Reactor: Add Gather and Scatter instructions.
Use these for a fast-path for Load() and Store().
This is an attempt to fix the severe performance hit we incurred with robustness.
Bug: b/131224163
Change-Id: I3e244bed5ed723cf29538ff022781c813caaa5eb
Tested-by: Ben Clayton <>
Presubmit-Ready: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro-Presubmit: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Capens <>
diff --git a/src/Reactor/LLVMReactor.cpp b/src/Reactor/LLVMReactor.cpp
index a4e820d..643ef05 100644
--- a/src/Reactor/LLVMReactor.cpp
+++ b/src/Reactor/LLVMReactor.cpp
@@ -882,7 +882,17 @@
#error "unknown architecture"
- llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 1> mattrs;
+ llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 8> mattrs;
+ llvm::StringMap<bool> features;
+ bool ok = llvm::sys::getHostCPUFeatures(features);
+ ASSERT_MSG(ok, "llvm::sys::getHostCPUFeatures returned false");
+ for (auto &feature : features)
+ {
+ if (feature.second) { mattrs.push_back(feature.first()); }
+ }
+#if 0
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
mattrs.push_back(CPUID::supportsMMX() ? "+mmx" : "-mmx");
mattrs.push_back(CPUID::supportsCMOV() ? "+cmov" : "-cmov");
@@ -899,6 +909,7 @@
// might fail to link.
llvm::TargetOptions targetOpts;
targetOpts.UnsafeFPMath = false;
@@ -1299,6 +1310,55 @@
+ Value *Nucleus::createGather(Value *base, Type *elTy, Value *offsets, Value *mask, unsigned int alignment)
+ {
+ ASSERT(V(base)->getType()->isPointerTy());
+ ASSERT(V(offsets)->getType()->isVectorTy());
+ ASSERT(V(mask)->getType()->isVectorTy());
+ auto numEls = V(mask)->getType()->getVectorNumElements();
+ auto i1Ty = ::llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(*::context);
+ auto i32Ty = ::llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*::context);
+ auto i8Ty = ::llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(*::context);
+ auto i8PtrTy = i8Ty->getPointerTo();
+ auto elPtrTy = T(elTy)->getPointerTo();
+ auto elVecTy = ::llvm::VectorType::get(T(elTy), numEls);
+ auto elPtrVecTy = ::llvm::VectorType::get(elPtrTy, numEls);
+ auto i8Base = ::builder->CreatePointerCast(V(base), i8PtrTy);
+ auto i8Ptrs = ::builder->CreateGEP(i8Base, V(offsets));
+ auto elPtrs = ::builder->CreatePointerCast(i8Ptrs, elPtrVecTy);
+ auto i8Mask = ::builder->CreateIntCast(V(mask), ::llvm::VectorType::get(i1Ty, numEls), false); // vec<int, int, ...> -> vec<bool, bool, ...>
+ auto passthrough = ::llvm::Constant::getNullValue(elVecTy);
+ auto align = ::llvm::ConstantInt::get(i32Ty, alignment);
+ auto func = ::llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(::module, llvm::Intrinsic::masked_gather, { elVecTy, elPtrVecTy } );
+ return V(::builder->CreateCall(func, { elPtrs, align, i8Mask, passthrough }));
+ }
+ void Nucleus::createScatter(Value *base, Value *val, Value *offsets, Value *mask, unsigned int alignment)
+ {
+ ASSERT(V(base)->getType()->isPointerTy());
+ ASSERT(V(val)->getType()->isVectorTy());
+ ASSERT(V(offsets)->getType()->isVectorTy());
+ ASSERT(V(mask)->getType()->isVectorTy());
+ auto numEls = V(mask)->getType()->getVectorNumElements();
+ auto i1Ty = ::llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(*::context);
+ auto i32Ty = ::llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*::context);
+ auto i8Ty = ::llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(*::context);
+ auto i8PtrTy = i8Ty->getPointerTo();
+ auto elVecTy = V(val)->getType();
+ auto elTy = elVecTy->getVectorElementType();
+ auto elPtrTy = elTy->getPointerTo();
+ auto elPtrVecTy = ::llvm::VectorType::get(elPtrTy, numEls);
+ auto i8Base = ::builder->CreatePointerCast(V(base), i8PtrTy);
+ auto i8Ptrs = ::builder->CreateGEP(i8Base, V(offsets));
+ auto elPtrs = ::builder->CreatePointerCast(i8Ptrs, elPtrVecTy);
+ auto i8Mask = ::builder->CreateIntCast(V(mask), ::llvm::VectorType::get(i1Ty, numEls), false); // vec<int, int, ...> -> vec<bool, bool, ...>
+ auto align = ::llvm::ConstantInt::get(i32Ty, alignment);
+ auto func = ::llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(::module, llvm::Intrinsic::masked_scatter, { elVecTy, elPtrVecTy } );
+ ::builder->CreateCall(func, { V(val), elPtrs, align, i8Mask });
+ }
Value *Nucleus::createGEP(Value *ptr, Type *type, Value *index, bool unsignedIndex)