Squashed 'third_party/marl/' changes from 59068ee4c..bf3e23083

bf3e23083 pool.h: Don't over-qualify Loan type parameters
dc76e9653 CMake: Fix configuration file installation path
fca4771b4 Scheduler: Increase max number of threads from 64 to 256.
1b3fd77b2 debug: Add MARL_WARN for printing warnings
3928f44d6 [Grammar] Fix passive tense.
a2918916e CMake: Add install target (#21)
1ec7c36cf examples/primes.cpp: Add missing header including
ed21a07a1 Minor cleanup

git-subtree-dir: third_party/marl
git-subtree-split: bf3e23083979c3bd3de1c77346b655eec423b3bc
9 files changed
tree: 45d2a3030775cb2472f060f69cdb358470cdbef2
  1. examples/
  2. include/
  3. kokoro/
  4. src/
  5. third_party/
  6. .clang-format
  7. .gitignore
  8. .gitmodules
  10. CMakeLists.txt
  13. README.md


Marl is a hybrid thread / fiber task scheduler written in C++ 11.


Marl is a C++ 11 library that provides a fluent interface for running tasks across a number of threads.

Marl uses a combination of fibers and threads to allow efficient execution of tasks that can block, while keeping a fixed number of hardware threads.

Marl supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Fuchsia and Android (arm, aarch64, ppc64 (ELFv2), x86 and x64).

Marl has no dependencies on other libraries (with exception on googletest for building the optional unit tests).

Marl is in early development and will have breaking API changes.

More documentation and examples coming soon.

Note: This is not an officially supported Google product


Marl contains a number of unit tests and examples which can be built using CMake.

Unit tests require fetching the googletest external project, which can be done by typing the following in your terminal:

cd <path-to-marl>
git submodule update --init

Linux and macOS

To build the unit tests and examples, type the following in your terminal:

cd <path-to-marl>
mkdir build
cd build

The resulting binaries will be found in <path-to-marl>/build


Marl can be built using Visual Studio 2019's CMake integration.

Using Marl in your CMake project

You can build and link Marl using add_subdirectory() in your project's CMakeLists.txt file:

set(MARL_DIR <path-to-marl>) # example <path-to-marl>: "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/marl"

This will define the marl library target, which you can pass to target_link_libraries():

target_link_libraries(<target> marl) # replace <target> with the name of your project's target

You will also want to add the marl public headers to your project's include search paths so you can #include the marl headers:

target_include_directories($<target> PRIVATE "${MARL_DIR}/include") # replace <target> with the name of your project's target