blob: a580fc6f4205ecb25fc06c18a76212beef22603e [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was created by Filewrap 1.1
// Little endian mode
#include "../PVRTMemoryFileSystem.h"
// using 32 bit to guarantee alignment.
#ifndef A32BIT
#define A32BIT static const unsigned int
// ******** Start: VertShader.vsh ********
// File data
static const char _VertShader_vsh[] =
"attribute highp vec3 inVertex;\r\n"
"attribute mediump vec3 inNormal;\r\n"
"attribute mediump vec2 inTexCoord;\r\n"
"uniform highp mat4 MVPMatrix;\r\n"
"uniform mediump vec3 LightDirection;\r\n"
"uniform mediump\tfloat DisplacementFactor;\r\n"
"varying lowp float LightIntensity;\r\n"
"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\r\n"
"uniform sampler2D sDisMap;\r\n"
"void main()\r\n"
"\t/* \r\n"
"\t\tCalculate the displacemnt value by taking the colour value from our texture\r\n"
"\t\tand scale it by out displacement factor.\r\n"
"\tmediump float disp = texture2D(sDisMap, inTexCoord).r * DisplacementFactor;\r\n"
"\t/* \r\n"
"\t\tTransform position by the model-view-projection matrix but first\r\n"
"\t\tmove the untransformed position along the normal by our displacement\r\n"
"\tgl_Position = MVPMatrix * vec4(inVertex + (inNormal * disp), 1.0);\r\n"
"\t// Pass through texcoords\r\n"
"\tTexCoord = inTexCoord;\r\n"
"\t// Simple diffuse lighting in model space\r\n"
"\tLightIntensity = dot(inNormal, -LightDirection);\r\n"
// Register VertShader.vsh in memory file system at application startup time
static CPVRTMemoryFileSystem RegisterFile_VertShader_vsh("VertShader.vsh", _VertShader_vsh, 949);
// ******** End: VertShader.vsh ********