Add Om1 lowering with no optimizations.

This adds infrastructure for low-level x86-32 instructions, and the target lowering patterns.

Practically no optimizations are performed.  Optimizations to be introduced later include liveness analysis, dead-code elimination, global linear-scan register allocation, linear-scan based stack slot coalescing, and compare/branch fusing.  One optimization that is present is simple coalescing of stack slots for variables that are only live within a single basic block.

There are also some fairly comprehensive cross tests.  This testing infrastructure translates bitcode using both Subzero and llc, and a testing harness calls both versions with a variety of "interesting" inputs and compares the results.  Specifically, Arithmetic, Icmp, Fcmp, and Cast instructions are tested this way, across all PNaCl primitive types.


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diff --git a/LOWERING.rst b/LOWERING.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..251e25c
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+++ b/LOWERING.rst
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+Target-specific lowering in ICE
+This document discusses several issues around generating target-specific ICE
+instructions from high-level ICE instructions.
+Meeting register address mode constraints
+Target-specific instructions often require specific operands to be in physical
+registers.  Sometimes one specific register is required, but usually any
+register in a particular register class will suffice, and that register class is
+defined by the instruction/operand type.
+The challenge is that ``Variable`` represents an operand that is either a stack
+location in the current frame, or a physical register.  Register allocation
+happens after target-specific lowering, so during lowering we generally don't
+know whether a ``Variable`` operand will meet a target instruction's physical
+register requirement.
+To this end, ICE allows certain hints/directives:
+    * ``Variable::setWeightInfinite()`` forces a ``Variable`` to get some
+      physical register (without specifying which particular one) from a
+      register class.
+    * ``Variable::setRegNum()`` forces a ``Variable`` to be assigned a specific
+      physical register.
+    * ``Variable::setPreferredRegister()`` registers a preference for a physical
+      register based on another ``Variable``'s physical register assignment.
+These hints/directives are described below in more detail.  In most cases,
+though, they don't need to be explicity used, as the routines that create
+lowered instructions have reasonable defaults and simple options that control
+these hints/directives.
+The recommended ICE lowering strategy is to generate extra assignment
+instructions involving extra ``Variable`` temporaries, using the
+hints/directives to force suitable register assignments for the temporaries, and
+then let the global register allocator clean things up.
+Note: There is a spectrum of *implementation complexity* versus *translation
+speed* versus *code quality*.  This recommended strategy picks a point on the
+spectrum representing very low complexity ("splat-isel"), pretty good code
+quality in terms of frame size and register shuffling/spilling, but perhaps not
+the fastest translation speed since extra instructions and operands are created
+up front and cleaned up at the end.
+Ensuring some physical register
+The x86 instruction::
+    mov dst, src
+needs at least one of its operands in a physical register (ignoring the case
+where ``src`` is a constant).  This can be done as follows::
+    mov reg, src
+    mov dst, reg
+so long as ``reg`` is guaranteed to have a physical register assignment.  The
+low-level lowering code that accomplishes this looks something like::
+    Variable *Reg;
+    Reg = Func->makeVariable(Dst->getType());
+    Reg->setWeightInfinite();
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Reg, Src);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Dst, Reg);
+``Cfg::makeVariable()`` generates a new temporary, and
+``Variable::setWeightInfinite()`` gives it infinite weight for the purpose of
+register allocation, thus guaranteeing it a physical register.
+The ``_mov(Dest, Src)`` method in the ``TargetX8632`` class is sufficiently
+powerful to handle these details in most situations.  Its ``Dest`` argument is
+an in/out parameter.  If its input value is ``NULL``, then a new temporary
+variable is created, its type is set to the same type as the ``Src`` operand, it
+is given infinite register weight, and the new ``Variable`` is returned through
+the in/out parameter.  (This is in addition to the new temporary being the dest
+operand of the ``mov`` instruction.)  The simpler version of the above example
+    Variable *Reg = NULL;
+    _mov(Reg, Src);
+    _mov(Dst, Reg);
+Preferring another ``Variable``'s physical register
+One problem with this example is that the register allocator usually just
+assigns the first available register to a live range.  If this instruction ends
+the live range of ``src``, this may lead to code like the following::
+    mov reg:eax, src:esi
+    mov dst:edi, reg:eax
+Since the first instruction happens to end the live range of ``src:esi``, it
+would be better to assign ``esi`` to ``reg``::
+    mov reg:esi, src:esi
+    mov dst:edi, reg:esi
+The first instruction, ``mov esi, esi``, is a redundant assignment and will
+ultimately be elided, leaving just ``mov edi, esi``.
+We can tell the register allocator to prefer the register assigned to a
+different ``Variable``, using ``Variable::setPreferredRegister()``::
+    Variable *Reg;
+    Reg = Func->makeVariable(Dst->getType());
+    Reg->setWeightInfinite();
+    Reg->setPreferredRegister(Src);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Reg, Src);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Dst, Reg);
+Or more simply::
+    Variable *Reg = NULL;
+    _mov(Reg, Src);
+    _mov(Dst, Reg);
+    Reg->setPreferredRegister(llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Src));
+The usefulness of ``setPreferredRegister()`` is tied into the implementation of
+the register allocator.  ICE uses linear-scan register allocation, which sorts
+live ranges by starting point and assigns registers in that order.  Using
+``B->setPreferredRegister(A)`` only helps when ``A`` has already been assigned a
+register by the time ``B`` is being considered.  For an assignment ``B=A``, this
+is usually a safe assumption because ``B``'s live range begins at this
+instruction but ``A``'s live range must have started earlier.  (There may be
+exceptions for variables that are no longer in SSA form.)  But
+``A->setPreferredRegister(B)`` is unlikely to help unless ``B`` has been
+precolored.  In summary, generally the best practice is to use a pattern like::
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Dst, Src);
+    Dst->setPreferredRegister(Src);
+    //Src->setPreferredRegister(Dst); -- unlikely to have any effect
+Ensuring a specific physical register
+Some instructions require operands in specific physical registers, or produce
+results in specific physical registers.  For example, the 32-bit ``ret``
+instruction needs its operand in ``eax``.  This can be done with
+    Variable *Reg;
+    Reg = Func->makeVariable(Src->getType());
+    Reg->setWeightInfinite();
+    Reg->setRegNum(Reg_eax);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Reg, Src);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Ret::create(Func, Reg);
+Precoloring with ``Variable::setRegNum()`` effectively gives it infinite weight
+for register allocation, so the call to ``Variable::setWeightInfinite()`` is
+technically unnecessary, but perhaps documents the intention a bit more
+The ``_mov(Dest, Src, RegNum)`` method in the ``TargetX8632`` class has an
+optional ``RegNum`` argument to force a specific register assignment when the
+input ``Dest`` is ``NULL``.  As described above, passing in ``Dest=NULL`` causes
+a new temporary variable to be created with infinite register weight, and in
+addition the specific register is chosen.  The simpler version of the above
+example is::
+    Variable *Reg = NULL;
+    _mov(Reg, Src, Reg_eax);
+    _ret(Reg);
+Disabling live-range interference
+Another problem with the "``mov reg,src; mov dst,reg``" example happens when
+the instructions do *not* end the live range of ``src``.  In this case, the live
+ranges of ``reg`` and ``src`` interfere, so they can't get the same physical
+register despite the explicit preference.  However, ``reg`` is meant to be an
+alias of ``src`` so they needn't be considered to interfere with each other.
+This can be expressed via the second (bool) argument of
+    Variable *Reg;
+    Reg = Func->makeVariable(Dst->getType());
+    Reg->setWeightInfinite();
+    Reg->setPreferredRegister(Src, true);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Reg, Src);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Dst, Reg);
+This should be used with caution and probably only for these short-live-range
+temporaries, otherwise the classic "lost copy" or "lost swap" problem may be
+Instructions with register side effects
+Some instructions produce unwanted results in other registers, or otherwise kill
+preexisting values in other registers.  For example, a ``call`` kills the
+scratch registers.  Also, the x86-32 ``idiv`` instruction produces the quotient
+in ``eax`` and the remainder in ``edx``, but generally only one of those is
+needed in the lowering.  It's important that the register allocator doesn't
+allocate that register to a live range that spans the instruction.
+ICE provides the ``InstFakeKill`` pseudo-instruction to mark such register
+kills.  For each of the instruction's source variables, a fake trivial live
+range is created that begins and ends in that instruction.  The ``InstFakeKill``
+instruction is inserted after the ``call`` instruction.  For example::
+    CallInst = InstX8632Call::create(Func, ... );
+    VarList KilledRegs;
+    KilledRegs.push_back(eax);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(ecx);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(edx);
+    NewInst = InstFakeKill::create(Func, KilledRegs, CallInst);
+The last argument to the ``InstFakeKill`` constructor links it to the previous
+call instruction, such that if its linked instruction is dead-code eliminated,
+the ``InstFakeKill`` instruction is eliminated as well.
+The killed register arguments need to be assigned a physical register via
+``Variable::setRegNum()`` for this to be effective.  To avoid a massive
+proliferation of ``Variable`` temporaries, the ``TargetLowering`` object caches
+one precolored ``Variable`` for each physical register::
+    CallInst = InstX8632Call::create(Func, ... );
+    VarList KilledRegs;
+    Variable *eax = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_eax);
+    Variable *ecx = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_ecx);
+    Variable *edx = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_edx);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(eax);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(ecx);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(edx);
+    NewInst = InstFakeKill::create(Func, KilledRegs, CallInst);
+On first glance, it may seem unnecessary to explicitly kill the register that
+returns the ``call`` return value.  However, if for some reason the ``call``
+result ends up being unused, dead-code elimination could remove dead assignments
+and incorrectly expose the return value register to a register allocation
+assignment spanning the call, which would be incorrect.
+Instructions producing multiple values
+ICE instructions allow at most one destination ``Variable``.  Some machine
+instructions produce more than one usable result.  For example, the x86-32
+``call`` ABI returns a 64-bit integer result in the ``edx:eax`` register pair.
+Also, x86-32 has a version of the ``imul`` instruction that produces a 64-bit
+result in the ``edx:eax`` register pair.
+To support multi-dest instructions, ICE provides the ``InstFakeDef``
+pseudo-instruction, whose destination can be precolored to the appropriate
+physical register.  For example, a ``call`` returning a 64-bit result in
+    CallInst = InstX8632Call::create(Func, RegLow, ... );
+    ...
+    NewInst = InstFakeKill::create(Func, KilledRegs, CallInst);
+    Variable *RegHigh = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32);
+    RegHigh->setRegNum(Reg_edx);
+    NewInst = InstFakeDef::create(Func, RegHigh);
+``RegHigh`` is then assigned into the desired ``Variable``.  If that assignment
+ends up being dead-code eliminated, the ``InstFakeDef`` instruction may be
+eliminated as well.
+Preventing dead-code elimination
+ICE instructions with a non-NULL ``Dest`` are subject to dead-code elimination.
+However, some instructions must not be eliminated in order to preserve side
+effects.  This applies to most function calls, volatile loads, and loads and
+integer divisions where the underlying language and runtime are relying on
+hardware exception handling.
+ICE facilitates this with the ``InstFakeUse`` pseudo-instruction.  This forces a
+use of its source ``Variable`` to keep that variable's definition alive.  Since
+the ``InstFakeUse`` instruction has no ``Dest``, it will not be eliminated.
+Here is the full example of the x86-32 ``call`` returning a 32-bit integer
+    Variable *Reg = Func->makeVariable(IceType_i32);
+    Reg->setRegNum(Reg_eax);
+    CallInst = InstX8632Call::create(Func, Reg, ... );
+    VarList KilledRegs;
+    Variable *eax = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_eax);
+    Variable *ecx = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_ecx);
+    Variable *edx = Func->getTarget()->getPhysicalRegister(Reg_edx);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(eax);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(ecx);
+    KilledRegs.push_back(edx);
+    NewInst = InstFakeKill::create(Func, KilledRegs, CallInst);
+    NewInst = InstFakeUse::create(Func, Reg);
+    NewInst = InstX8632Mov::create(Func, Result, Reg);
+Without the ``InstFakeUse``, the entire call sequence could be dead-code
+eliminated if its result were unused.
+One more note on this topic.  These tools can be used to allow a multi-dest
+instruction to be dead-code eliminated only when none of its results is live.
+The key is to use the optional source parameter of the ``InstFakeDef``
+instruction.  Using pseudocode::
+    t1:eax = call foo(arg1, ...)
+    InstFakeKill(eax, ecx, edx)
+    t2:edx = InstFakeDef(t1)
+    v_result_low = t1
+    v_result_high = t2
+If ``v_result_high`` is live but ``v_result_low`` is dead, adding ``t1`` as an
+argument to ``InstFakeDef`` suffices to keep the ``call`` instruction live.