blob: 8e7d4f83e8dee97a7093ee48dd1a89f644eaf957 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2018 Valve Corporation
// Copyright (c) 2018 LunarG Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "inst_bindless_check_pass.h"
#include "source/spirv_constant.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
namespace {
// Input Operand Indices
constexpr int kSpvImageSampleImageIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvSampledImageImageIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvSampledImageSamplerIdInIdx = 1;
constexpr int kSpvImageSampledImageIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvCopyObjectOperandIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvLoadPtrIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvAccessChainBaseIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvAccessChainIndex0IdInIdx = 1;
constexpr int kSpvTypeArrayTypeIdInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvVariableStorageClassInIdx = 0;
constexpr int kSpvTypePtrTypeIdInIdx = 1;
constexpr int kSpvTypeImageDim = 1;
constexpr int kSpvTypeImageDepth = 2;
constexpr int kSpvTypeImageArrayed = 3;
constexpr int kSpvTypeImageMS = 4;
} // namespace
// This is a stub function for use with Import linkage
// clang-format off
// GLSL:
//bool inst_bindless_check_desc(const uint shader_id, const uint inst_num, const uvec4 stage_info, const uint desc_set,
// const uint binding, const uint desc_index, const uint byte_offset) {
// clang-format on
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::GenDescCheckFunctionId() {
enum {
kShaderId = 0,
kInstructionIndex = 1,
kStageInfo = 2,
kDescSet = 3,
kDescBinding = 4,
kDescIndex = 5,
kByteOffset = 6,
if (check_desc_func_id_ != 0) {
return check_desc_func_id_;
analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
const analysis::Integer* uint_type = GetInteger(32, false);
const analysis::Vector v4uint(uint_type, 4);
const analysis::Type* v4uint_type = type_mgr->GetRegisteredType(&v4uint);
std::vector<const analysis::Type*> param_types(kNumArgs, uint_type);
param_types[2] = v4uint_type;
const uint32_t func_id = TakeNextId();
std::unique_ptr<Function> func =
StartFunction(func_id, type_mgr->GetBoolType(), param_types);
static const std::string func_name{"inst_bindless_check_desc"};
context()->AddDebug2Inst(NewName(func_id, func_name));
std::vector<Operand> operands{
{spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {func_id}},
get_decoration_mgr()->AddDecoration(spv::Op::OpDecorate, operands);
check_desc_func_id_ = func_id;
// Make sure function doesn't get processed by
// InstrumentPass::InstProcessCallTreeFromRoots()
param2output_func_id_[3] = func_id;
return check_desc_func_id_;
// clang-format off
// GLSL:
// result = inst_bindless_check_desc(shader_id, inst_idx, stage_info, desc_set, binding, desc_idx, offset);
// clang-format on
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::GenDescCheckCall(
uint32_t inst_idx, uint32_t stage_idx, uint32_t var_id,
uint32_t desc_idx_id, uint32_t offset_id, InstructionBuilder* builder) {
const uint32_t func_id = GenDescCheckFunctionId();
const std::vector<uint32_t> args = {
GenStageInfo(stage_idx, builder),
GenUintCastCode(desc_idx_id, builder),
return GenReadFunctionCall(GetBoolId(), func_id, args, builder);
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::CloneOriginalImage(
uint32_t old_image_id, InstructionBuilder* builder) {
Instruction* new_image_inst;
Instruction* old_image_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(old_image_id);
if (old_image_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpLoad) {
new_image_inst = builder->AddLoad(
} else if (old_image_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpSampledImage) {
uint32_t clone_id = CloneOriginalImage(
new_image_inst = builder->AddBinaryOp(
old_image_inst->type_id(), spv::Op::OpSampledImage, clone_id,
} else if (old_image_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpImage) {
uint32_t clone_id = CloneOriginalImage(
new_image_inst = builder->AddUnaryOp(old_image_inst->type_id(),
spv::Op::OpImage, clone_id);
} else {
assert(old_image_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpCopyObject &&
"expecting OpCopyObject");
uint32_t clone_id = CloneOriginalImage(
// Since we are cloning, no need to create new copy
new_image_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(clone_id);
uid2offset_[new_image_inst->unique_id()] =
uint32_t new_image_id = new_image_inst->result_id();
get_decoration_mgr()->CloneDecorations(old_image_id, new_image_id);
return new_image_id;
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::CloneOriginalReference(
RefAnalysis* ref, InstructionBuilder* builder) {
// If original is image based, start by cloning descriptor load
uint32_t new_image_id = 0;
if (ref->desc_load_id != 0) {
uint32_t old_image_id =
new_image_id = CloneOriginalImage(old_image_id, builder);
// Clone original reference
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> new_ref_inst(ref->ref_inst->Clone(context()));
uint32_t ref_result_id = ref->ref_inst->result_id();
uint32_t new_ref_id = 0;
if (ref_result_id != 0) {
new_ref_id = TakeNextId();
// Update new ref with new image if created
if (new_image_id != 0)
new_ref_inst->SetInOperand(kSpvImageSampleImageIdInIdx, {new_image_id});
// Register new reference and add to new block
Instruction* added_inst = builder->AddInstruction(std::move(new_ref_inst));
uid2offset_[added_inst->unique_id()] =
if (new_ref_id != 0)
get_decoration_mgr()->CloneDecorations(ref_result_id, new_ref_id);
return new_ref_id;
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::GetImageId(Instruction* inst) {
switch (inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageGather:
case spv::Op::OpImageDrefGather:
case spv::Op::OpImageQueryLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseGather:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseDrefGather:
case spv::Op::OpImageFetch:
case spv::Op::OpImageRead:
case spv::Op::OpImageQueryFormat:
case spv::Op::OpImageQueryOrder:
case spv::Op::OpImageQuerySizeLod:
case spv::Op::OpImageQuerySize:
case spv::Op::OpImageQueryLevels:
case spv::Op::OpImageQuerySamples:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseFetch:
case spv::Op::OpImageSparseRead:
case spv::Op::OpImageWrite:
return inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvImageSampleImageIdInIdx);
return 0;
Instruction* InstBindlessCheckPass::GetPointeeTypeInst(Instruction* ptr_inst) {
uint32_t pte_ty_id = GetPointeeTypeId(ptr_inst);
return get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(pte_ty_id);
bool InstBindlessCheckPass::AnalyzeDescriptorReference(Instruction* ref_inst,
RefAnalysis* ref) {
ref->ref_inst = ref_inst;
if (ref_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpLoad ||
ref_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpStore) {
ref->desc_load_id = 0;
ref->ptr_id = ref_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvLoadPtrIdInIdx);
Instruction* ptr_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref->ptr_id);
if (ptr_inst->opcode() != spv::Op::OpAccessChain) return false;
ref->var_id = ptr_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvAccessChainBaseIdInIdx);
Instruction* var_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref->var_id);
if (var_inst->opcode() != spv::Op::OpVariable) return false;
spv::StorageClass storage_class = spv::StorageClass(
switch (storage_class) {
case spv::StorageClass::Uniform:
case spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer:
return false;
// Check for deprecated storage block form
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Uniform) {
uint32_t var_ty_id = var_inst->type_id();
Instruction* var_ty_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(var_ty_id);
uint32_t ptr_ty_id =
Instruction* ptr_ty_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ptr_ty_id);
spv::Op ptr_ty_op = ptr_ty_inst->opcode();
uint32_t block_ty_id =
(ptr_ty_op == spv::Op::OpTypeArray ||
ptr_ty_op == spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray)
? ptr_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvTypeArrayTypeIdInIdx)
: ptr_ty_id;
assert(get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(block_ty_id)->opcode() ==
spv::Op::OpTypeStruct &&
"unexpected block type");
bool block_found = get_decoration_mgr()->FindDecoration(
block_ty_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::Block),
[](const Instruction&) { return true; });
if (!block_found) {
// If block decoration not found, verify deprecated form of SSBO
bool buffer_block_found = get_decoration_mgr()->FindDecoration(
block_ty_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::BufferBlock),
[](const Instruction&) { return true; });
USE_ASSERT(buffer_block_found && "block decoration not found");
storage_class = spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer;
ref->strg_class = uint32_t(storage_class);
Instruction* desc_type_inst = GetPointeeTypeInst(var_inst);
switch (desc_type_inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
// A load through a descriptor array will have at least 3 operands. We
// do not want to instrument loads of descriptors here which are part of
// an image-based reference.
if (ptr_inst->NumInOperands() < 3) return false;
ref->desc_idx_id =
auto decos =
context()->get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(ref->var_id, false);
for (const auto& deco : decos) {
spv::Decoration d = spv::Decoration(deco->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u));
if (d == spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet) {
ref->set = deco->GetSingleWordInOperand(2u);
} else if (d == spv::Decoration::Binding) {
ref->binding = deco->GetSingleWordInOperand(2u);
return true;
// Reference is not load or store. If not an image-based reference, return.
ref->image_id = GetImageId(ref_inst);
if (ref->image_id == 0) return false;
// Search for descriptor load
uint32_t desc_load_id = ref->image_id;
Instruction* desc_load_inst;
for (;;) {
desc_load_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(desc_load_id);
if (desc_load_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpSampledImage)
desc_load_id =
else if (desc_load_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpImage)
desc_load_id =
else if (desc_load_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpCopyObject)
desc_load_id =
if (desc_load_inst->opcode() != spv::Op::OpLoad) {
// TODO(greg-lunarg): Handle additional possibilities?
return false;
ref->desc_load_id = desc_load_id;
ref->ptr_id = desc_load_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvLoadPtrIdInIdx);
Instruction* ptr_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref->ptr_id);
if (ptr_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpVariable) {
ref->desc_idx_id = 0;
ref->var_id = ref->ptr_id;
} else if (ptr_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpAccessChain) {
if (ptr_inst->NumInOperands() != 2) {
assert(false && "unexpected bindless index number");
return false;
ref->desc_idx_id =
ref->var_id = ptr_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvAccessChainBaseIdInIdx);
Instruction* var_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref->var_id);
if (var_inst->opcode() != spv::Op::OpVariable) {
assert(false && "unexpected bindless base");
return false;
} else {
// TODO(greg-lunarg): Handle additional possibilities?
return false;
auto decos =
context()->get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(ref->var_id, false);
for (const auto& deco : decos) {
spv::Decoration d = spv::Decoration(deco->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u));
if (d == spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet) {
ref->set = deco->GetSingleWordInOperand(2u);
} else if (d == spv::Decoration::Binding) {
ref->binding = deco->GetSingleWordInOperand(2u);
return true;
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::FindStride(uint32_t ty_id,
uint32_t stride_deco) {
uint32_t stride = 0xdeadbeef;
bool found = get_decoration_mgr()->FindDecoration(
ty_id, stride_deco, [&stride](const Instruction& deco_inst) {
stride = deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(2u);
return true;
USE_ASSERT(found && "stride not found");
return stride;
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::ByteSize(uint32_t ty_id, uint32_t matrix_stride,
bool col_major, bool in_matrix) {
analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
const analysis::Type* sz_ty = type_mgr->GetType(ty_id);
if (sz_ty->kind() == analysis::Type::kPointer) {
// Assuming PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer
return 8;
if (sz_ty->kind() == analysis::Type::kMatrix) {
assert(matrix_stride != 0 && "missing matrix stride");
const analysis::Matrix* m_ty = sz_ty->AsMatrix();
if (col_major) {
return m_ty->element_count() * matrix_stride;
} else {
const analysis::Vector* v_ty = m_ty->element_type()->AsVector();
return v_ty->element_count() * matrix_stride;
uint32_t size = 1;
if (sz_ty->kind() == analysis::Type::kVector) {
const analysis::Vector* v_ty = sz_ty->AsVector();
size = v_ty->element_count();
const analysis::Type* comp_ty = v_ty->element_type();
// if vector in row major matrix, the vector is strided so return the
// number of bytes spanned by the vector
if (in_matrix && !col_major && matrix_stride > 0) {
uint32_t comp_ty_id = type_mgr->GetId(comp_ty);
return (size - 1) * matrix_stride + ByteSize(comp_ty_id, 0, false, false);
sz_ty = comp_ty;
switch (sz_ty->kind()) {
case analysis::Type::kFloat: {
const analysis::Float* f_ty = sz_ty->AsFloat();
size *= f_ty->width();
} break;
case analysis::Type::kInteger: {
const analysis::Integer* i_ty = sz_ty->AsInteger();
size *= i_ty->width();
} break;
default: { assert(false && "unexpected type"); } break;
size /= 8;
return size;
uint32_t InstBindlessCheckPass::GenLastByteIdx(RefAnalysis* ref,
InstructionBuilder* builder) {
// Find outermost buffer type and its access chain index
Instruction* var_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref->var_id);
Instruction* desc_ty_inst = GetPointeeTypeInst(var_inst);
uint32_t buff_ty_id;
uint32_t ac_in_idx = 1;
switch (desc_ty_inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
buff_ty_id = desc_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
assert(desc_ty_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeStruct &&
"unexpected descriptor type");
buff_ty_id = desc_ty_inst->result_id();
// Process remaining access chain indices
Instruction* ac_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref->ptr_id);
uint32_t curr_ty_id = buff_ty_id;
uint32_t sum_id = 0u;
uint32_t matrix_stride = 0u;
bool col_major = false;
uint32_t matrix_stride_id = 0u;
bool in_matrix = false;
while (ac_in_idx < ac_inst->NumInOperands()) {
uint32_t curr_idx_id = ac_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(ac_in_idx);
Instruction* curr_ty_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(curr_ty_id);
uint32_t curr_offset_id = 0;
switch (curr_ty_inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray: {
// Get array stride and multiply by current index
uint32_t arr_stride =
FindStride(curr_ty_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::ArrayStride));
uint32_t arr_stride_id = builder->GetUintConstantId(arr_stride);
uint32_t curr_idx_32b_id = Gen32BitCvtCode(curr_idx_id, builder);
Instruction* curr_offset_inst = builder->AddBinaryOp(
GetUintId(), spv::Op::OpIMul, arr_stride_id, curr_idx_32b_id);
curr_offset_id = curr_offset_inst->result_id();
// Get element type for next step
curr_ty_id = curr_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
} break;
case spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix: {
assert(matrix_stride != 0 && "missing matrix stride");
matrix_stride_id = builder->GetUintConstantId(matrix_stride);
uint32_t vec_ty_id = curr_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
// If column major, multiply column index by matrix stride, otherwise
// by vector component size and save matrix stride for vector (row)
// index
uint32_t col_stride_id;
if (col_major) {
col_stride_id = matrix_stride_id;
} else {
Instruction* vec_ty_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(vec_ty_id);
uint32_t comp_ty_id = vec_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0u);
uint32_t col_stride = ByteSize(comp_ty_id, 0u, false, false);
col_stride_id = builder->GetUintConstantId(col_stride);
uint32_t curr_idx_32b_id = Gen32BitCvtCode(curr_idx_id, builder);
Instruction* curr_offset_inst = builder->AddBinaryOp(
GetUintId(), spv::Op::OpIMul, col_stride_id, curr_idx_32b_id);
curr_offset_id = curr_offset_inst->result_id();
// Get element type for next step
curr_ty_id = vec_ty_id;
in_matrix = true;
} break;
case spv::Op::OpTypeVector: {
// If inside a row major matrix type, multiply index by matrix stride,
// else multiply by component size
uint32_t comp_ty_id = curr_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0u);
uint32_t curr_idx_32b_id = Gen32BitCvtCode(curr_idx_id, builder);
if (in_matrix && !col_major) {
Instruction* curr_offset_inst = builder->AddBinaryOp(
GetUintId(), spv::Op::OpIMul, matrix_stride_id, curr_idx_32b_id);
curr_offset_id = curr_offset_inst->result_id();
} else {
uint32_t comp_ty_sz = ByteSize(comp_ty_id, 0u, false, false);
uint32_t comp_ty_sz_id = builder->GetUintConstantId(comp_ty_sz);
Instruction* curr_offset_inst = builder->AddBinaryOp(
GetUintId(), spv::Op::OpIMul, comp_ty_sz_id, curr_idx_32b_id);
curr_offset_id = curr_offset_inst->result_id();
// Get element type for next step
curr_ty_id = comp_ty_id;
} break;
case spv::Op::OpTypeStruct: {
// Get buffer byte offset for the referenced member
Instruction* curr_idx_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(curr_idx_id);
assert(curr_idx_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpConstant &&
"unexpected struct index");
uint32_t member_idx = curr_idx_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
uint32_t member_offset = 0xdeadbeef;
bool found = get_decoration_mgr()->FindDecoration(
curr_ty_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::Offset),
[&member_idx, &member_offset](const Instruction& deco_inst) {
if (deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) != member_idx)
return false;
member_offset = deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(3u);
return true;
USE_ASSERT(found && "member offset not found");
curr_offset_id = builder->GetUintConstantId(member_offset);
// Look for matrix stride for this member if there is one. The matrix
// stride is not on the matrix type, but in a OpMemberDecorate on the
// enclosing struct type at the member index. If none found, reset
// stride to 0.
found = get_decoration_mgr()->FindDecoration(
curr_ty_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::MatrixStride),
[&member_idx, &matrix_stride](const Instruction& deco_inst) {
if (deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) != member_idx)
return false;
matrix_stride = deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(3u);
return true;
if (!found) matrix_stride = 0;
// Look for column major decoration
found = get_decoration_mgr()->FindDecoration(
curr_ty_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::ColMajor),
[&member_idx, &col_major](const Instruction& deco_inst) {
if (deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) != member_idx)
return false;
col_major = true;
return true;
if (!found) col_major = false;
// Get element type for next step
curr_ty_id = curr_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(member_idx);
} break;
default: { assert(false && "unexpected non-composite type"); } break;
if (sum_id == 0)
sum_id = curr_offset_id;
else {
Instruction* sum_inst =
builder->AddIAdd(GetUintId(), sum_id, curr_offset_id);
sum_id = sum_inst->result_id();
// Add in offset of last byte of referenced object
uint32_t bsize = ByteSize(curr_ty_id, matrix_stride, col_major, in_matrix);
uint32_t last = bsize - 1;
uint32_t last_id = builder->GetUintConstantId(last);
Instruction* sum_inst = builder->AddIAdd(GetUintId(), sum_id, last_id);
return sum_inst->result_id();
void InstBindlessCheckPass::GenCheckCode(
uint32_t check_id, RefAnalysis* ref,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>>* new_blocks) {
BasicBlock* back_blk_ptr = &*new_blocks->back();
InstructionBuilder builder(
context(), back_blk_ptr,
IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse | IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping);
// Gen conditional branch on check_id. Valid branch generates original
// reference. Invalid generates debug output and zero result (if needed).
uint32_t merge_blk_id = TakeNextId();
uint32_t valid_blk_id = TakeNextId();
uint32_t invalid_blk_id = TakeNextId();
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> merge_label(NewLabel(merge_blk_id));
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> valid_label(NewLabel(valid_blk_id));
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> invalid_label(NewLabel(invalid_blk_id));
check_id, valid_blk_id, invalid_blk_id, merge_blk_id,
// Gen valid bounds branch
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock> new_blk_ptr(
new BasicBlock(std::move(valid_label)));
uint32_t new_ref_id = CloneOriginalReference(ref, &builder);
uint32_t null_id = 0;
uint32_t ref_type_id = ref->ref_inst->type_id();
// Gen invalid block
new_blk_ptr.reset(new BasicBlock(std::move(invalid_label)));
// Generate a ConstantNull, converting to uint64 if the type cannot be a null.
if (new_ref_id != 0) {
analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
analysis::Type* ref_type = type_mgr->GetType(ref_type_id);
if (ref_type->AsPointer() != nullptr) {
uint32_t null_u64_id = GetNullId(GetUint64Id());
Instruction* null_ptr_inst = builder.AddUnaryOp(
ref_type_id, spv::Op::OpConvertUToPtr, null_u64_id);
null_id = null_ptr_inst->result_id();
} else {
null_id = GetNullId(ref_type_id);
// Remember last invalid block id
uint32_t last_invalid_blk_id = new_blk_ptr->GetLabelInst()->result_id();
// Gen zero for invalid reference
// Gen merge block
new_blk_ptr.reset(new BasicBlock(std::move(merge_label)));
// Gen phi of new reference and zero, if necessary, and replace the
// result id of the original reference with that of the Phi. Kill original
// reference.
if (new_ref_id != 0) {
Instruction* phi_inst = builder.AddPhi(
ref_type_id, {new_ref_id, valid_blk_id, null_id, last_invalid_blk_id});
void InstBindlessCheckPass::GenDescCheckCode(
BasicBlock::iterator ref_inst_itr,
UptrVectorIterator<BasicBlock> ref_block_itr, uint32_t stage_idx,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>>* new_blocks) {
// Look for reference through descriptor. If not, return.
RefAnalysis ref;
if (!AnalyzeDescriptorReference(&*ref_inst_itr, &ref)) return;
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock> new_blk_ptr;
// Move original block's preceding instructions into first new block
MovePreludeCode(ref_inst_itr, ref_block_itr, &new_blk_ptr);
InstructionBuilder builder(
context(), &*new_blk_ptr,
IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse | IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping);
// Determine if we can only do initialization check
uint32_t ref_id = builder.GetUintConstantId(0u);
spv::Op op = ref.ref_inst->opcode();
if (ref.desc_load_id != 0) {
uint32_t num_in_oprnds = ref.ref_inst->NumInOperands();
if ((op == spv::Op::OpImageRead && num_in_oprnds == 2) ||
(op == spv::Op::OpImageFetch && num_in_oprnds == 2) ||
(op == spv::Op::OpImageWrite && num_in_oprnds == 3)) {
Instruction* image_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref.image_id);
uint32_t image_ty_id = image_inst->type_id();
Instruction* image_ty_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(image_ty_id);
if (spv::Dim(image_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvTypeImageDim)) ==
spv::Dim::Buffer) {
if ((image_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvTypeImageDepth) == 0) &&
(image_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvTypeImageArrayed) ==
0) &&
(image_ty_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSpvTypeImageMS) == 0)) {
ref_id = GenUintCastCode(ref.ref_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1),
} else {
// For now, only do bounds check for non-aggregate types. Otherwise
// just do descriptor initialization check.
// TODO(greg-lunarg): Do bounds check for aggregate loads and stores
Instruction* ref_ptr_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ref.ptr_id);
Instruction* pte_type_inst = GetPointeeTypeInst(ref_ptr_inst);
spv::Op pte_type_op = pte_type_inst->opcode();
if (pte_type_op != spv::Op::OpTypeArray &&
pte_type_op != spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray &&
pte_type_op != spv::Op::OpTypeStruct) {
ref_id = GenLastByteIdx(&ref, &builder);
// Read initialization/bounds from debug input buffer. If index id not yet
// set, binding is single descriptor, so set index to constant 0.
if (ref.desc_idx_id == 0) ref.desc_idx_id = builder.GetUintConstantId(0u);
uint32_t check_id =
GenDescCheckCall(ref.ref_inst->unique_id(), stage_idx, ref.var_id,
ref.desc_idx_id, ref_id, &builder);
// Generate runtime initialization/bounds test code with true branch
// being full reference and false branch being zero
// for the referenced value.
GenCheckCode(check_id, &ref, new_blocks);
// Move original block's remaining code into remainder/merge block and add
// to new blocks
BasicBlock* back_blk_ptr = &*new_blocks->back();
MovePostludeCode(ref_block_itr, back_blk_ptr);
void InstBindlessCheckPass::InitializeInstBindlessCheck() {
// Initialize base class
for (auto& anno : get_module()->annotations()) {
if (anno.opcode() == spv::Op::OpDecorate) {
if (spv::Decoration(anno.GetSingleWordInOperand(1u)) ==
spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet) {
var2desc_set_[anno.GetSingleWordInOperand(0u)] =
} else if (spv::Decoration(anno.GetSingleWordInOperand(1u)) ==
spv::Decoration::Binding) {
var2binding_[anno.GetSingleWordInOperand(0u)] =
Pass::Status InstBindlessCheckPass::ProcessImpl() {
// The memory model and linkage must always be updated for spirv-link to work
// correctly.
if (!get_feature_mgr()->HasExtension(kSPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer)) {
Instruction* memory_model = get_module()->GetMemoryModel();
0u, {uint32_t(spv::AddressingModel::PhysicalStorageBuffer64)});
InstProcessFunction pfn =
[this](BasicBlock::iterator ref_inst_itr,
UptrVectorIterator<BasicBlock> ref_block_itr, uint32_t stage_idx,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>>* new_blocks) {
return GenDescCheckCode(ref_inst_itr, ref_block_itr, stage_idx,
// This pass always changes the memory model, so that linking will work
// properly.
return Status::SuccessWithChange;
Pass::Status InstBindlessCheckPass::Process() {
return ProcessImpl();
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools