Update SPIR-V Tools to f37547c73

    f37547c73a9 spirv-val: Add Vulkan EXT builtins (#4115)
    1bd539b9bfc Support pending Intel extensions (#4116)
    56f8ed48efd Validate Sampled=1 for Vulkan ImageQuerySizeLod, ImageQueryLevels, ImageQueryLod (#4103)
    e25db023c47 spirv-val: Add Vulkan Memory Scope VUs (#4106)
    8383bd5d6f2 Migrate all Kokoro build scripts over to use the docker VM image (#4114)
    ee39b5db5f1 spirv-val: Add Vulkan Addressing Model check (#4107)
    9150cd441f4 Remove WebGPU support (#4108)
    b2cfc5d1cec spirv-val: Vulkan atomic storage class (#4079)
    cec658c1160 Avoid integrity check failures caused by propagating line instructions (#4096)
    b1507d0d2ba Linker usability improvements (#4084)
    7bbe1a31641 Revert "Generate differentiated error codes for buffer oob checking (#4097)" (#4100)
    c32277c0ba0 Generate differentiated error codes for buffer oob checking (#4097)
    f3ccb633dfd use std::string::empty() to test for emptiness (#4098)
    ad77ed7a8d5 spirv-val: Label standalone Vulkan VUID (#4091)
    aa005e8bd43 spirv-val: Add Vulkan decroation VUID (#4090)
    4ed1f4fce9e Fix binding number calculation in desc sroa (#4095)
    af3a3d481f6 Build deps: dump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 in tools/sva (#4092)
    94d1a80159e spirv-val: Add Vulkan FP Mode VUID (#4088)
    6d05ed8410b spirv-val: Fix Vulkan image sampled check (#4085)
    37c03859de9 spirv-val: Add Vulkan ForwardPointer VUID (#4089)
    d630e5f8c10 spirv-val: Add Vulkan ImageTexelPointer format check (#4087)
    1bb80d2778a spirv-val: Add Vulkan Group Operation VUID (#4086)
    17ffa89097b spirv-val: Add first StandAlone VUID 04633 (#4077)
    8f4b35c332e spirv-val: Add Subgroup VUIDs (#4074)
    4e31fdd4aa1 spirv-fuzz: Fix OpPhi handling in DuplicateRegionWithSelection (#4065)
    ad898cb9498 validation: validate return type of OpImageRead (#4072)
    305caff2ebb validation: tighter validation of multisampled images (#4059)
    a0370efd589 validate OpTypeImage Sampled values for environemnts (#4064)
    09d1fea5890 Force using Python 3 git-sync-deps (#4067)
    7170218b8de validate StorageImageMultisampled capability (#4062)
    3b85234542c spirv-val: Add last TessLevelOuter and TessLevelInner VUID (#4055)
    171290703a6 spirv-val: Add last ClipDistance and CullDistance VUID (#4054)
    1a6b4053fa0 spirv-val: Add last ViewportIndex and Layer VUID (#4053)
    9df5225e672 spirv-val: Add last Position VUID (#4052)
    862d44a86ed Allow forward pointer to be used in types generally (#4044)
    bda102d7a76 opt: Run DCE when SPV_KHR_shader_clock is used (#4049)
    b27b1afd12d Update CHANGES to include latest ray tacing fixes.
    cd050786621 Take new (raytracing) termination instructions into account. (#4050)
    21f7c5675da Start SPIRV-Tools v2020.7
    4c2f34a5048 Finalize SPIRV-Tools v2020.6
    c9c1f54330d Update CHANGES
    10e0ae7946c Do run DCE if SPV_KHR_ray_query is used. (#4047)
    84546647a0d Update CHANGES
    c1d5a045f6f Change ref_analysis to RefAnalysis to follow coding standards. (#4045)
    c502a15f25c Handle 8-bit index in elim dead member (#4043)
    32573bb2168 Add validation support for the ray tracing built-in variables (#4041)
    7046c05d2fb Add texel buffer out-of-bounds checking instrumentation (#4038)
    cf2d1e7afcd Update spirv-header deps (#4040)
    1299436c8f1 Reject SPIR-V that applies void to OpUndef, OpCopyObject, OpPhi (#4036)
    2c458414c08 BuildModule: optionally avoid adding new OpLine instructions (#4033)
    a79aa038ec1 Remove prototype for unimplemented method (#4031)


Bug: b/123642959
Change-Id: Ic6136d02f11f153a36ab9b9bb8019b4b18b3b5f3
tree: dc3b5a0eb4e5a9b28f3ddcb88f2bde098d4ddd83
  1. .vscode/
  2. build/
  3. build_overrides/
  4. docs/
  5. extensions/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. src/
  9. tests/
  10. third_party/
  11. tools/
  12. .clang-format
  13. .dir-locals.el
  14. .gitignore
  15. .gitmodules
  16. Android.bp
  17. AUTHORS.txt
  18. BUILD.gn
  19. CMakeLists.txt
  20. CMakeSettings.json
  21. codereview.settings
  24. LICENSE.txt
  25. OWNERS
  26. README.md




SwiftShader is a high-performance CPU-based implementation of the Vulkan graphics API12. Its goal is to provide hardware independence for advanced 3D graphics.

NOTE: SwiftShader's OpenGL ES frontend is no longer supported, and will eventually be removed. Read more about our recommendation to use ANGLE on top of SwiftShader Vulkan here.


SwiftShader libraries can be built for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Android and Chrome (OS) build environments are also supported.

  • CMake
    Install CMake for Linux, macOS, or Windows and use either the GUI or run the following terminal commands:

    cd build
    cmake ..
    cmake --build . --parallel

    Tip: Set the CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment variable to control the level of parallelism.

  • Visual Studio
    To build the Vulkan ICD library, use Visual Studio 2019 to open the project folder and wait for it to run CMake. Open the CMake Targets View in the Solution Explorer and select the vk_swiftshader project to build it.


The SwiftShader libraries act as drop-in replacements for graphics drivers.

On Windows, most applications can be made to use SwiftShader's DLLs by placing them in the same folder as the executable. On Linux, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or -rpath linker option can be used to direct applications to search for shared libraries in the indicated directory first.

In general, Vulkan applications look for a shared library named vulkan-1.dll on Windows (vulkan-1.so on Linux). This ‘loader’ library then redirects API calls to the actual Installable Client Driver (ICD). SwiftShader's ICD is named libvk_swiftshader.dll, but it can be renamed to vulkan-1.dll to be loaded directly by the application. Alternatively, you can set the VK_ICD_FILENAMES environment variable to the path to vk_swiftshader_icd.json file that is generated under the build directory (e.g. .\SwiftShader\build\Windows\vk_swiftshader_icd.json). To learn more about how Vulkan loading works, read the official documentation here.


See CONTRIBUTING.txt for important contributing requirements.

The canonical repository for SwiftShader is hosted at: https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader

All changes must be reviewed and approved in the Gerrit review tool at: https://swiftshader-review.googlesource.com

Authenticate your account here: https://swiftshader-review.googlesource.com/new-password

All changes require a Change-ID tag in the commit message. A commit hook may be used to add this tag automatically, and can be found at: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg. To clone the repository and install the commit hook in one go:

git clone https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader && (cd SwiftShader && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg ; chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)

Changes are uploaded to Gerrit by executing:

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

When ready, add a project owner as a reviewer on your change.

Some tests will automatically be run against the change. Notably, presubmit.sh verifies the change has been formatted using clang-format 10.0. Most IDEs come with clang-format support, but may require downgrading to clang-format version 10.0.


SwiftShader's OpenGL ES implementation can be tested using the dEQP test suite.

See docs/dEQP.md for details.

Third-Party Dependencies

The third_party directory contains projects which originated outside of SwiftShader:

subzero contains a fork of the Subzero project. It originates from Google Chrome‘s (Portable) Native Client project. The fork was made using git-subtree to include all of Subzero’s history.

llvm-subzero contains a minimized set of LLVM dependencies of the Subzero project.

PowerVR_SDK contains a subset of the PowerVR Graphics Native SDK for running several sample applications.

googletest contains the Google Test project, as a Git submodule. It is used for running unit tests for Chromium, and Reactor unit tests. Run git submodule update --init to obtain/update the code. Any contributions should be made upstream.


See docs/Index.md.


Public mailing list: swiftshader@googlegroups.com

General bug tracker: https://g.co/swiftshaderbugs
Chrome specific bugs: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/swiftshader


The SwiftShader project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. You can find a copy of it in LICENSE.txt.

Files in the third_party folder are subject to their respective license.

Authors and Contributors

The legal authors for copyright purposes are listed in AUTHORS.txt.

CONTRIBUTORS.txt contains a list of names of individuals who have contributed to SwiftShader. If you‘re not on the list, but you’ve signed the Google CLA and have contributed more than a formatting change, feel free to request to be added.


  1. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
  2. This is not an official Google product.