SpirvShaderDebugger: Replace 'builtins' / 'root' with a global scope
The 'builtins' scope was rather specific to the initial SPIR-V SSA debugging functionality, and doesn't really fit with the rich debug model.
Just replace it with a more sensible globals scope.
Fixes issues where these globals were only visible in the initial stack frame.
Bug: b/148401179
Change-Id: Id229e891edb8ece3694d989b48d3399d5d489d47
Reviewed-on: https://swiftshader-review.googlesource.com/c/SwiftShader/+/45356
Tested-by: Ben Clayton <bclayton@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <amaiorano@google.com>
Kokoro-Result: kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
diff --git a/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderDebugger.cpp b/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderDebugger.cpp
index 0f2fbbe..2933a81 100644
--- a/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderDebugger.cpp
+++ b/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderDebugger.cpp
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@
struct Scope : public Object
- // Root represents the root stack frame scope.
- static const Scope Root;
+ // Global represents the global scope.
+ static const Scope Global;
using ID = sw::SpirvID<Scope>;
inline Scope(Kind kind)
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
std::vector<uint32_t> indexes;
-const Scope Scope::Root = CompilationUnit{};
+const Scope Scope::Global = CompilationUnit{};
// find<T>() searches the nested scopes, returning for the first scope that is
// castable to type T. If no scope can be found of type T, then nullptr is
@@ -569,7 +569,6 @@
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *hovers(const debug::Scope *);
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *localsLane(const debug::Scope *, int lane);
- vk::dbg::VariableContainer *builtinsLane(int lane);
template<typename K>
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *group(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key);
@@ -595,9 +594,8 @@
const Debugger *debugger;
const std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::Thread> thread;
std::unordered_map<const debug::Scope *, Scopes> scopes;
- Scopes rootScopes; // Scopes for the root stack frame.
- std::array<std::shared_ptr<vk::dbg::VariableContainer>, sw::SIMD::Width> builtinsByLane; // Scopes for builtin varibles (shared by all shader frames).
- debug::SourceScope *srcScope = nullptr; // Current source scope.
+ Scopes globals; // Scope for globals.
+ debug::SourceScope *srcScope = nullptr; // Current source scope.
const size_t initialThreadDepth = 0;
@@ -620,20 +618,14 @@
enter(lock, stackBase);
- for(int i = 0; i < sw::SIMD::Width; i++)
- {
- builtinsByLane[i] = lock.createVariableContainer();
- }
thread->update(true, [&](vk::dbg::Frame &frame) {
- rootScopes.locals = frame.locals;
- rootScopes.hovers = frame.hovers;
+ globals.locals = frame.locals;
+ globals.hovers = frame.hovers;
for(int i = 0; i < sw::SIMD::Width; i++)
auto locals = lock.createVariableContainer();
- locals->extend(builtinsByLane[i]);
frame.locals->variables->put(laneNames[i], locals);
- rootScopes.localsByLane[i] = locals;
+ globals.localsByLane[i] = locals;
@@ -658,7 +650,7 @@
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::updateActiveLaneMask(int lane, bool enabled)
- rootScopes.localsByLane[lane]->put("enabled", vk::dbg::make_constant(enabled));
+ globals.localsByLane[lane]->put("enabled", vk::dbg::make_constant(enabled));
void SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::updateLocation(bool isStep, vk::dbg::File::ID fileID, int line, int column)
@@ -679,11 +671,6 @@
return getScopes(scope).localsByLane[i].get();
-vk::dbg::VariableContainer *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::builtinsLane(int i)
- return builtinsByLane[i].get();
template<typename K>
vk::dbg::VariableContainer *SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::group(vk::dbg::VariableContainer *vc, K key)
@@ -735,9 +722,18 @@
+ // Scope has no parent. Ensure the globals are inherited for this stack
+ // frame.
+ //
+ // Note: We're combining globals with locals as DAP doesn't have a
+ // 'globals' enum value for Scope::presentationHint.
+ // TODO(bclayton): We should probably keep globals separate from locals
+ // and combine them at the server interface. That way we can easily
+ // provide globals if DAP later supports it as a Scope::presentationHint
+ // type.
for(int i = 0; i < sw::SIMD::Width; i++)
- s.localsByLane[i]->extend(builtinsByLane[i]);
+ s.localsByLane[i]->extend(globals.localsByLane[i]);
@@ -774,9 +770,9 @@
const SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::Scopes &SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::State::getScopes(const debug::Scope *scope)
- if(scope == &debug::Scope::Root)
+ if(scope == &debug::Scope::Global)
- return rootScopes;
+ return globals;
auto dbgScopeIt = scopes.find(scope);
@@ -800,7 +796,7 @@
static Group hovers(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope);
static Group locals(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope);
static Group localsLane(Ptr state, const debug::Scope *scope, int lane);
- static Group builtinsLane(Ptr state, int lane);
+ static Group globals(Ptr state, int lane);
Group(Ptr state, Ptr group);
@@ -843,9 +839,9 @@
-SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::builtinsLane(Ptr state, int lane)
+SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::globals(Ptr state, int lane)
- return Group(state, rr::Call(&State::builtinsLane, state, lane));
+ return localsLane(state, &debug::Scope::Global, lane);
SpirvShader::Impl::Debugger::Group::Group(Ptr state, Ptr group)
@@ -1039,7 +1035,7 @@
var->flags = insn.word(13);
// static member declaration: word(14)
- exposeVariable(shader, var->name.c_str(), &debug::Scope::Root, var->type, var->variable, state);
+ exposeVariable(shader, var->name.c_str(), &debug::Scope::Global, var->type, var->variable, state);
case OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugFunction:
@@ -1554,50 +1550,50 @@
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
- auto builtins = Group::builtinsLane(dbgState, i);
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("subgroupSize", routine->invocationsPerSubgroup);
+ auto globals = Group::globals(dbgState, i);
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("subgroupSize", routine->invocationsPerSubgroup);
case spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute:
- builtins.putVec3<const char *, int>("numWorkgroups", routine->numWorkgroups);
- builtins.putVec3<const char *, int>("workgroupID", routine->workgroupID);
- builtins.putVec3<const char *, int>("workgroupSize", routine->workgroupSize);
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("numSubgroups", routine->subgroupsPerWorkgroup);
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("subgroupIndex", routine->subgroupIndex);
+ globals.putVec3<const char *, int>("numWorkgroups", routine->numWorkgroups);
+ globals.putVec3<const char *, int>("workgroupID", routine->workgroupID);
+ globals.putVec3<const char *, int>("workgroupSize", routine->workgroupSize);
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("numSubgroups", routine->subgroupsPerWorkgroup);
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("subgroupIndex", routine->subgroupIndex);
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("globalInvocationId",
- rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[0], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[1], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[2], i));
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("localInvocationId",
- rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[0], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[1], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[2], i));
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("localInvocationIndex", rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationIndex, i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("globalInvocationId",
+ rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[0], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[1], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->globalInvocationID[2], i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("localInvocationId",
+ rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[0], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[1], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationID[2], i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("localInvocationIndex", rr::Extract(routine->localInvocationIndex, i));
case spv::ExecutionModelFragment:
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("viewIndex", routine->viewID);
- builtins.put<const char *, float>("fragCoord",
- rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[0], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[1], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[2], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[3], i));
- builtins.put<const char *, float>("pointCoord",
- rr::Extract(routine->pointCoord[0], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->pointCoord[1], i));
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("windowSpacePosition",
- rr::Extract(routine->windowSpacePosition[0], i),
- rr::Extract(routine->windowSpacePosition[1], i));
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("helperInvocation", rr::Extract(routine->helperInvocation, i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("viewIndex", routine->viewID);
+ globals.put<const char *, float>("fragCoord",
+ rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[0], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[1], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[2], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->fragCoord[3], i));
+ globals.put<const char *, float>("pointCoord",
+ rr::Extract(routine->pointCoord[0], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->pointCoord[1], i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("windowSpacePosition",
+ rr::Extract(routine->windowSpacePosition[0], i),
+ rr::Extract(routine->windowSpacePosition[1], i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("helperInvocation", rr::Extract(routine->helperInvocation, i));
case spv::ExecutionModelVertex:
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("viewIndex", routine->viewID);
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("instanceIndex", routine->instanceID);
- builtins.put<const char *, int>("vertexIndex",
- rr::Extract(routine->vertexIndex, i));
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("viewIndex", routine->viewID);
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("instanceIndex", routine->instanceID);
+ globals.put<const char *, int>("vertexIndex",
+ rr::Extract(routine->vertexIndex, i));
@@ -1694,7 +1690,7 @@
auto dbg = impl.debugger;
if(!dbg) { return; }
- dbg->exposeVariable(this, id, &debug::Scope::Root, nullptr, id, state);
+ dbg->exposeVariable(this, id, &debug::Scope::Global, nullptr, id, state);
void SpirvShader::dbgUpdateActiveLaneMask(RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, EmitState *state) const