Subzero: Make life a little easier for emacs users.
Emacs will try to execute .dir-locals.el whenever loading a file under
the subzero directory. It sets local variables depending on the mode.
Set the fill-column to 80 for c++-mode, c-mode, and python-mode. The
main use is when using M-q to reformat multi-line comments.
Disable tabs (use spaces instead) in c++-mode, c-mode, and
Set the tab-width to 2 spaces in python-mode. (The tab-width doesn't
really matter in c++-mode or c-mode thanks to clang-format.)
BUG= none
Review URL:
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e4b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ (c++-mode . ((fill-column . 80)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . nil)))
+ (c-mode . ((fill-column . 80)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . nil)))
+ (python-mode . ((fill-column . 80)
+ (tab-width . 2)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . nil)))