+  }
+  emitRegisterOperand(6, dst);
+  emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+void AssemblerX8632::psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xE1);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0xE2);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xE1);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0xE2);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_int8());
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x71);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+    emitUint8(0x72);
+  }
+  emitRegisterOperand(4, dst);
+  emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+void AssemblerX8632::psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xD1);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_f64) {
+    emitUint8(0xD3);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_f32 || Ty == IceType_v4f32);
+    emitUint8(0xD2);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0xD1);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_f64) {
+    emitUint8(0xD3);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_f32 || Ty == IceType_v4f32);
+    emitUint8(0xD2);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_int8());
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x71);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_f64) {
+    emitUint8(0x73);
+  } else {
+    assert(Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_f32 || Ty == IceType_v4f32);
+    emitUint8(0x72);
+  }
+  emitRegisterOperand(2, dst);
+  emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+// {add,sub,mul,div}ps are given a Ty parameter for consistency with
+// {add,sub,mul,div}ss. In the future, when the PNaCl ABI allows
+// addpd, etc., we can use the Ty parameter to decide on adding
+// a 0x66 prefix.
+void AssemblerX8632::addps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x58);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::addps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x58);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::subps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5C);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::subps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5C);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::divps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5E);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::divps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5E);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::mulps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x59);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::mulps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x59);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::minps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5D);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::maxps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5F);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::andps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x54);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::andps(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x54);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::orps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x56);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::blendvps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x38);
+  emitUint8(0x14);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::blendvps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst,
+                              const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x38);
+  emitUint8(0x14);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pblendvb(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x38);
+  emitUint8(0x10);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pblendvb(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst,
+                              const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x38);
+  emitUint8(0x10);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmpps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                           CondX86::CmppsCond CmpCondition) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC2);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  emitUint8(CmpCondition);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmpps(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
+                           CondX86::CmppsCond CmpCondition) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC2);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+  emitUint8(CmpCondition);
+void AssemblerX8632::sqrtps(XmmRegister dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x51);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::rsqrtps(XmmRegister dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x52);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::reciprocalps(XmmRegister dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x53);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::movhlps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x12);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movlhps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x16);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::unpcklps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x14);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::unpckhps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x15);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::unpcklpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x14);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::unpckhpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x15);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::set1ps(XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister tmp1,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  // Load 32-bit immediate value into tmp1.
+  mov(IceType_i32, tmp1, imm);
+  // Move value from tmp1 into dst.
+  movd(dst, tmp1);
+  // Broadcast low lane into other three lanes.
+  shufps(dst, dst, Immediate(0x0));
+void AssemblerX8632::shufps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC6);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::pshufd(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x70);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::pshufd(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x70);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::shufps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC6);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::shufps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC6);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::minpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5D);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::maxpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5F);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::sqrtpd(XmmRegister dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x51);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::shufpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                            const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC6);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::cvtdq2ps(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
+                              XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5B);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvtdq2ps(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
+                              const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5B);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvttps2dq(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
+                               XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF3);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5B);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvttps2dq(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
+                               const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF3);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5B);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvtsi2ss(Type DestTy, XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(DestTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x2A);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvtsi2ss(Type DestTy, XmmRegister dst,
+                              const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(DestTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x2A);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvtfloat2float(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst,
+                                    XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  // ss2sd or sd2ss
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5A);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvtfloat2float(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst,
+                                    const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x5A);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvttss2si(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x2C);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::cvttss2si(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst,
+                               const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x2C);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::ucomiss(Type Ty, XmmRegister a, XmmRegister b) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_f64)
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x2E);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(a, b);
+void AssemblerX8632::ucomiss(Type Ty, XmmRegister a, const Address &b) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_f64)
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x2E);
+  emitOperand(a, b);
+void AssemblerX8632::movmskpd(GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x50);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::movmskps(GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x50);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::sqrtss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x51);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::sqrtss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x51);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::xorpd(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x57);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::xorpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x57);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::orpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x56);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::xorps(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x57);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::xorps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x57);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::andpd(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x54);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::andpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x54);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::insertps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                              const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  assert(isVectorFloatingType(Ty));
+  (void)Ty;
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x3A);
+  emitUint8(0x21);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::insertps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
+                              const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  assert(isVectorFloatingType(Ty));
+  (void)Ty;
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x3A);
+  emitUint8(0x21);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+  emitUint8(imm.value());
+void AssemblerX8632::pinsr(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src,
+                           const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0xC4);
+    emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, XmmRegister(src));
+    emitUint8(imm.value());
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x3A);
+    emitUint8(isByteSizedType(Ty) ? 0x20 : 0x22);
+    emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, XmmRegister(src));
+    emitUint8(imm.value());
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::pinsr(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
+                           const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0xC4);
+    emitOperand(dst, src);
+    emitUint8(imm.value());
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x3A);
+    emitUint8(isByteSizedType(Ty) ? 0x20 : 0x22);
+    emitOperand(dst, src);
+    emitUint8(imm.value());
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::pextr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                           const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_uint8());
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0xC5);
+    emitXmmRegisterOperand(XmmRegister(dst), src);
+    emitUint8(imm.value());
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x3A);
+    emitUint8(isByteSizedType(Ty) ? 0x14 : 0x16);
+    // SSE 4.1 versions are "MRI" because dst can be mem, while
+    // pextrw (SSE2) is RMI because dst must be reg.
+    emitXmmRegisterOperand(src, XmmRegister(dst));
+    emitUint8(imm.value());
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::pmovsxdq(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x38);
+  emitUint8(0x25);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pcmpeq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x74);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x75);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x76);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pcmpeq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x74);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x75);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x76);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pcmpgt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x64);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x65);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+  }
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::pcmpgt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitUint8(0x64);
+  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    emitUint8(0x65);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+  }
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::roundsd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
+                             RoundingMode mode) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x66);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x3A);
+  emitUint8(0x0B);
+  emitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+  // Mask precision exeption.
+  emitUint8(static_cast<uint8_t>(mode) | 0x8);
+void AssemblerX8632::fnstcw(const Address &dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xD9);
+  emitOperand(7, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::fldcw(const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xD9);
+  emitOperand(5, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::fistpl(const Address &dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xDF);
+  emitOperand(7, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::fistps(const Address &dst) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xDB);
+  emitOperand(3, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::fildl(const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xDF);
+  emitOperand(5, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::filds(const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xDB);
+  emitOperand(0, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::fincstp() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xD9);
+  emitUint8(0xF7);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(7, Operand(reg), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 7, Operand(reg), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg0, GPRRegister reg1) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x3A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x3B);
+  emitRegisterOperand(reg0, reg1);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x3A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x3B);
+  emitOperand(reg, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x38);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x39);
+  emitOperand(reg, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, const Address &address,
+                         const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(7, address, imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 7, address, imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg1, GPRRegister reg2) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x84);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x85);
+  emitRegisterOperand(reg1, reg2);
+void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, const Address &addr, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x84);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x85);
+  emitOperand(reg, addr);
+void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg,
+                          const Immediate &immediate) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  // For registers that have a byte variant (EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX)
+  // we only test the byte register to keep the encoding short.
+  // This is legal even if the register had high bits set since
+  // this only sets flags registers based on the "AND" of the two operands,
+  // and the immediate had zeros at those high bits.
+  if (immediate.is_uint8() && reg < 4) {
+    // Use zero-extended 8-bit immediate.
+    if (reg == RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax) {
+      emitUint8(0xA8);
+    } else {
+      emitUint8(0xF6);
+      emitUint8(0xC0 + reg);
+    }
+    emitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
+  } else if (reg == RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax) {
+    // Use short form if the destination is EAX.
+    if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+      emitOperandSizeOverride();
+    emitUint8(0xA9);
+    emitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
+  } else {
+    if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+      emitOperandSizeOverride();
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+    emitRegisterOperand(0, reg);
+    emitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, const Address &addr,
+                          const Immediate &immediate) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  // If the immediate is short, we only test the byte addr to keep the
+  // encoding short.
+  if (immediate.is_uint8()) {
+    // Use zero-extended 8-bit immediate.
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+    emitOperand(0, addr);
+    emitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
+  } else {
+    if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+      emitOperandSizeOverride();
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+    emitOperand(0, addr);
+    emitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x22);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x23);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x22);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x23);
+  emitOperand(dst, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(4, Operand(dst), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 4, Operand(dst), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x0A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x0B);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x0A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x0B);
+  emitOperand(dst, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(1, Operand(dst), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 1, Operand(dst), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x32);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x33);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x32);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x33);
+  emitOperand(dst, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(6, Operand(dst), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 6, Operand(dst), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::add(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x02);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x03);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::add(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x02);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x03);
+  emitOperand(reg, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::add(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(0, Operand(reg), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 0, Operand(reg), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x12);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x13);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x12);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x13);
+  emitOperand(dst, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(2, Operand(reg), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 2, Operand(reg), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x2A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x2B);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x2A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x2B);
+  emitOperand(reg, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(5, Operand(reg), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 5, Operand(reg), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x1A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x1B);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x1A);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x1B);
+  emitOperand(dst, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
+    emitComplexI8(3, Operand(reg), imm);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitComplex(Ty, 3, Operand(reg), imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::cbw() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x98);
+void AssemblerX8632::cwd() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x99);
+void AssemblerX8632::cdq() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x99);
+void AssemblerX8632::div(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitRegisterOperand(6, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::div(Type Ty, const Address &addr) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitOperand(6, addr);
+void AssemblerX8632::idiv(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitRegisterOperand(7, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::idiv(Type Ty, const Address &addr) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitOperand(7, addr);
+void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xAF);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xAF);
+  emitOperand(reg, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (imm.is_int8()) {
+    emitUint8(0x6B);
+    emitRegisterOperand(reg, reg);
+    emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x69);
+    emitRegisterOperand(reg, reg);
+    emitImmediate(Ty, imm);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitRegisterOperand(5, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitOperand(5, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::mul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitRegisterOperand(4, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::mul(Type Ty, const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitOperand(4, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::incl(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x40 + reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::incl(const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xFF);
+  emitOperand(0, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::decl(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x48 + reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::decl(const Address &address) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xFF);
+  emitOperand(1, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::rol(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  emitGenericShift(0, Ty, reg, imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::rol(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(0, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::rol(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(0, Ty, operand, shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::shl(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  emitGenericShift(4, Ty, reg, imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::shl(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(4, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::shl(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(4, Ty, operand, shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::shr(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  emitGenericShift(5, Ty, reg, imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::shr(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(5, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::shr(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(5, Ty, operand, shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::sar(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
+  emitGenericShift(7, Ty, reg, imm);
+void AssemblerX8632::sar(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(7, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::sar(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister shifter) {
+  emitGenericShift(7, Ty, address, shifter);
+void AssemblerX8632::shld(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xA5);
+  emitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::shld(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src,
+                          const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  assert(imm.is_int8());
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xA4);
+  emitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+  emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+void AssemblerX8632::shld(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xA5);
+  emitOperand(src, operand);
+void AssemblerX8632::shrd(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xAD);
+  emitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::shrd(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src,
+                          const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  assert(imm.is_int8());
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xAC);
+  emitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+  emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+void AssemblerX8632::shrd(Type Ty, const Address &dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xAD);
+  emitOperand(src, dst);
+void AssemblerX8632::neg(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitRegisterOperand(3, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::neg(Type Ty, const Address &addr) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xF6);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitOperand(3, addr);
+void AssemblerX8632::notl(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF7);
+  emitUint8(0xD0 | reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::bswap(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
+  (void)Ty;
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC8 | reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::bsf(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xBC);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::bsf(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xBC);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::bsr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xBD);
+  emitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::bsr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xBD);
+  emitOperand(dst, src);
+void AssemblerX8632::bt(GPRRegister base, GPRRegister offset) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xA3);
+  emitRegisterOperand(offset, base);
+void AssemblerX8632::ret() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xC3);
+void AssemblerX8632::ret(const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xC2);
+  assert(imm.is_uint16());
+  emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+  emitUint8((imm.value() >> 8) & 0xFF);
+void AssemblerX8632::nop(int size) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  // There are nops up to size 15, but for now just provide up to size 8.
+  assert(0 < size && size <= MAX_NOP_SIZE);
+  switch (size) {
+  case 1:
+    emitUint8(0x90);
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x90);
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x1F);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x1F);
+    emitUint8(0x40);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    break;
+  case 5:
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x1F);
+    emitUint8(0x44);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    break;
+  case 6:
+    emitUint8(0x66);
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x1F);
+    emitUint8(0x44);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    break;
+  case 7:
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x1F);
+    emitUint8(0x80);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    break;
+  case 8:
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x1F);
+    emitUint8(0x84);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    emitUint8(0x00);
+    break;
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("Unimplemented");
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::int3() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xCC);
+void AssemblerX8632::hlt() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF4);
+void AssemblerX8632::ud2() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x0B);
+void AssemblerX8632::j(CondX86::BrCond condition, Label *label, bool near) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (label->IsBound()) {
+    static const int kShortSize = 2;
+    static const int kLongSize = 6;
+    intptr_t offset = label->Position() - Buffer.size();
+    assert(offset <= 0);
+    if (Utils::IsInt(8, offset - kShortSize)) {
+      // TODO(stichnot): Here and in jmp(), we may need to be more
+      // conservative about the backward branch distance if the branch
+      // instruction is within a bundle_lock sequence, because the
+      // distance may increase when padding is added.  This isn't an
+      // issue for branches outside a bundle_lock, because if padding
+      // is added, the retry may change it to a long backward branch
+      // without affecting any of the bookkeeping.
+      emitUint8(0x70 + condition);
+      emitUint8((offset - kShortSize) & 0xFF);
+    } else {
+      emitUint8(0x0F);
+      emitUint8(0x80 + condition);
+      emitInt32(offset - kLongSize);
+    }
+  } else if (near) {
+    emitUint8(0x70 + condition);
+    emitNearLabelLink(label);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x0F);
+    emitUint8(0x80 + condition);
+    emitLabelLink(label);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::j(CondX86::BrCond condition,
+                       const ConstantRelocatable *label) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0x80 + condition);
+  emitFixup(this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, label));
+  emitInt32(-4);
+void AssemblerX8632::jmp(GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xFF);
+  emitRegisterOperand(4, reg);
+void AssemblerX8632::jmp(Label *label, bool near) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (label->IsBound()) {
+    static const int kShortSize = 2;
+    static const int kLongSize = 5;
+    intptr_t offset = label->Position() - Buffer.size();
+    assert(offset <= 0);
+    if (Utils::IsInt(8, offset - kShortSize)) {
+      emitUint8(0xEB);
+      emitUint8((offset - kShortSize) & 0xFF);
+    } else {
+      emitUint8(0xE9);
+      emitInt32(offset - kLongSize);
+    }
+  } else if (near) {
+    emitUint8(0xEB);
+    emitNearLabelLink(label);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0xE9);
+    emitLabelLink(label);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::jmp(const ConstantRelocatable *label) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xE9);
+  emitFixup(this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, label));
+  emitInt32(-4);
+void AssemblerX8632::mfence() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xAE);
+  emitUint8(0xF0);
+void AssemblerX8632::lock() {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(0xF0);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmpxchg(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister reg,
+                             bool Locked) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (Locked)
+    emitUint8(0xF0);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xB0);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xB1);
+  emitOperand(reg, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::cmpxchg8b(const Address &address, bool Locked) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Locked)
+    emitUint8(0xF0);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  emitUint8(0xC7);
+  emitOperand(1, address);
+void AssemblerX8632::xadd(Type Ty, const Address &addr, GPRRegister reg,
+                          bool Locked) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (Locked)
+    emitUint8(0xF0);
+  emitUint8(0x0F);
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0xC0);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0xC1);
+  emitOperand(reg, addr);
+void AssemblerX8632::xchg(Type Ty, const Address &addr, GPRRegister reg) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
+    emitUint8(0x86);
+  else
+    emitUint8(0x87);
+  emitOperand(reg, addr);
+void AssemblerX8632::emitSegmentOverride(uint8_t prefix) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  emitUint8(prefix);
+void AssemblerX8632::align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset) {
+  assert(llvm::isPowerOf2_32(alignment));
+  intptr_t pos = offset + Buffer.getPosition();
+  intptr_t mod = pos & (alignment - 1);
+  if (mod == 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  intptr_t bytes_needed = alignment - mod;
+  while (bytes_needed > MAX_NOP_SIZE) {
+    nop(MAX_NOP_SIZE);
+    bytes_needed -= MAX_NOP_SIZE;
+  }
+  if (bytes_needed) {
+    nop(bytes_needed);
+  }
+  assert(((offset + Buffer.getPosition()) & (alignment - 1)) == 0);
+void AssemblerX8632::bind(Label *label) {
+  intptr_t bound = Buffer.size();
+  assert(!label->IsBound()); // Labels can only be bound once.
+  while (label->IsLinked()) {
+    intptr_t position = label->LinkPosition();
+    intptr_t next = Buffer.load<int32_t>(position);
+<int32_t>(position, bound - (position + 4));
+    label->position_ = next;
+  }
+  while (label->HasNear()) {
+    intptr_t position = label->NearPosition();
+    intptr_t offset = bound - (position + 1);
+    assert(Utils::IsInt(8, offset));
+<int8_t>(position, offset);
+  }
+  label->BindTo(bound);
+void AssemblerX8632::emitOperand(int rm, const Operand &operand) {
+  assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
+  const intptr_t length = operand.length_;
+  assert(length > 0);
+  // Emit the ModRM byte updated with the given RM value.
+  assert((operand.encoding_[0] & 0x38) == 0);
+  emitUint8(operand.encoding_[0] + (rm << 3));
+  if (operand.fixup()) {
+    emitFixup(operand.fixup());
+  }
+  // Emit the rest of the encoded operand.
+  for (intptr_t i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+    emitUint8(operand.encoding_[i]);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::emitImmediate(Type Ty, const Immediate &imm) {
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
+    assert(!imm.fixup());
+    emitInt16(imm.value());
+  } else {
+    if (imm.fixup()) {
+      emitFixup(imm.fixup());
+    }
+    emitInt32(imm.value());
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::emitComplexI8(int rm, const Operand &operand,
+                                   const Immediate &immediate) {
+  assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
+  assert(immediate.is_int8());
+  if (operand.IsRegister(RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax)) {
+    // Use short form if the destination is al.
+    emitUint8(0x04 + (rm << 3));
+    emitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
+  } else {
+    // Use sign-extended 8-bit immediate.
+    emitUint8(0x80);
+    emitOperand(rm, operand);
+    emitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::emitComplex(Type Ty, int rm, const Operand &operand,
+                                 const Immediate &immediate) {
+  assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
+  if (immediate.is_int8()) {
+    // Use sign-extended 8-bit immediate.
+    emitUint8(0x83);
+    emitOperand(rm, operand);
+    emitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
+  } else if (operand.IsRegister(RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax)) {
+    // Use short form if the destination is eax.
+    emitUint8(0x05 + (rm << 3));
+    emitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(0x81);
+    emitOperand(rm, operand);
+    emitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::emitLabel(Label *label, intptr_t instruction_size) {
+  if (label->IsBound()) {
+    intptr_t offset = label->Position() - Buffer.size();
+    assert(offset <= 0);
+    emitInt32(offset - instruction_size);
+  } else {
+    emitLabelLink(label);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::emitLabelLink(Label *Label) {
+  assert(!Label->IsBound());
+  intptr_t Position = Buffer.size();
+  emitInt32(Label->position_);
+  if (!getPreliminary())
+    Label->LinkTo(Position);
+void AssemblerX8632::emitNearLabelLink(Label *label) {
+  assert(!label->IsBound());
+  intptr_t position = Buffer.size();
+  emitUint8(0);
+  if (!getPreliminary())
+    label->NearLinkTo(position);
+void AssemblerX8632::emitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, GPRRegister reg,
+                                      const Immediate &imm) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(imm.is_int8());
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  if (imm.value() == 1) {
+    emitUint8(isByteSizedArithType(Ty) ? 0xD0 : 0xD1);
+    emitOperand(rm, Operand(reg));
+  } else {
+    emitUint8(isByteSizedArithType(Ty) ? 0xC0 : 0xC1);
+    emitOperand(rm, Operand(reg));
+    emitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
+  }
+void AssemblerX8632::emitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, const Operand &operand,
+                                      GPRRegister shifter) {
+  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
+  assert(shifter == RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_ecx);
+  (void)shifter;
+  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
+    emitOperandSizeOverride();
+  emitUint8(isByteSizedArithType(Ty) ? 0xD2 : 0xD3);
+  emitOperand(rm, operand);
+} // end of namespace X8632
+} // end of namespace Ice
diff --git a/src/assembler_ia32.h b/src/IceAssemblerX8632.h
similarity index 93%
rename from src/assembler_ia32.h
rename to src/IceAssemblerX8632.h
index 2a928b0..c67f4ce 100644
--- a/src/assembler_ia32.h
+++ b/src/IceAssemblerX8632.h
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceConditionCodesX8632.h"
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceOperand.h"
@@ -29,8 +30,6 @@
 #include "IceTypes.h"
 #include "IceUtils.h"
-#include "assembler.h"
 namespace Ice {
 using RegX8632::GPRRegister;
@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@
   Label *GetOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber);
-  void BindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) override;
+  void bindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) override;
   Label *GetOrCreateLocalLabel(SizeT Number);
   void BindLocalLabel(SizeT Number);
@@ -820,35 +819,35 @@
   void xadd(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister reg, bool Locked);
   void xchg(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister reg);
-  void EmitSegmentOverride(uint8_t prefix);
+  void emitSegmentOverride(uint8_t prefix);
-  intptr_t PreferredLoopAlignment() { return 16; }
-  void Align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset);
-  void Bind(Label *label);
+  intptr_t preferredLoopAlignment() { return 16; }
+  void align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset);
+  void bind(Label *label);
-  intptr_t CodeSize() const { return buffer_.Size(); }
+  intptr_t CodeSize() const { return Buffer.size(); }
-  inline void EmitUint8(uint8_t value);
-  inline void EmitInt16(int16_t value);
-  inline void EmitInt32(int32_t value);
-  inline void EmitRegisterOperand(int rm, int reg);
-  inline void EmitXmmRegisterOperand(int rm, XmmRegister reg);
-  inline void EmitFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup);
-  inline void EmitOperandSizeOverride();
+  inline void emitUint8(uint8_t value);
+  inline void emitInt16(int16_t value);
+  inline void emitInt32(int32_t value);
+  inline void emitRegisterOperand(int rm, int reg);
+  inline void emitXmmRegisterOperand(int rm, XmmRegister reg);
+  inline void emitFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup);
+  inline void emitOperandSizeOverride();
-  void EmitOperand(int rm, const Operand &operand);
-  void EmitImmediate(Type ty, const Immediate &imm);
-  void EmitComplexI8(int rm, const Operand &operand,
+  void emitOperand(int rm, const Operand &operand);
+  void emitImmediate(Type ty, const Immediate &imm);
+  void emitComplexI8(int rm, const Operand &operand,
                      const Immediate &immediate);
-  void EmitComplex(Type Ty, int rm, const Operand &operand,
+  void emitComplex(Type Ty, int rm, const Operand &operand,
                    const Immediate &immediate);
-  void EmitLabel(Label *label, intptr_t instruction_size);
-  void EmitLabelLink(Label *label);
-  void EmitNearLabelLink(Label *label);
+  void emitLabel(Label *label, intptr_t instruction_size);
+  void emitLabelLink(Label *label);
+  void emitNearLabelLink(Label *label);
-  void EmitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
-  void EmitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, const Operand &operand,
+  void emitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm);
+  void emitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, const Operand &operand,
                         GPRRegister shifter);
   typedef std::vector<Label *> LabelVector;
@@ -860,34 +859,34 @@
   Label *GetOrCreateLabel(SizeT Number, LabelVector &Labels);
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitUint8(uint8_t value) {
-  buffer_.Emit<uint8_t>(value);
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitUint8(uint8_t value) {
+  Buffer.emit<uint8_t>(value);
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitInt16(int16_t value) {
-  buffer_.Emit<int16_t>(value);
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitInt16(int16_t value) {
+  Buffer.emit<int16_t>(value);
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitInt32(int32_t value) {
-  buffer_.Emit<int32_t>(value);
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitInt32(int32_t value) {
+  Buffer.emit<int32_t>(value);
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitRegisterOperand(int rm, int reg) {
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitRegisterOperand(int rm, int reg) {
   assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
-  buffer_.Emit<uint8_t>(0xC0 + (rm << 3) + reg);
+  Buffer.emit<uint8_t>(0xC0 + (rm << 3) + reg);
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitXmmRegisterOperand(int rm, XmmRegister reg) {
-  EmitRegisterOperand(rm, static_cast<GPRRegister>(reg));
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitXmmRegisterOperand(int rm, XmmRegister reg) {
+  emitRegisterOperand(rm, static_cast<GPRRegister>(reg));
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup) {
-  buffer_.EmitFixup(fixup);
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup) {
+  Buffer.emitFixup(fixup);
-inline void AssemblerX8632::EmitOperandSizeOverride() { EmitUint8(0x66); }
+inline void AssemblerX8632::emitOperandSizeOverride() { emitUint8(0x66); }
 } // end of namespace X8632
 } // end of namespace Ice
diff --git a/src/IceCfg.cpp b/src/IceCfg.cpp
index 5c2f9ad..12de452 100644
--- a/src/IceCfg.cpp
+++ b/src/IceCfg.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-#include "assembler.h"
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceCfg.h"
 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
 #include "IceClFlags.h"
diff --git a/src/IceCfg.h b/src/IceCfg.h
index 056812b..c231860 100644
--- a/src/IceCfg.h
+++ b/src/IceCfg.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-#include "assembler.h"
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceClFlags.h"
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceGlobalContext.h"
diff --git a/src/IceCfgNode.cpp b/src/IceCfgNode.cpp
index 68578b9..dec40e4 100644
--- a/src/IceCfgNode.cpp
+++ b/src/IceCfgNode.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-#include "assembler.h"
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceCfg.h"
 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
 #include "IceGlobalInits.h"
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@
   // TODO(stichnot): When sandboxing, defer binding the node label
   // until just before the first instruction is emitted, to reduce the
   // chance that a padding nop is a branch target.
-  Asm->BindCfgNodeLabel(getIndex());
+  Asm->bindCfgNodeLabel(getIndex());
   for (const Inst &I : Phis) {
     if (I.isDeleted())
diff --git a/src/IceELFObjectWriter.cpp b/src/IceELFObjectWriter.cpp
index 9761dde..9c75482 100644
--- a/src/IceELFObjectWriter.cpp
+++ b/src/IceELFObjectWriter.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
-#include "assembler.h"
+#include "IceAssembler.h"
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceELFObjectWriter.h"
 #include "IceELFSection.h"
diff --git a/src/IceInstARM32.cpp b/src/IceInstARM32.cpp
index c62918b..5131ecc 100644
--- a/src/IceInstARM32.cpp
+++ b/src/IceInstARM32.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-#include "assembler_arm32.h"
+#include "IceAssemblerARM32.h"
 #include "IceCfg.h"
 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
 #include "IceInst.h"
diff --git a/src/IceInstX8632.cpp b/src/IceInstX8632.cpp
index 38a9b35..1365d54 100644
--- a/src/IceInstX8632.cpp
+++ b/src/IceInstX8632.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-#include "assembler_ia32.h"
+#include "IceAssemblerX8632.h"
 #include "IceCfg.h"
 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
 #include "IceConditionCodesX8632.h"
@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@
 void OperandX8632Mem::emitSegmentOverride(X8632::AssemblerX8632 *Asm) const {
   if (SegmentReg != DefaultSegment) {
     assert(SegmentReg >= 0 && SegmentReg < SegReg_NUM);
-    Asm->EmitSegmentOverride(InstX8632SegmentPrefixes[SegmentReg]);
+    Asm->emitSegmentOverride(InstX8632SegmentPrefixes[SegmentReg]);
diff --git a/src/IceInstX8632.h b/src/IceInstX8632.h
index 2e82052..840b21b 100644
--- a/src/IceInstX8632.h
+++ b/src/IceInstX8632.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-#include "assembler_ia32.h"
+#include "IceAssemblerX8632.h"
 #include "IceConditionCodesX8632.h"
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceInst.h"
diff --git a/src/IceTargetLowering.cpp b/src/IceTargetLowering.cpp
index 49c370a..051b00d 100644
--- a/src/IceTargetLowering.cpp
+++ b/src/IceTargetLowering.cpp
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
-#include "assembler_arm32.h"
-#include "assembler_ia32.h"
+#include "IceAssemblerARM32.h"
+#include "IceAssemblerX8632.h"
 #include "IceCfg.h" // setError()
 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
 #include "IceOperand.h"
diff --git a/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.h b/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.h
index 5773340..def9dcd 100644
--- a/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.h
+++ b/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <unordered_map>
-#include "assembler_ia32.h"
+#include "IceAssemblerX8632.h"
 #include "IceDefs.h"
 #include "IceInst.h"
 #include "IceInstX8632.h"
diff --git a/src/assembler_ia32.cpp b/src/assembler_ia32.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index edfbc3e..0000000
--- a/src/assembler_ia32.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2609 +0,0 @@
-//===- subzero/src/assembler_ia32.cpp - Assembler for x86-32  -------------===//
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Modified by the Subzero authors.
-//                        The Subzero Code Generator
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file implements the Assembler class for x86-32.
-#include "assembler_ia32.h"
-#include "IceCfg.h"
-#include "IceOperand.h"
-namespace Ice {
-namespace X8632 {
-Address Address::ofConstPool(Assembler *Asm, const Constant *Imm) {
-  AssemblerFixup *Fixup = Asm->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_32, Imm);
-  const RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
-  return Address::Absolute(Offset, Fixup);
-AssemblerX8632::~AssemblerX8632() {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  for (const Label *Label : CfgNodeLabels) {
-    Label->FinalCheck();
-  }
-  for (const Label *Label : LocalLabels) {
-    Label->FinalCheck();
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::alignFunction() {
-  SizeT Align = 1 << getBundleAlignLog2Bytes();
-  SizeT BytesNeeded = Utils::OffsetToAlignment(buffer_.GetPosition(), Align);
-  const SizeT HltSize = 1;
-  while (BytesNeeded > 0) {
-    hlt();
-    BytesNeeded -= HltSize;
-  }
-Label *AssemblerX8632::GetOrCreateLabel(SizeT Number, LabelVector &Labels) {
-  Label *L = nullptr;
-  if (Number == Labels.size()) {
-    L = new (this->Allocate<Label>()) Label();
-    Labels.push_back(L);
-    return L;
-  }
-  if (Number > Labels.size()) {
-    Labels.resize(Number + 1);
-  }
-  L = Labels[Number];
-  if (!L) {
-    L = new (this->Allocate<Label>()) Label();
-    Labels[Number] = L;
-  }
-  return L;
-Label *AssemblerX8632::GetOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) {
-  return GetOrCreateLabel(NodeNumber, CfgNodeLabels);
-Label *AssemblerX8632::GetOrCreateLocalLabel(SizeT Number) {
-  return GetOrCreateLabel(Number, LocalLabels);
-void AssemblerX8632::BindCfgNodeLabel(SizeT NodeNumber) {
-  assert(!getPreliminary());
-  Label *L = GetOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(NodeNumber);
-  this->Bind(L);
-void AssemblerX8632::BindLocalLabel(SizeT Number) {
-  Label *L = GetOrCreateLocalLabel(Number);
-  if (!getPreliminary())
-    this->Bind(L);
-void AssemblerX8632::call(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xFF);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(2, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::call(const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xFF);
-  EmitOperand(2, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::call(const ConstantRelocatable *label) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  intptr_t call_start = buffer_.GetPosition();
-  EmitUint8(0xE8);
-  EmitFixup(this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, label));
-  EmitInt32(-4);
-  assert((buffer_.GetPosition() - call_start) == kCallExternalLabelSize);
-  (void)call_start;
-void AssemblerX8632::call(const Immediate &abs_address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  intptr_t call_start = buffer_.GetPosition();
-  EmitUint8(0xE8);
-  EmitFixup(
-      this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, AssemblerFixup::NullSymbol));
-  EmitInt32(abs_address.value() - 4);
-  assert((buffer_.GetPosition() - call_start) == kCallExternalLabelSize);
-  (void)call_start;
-void AssemblerX8632::pushl(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x50 + reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::popl(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x58 + reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::popl(const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x8F);
-  EmitOperand(0, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::pushal() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x60);
-void AssemblerX8632::popal() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x61);
-void AssemblerX8632::setcc(CondX86::BrCond condition, ByteRegister dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x90 + condition);
-  EmitUint8(0xC0 + dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::setcc(CondX86::BrCond condition, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x90 + condition);
-  EmitOperand(0, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0xB0 + dst);
-    EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0xB8 + dst);
-  EmitImmediate(Ty, imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x88);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x89);
-  }
-  EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x8A);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x8B);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, const Address &dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x88);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x89);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::mov(Type Ty, const Address &dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0xC6);
-    EmitOperand(0, dst);
-    EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0xC7);
-    EmitOperand(0, dst);
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, imm);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::movzx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
-  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xB6 : 0xB7);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movzx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
-  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xB6 : 0xB7);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movsx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
-  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xBE : 0xBF);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movsx(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  bool ByteSized = isByteSizedType(SrcTy);
-  assert(ByteSized || SrcTy == IceType_i16);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(ByteSized ? 0xBE : 0xBF);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::lea(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x8D);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmov(Type Ty, CondX86::BrCond cond, GPRRegister dst,
-                          GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  else
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x40 + cond);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmov(Type Ty, CondX86::BrCond cond, GPRRegister dst,
-                          const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  else
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x40 + cond);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::rep_movsb() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF3);
-  EmitUint8(0xA4);
-void AssemblerX8632::movss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x10);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movss(Type Ty, const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x11);
-  EmitOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::movss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x11);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::movd(XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x6E);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movd(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x6E);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movd(GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x7E);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::movd(const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x7E);
-  EmitOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::movq(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF3);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x7E);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movq(const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xD6);
-  EmitOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::movq(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF3);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x7E);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::addss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x58);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::addss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x58);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::subss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5C);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::subss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5C);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::mulss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x59);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::mulss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x59);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::divss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5E);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::divss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5E);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::fld(Type Ty, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xD9 : 0xDD);
-  EmitOperand(0, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::fstp(Type Ty, const Address &dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xD9 : 0xDD);
-  EmitOperand(3, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::fstp(X87STRegister st) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xDD);
-  EmitUint8(0xD8 + st);
-void AssemblerX8632::movaps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x28);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movups(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x10);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movups(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x10);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movups(const Address &dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x11);
-  EmitOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::padd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0xFC);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xFD);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0xFE);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::padd(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0xFC);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xFD);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0xFE);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pand(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xDB);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pand(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xDB);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pandn(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xDF);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pandn(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xDF);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pmull(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xD5);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0x38);
-    EmitUint8(0x40);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pmull(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xD5);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0x38);
-    EmitUint8(0x40);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pmuludq(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xF4);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pmuludq(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst,
-                             const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xF4);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::por(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xEB);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::por(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xEB);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psub(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0xF8);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xF9);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0xFA);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psub(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0xF8);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xF9);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0xFA);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pxor(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xEF);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pxor(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xEF);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xF1);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0xF2);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xF1);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0xF2);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psll(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_int8());
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x71);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0x72);
-  }
-  EmitRegisterOperand(6, dst);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-void AssemblerX8632::psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xE1);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0xE2);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xE1);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0xE2);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psra(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_int8());
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x71);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-    EmitUint8(0x72);
-  }
-  EmitRegisterOperand(4, dst);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-void AssemblerX8632::psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xD1);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_f64) {
-    EmitUint8(0xD3);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_f32 || Ty == IceType_v4f32);
-    EmitUint8(0xD2);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0xD1);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_f64) {
-    EmitUint8(0xD3);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_f32 || Ty == IceType_v4f32);
-    EmitUint8(0xD2);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::psrl(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_int8());
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x71);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_f64) {
-    EmitUint8(0x73);
-  } else {
-    assert(Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_f32 || Ty == IceType_v4f32);
-    EmitUint8(0x72);
-  }
-  EmitRegisterOperand(2, dst);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-// {add,sub,mul,div}ps are given a Ty parameter for consistency with
-// {add,sub,mul,div}ss. In the future, when the PNaCl ABI allows
-// addpd, etc., we can use the Ty parameter to decide on adding
-// a 0x66 prefix.
-void AssemblerX8632::addps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x58);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::addps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x58);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::subps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5C);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::subps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5C);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::divps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5E);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::divps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5E);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::mulps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x59);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::mulps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x59);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::minps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5D);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::maxps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5F);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::andps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x54);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::andps(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x54);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::orps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x56);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::blendvps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x38);
-  EmitUint8(0x14);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::blendvps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst,
-                              const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x38);
-  EmitUint8(0x14);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pblendvb(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x38);
-  EmitUint8(0x10);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pblendvb(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst,
-                              const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x38);
-  EmitUint8(0x10);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmpps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                           CondX86::CmppsCond CmpCondition) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC2);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  EmitUint8(CmpCondition);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmpps(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
-                           CondX86::CmppsCond CmpCondition) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC2);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-  EmitUint8(CmpCondition);
-void AssemblerX8632::sqrtps(XmmRegister dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x51);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::rsqrtps(XmmRegister dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x52);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::reciprocalps(XmmRegister dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x53);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::movhlps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x12);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movlhps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x16);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::unpcklps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x14);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::unpckhps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x15);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::unpcklpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x14);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::unpckhpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x15);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::set1ps(XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister tmp1,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  // Load 32-bit immediate value into tmp1.
-  mov(IceType_i32, tmp1, imm);
-  // Move value from tmp1 into dst.
-  movd(dst, tmp1);
-  // Broadcast low lane into other three lanes.
-  shufps(dst, dst, Immediate(0x0));
-void AssemblerX8632::shufps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC6);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::pshufd(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x70);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::pshufd(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x70);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::shufps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC6);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::shufps(Type /* Ty */, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC6);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::minpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5D);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::maxpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5F);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::sqrtpd(XmmRegister dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x51);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::shufpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                            const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC6);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::cvtdq2ps(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
-                              XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5B);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvtdq2ps(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
-                              const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5B);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvttps2dq(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
-                               XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF3);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5B);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvttps2dq(Type /* Ignore */, XmmRegister dst,
-                               const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF3);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5B);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvtsi2ss(Type DestTy, XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(DestTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x2A);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvtsi2ss(Type DestTy, XmmRegister dst,
-                              const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(DestTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x2A);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvtfloat2float(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst,
-                                    XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  // ss2sd or sd2ss
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5A);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvtfloat2float(Type SrcTy, XmmRegister dst,
-                                    const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x5A);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvttss2si(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x2C);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::cvttss2si(Type SrcTy, GPRRegister dst,
-                               const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(SrcTy) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x2C);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::ucomiss(Type Ty, XmmRegister a, XmmRegister b) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_f64)
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x2E);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(a, b);
-void AssemblerX8632::ucomiss(Type Ty, XmmRegister a, const Address &b) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_f64)
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x2E);
-  EmitOperand(a, b);
-void AssemblerX8632::movmskpd(GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x50);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::movmskps(GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x50);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::sqrtss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x51);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::sqrtss(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(isFloat32Asserting32Or64(Ty) ? 0xF3 : 0xF2);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x51);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::xorpd(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x57);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::xorpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x57);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::orpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x56);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::xorps(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x57);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::xorps(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x57);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::andpd(XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x54);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::andpd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x54);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::insertps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                              const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  assert(isVectorFloatingType(Ty));
-  (void)Ty;
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x3A);
-  EmitUint8(0x21);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::insertps(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
-                              const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  assert(isVectorFloatingType(Ty));
-  (void)Ty;
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x3A);
-  EmitUint8(0x21);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value());
-void AssemblerX8632::pinsr(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, GPRRegister src,
-                           const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0xC4);
-    EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, XmmRegister(src));
-    EmitUint8(imm.value());
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x3A);
-    EmitUint8(isByteSizedType(Ty) ? 0x20 : 0x22);
-    EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, XmmRegister(src));
-    EmitUint8(imm.value());
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::pinsr(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src,
-                           const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0xC4);
-    EmitOperand(dst, src);
-    EmitUint8(imm.value());
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x3A);
-    EmitUint8(isByteSizedType(Ty) ? 0x20 : 0x22);
-    EmitOperand(dst, src);
-    EmitUint8(imm.value());
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::pextr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                           const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_uint8());
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0xC5);
-    EmitXmmRegisterOperand(XmmRegister(dst), src);
-    EmitUint8(imm.value());
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x3A);
-    EmitUint8(isByteSizedType(Ty) ? 0x14 : 0x16);
-    // SSE 4.1 versions are "MRI" because dst can be mem, while
-    // pextrw (SSE2) is RMI because dst must be reg.
-    EmitXmmRegisterOperand(src, XmmRegister(dst));
-    EmitUint8(imm.value());
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::pmovsxdq(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x38);
-  EmitUint8(0x25);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pcmpeq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x74);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x75);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x76);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pcmpeq(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x74);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x75);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x76);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pcmpgt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x64);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x65);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-  }
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::pcmpgt(Type Ty, XmmRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitUint8(0x64);
-  } else if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    EmitUint8(0x65);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-  }
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::roundsd(XmmRegister dst, XmmRegister src,
-                             RoundingMode mode) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x66);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x3A);
-  EmitUint8(0x0B);
-  EmitXmmRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-  // Mask precision exeption.
-  EmitUint8(static_cast<uint8_t>(mode) | 0x8);
-void AssemblerX8632::fnstcw(const Address &dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xD9);
-  EmitOperand(7, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::fldcw(const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xD9);
-  EmitOperand(5, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::fistpl(const Address &dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xDF);
-  EmitOperand(7, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::fistps(const Address &dst) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xDB);
-  EmitOperand(3, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::fildl(const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xDF);
-  EmitOperand(5, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::filds(const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xDB);
-  EmitOperand(0, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::fincstp() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xD9);
-  EmitUint8(0xF7);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(7, Operand(reg), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 7, Operand(reg), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg0, GPRRegister reg1) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x3A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x3B);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(reg0, reg1);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x3A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x3B);
-  EmitOperand(reg, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x38);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x39);
-  EmitOperand(reg, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmp(Type Ty, const Address &address,
-                         const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(7, address, imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 7, address, imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg1, GPRRegister reg2) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x84);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x85);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(reg1, reg2);
-void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, const Address &addr, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x84);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x85);
-  EmitOperand(reg, addr);
-void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg,
-                          const Immediate &immediate) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  // For registers that have a byte variant (EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX)
-  // we only test the byte register to keep the encoding short.
-  // This is legal even if the register had high bits set since
-  // this only sets flags registers based on the "AND" of the two operands,
-  // and the immediate had zeros at those high bits.
-  if (immediate.is_uint8() && reg < 4) {
-    // Use zero-extended 8-bit immediate.
-    if (reg == RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax) {
-      EmitUint8(0xA8);
-    } else {
-      EmitUint8(0xF6);
-      EmitUint8(0xC0 + reg);
-    }
-    EmitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
-  } else if (reg == RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax) {
-    // Use short form if the destination is EAX.
-    if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-      EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-    EmitUint8(0xA9);
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
-  } else {
-    if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-      EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-    EmitRegisterOperand(0, reg);
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::test(Type Ty, const Address &addr,
-                          const Immediate &immediate) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  // If the immediate is short, we only test the byte addr to keep the
-  // encoding short.
-  if (immediate.is_uint8()) {
-    // Use zero-extended 8-bit immediate.
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-    EmitOperand(0, addr);
-    EmitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
-  } else {
-    if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-      EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-    EmitOperand(0, addr);
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x22);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x23);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x22);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x23);
-  EmitOperand(dst, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::And(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(4, Operand(dst), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 4, Operand(dst), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x0A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x0B);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x0A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x0B);
-  EmitOperand(dst, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::Or(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(1, Operand(dst), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 1, Operand(dst), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x32);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x33);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x32);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x33);
-  EmitOperand(dst, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::Xor(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(6, Operand(dst), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 6, Operand(dst), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::add(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x02);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x03);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::add(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x02);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x03);
-  EmitOperand(reg, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::add(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(0, Operand(reg), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 0, Operand(reg), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x12);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x13);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x12);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x13);
-  EmitOperand(dst, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::adc(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(2, Operand(reg), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 2, Operand(reg), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x2A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x2B);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x2A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x2B);
-  EmitOperand(reg, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::sub(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(5, Operand(reg), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 5, Operand(reg), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x1A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x1B);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x1A);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x1B);
-  EmitOperand(dst, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::sbb(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty)) {
-    EmitComplexI8(3, Operand(reg), imm);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitComplex(Ty, 3, Operand(reg), imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::cbw() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x98);
-void AssemblerX8632::cwd() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x99);
-void AssemblerX8632::cdq() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x99);
-void AssemblerX8632::div(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(6, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::div(Type Ty, const Address &addr) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitOperand(6, addr);
-void AssemblerX8632::idiv(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(7, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::idiv(Type Ty, const Address &addr) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitOperand(7, addr);
-void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xAF);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xAF);
-  EmitOperand(reg, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (imm.is_int8()) {
-    EmitUint8(0x6B);
-    EmitRegisterOperand(reg, reg);
-    EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x69);
-    EmitRegisterOperand(reg, reg);
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, imm);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(5, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::imul(Type Ty, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitOperand(5, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::mul(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(4, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::mul(Type Ty, const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitOperand(4, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::incl(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x40 + reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::incl(const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xFF);
-  EmitOperand(0, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::decl(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x48 + reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::decl(const Address &address) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xFF);
-  EmitOperand(1, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::rol(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  EmitGenericShift(0, Ty, reg, imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::rol(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(0, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::rol(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(0, Ty, operand, shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::shl(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  EmitGenericShift(4, Ty, reg, imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::shl(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(4, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::shl(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(4, Ty, operand, shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::shr(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  EmitGenericShift(5, Ty, reg, imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::shr(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(5, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::shr(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(5, Ty, operand, shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::sar(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg, const Immediate &imm) {
-  EmitGenericShift(7, Ty, reg, imm);
-void AssemblerX8632::sar(Type Ty, GPRRegister operand, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(7, Ty, Operand(operand), shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::sar(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister shifter) {
-  EmitGenericShift(7, Ty, address, shifter);
-void AssemblerX8632::shld(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xA5);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::shld(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src,
-                          const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  assert(imm.is_int8());
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xA4);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-void AssemblerX8632::shld(Type Ty, const Address &operand, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xA5);
-  EmitOperand(src, operand);
-void AssemblerX8632::shrd(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xAD);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::shrd(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src,
-                          const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  assert(imm.is_int8());
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xAC);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
-  EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-void AssemblerX8632::shrd(Type Ty, const Address &dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xAD);
-  EmitOperand(src, dst);
-void AssemblerX8632::neg(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(3, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::neg(Type Ty, const Address &addr) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xF6);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitOperand(3, addr);
-void AssemblerX8632::notl(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF7);
-  EmitUint8(0xD0 | reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::bswap(Type Ty, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i32);
-  (void)Ty;
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC8 | reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::bsf(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xBC);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::bsf(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xBC);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::bsr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, GPRRegister src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xBD);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::bsr(Type Ty, GPRRegister dst, const Address &src) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(Ty == IceType_i16 || Ty == IceType_i32);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xBD);
-  EmitOperand(dst, src);
-void AssemblerX8632::bt(GPRRegister base, GPRRegister offset) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xA3);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(offset, base);
-void AssemblerX8632::ret() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xC3);
-void AssemblerX8632::ret(const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xC2);
-  assert(imm.is_uint16());
-  EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-  EmitUint8((imm.value() >> 8) & 0xFF);
-void AssemblerX8632::nop(int size) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  // There are nops up to size 15, but for now just provide up to size 8.
-  assert(0 < size && size <= MAX_NOP_SIZE);
-  switch (size) {
-  case 1:
-    EmitUint8(0x90);
-    break;
-  case 2:
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x90);
-    break;
-  case 3:
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x1F);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    break;
-  case 4:
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x1F);
-    EmitUint8(0x40);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    break;
-  case 5:
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x1F);
-    EmitUint8(0x44);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    break;
-  case 6:
-    EmitUint8(0x66);
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x1F);
-    EmitUint8(0x44);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    break;
-  case 7:
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x1F);
-    EmitUint8(0x80);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    break;
-  case 8:
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x1F);
-    EmitUint8(0x84);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    EmitUint8(0x00);
-    break;
-  default:
-    llvm_unreachable("Unimplemented");
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::int3() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xCC);
-void AssemblerX8632::hlt() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF4);
-void AssemblerX8632::ud2() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x0B);
-void AssemblerX8632::j(CondX86::BrCond condition, Label *label, bool near) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (label->IsBound()) {
-    static const int kShortSize = 2;
-    static const int kLongSize = 6;
-    intptr_t offset = label->Position() - buffer_.Size();
-    assert(offset <= 0);
-    if (Utils::IsInt(8, offset - kShortSize)) {
-      // TODO(stichnot): Here and in jmp(), we may need to be more
-      // conservative about the backward branch distance if the branch
-      // instruction is within a bundle_lock sequence, because the
-      // distance may increase when padding is added.  This isn't an
-      // issue for branches outside a bundle_lock, because if padding
-      // is added, the retry may change it to a long backward branch
-      // without affecting any of the bookkeeping.
-      EmitUint8(0x70 + condition);
-      EmitUint8((offset - kShortSize) & 0xFF);
-    } else {
-      EmitUint8(0x0F);
-      EmitUint8(0x80 + condition);
-      EmitInt32(offset - kLongSize);
-    }
-  } else if (near) {
-    EmitUint8(0x70 + condition);
-    EmitNearLabelLink(label);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x0F);
-    EmitUint8(0x80 + condition);
-    EmitLabelLink(label);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::j(CondX86::BrCond condition,
-                       const ConstantRelocatable *label) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0x80 + condition);
-  EmitFixup(this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, label));
-  EmitInt32(-4);
-void AssemblerX8632::jmp(GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xFF);
-  EmitRegisterOperand(4, reg);
-void AssemblerX8632::jmp(Label *label, bool near) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (label->IsBound()) {
-    static const int kShortSize = 2;
-    static const int kLongSize = 5;
-    intptr_t offset = label->Position() - buffer_.Size();
-    assert(offset <= 0);
-    if (Utils::IsInt(8, offset - kShortSize)) {
-      EmitUint8(0xEB);
-      EmitUint8((offset - kShortSize) & 0xFF);
-    } else {
-      EmitUint8(0xE9);
-      EmitInt32(offset - kLongSize);
-    }
-  } else if (near) {
-    EmitUint8(0xEB);
-    EmitNearLabelLink(label);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0xE9);
-    EmitLabelLink(label);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::jmp(const ConstantRelocatable *label) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xE9);
-  EmitFixup(this->createFixup(llvm::ELF::R_386_PC32, label));
-  EmitInt32(-4);
-void AssemblerX8632::mfence() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xAE);
-  EmitUint8(0xF0);
-void AssemblerX8632::lock() {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(0xF0);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmpxchg(Type Ty, const Address &address, GPRRegister reg,
-                             bool Locked) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (Locked)
-    EmitUint8(0xF0);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xB0);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xB1);
-  EmitOperand(reg, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::cmpxchg8b(const Address &address, bool Locked) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Locked)
-    EmitUint8(0xF0);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  EmitUint8(0xC7);
-  EmitOperand(1, address);
-void AssemblerX8632::xadd(Type Ty, const Address &addr, GPRRegister reg,
-                          bool Locked) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (Locked)
-    EmitUint8(0xF0);
-  EmitUint8(0x0F);
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0xC0);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0xC1);
-  EmitOperand(reg, addr);
-void AssemblerX8632::xchg(Type Ty, const Address &addr, GPRRegister reg) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (isByteSizedArithType(Ty))
-    EmitUint8(0x86);
-  else
-    EmitUint8(0x87);
-  EmitOperand(reg, addr);
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitSegmentOverride(uint8_t prefix) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  EmitUint8(prefix);
-void AssemblerX8632::Align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset) {
-  assert(llvm::isPowerOf2_32(alignment));
-  intptr_t pos = offset + buffer_.GetPosition();
-  intptr_t mod = pos & (alignment - 1);
-  if (mod == 0) {
-    return;
-  }
-  intptr_t bytes_needed = alignment - mod;
-  while (bytes_needed > MAX_NOP_SIZE) {
-    nop(MAX_NOP_SIZE);
-    bytes_needed -= MAX_NOP_SIZE;
-  }
-  if (bytes_needed) {
-    nop(bytes_needed);
-  }
-  assert(((offset + buffer_.GetPosition()) & (alignment - 1)) == 0);
-void AssemblerX8632::Bind(Label *label) {
-  intptr_t bound = buffer_.Size();
-  assert(!label->IsBound()); // Labels can only be bound once.
-  while (label->IsLinked()) {
-    intptr_t position = label->LinkPosition();
-    intptr_t next = buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position);
-    buffer_.Store<int32_t>(position, bound - (position + 4));
-    label->position_ = next;
-  }
-  while (label->HasNear()) {
-    intptr_t position = label->NearPosition();
-    intptr_t offset = bound - (position + 1);
-    assert(Utils::IsInt(8, offset));
-    buffer_.Store<int8_t>(position, offset);
-  }
-  label->BindTo(bound);
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitOperand(int rm, const Operand &operand) {
-  assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
-  const intptr_t length = operand.length_;
-  assert(length > 0);
-  // Emit the ModRM byte updated with the given RM value.
-  assert((operand.encoding_[0] & 0x38) == 0);
-  EmitUint8(operand.encoding_[0] + (rm << 3));
-  if (operand.fixup()) {
-    EmitFixup(operand.fixup());
-  }
-  // Emit the rest of the encoded operand.
-  for (intptr_t i = 1; i < length; i++) {
-    EmitUint8(operand.encoding_[i]);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitImmediate(Type Ty, const Immediate &imm) {
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16) {
-    assert(!imm.fixup());
-    EmitInt16(imm.value());
-  } else {
-    if (imm.fixup()) {
-      EmitFixup(imm.fixup());
-    }
-    EmitInt32(imm.value());
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitComplexI8(int rm, const Operand &operand,
-                                   const Immediate &immediate) {
-  assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
-  assert(immediate.is_int8());
-  if (operand.IsRegister(RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax)) {
-    // Use short form if the destination is al.
-    EmitUint8(0x04 + (rm << 3));
-    EmitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
-  } else {
-    // Use sign-extended 8-bit immediate.
-    EmitUint8(0x80);
-    EmitOperand(rm, operand);
-    EmitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitComplex(Type Ty, int rm, const Operand &operand,
-                                 const Immediate &immediate) {
-  assert(rm >= 0 && rm < 8);
-  if (immediate.is_int8()) {
-    // Use sign-extended 8-bit immediate.
-    EmitUint8(0x83);
-    EmitOperand(rm, operand);
-    EmitUint8(immediate.value() & 0xFF);
-  } else if (operand.IsRegister(RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_eax)) {
-    // Use short form if the destination is eax.
-    EmitUint8(0x05 + (rm << 3));
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(0x81);
-    EmitOperand(rm, operand);
-    EmitImmediate(Ty, immediate);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitLabel(Label *label, intptr_t instruction_size) {
-  if (label->IsBound()) {
-    intptr_t offset = label->Position() - buffer_.Size();
-    assert(offset <= 0);
-    EmitInt32(offset - instruction_size);
-  } else {
-    EmitLabelLink(label);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitLabelLink(Label *label) {
-  assert(!label->IsBound());
-  intptr_t position = buffer_.Size();
-  EmitInt32(label->position_);
-  if (!getPreliminary())
-    label->LinkTo(position);
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitNearLabelLink(Label *label) {
-  assert(!label->IsBound());
-  intptr_t position = buffer_.Size();
-  EmitUint8(0);
-  if (!getPreliminary())
-    label->NearLinkTo(position);
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, GPRRegister reg,
-                                      const Immediate &imm) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(imm.is_int8());
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  if (imm.value() == 1) {
-    EmitUint8(isByteSizedArithType(Ty) ? 0xD0 : 0xD1);
-    EmitOperand(rm, Operand(reg));
-  } else {
-    EmitUint8(isByteSizedArithType(Ty) ? 0xC0 : 0xC1);
-    EmitOperand(rm, Operand(reg));
-    EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
-  }
-void AssemblerX8632::EmitGenericShift(int rm, Type Ty, const Operand &operand,
-                                      GPRRegister shifter) {
-  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
-  assert(shifter == RegX8632::Encoded_Reg_ecx);
-  (void)shifter;
-  if (Ty == IceType_i16)
-    EmitOperandSizeOverride();
-  EmitUint8(isByteSizedArithType(Ty) ? 0xD2 : 0xD3);
-  EmitOperand(rm, operand);
-} // end of namespace X8632
-} // end of namespace Ice